1 (2 * 3) 1 2 * 3 Preorder In order Post order 1 * 1 * Breadth-first Depth-first * * 3 Preorder: 1 * 2 3 In order: 1 2 * 3 Post orde

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1 5 LL recursive descent LL(1) <sentence> ::= <noun-phrase><verb-phrase> <noun-phrase> ::= <cmplx-noun> <cmplx-noun><prep-phrase> <verb-phrase> ::= <cmplx-verb> <cmplx-verb><prep-phrase> <prep-phrase> ::= <prep><cmplx-noun> <cmplx-noun> ::= <article><noun> <cmplx-verb> ::= <verb> <verb><noun-phrase> <article> ::= a the <noun> ::= boy girl flower <verb> ::= touches likes sees <prep> ::= with ::= ::= * <factor> <factor> <factor> ::= '(' <expr ')' <num> <num> ::= * 3 <sentence> ::= <noun-phrase><verb-phrase> ::= <cmplx-noun><verb-phrase> ::= <article><noun><verb-phrase> ::= a <noun><verb-phrase> ::= a boy <cmplx-verb> ::= a boy <verb> ::= a boy sees <factor> <num> 1 * <factor> <factor> <num> 2 <num> 1 2 * * 3 <expr expr> <factor> 1 (2 * 3) 1 * 2 3 <factor> <num> 1 * <factor> <factor> <num> 2 <num> 1 ( 2 * 3 ) 3

2 1 (2 * 3) 1 2 * 3 Preorder In order Post order 1 * 1 * Breadth-first Depth-first * * 3 Preorder: 1 * 2 3 In order: 1 2 * 3 Post order: * ::= * '(' ')' ::= * '(' ')' ? 1 2 * 3 7

3 ::= * '(' ')' ::= * '(' ')' * *! 1 2 * * * (ambiguous)! 9 <C-PROG> MAIN OPENPAR <PARAMS> CLOSEPAR <MAIN-BODY> <PARAMS> NULL <PARAMS> VAR <VAR-LIST> <VARLIST>, <VAR> <VARLIST> <VARLIST> NULL <MAIN-BODY> CURLYOPEN <DECL-STMT> <ASSIGN-STMT> CURLYCLOSE <DECL-STMT> <TYPE><VAR><VAR-LIST>; <ASSIGN-STMT> <VAR> = <EXPR>; <EXPR> <VAR> <EXPR> <VAR><OP><EXPR> <OP> <OP> - <TYPE> INT <TYPE> FLOAT main() { int a,b; a = b; Scanner Parser token " main() { int a,b; a = b; Scanner Token: ';' Parser? semantic actions semantic checks symbol tables <C-PROG> MAIN OPENPAR <PARAMETERS> CLOSEPAR <MAIN-BODY> <MAIN-BODY> CURLYOPEN <DECL-STMT> <ASSIGN-STMT> CURLYCLOSE <DECL-STMT> <TYPE><VAR><VAR-LIST>; <VARLIST>, <VAR> <VARLIST> <VARLIST> NULL

4 int a,b; a b integer a b? a b int "main" int "main" a b c t1 = a b t2 = t1 c <decl-stmt> <type>#put-type<var-list>#do-decl <var-list> <var>, <var-list>#add-decl <var-list> <var> <var> ID#proc-decl #put-type (,,, etc.) #proc-decl #add-decl (decl-chain) translation (, #do-decl ). id3 id2 #type #do-decl Name Type Scope id1 1 3 id2 1 3 id3 1 3

5 ( translation) : a = b c d; process-id: "c" : <ASSGNSTMT> <VAR> = <EXPR>#do-assign; <EXPR> <VAR><EXPRTAIL> <VAR> ID#process-id <EXPRTAIL> <OP>#process-op<VAR>#do-infix<EXPRTAIL> <EXPTAIL> NULL "c" "" "b" "=" "a" recursive descent : CFG Top-down Bottom-up 1. root node leaves 1. leaves root node : A bb cc tree *A () { switch (nexttoken()) { case TOK_b: { tree *t = B(); " const(maketree(b), t); predictive parsing case TOK_c: { tree *t = C(); const(maketree(c), t); default:... error... return return ::= ::= * <factor> <factor> <factor> ::= '(' ')' num ident : num ident 1 2 * 3

6 !? ::= ::= * <factor> <factor> <factor> ::= '(' ')' num ident ::= ::= * <factor> <factor> <factor> ::= '(' ')' num ident <factor> <factor> <ident>... <num> 1 2 * * 3 recursion left-recursive ::= ::= * <factor> <factor> <factor> ::= '(' ')' num ident right-recursive

7 ::= BNF Extended Backus-Naur Form EBNF { 0 ::= { : Num ::= [0-9][0-9]* ::= { head tail BNF ::= <e_tail> <e_tail> ::= <e_tail> ε leftmost derivation <e_tail> ε <e_tail> <e_tail> ε rightmost derivation ::= * <factor> <factor> <e_tail> <e_tail> <e_tail> ε EBNF ::= <factor> { * <factor> BNF ::= <factor><t_tail> <t_tail> ::= * <factor><t_tail> ε!

