5. I can understand foreign movies because of the English subtitles ( 字幕 ). a. caption b. summary c. voice-over d. theme song Exercise 2: What s the w

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レアジョブ英会話オフィシャル教材 TOEIC Beginner Reviewer Basics (Vocabulary and Grammar) (TOEIC 初級復習用基礎練習 ( 語彙と文法 ) Main Topic 9: Finance and Budgeting ( 財政と予算作り ) Le

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5. We guarantee ( 保証する 約束する ) that our products are 100% genuine and original. a. think b. prove c. guess d. promise Exercise 2: What s the word? (5-7


B. Quick Q&A (2-3 minutes) 1. Do you often get sick? 2. When was the last time you got sick? 3. What medicine do you often take when you have a cold?

4. All employers like hard-working applicants. ( すべての雇用者はよく働く応募者を好みます ) a. group( 団体 ) b. crowd( 群衆 ) c. classes( 組 ) d. companies( 会社 ) 5. The applic

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5. His sloppy ( 不 注 意 な ずさんな) workmanship caused him to be terminated from his company. a. marked by great carelessness b. marked by great carefulness

4. They live a simple life in the rural areas. ( 彼らは田舎でシンプルな生活を送っています ) a. seaside ( 海辺 ) b. upside ( 上部 ) c. downside ( 下部 ) d. countryside ( 地方 ) 5.


Main Topic 8: Entertainment Lesson 49: Cinema (20-25 minutes) Today, you will: 1. Learn useful vocabulary related to a CINEMA. 2. Review of Real Condition IF Clause Not in Present Tense I. VOCABULARY Exercise 1: What s the meaning? (5-6 minutes) Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the choices that follow. Then practice using the words in your own sentences. 1. The audience ( 観客 観衆 ) was pleased with the happy ending of the story. a. actors b. viewers c. directors d. scriptwriters 2. The trailer ( 予告編 ) gave us an idea what the movie is all about. a. script b. theme c. visuals d. preview 3. My children love watching movies with animation ( アニメーション 動画 ). a. fantasy b. cartoons c. mystery d. science fiction 4. The violent parts of the movie have been deleted due to movie board censorship ( 検閲 ) a. violation b. intrusion c. restriction d. aggression Page 1

5. I can understand foreign movies because of the English subtitles ( 字幕 ). a. caption b. summary c. voice-over d. theme song Exercise 2: What s the word? (5-7 minutes) Read the following dialog with your tutor and try to use context clues to fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word. You can find the missing word from the pool of words at the bottom. Colleagues, Mike and Kurt are discussing an upcoming movie. Mike: I am not sure if I m going to watch the (1) of the movie Animosity. Part I was a brilliant movie. I doubt if Part II would be equally excellent. Kurt: Oh, I think it would definitely be good. The lead (2) in the 1 st part are still the same in the 2 nd part. Based on the advanced review of the movie, their acting is as superb as in the first. Mike: Really? I read that Williamson Smite, the star in the box-office hit Memories of Fujairah has been chosen to (3) the voice of the mysterious magnate in this film. Kurt: You re right. And one more thing, did you know that the movie has the same producer and (4) of a few of the top-grossing movies of all time, such as Stroke of Dawn and Saturation? Mike: Is that so? Kurt: Yes! We ought to watch this in a (5) cinema so we won t miss all the wonderful 3D effects. Mike: Well, with all the facts that you ve shared about the film, I m now very much convinced that this is indeed a movie worth watching. Page 2

Choices: a. dub ( 吹き替え 吹き替える ) b. wide screen ( ワイドスクリーンの 画面の広い ) c. actor & actress ( 俳優と女優 ) d. sequel ( 続編 後編 ) e. director ( ディレクター 監督 ) f. DVD( ディーブイディー デジタル多用途ディスク ) II. GRAMMAR REVIEW: Topic: Real Condition IF Clause not in Present Tense (5-6 minutes) ( 時 条件 を表す副詞節 ) A Real Condition If Clause is used to indicate a condition (present conditional) or prediction (future conditional); the main clause that precedes or follows this is used to present the result. ( 時 条件 を表す副詞節 (IF を使用した条件節 ) には 動詞は現在形を使用します ) Ex. If Sandy Bricks stars in the movie, I am definitely going to watch it. IF Clause Main Clause ( 条件節 ) ( 主節 ) ( 例 : もしサンディ ブリックスが映画で主役を演じるならば 私は絶対に観にいくだろう ) In both present and future conditional If Clauses, the present tense of the verb should be used. A common mistake of using the future tense instead of the present tense of the verb in writing Real Condition If Clauses is often committed. ( 時 条件 を表す副詞節に使用される動詞は 主節が現在形であっても未来形であっても 現在形となります 間違えて未来形を使用しないように気をつけましょう ) Remember: The present tense of the verb should be used in writing Real Condition If Clauses. ( ポイント : 時 条件 を表す副詞節の動詞は現在形となる ) Page 3

Examples ( 例 ): REAL CONDITION IF CLAUSES ( 時 条件 を表す副詞節 ) Incorrect Verb Form ( 誤った文 ) The movie will be a box-office hit if Matt Manson will star in the movie. The audience will be pleased if the movie will have a happy ending. I will just go home if the theatre will be full. If you will finish your projects early, I will buy you tickets to the much awaited movie of the year. Correct Verb Form ( 正しい文 ) The movie will be a box-office hit if Matt Manson stars in the movie. ( もし マット マンソンが映画で主役を演じるならば その映画はヒット作になるだろう ) The audience will be pleased if the movie has a happy ending. ( もしその映画が幸せな結末を迎えれば 観客は喜ぶだろう ) I will just go home if the theatre is full. ( もし映画館が満員であれば 私はもう家に帰る ) If you finish your projects early, I will buy you tickets to the much awaited movie of the year. ( もしあなたがプロジェクトを早く終わらせたら 今年の待望の映画のチケットを買ってあげる ) Comprehension Check: Using the Real Condition If Clause with the correct verb tense, please describe your reaction if the movie ends in an unexpected way. Page 4

Exercise 1: Incomplete Sentences (5-6 minutes) Choose the word or phrase that would best complete the following sentences. 1. If the movie good based on the trailer, I might watch it. a. seem b. seems c. seemed d. will seem 2. If buttered popcorn available at the lobby, I will definitely buy some. a. is b. are c. will be d. has been 3. I will decide to watch if I hear the people leaving the cinema that the movie is good. a. say b. says c. will say d. will be saying 4. If you me, I might consider watching the movie. a. accompany b. will accompany c. will be accompanying d. have been accompanying 5. If the last screening only at 23:00, the movie will be finished too late. a. start b. starts c. started d. will be starting Page 5