2. The particles indicates a relationship between a noun and a verb. What does this mean? Here is a distinct difference between Japanese and English s

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1 1. Basic rules of making a sentence: a) A Particle comes right after a noun. When pronouncing it, it blends into the proceeding noun. So a Japanese sentence consist of something like noun+particile noun+particle noun+particle noun+particle verb. The red letters are particles in the following sample sentence. 例 ) たなかさんはひるの 1 じにとうきょうでやきそばをたべます Tanaka-san eat Yakisoba at 1 p.m. in Tokyo. b) A verb generally comes at the end of a sentence as you see たべます to eat in the above sample sentence. c) A topic (often a subject of a sentence) comes at the beginning of a sentence to indicate what or who a speaker is talking about. は (pronounced as Wa ) particle is used to indicate the topic ( たなかさんは in the above sentence) of the sentence. It can be translated as speaking of..., talking about..., or as for... ). The topic is often omitted if it is known to a listener. d) The topic is NOT repeated unless a speaker wants to indicate the topic again to clarify that the speaker is still talking about the topic. Thus, repeating a topic in every sentence makes your talk sound un-natural. e) Words indicating day, date, time often comes at the beginning of a sentence and before a topic. In the above sentence, ひるの 1 じに, hiro no ichi-ji ni, at 1 p.m. can be at the beginning of the sentence. Words indicating Relative Time such as today きょう tomorrow あした next week こんしゅう, etc. is not usually followed by a particle. きょうがっこうにいきます I go to school today. f) Nouns containing a broader sense proceed other nouns when the nouns are similar category such as time and places. 例 ) Wilmington, NC USA = アメリカのノースカロライナのウイルミントン 6 o'clock in the morning last weekends = せんしゅうのしゅうまつのあさの 6 じ g) Particle は replaces が and を (weak) particles. Refer below #3 for more.

2 2. The particles indicates a relationship between a noun and a verb. What does this mean? Here is a distinct difference between Japanese and English sentence structure as a sample. The weak particles が and を to express subject and direct-object in English sentences. Transitive verbs is a verb that require a direct object. Particles What does it indicate? が Action doer (with action Ga verbs/transitive verbs) を O ( Wo is used when typing this particle.) Action-receiver (with action verbs/ transitive verbs) or directobject. Sample sentences たなかさんがゴジラをたべます Tanaka-san ga Gojira o tabemasu. Tanaka-san eats. Gozilla is eaten. = Tanaka eats Gozilla. たなかさんをゴジラがたべます Tanaka-san o Gozira ga tabemasu. Tanaka is eaten. Gozilla eats. = Gozilla eats Tanaka-san. The English equivalent of the above particles are the strict word order rules of an English sentence structure. That is Subject + Verb + direct object. If you switch the positions of the subject and the direct object, it means completely different (Tanaka eats? Or Godzilla eats?). Now you can understand that the word orders are relatively loose in Japanese because the particle indicates which one is doing action and which one is receiving the action. You can see how important the use of particles with nouns in Japanese sentence structure. 3. The strong particle は (pronounced as Wa) replaces the weak particles が Ga or を O. は particle at the top of a sentence. Wa particle is written with は (not with わ ) and replaces が and を particles when you bring the word at the beginning of a setnce to treat as a topic. This is why が and を are called weak particles and often kicked out/replaced by は. も MO (also, too) replaces

