3.1 stdio.h iostream List.2 using namespace std C printf ( ) %d %f %s %d C++ cout cout List.2 Hello World! cout << float a = 1.2f; int b = 3; cout <<

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Download "3.1 stdio.h iostream List.2 using namespace std C printf ( ) %d %f %s %d C++ cout cout List.2 Hello World! cout << float a = 1.2f; int b = 3; cout <<"


1 C++ C C++ 1 C++ C++ C C++ C C++? C C++ C *.c *.cpp C cpp VC C++ 2 C++ C++ C++ [1], C++,,1999 [2],,,2001 [3], ( )( ),,2001 [4] B.W. /D.M.,, C,,1989 C Web [5], 3 Hello World Hello World Visual C++ Hello World C List.1 C++ List.2 1

2 3.1 stdio.h iostream List.2 using namespace std C printf ( ) %d %f %s %d C++ cout cout List.2 Hello World! cout << float a = 1.2f; int b = 3; cout << "a = " << a << endl; cout << "b = " << b << endl; a = 1.2 b = 3 endl cout cerr cin 3.2 C /* */ C++ // // // List.1 List.2 #include <stdio.h> / Hello World / printf("hello World!\n"); // // Hello World cout << "Hello World!" << endl; 4 2

3 4.1 C C++ List.3 C++ List.3 cout << a << endl; for for List.3 // for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) double a = (double)i i; cout << a << endl; 4.2 C C++ List.4 def_test d 0 main def_test() def_test(0) ( ) 3

4 List.4 // void def test(int d = 0) cout << "d = " << d << endl; def test(); def test(1); void def_test(int d = 0, int e) void def_test(int d, int e = 0, int f, int g = 0) 2 def_test(1, 2, 3) e g void def_test(int e, int d = 0) void def_test(int d, int f, int e = 0, int g = 0) 4.3 C++ ( ) List.5 func 2 void func(void) void func(int d = 0) func() ( ) 4

5 List.5 // int func(void) int d; cout << "Input Integer Number : "; cin >> d; return d; void func(int d) cout << d << endl; int d = func() func(d); 2 max C int imax(int x, int y); float fmax(float x, float y); C++ int max(int x, int y); float max(float x, float y); ( max(1.0f, (float)(2)) ) 4.4 C C++ C List.6 List.6 swap (*) C++ List.7 swap x,y 5

6 List.6 #include <stdio.h> void swap(int a, int b) int c; c = a; a = b; b = c; int a, b; printf("input 1 : "); scanf("%d", &a); printf("input 2 : "); scanf("%d", &b); / / printf("input = (%d, %d)\n", a, b); swap(&a, &b); printf("output = (%d, %d)\n", a, b); 6

7 List.7 void swap(int &a, int &b) int c; c = a; a = b; b = c; int a, b; cout << "input 1 : "; cin >> a; cout << "input 2 : "; cin >> b; // cout << "input = (" << a << ", " << b << ")" << endl; swap(a, b); cout << "output = (" << a << ", " << b << ")" << endl; 5 new delete ( ) C malloc,calloc void *malloc(size_t size) void *calloc(size_t n, size_t size) size_t sizeof stdlib.h malloc size ( ) calloc size n NULL 7

8 int *p; p = (int*)malloc(10*sizeof(int)); p free(p); int 10 sizeof(int) int int p free free ( ) free C++ malloc,free new,delete int *p; p = new int[10]; p delete [] p; 1 delete p new x[h][w] 1 1 y[h*w] for(int j = 0; j < h; ++j) for(int i = 0; i < w; ++i) y[j*w+i] = x[j][i]; 1: double** x; x = new double*[h]; for(int i = 0; i < h; ++i) 8

9 x[i] = new double[w]; double ( h) double** x double ( w) h x for(i = 0; i < h; ++i) delete [] x[i]; delete [] x; 6 C++ (OOL : Object Oriented Language) IT e-words ( ) ( OOP) OOP OOP 3 (Encapsulation) (Inheritance) (Polymorphism) 3 OOP 7 C++ C List.8 List.8 Vec3 3 (x, y, z) main List.9 struct class (OPP ) x,y,z main (Vec3 v;) 9

10 (v) List.8 List.9 typedef struct Vec3 float x, y, z; Vec3; Vec3 v; v.x = 1; v.y = 2; v.z = 3; class Vec3 float x, y, z; ; Vec3 v; v.x = 1; v.y = 2; v.z = 3; cout << "v = (" << v.x << ", "; cout << v.y << ", "; cout << v.z << ")" << endl; cout << "v = (" << v.x << ", "; cout << v.y << ", "; cout << v.z << ")" << endl; 8 List.9 main (VC++.NET ) private ( Vec3 private ( ) private main private x,y,z C++ private public public List.9 x,y,z public List.9 class Vec3 10

11 public: ; float x, y, z; 9 List.9 x,y,z input output List.10 List.10 List.9 2 List.10 List.10 ( ) :: ( ) List.10 class Vec3 public: float x, y, z; void input(float x0, float y0, float z0); void output(void); ; void Vec3::input(float x0, float y0, float z0) x = x0; y = y0; z = z0; void Vec3::output(void) cout << "v = (" << x << ", "; cout << y << ", "; cout << z << ")" << endl; Vec3 v; v.input(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f); v.output(); 11

12 9.1 ( ) ( ) List.11 List inline 2 List.11 class Vec3 public: float x, y, z; void input(float x0, float y0, float z0); x = x0; y = y0; z = z0; void output(void); ; inline void Vec3::output(void) cout << "v = (" << x << ", "; cout << y << ", "; cout << z << ")" << endl; 9.2 OOP 3 1 List.10 main x,y,z private output const const class Vec3 private: float x, y, z; public: void input(float x0, float y0, float z0); void output(void) const; 12

13 ; x,y,z input,output 10 input C int x = 1; float y = 2.3f; List.12 Vec3 public ( ) // ( ) // ~ () 1 1 List Vec3(float x0, float y0, float z0) Vec3() List C++ Vec3::Vec3() 13

14 ( ) List.12 class Vec3 private: float x, y, z; public: // Vec3(); Vec3(float x0, float y0, float z0); Vec3(); public: void input(float x0, float y0, float z0); void output(void); ; Vec3::Vec3() cout << "constructor" << endl; Vec3::Vec3(float x0, float y0, float z0) x = x0; y = y0; z = z0; cout << "constructor2" << endl; Vec3:: Vec3() cout << "destructor" << endl; Vec3 v(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f); v.output(); 11 C++ new,delete new 14

15 new delete new List.13 new List.13 Vec3 vp; vp = new Vec3(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f); vp >output(); delete vp; 15

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