94 学 習 院 大 学 人 文 科 学 論 集 ⅩⅩⅡ(2013) 1 Air/ 2 3 4

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93 Another

94 学 習 院 大 学 人 文 科 学 論 集 ⅩⅩⅡ(2013) 1 Air/ 2 3 4

95 今 を 生 きる 父 不 在 の 物 語 について School days School days

96 学 習 院 大 学 人 文 科 学 論 集 ⅩⅩⅡ(2013)

97 今 を 生 きる 父 不 在 の 物 語 について

98 学 習 院 大 学 人 文 科 学 論 集 ⅩⅩⅡ(2013) School days School days

99 今 を 生 きる 父 不 在 の 物 語 について

100 学 習 院 大 学 人 文 科 学 論 集 ⅩⅩⅡ(2013) School days 5 School days School days School days

101 今 を 生 きる 父 不 在 の 物 語 について School days 6 School days School days School days School days

102 学 習 院 大 学 人 文 科 学 論 集 ⅩⅩⅡ(2013) 7

103 今 を 生 きる 父 不 在 の 物 語 について Another Another

104 学 習 院 大 学 人 文 科 学 論 集 ⅩⅩⅡ(2013)

105 今 を 生 きる 父 不 在 の 物 語 について

106 学 習 院 大 学 人 文 科 学 論 集 ⅩⅩⅡ(2013) Another Another Another Another Another

107 今 を 生 きる 父 不 在 の 物 語 について Another

108 学 習 院 大 学 人 文 科 学 論 集 ⅩⅩⅡ(2013) 8 Another

109 今 を 生 きる 父 不 在 の 物 語 について Another Another Another Another

110 学 習 院 大 学 人 文 科 学 論 集 ⅩⅩⅡ(2013) Another Another Another Another

111 今 を 生 きる 父 不 在 の 物 語 について 9 Another Another Another Another Another Another 10

112 学 習 院 大 学 人 文 科 学 論 集 ⅩⅩⅡ(2013) 11 Another

113 今 を 生 きる 父 不 在 の 物 語 について 12 13

114 学 習 院 大 学 人 文 科 学 論 集 ⅩⅩⅡ(2013) 14 15

115 今 を 生 きる 父 不 在 の 物 語 について 16

116 学 習 院 大 学 人 文 科 学 論 集 ⅩⅩⅡ(2013) 17

117 今 を 生 きる 父 不 在 の 物 語 について

118 学 習 院 大 学 人 文 科 学 論 集 ⅩⅩⅡ(2013) School days School days School days

119 今 を 生 きる 父 不 在 の 物 語 について

120 学 習 院 大 学 人 文 科 学 論 集 ⅩⅩⅡ(2013) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 8 Another 9 10

121 今 を 生 きる 父 不 在 の 物 語 について 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

学 習 院 大 学 人 文 科 学 論 集 ⅩⅩⅡ(2013) About Father Absent tale which is lived now. Why is an Another s father in India from beginning to end? ISE, Hikaru This paper discusses present-day animation and the relevance of the classical literature work of the Heian period,especially from a viewpoint that a father is absent. I discussed the relation of television anime School days and the Tale of Genji as the first clause first. Although School days was a tale treating the eternal triangle of a hero, a mother, and a woman, it was the composition common to the Tale of Genji. In School days, a hero is killed by the woman and becomes an end of the eternal triangle with it. However, in fact, such bloodiness of a certain kind was included also in the Tale of Genji, for example in the form of the living vagrant spirit of Rokuzyomiyasudokoro. Further, I pointed out that the existence of a father was not drawn in common with these two tales.i argued that the violent side in these tales was a certain kind of alarm to society without a father. Next, as the second clause, I discussed the relation of television anime Another and a Hamamatu tyunagon tale. That it is common in two works is the point that a father is in a long distance place. The father has sent the message from the distant place to the son. The influence of the message is quite restrictive (it will be the result of distance). The father has achieved the function which connects a son to a woman. However, eventually the father can do no interference to a son s action. A son is in trouble, in the inside of the mother whom a father introduces, and the woman whom he looks for. The Hamamatu tyunagon tale drew the figure of the son who lives while receiving a 122

今 を 生 きる 父 不 在 の 物 語 について period, and the relation of present age anime, and made the paper the end. problem of the father to the present-day anime work. By douing this, I emphasized a new the literature of the Heian what papa says! This is the anime which was not able to be taken up in the text.i stated that there are many treating the that School days had inherited the literature of the Heian period also at the point. Moreover, I mentioned, that listen to Finally, while I pack whole this paper, School days touches also with the problem of childbirth, and I was added for such a tale. thing, having risked survival of it. I argued that existence of the father who permits the morbid heroine was needed of a tale, if originality cannot be asserted, it cannot survive. The tale has told readers the importance of the original forces it is common. While this was the heroines attitude, it was also an attitude of the tale. In the society which is full deed is manifestation of the self-consciousness he differs from other persons, and is resistance to the society which period. Also about which work, the heroine is a girl,who repeated morbid speech and conduct. I discussed that their the attitude which is common in the princess who loves an insect considered to have been written in the late Heian quotation. So to speak, this is a self-conscious work to the society which was full of the story, and, this can be said to be insect. Although I am Tyu2 sick, I would like to carry out love is the work filled from an antecedent word to Next, I discussed relation that Although I am Tyu2 sick, I would like to carry out love and princess who loves an were coloring a son s tale in common also with elements, such as misconception and transmigration. father s delicate suggestion, and is connected with the present anime work. In addition, I pointed out that these two tales 123