3 が and を particles as well. Therefore, the above noun with が or を are replaced by は, and they becomes as follows. たなかさんは ( が is replaced by は ) ゴジラをたべます Tanaka eats Godzilla. たなかさんは ( を is replaced by は ) ゴジラがたべます Godzilla eats Tanaka. わたしはかのうです Watashi wa Kanou desu. I am (Ms.) Kano. きょうはあついです Kyou wa atsui desu. Today is hot. Please refer to the は below to learn more cases which は replaces が and を particles. Here are other rules that は particle replaces が and を particles は is used as a topic marker and replace が or を when a subject or an direct object comes at the beginning of a sentence. (talking about.., speaking of.., as for..). きょうは (replaced が ) わたしのたんじょうびです Kyoo wa watashi no tanjoobi desu. Today is my birthday. せんせいは (replaced が ) おちゃをのみます Sensei wa ocha o nomimasu. A teacher drinks a green tea. ピザは (replaced を ) せんせいがたべました Piza wa sensei ga tabemashita. As for piza, sensei ate (it). は Wa replaces が Ga or を O when a subject or a direct object is placed at the beginning of sentences.) は is used for familiar topic (already discussed or implied in the conversation) A: おちゃをのみますか Do you drink green tea? B: はい ( おちゃは ) のみます Yes. I drink (it). You do not need to repeat the already mentioned word お you re your response since it is already mentioned (familiar item) but if you say it again, は replaces を since it is already mentioned/introduced. If this rule is hard to remember, do not repeat what is already introduced. は is used when contrasting/comparing Often used with the conjunctive words But, Do not forget to end the statement with a verb even if it is the same repeated word. When a relative word such as きょう kyoo, きのう kinou, あさって asatte are used as an adverb, it does not require a particle unless those days are compared/contrasted. きょう いきます Kyoo ikumasu. (I) will go today.

4 however, although でも しかし が けど きょうはいきます でも あしたはいきません Kyoo wa ikimasu. Demo, ashita wa ikimasen. (I) will go today, but (I) will not go tomorrow. は is used in negative sentences は can NOT be used with question words such as だれ Dare (Who) and なに Nani (What). Thus it does NOT replace が and を particles when used with questions words. さかなは (replaced を ) たべません Sakana wa tabemasen. (I) do not eat fish. Yamada-san will not come tomorrow. あしたやだまさんはは (replaced が ) きません A: だれがたべましたか Who ate? B: たなかさんがたべました. Tanaka ate. ( が = action doer/subject) A: なにをたべましたか What (did you) eat? B: ピザをたべました. (I) ate pizza. (o = action receiver/direct-object) When a subject or an object of a sentence is new information (not discussed yet or implied in the conversation), が or を particles should be used instead of は (even if the answer is in the negative. See below) A: だれがきませんか Who will not come? B: たなかさんが * きません Tanaka will not come. (It is Tanaka-san who does not come.) Advanced Usage: * If a speaker is thinking about all the other available people who may come: B: ( やまださんは ) たなかさんは * きません Tanaka (at least) will not come (by comparing and contrasting with other available people). A: やまださんはなにをたべませんか What Yamada-san does not eat? B: ( やまださんは ) さかなを * たべません (Yamada-san) does not eat fish. Advanced Usage:* If a speaker is thinking about all the other available food, he/she would say: B: ( やまださんは ) さかなはたべません Yamada does not eat (at least) fish (by comparing and contrasting with all the other food items). More advanced usage for your information. は is used to imply a hidden meaning in comparing and contrasting English equivalent of this meaning can be At last. When you are complementing someone, saying You look pretty today, you should say きょう きれいですね If

5 (This concept is for advanced level learner.) you say きょうは きれいですね It may imply that the person under discussion is pretty at least today (he/she is not usually pretty/clean); or that she/he does not usually dress up so pretty something is going on today?). A: そのみせはどうですか How is the store? B: ほんがやすいです A book is cheap. Notes* As a response to A s question, B can say ほんはやすいです If B uses は, he may be comparing books with other items sold at the store; thus, implying at least a book is cheap. In this case, B may be implying that a book is cheap but other items are not. Or B may be implying that (I know that at least) books are cheap. You just have to ask more questions to understand the implications. What is the difference between Topic Marker は and Subject Marker が? This is a common question from an English speaker since Subject Marker が is often replaced by the Topic Marker は so it gets confusing. Look at the following example. Who is the one did the action of eating? 1. さかながたべました 2. さかなはたべました It is clear that in the sentence 1, fish ate (something) because of Subject Marker が clearly indicating who (the subject fish ) did the action. However, in the sentence 2, it is not clear from just this one sentence who did the action (fish ate? Or the speaker ate?) since Topic Marker は replaces Subject Marker が or Direct-object marker を. So the sentence 2 can be understood in two ways さかながたべました fish ate or( わたしは ) さかなをたべました (I) ate the fish. If you can understand the differences in the following sentences, you are advanced! 今日がはじめてです 今日ははじめてです わたしがきのうかったパンをたべました わたしはきのうかったパンをたべました