8 ::= <e_tail> <e_tail> ::= <e_tail> ε ::= <factor> <t_tail> <t_tail> ::= * <factor> <t_tail> ε <factor> ::= '(' ')' num id Recursive Descent Parsing top-down token? scanner : gettok() token enum {PLUS, MULT, LPAREN, RPAREN, NUM, ID; enum {SUCCESS, FAILURE; enum {SUCCESS, FAILURE; int Succeed(int arg) { if(arg == SUCCESS) return 1; else if(arg == FAILURE) return 0; else /* */ int expr(void) { if( Succeed(term()) && Succeed(e_tail()) ) else return FAILURE; ::= <e_tail> <e_tail> ::= <e_tail> ε ::= <factor> <t_tail> <t_tail> ::= * <factor> <t_tail> ε <factor> ::= '(' ')' num id int e_tail(void) { if( gettok() == PLUS && Succeeds(term()) && Succeeds(e_tail()) ) else /* epsilon! */ ::= <e_tail> <e_tail> ::= <e_tail> ε ::= <factor> <t_tail> <t_tail> ::= * <factor> <t_tail> ε <factor> ::= '(' ')' num id int term(void) { if(succeed(factor()) && Succeed(t_tail())) else return FAILURE; ::= <e_tail> <e_tail> ::= <e_tail> ε ::= <factor> <t_tail> <t_tail> ::= * <factor> <t_tail> ε <factor> ::= '(' ')' num id

9 int t_tail(void) { if( gettok() == MULT && Succeeds(factor()) && Succeeds(t_tail()) ) else /* epsilon! */ ::= <e_tail> <e_tail> ::= <e_tail> ε ::= <factor> <t_tail> <t_tail> ::= * <factor> <t_tail> ε <factor> ::= '(' ')' num id int factor(void) { if( gettok() == LPAREN && Succeeds(expr()) && gettok() == RPAREN) ) else if (gettok() == NUM) else if (gettok() == ID) else return FAILURE;? ::= <e_tail> <e_tail> ::= <e_tail> ε ::= <factor> <t_tail> <t_tail> ::= * <factor> <t_tail> ε <factor> ::= '(' ')' num id /* Version 2 */ int factor(void) { int TokType; if( (TokType = gettok()) == LPAREN && Succeeds(expr()) && gettok() == RPAREN ) else if( TokType == NUM TokType == ID ) else return FAILURE;!!! i.e. : unget if(something with factor) return Success; else if(something else with factor) return Success else if(another thing with factor) etc.

10 unget (T1=token) T1==( Yes No <factor> ::= '(' ')' num id T1==ID No T1==NUM No Recover T1 Save T1 T1=token Yes Recover T1 Yes Yes Failure <factor> <t-tail> ε <e_tail> <e_tail> <factor> <t-tail> ε ) Failure num num * <factor> <t_tail> Yes Success? Success Success num 1 2 * 3 ε LL(1)

11 LL(1) S ( S ) S ε S ( S ) S ( ( S ) S ) S ( ( S ) S ) ( S ) S ( ( ) ) ( ) parse table, : A α β A α A β?? α β First First : parse table α β First LL(1) LL(1) First A ε A A entry, A Follow A Follow A ε

12 ( ) $ S S ( S ) S S ε S ε First Follow LL(1) exp exp' ε First Follow - term factor term' exp exp term term term' mulop factor term' ε - mulop * term term mulop factor factor factor ( exp ) number mulop * factor ( exp ) number? exp exp' - term factor term' term' mulop factor term' mulop * factor ( exp ) factor number A B first(a)=first(b) first(exp ) = first(term) first(exp' ) = first() {ε first() = {,- first(term ) = first(factor) first(term') = first(mulop) {ε first(mulop) = {* first(factor)= {(, number exp exp' - term factor term' term' mulop factor term' mulop * factor ( exp ) factor number

