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4. その 他 (1) 期 中 における 重 要 な 子 会 社 の 異 動 ( 連 結 範 囲 の 変 更 を 伴 う 特 定 子 会 社 の 異 動 ) 無 (2) 簡 便 な 会 計 処 理 及 び 四 半 期 連 結 財 務 諸 表 の 作 成 に 特 有 の 会 計 処 理 の 適 用 有

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業 績 ハイライト Financial Highlights 本 表 記 載 の 内 容 については15ページ 記 載 の 注 釈 を 必 ずお 読 み 下 さい Information herein should be read in conjunction with the notes on page 15. 尚 このページのグラフで 示 した 各 会 計 年 度 の 数 値 は それぞれ 以 下 の 財 務 データに 基 づくものです The financial figures shown in the graphs on this page are based on the following financial information: 2003 年 3 月 期 : 結 合 財 務 情 報 Fiscal year ended March 2003: Combined statement of income 2004 年 3 月 期 : 調 整 後 連 結 損 益 計 算 書 Fiscal year ended March 2004: Adjusted consolidated statement of income 2005 年 3 月 期 2006 年 3 月 期 2007 年 3 月 期 : 連 結 損 益 計 算 書 Fiscal year ended March 2005, March 2006 and March 2007: Consolidated statement of income ( 百 万 円 Millions of yen) 売 上 高 Billings 売 上 総 利 益 Revenue 売 上 総 利 益 率 Gross margin 営 業 利 益 Operating income 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 1,033,220 1,044,773 1,089,524 1,111,121 1,088,442 03 年 3 月 期 04 年 3 月 期 05 年 3 月 期 06 年 3 月 期 07 年 3 月 期 March '03 March '04 March '05 March '06 March '07 175,000 150,000 125,000 100,000 75,000 50,000 25,000 0 137,503 143,860 151,815 155,953 158,769 03 年 3 月 期 04 年 3 月 期 05 年 3 月 期 06 年 3 月 期 07 年 3 月 期 March '03 March '04 March '05 March '06 March '07 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% 13.3% 03 年 3 月 期 March '03 04 年 3 月 期 March '04 13.8% 13.9% 14.0% 05 年 3 月 期 March '05 06 年 3 月 期 March '06 14.6% 07 年 3 月 期 March '07 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 11,345 17,762 22,393 24,710 24,454 03 年 3 月 期 04 年 3 月 期 05 年 3 月 期 06 年 3 月 期 07 年 3 月 期 March '03 March '04 March '05 March '06 March '07 オヘ レーティンク マーシ ン Operating margin 経 常 利 益 Ordinary income 当 期 純 利 益 Net income 自 己 資 本 利 益 率 Return on equity 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 8.3% 12.3% 14.8% 15.8% 15.4% 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 11,204 17,595 22,842 25,782 26,928 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 1,828 4,218 10,390 11,313 12,055 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% < 2.6% > < 1.1% > 5.7% 5.8% 5.8% 0.0% 03 年 3 月 期 04 年 3 月 期 05 年 3 月 期 06 年 3 月 期 07 年 3 月 期 March '03 March '04 March '05 March '06 March '07 0 03 年 3 月 期 04 年 3 月 期 05 年 3 月 期 06 年 3 月 期 07 年 3 月 期 March '03 March '04 March '05 March '06 March '07 0 03 年 3 月 期 04 年 3 月 期 05 年 3 月 期 06 年 3 月 期 07 年 3 月 期 March '03 March '04 March '05 March '06 March '07 0.0% 03 年 3 月 期 March '03 04 年 3 月 期 March '04 05 年 3 月 期 March '05 06 年 3 月 期 March '06 07 年 3 月 期 March '07 2003 年 3 月 期 の 結 合 財 務 情 報 及 び2004 年 3 月 期 の 調 整 後 連 結 損 益 計 算 書 の 自 己 資 本 利 益 率 は いずれも 貸 借 対 照 表 がないため 2004 年 3 月 期 の 連 結 損 益 計 算 書 の 自 己 資 本 利 益 率 の 計 算 に 使 用 した 自 己 資 本 額 を 元 に 算 出 した 参 考 値 となります Returns on equity of the combined statement of income for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2003 and the adjusted consolidated statement of income for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2004 are provided for reference, and were calculated using the shareholders' equity for the consolidated statement of income for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2004 because the balance sheets for these statements of income were not prepared. 1