6 4. Use of が Ga or を O particles at beginner s level. が Ga or を O New information to a listener. A: だれがきますか Who is coming? B: たなかさんがきます Tanaka-san is coming. が Ga は can NOT be used with question words such as だれ Dare (who) and なに Nani (what). Refer more above. indicating the subject of noun or adjective predicate A: なにをたべますか What do you eat? B: ピザをたべます (I) eat pizza. A: あしたなにをしますか What will you do tomorrow? B: すしをつくります I am making sushi. ( わたしは ) たなかです (noun predicate) (I) am Tanaka. ほんはやすいです (adj. predicate) A book is inexpensive. が Ga (noun) が noun +desu. (noun) が adj. + desu. Some verbs require が but it is a direct object if you translate it in English. (noun) があります ( わたしは ) たなかさんがすきです (adj. Predicate) (I) like Tanaka-san. "Ga" is used with "-- suki desu" to indicate what is liked. The word すき to like is not a verb in Japanese. It is an adjective word so it follows (noun) が adj. + desu structure. Under some context explained in the #3 above, が can be replace by は. ( わたしは ) たなかさんはすきです (adj. Predicate) (I) like (at least) Tanaka-san. ( わたしは ) しつもんがあります ( I ) have a question. Or there is a question. (Watashi wa) Shitsumon ga arimasu. I "Ga" is used with "arimasu" to indicate what exists/is possessed. ( わたしは ) にほんごがわかります ( I ) understand Japanese. "Ga" is used with "wakarimasu" to indicate what is understood. (noun) がわかります

7 Again, under some context explained in the #3 above, が can be replace by は. ( わたしは ) にほんごはわかります I understand (at least) Japanese. 5. Other Particles: How English prepositional words (in, at, on, of, from, etc.) are expressed in Japanese? Here are some common particles and their meanings to be learned at beginner s levels. Suggestion: For a beginner, learning/memorizing a particle with a verb as a set (or a particle with a predicates/an ending statement of a sentence) is recommended. に Destination がっこうにいきます (I ) go to school. うちにかえります (I ) go home. Time, days, month, years 2じにがっこうにいきます (I) go to school at two. どようびにかいものにいきます (I) go shopping on Sat. へ Direction がっこうへいきます (I) go to school. Pronounced うちへかえります (I ) go home. as E (not HE ) うちへはしります (I) run to a hospital. としょかんへあるきます (I) walk to the library. の Connecting nouns and the first noun modifies the second noun とうきょうだいがくのたなかです (I am) Tanaka from Tokyo Univ. あしたのよるします (I) will do tomorrow night. と With ともだちとはなします. (I) talk with a friend. クラスメートとべんきょうします (I) study with a classmate. And Note: Do not use と to connect sentences as you use and in English. Use それから Sorekara (and), そして soshite (and), そのあと sonoato (and after that), etc. to connect sentences in Japanese. ピザとサンドイッチをたべます それから ともだちにあいます (I) eat pizza and sandwiches, and (I) will meet a friend. パンといちごをかいます そのあと うちにかえります (I) will buy bread and strawberry. After that I go home. わたしとたなかさんがたべました そして さとうさんもたべました I and Tanakasan ate (it). Also, Sato-san ate it.

8 で Place of activities だいがくのとしょかんでべんきょうします (I) study at university library. うちでべんしました そのあと カフェテリアでピザをたべました (I) studies at home and then ate pizza in cafeteria. By means of, by using にほんごでいってください Say in Japanese. テレビでえいがをみます (I) watch a movie on TV. も ( も replaces が and を particles) Also, too A conversation between A and B about what they ate. A: きのうピザをたべました (I) ate pizza yesterday. B: わたしもたべました. I also ate it. A: それから サラダもたべました And, I ate salad also. B: ( わたしは ) サラダはたべませんでした I did not eat salad. Note: は particle is used in a negative sentence instead of を particle.


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