13 A B first(a)=first(b) first(a) first(b) B ε A BCD B ε C ε first(a)=first(b) first(c) first(d) first(exp ) first(term) first(exp' ) first() {ε first() {,- exp' term' first(term ) first(factor) first(term') first(mulop) {ε first(mulop) {* first(factor) {(, number exp exp' - term factor term' term' mulop factor term' mulop * factor ( exp ) factor number first(exp) = { (, number first(exp') = {, -, ε first(exp') = {, -, ε first() = {, - first() = {, - first(term) = { (, number first(term') = { *, ε first(term') = { *, ε first(mulop) = { * first(factor) = { (, number first(factor) = { (, number Follow First A Follow A A ε A A follow A ε Follow A, $ Follow(A) 1. A, $ Follow(A) 2. B αaγ, First(γ) - {ε Follow(A) 3. B αaγ,, ε First(γ), Follow(B) Follow(A) : B αa Follow(B) Follow(A) exp exp' - term factor term' term' mulop factor term' mulop * factor ( exp ) factor number

14 exp exp' - term factor term' term' mulop factor term' mulop * factor ( exp ) follow factor number follow exp exp' term factor term' term' mulop factor term' factor ( exp ) (1) exp (2) exp' (3) term factor term' (4) term' mulop factor term' (5) factor ( exp ) Follow(term) = First(exp') Follow(exp') = Follow(exp) Follow(term) = Follow(exp) Follow() = First(term) Follow(term) = First(exp') Follow(term) = Follow(exp') Follow(factor) = First(term') Follow(factor) = Follow(term) Follow(term') = Follow(term) Follow(mulop) = First(factor) Follow(factor) = First(term') Follow(factor) = Follow(term') Follow(exp) = { ) Follow(exp) = { Follow(exp') = { Follow() = { Follow(term) = { Follow(term') = { Follow(mulop) = { Follow(factor) = { Follows Follow(term) = First(exp') Follow(exp') = Follow(exp) Follow(term) = Follow(exp) Follow() = First(term) Follow(term) = First(exp') Follow(term) = Follow(exp') Follow(factor) = First(term') Follow(factor) = Follow(term) Follow(term') = Follow(term) Follow(mulop) = First(factor) Follow(factor) = First(term') Follow(factor) = Follow(term') Follow(exp) = { ) Follow(exp) = { $ ) Follow(exp') = { $ ) Follow() = { ( number Follow(term) = { - $ ) Follow(term') = { - $ ) Follow(mulop) = { ( number Follow(factor) = { * - $ ) No change! First(exp) = { ( number First(exp') = { - ε First() = { - First(term) = { ( number First(term') = { * ε First(mulop) = { * First(factor) { ( number Follow(exp) = { $ ) Follow(exp') = { $ ) Follow() = { ( number Follow(term) = { - $ ) Follow(term') = { - $ ) Follow(mulop) = { ( number Follow(factor) = { * - $ )

15 LL(1) A A α 1. First(α) a, Table[A][a] A α. 2. ε First(α), Follow(A) ( $) a, Table[A][a] A α. entry, : exp : exp First(term) = { ( number exp term exp Table[exp][(] Table[exp][number] [N][T] exp exp' term term' mulop factor ( exp term factor term' factor ( exp ) number exp term factor term' factor number ) exp' - * exp' - term' mulop factor term' mulop * $ A A α 1. First(α) a, Table[A][a] A α. 2. ε First(α), Follow(A) ( $) a, Table[A][a] A α. : term' : term' mulop factor term' First(term') = { * ε term mulop factor term [term ][*] [N][T] exp exp' term term' mulop factor ( exp term factor term' factor ( exp ) number exp term factor term' factor number ) exp' - * exp' - term' mulop factor term' mulop * $ A A α 1. First(α) a, Table[A][a] A α. 2. ε First(α), Follow(A) ( $) a, Table[A][a] A α. : term' : Follow(term') = { - $ ) term ε [term ][], [term ][-], [term ][$] [term ][)]

16 [N][T] ( number ) - * $ exp exp exp exp' exp' exp' - term term factor term' term factor term' term' mulop term' mulop factor term' mulop * factor factor ( exp ) factor number

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K227 Java 2 1 K227 Java 2 3 4 5 6 Java 7 class Sample1 { public static void main (String args[]) { System.out.println( Java! ); } } 8 > javac Sample1.java 9 10 > java Sample1 Java 11 12 13 http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/ja/download.html

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