四 半 期 毎 の 主 要 連 結 財 務 データ Quarterly Consolidated Financial Information (2) 連 結 損 益 計 算 書 の 主 要 項 目 Main items of consolidated statements of income 2007 年 3 月 期 Fiscal year ended March 2007 ( 百 万 円 Millions of yen) 第 1 四 半 期 第 2 四 半 期 上 期 第 3 四 半 期 第 3 四 半 期 累 計 第 4 四 半 期 下 期 通 期 1Q 1 2Q 2(=3-1) 1H 3 3Q 4(=5-3) 売 上 高 Billings 248,163-3.6% 258,533-1.4% 506,696-2.5% 280,958-0.3% 787,654-1.7% 300,788-2.9% 581,746-1.7% 1,088,442-2.0% 売 上 総 利 益 Revenue 34,747-0.3% 37,281 1.0% 72,028 0.3% 41,381 2.8% 113,409 1.2% 45,360 3.3% 86,741 3.0% 158,769 1.8% 販 管 費 Selling, general and administrative expenses 31,844 2.0% 32,916 4.9% 64,760 3.5% 32,807 0.2% 97,567 2.3% 36,748 2.4% 69,555 1.3% 134,315 2.3% 内 人 件 費 Including personnel costs 20,713 0.4% 20,504 3.6% 41,217 2.0% 20,666 0.1% 61,883 1.3% 22,388 2.9% 43,054 1.5% 84,271 1.7% 営 業 利 益 Operating income 2,902-20.2% 4,366-21.2% 7,268-20.8% 8,574 14.3% 15,842-5.0% 8,612 7.3% 17,186 10.7% 24,454-1.0% 営 業 外 損 益 Non-operating items 409 467.2% 439 42.1% 848 122.6% 465 55.5% 1,313 93.1% 1,161 196.2% 1,626 135.7% 2,474 130.9% 経 常 利 益 Ordinary income 3,312-10.8% 4,804-17.9% 8,116-15.1% 9,039 15.9% 17,155-1.2% 9,773 16.1% 18,812 16.0% 26,928 4.4% 特 別 利 益 Extraordinary gains 35 121.3% 1,044 673.3% 1,079 616.6% 21 23.5% 1,100 558.7% (26) (5) 1,074 252.2% 特 別 損 失 Extraordinary losses 193-53.1% 2,233 184.8% 2,426 102.9% 404-11.0% 2,830 71.6% 4,153 135.0% 4,557 105.2% 6,983 104.4% 税 金 等 調 整 前 当 期 純 利 益 Income before income taxes and minority interests 3,154-4.9% 3,615-30.5% 6,769-20.5% 8,657 17.5% 15,426-2.9% 5,592-17.6% 14,249 0.7% 21,018-7.3% 当 期 純 利 益 Net income 1,541-3.7% 2,088-20.8% 3,629-14.3% 5,331 11.3% 8,960-0.7% 3,095 35.2% 8,426 19.0% 12,055 6.6% Accum.3Q 5 4Q 6(=8-5) 2H 7(=8-3) Fiscal year 8 売 上 総 利 益 率 Gross margin 人 件 費 の 対 売 上 総 利 益 率 Ratio of personnel costs to revenue オヘ レーティンク マーシ ン Operating margin 14.0% 0.5% 14.4% 0.3% 14.2% 0.4% 14.7% 0.4% 14.4% 0.4% 15.1% 0.9% 14.9% 0.7% 14.6% 0.6% 59.6% 0.4% 55.0% 1.4% 57.2% 0.9% 49.9% -1.4% 54.6% 0.1% 49.4% -0.2% 49.6% -0.8% 53.1% 0.0% 8.4% -2.1% 11.7% -3.3% 10.1% -2.7% 20.7% 2.1% 14.0% -0.9% 19.0% 0.7% 19.8% 1.4% 15.4% -0.4% 2006 年 3 月 期 Fiscal year ended March 2006 ( 百 万 円 Millions of yen) 第 1 四 半 期 第 2 四 半 期 上 期 第 3 四 半 期 第 3 四 半 期 累 計 第 4 四 半 期 下 期 通 期 1Q 1 2Q 2(=3-1) 1H 3 3Q 4(=5-3) 売 上 高 Billings 257,456 5.7% 262,076 0.5% 519,532 3.0% 281,728 1.4% 801,260 2.4% 309,861 0.8% 591,589 1.1% 1,111,121 2.0% 売 上 総 利 益 Revenue 34,852 2.6% 36,927-1.0% 71,779 0.7% 40,252 3.0% 112,031 1.5% 43,922 5.9% 84,174 4.5% 155,953 2.7% 販 管 費 Selling, general and administrative expenses 31,213 2.7% 31,385 1.0% 62,598 1.8% 32,749 5.2% 95,347 3.0% 35,895-2.5% 68,644 1.0% 131,242 1.4% 内 人 件 費 Including personnel costs 20,623 4.3% 19,794 1.7% 40,417 3.0% 20,654 5.3% 61,071 3.8% 21,766 0.0% 42,420 2.5% 82,837 2.7% 営 業 利 益 Operating income 3,639 1.6% 5,542-11.0% 9,181-6.4% 7,503-5.5% 16,684-6.0% 8,026 72.8% 15,529 23.4% 24,710 10.3% 営 業 外 損 益 Non-operating items 72-33.3% 309 6.6% 381-4.3% 299 131.8% 680 29.0% 392-602.6% 691 1254.9% 1,072 138.8% 経 常 利 益 Ordinary income 3,711 0.6% 5,851-10.2% 9,562-6.3% 7,802-3.3% 17,364-5.0% 8,418 84.3% 16,220 28.3% 25,782 12.9% 特 別 利 益 Extraordinary gains 15-98.9% 135-57.0% 150-90.8% 17-73.8% 167-90.2% 137-167.2% 154-210.8% 304-79.7% 特 別 損 失 Extraordinary losses 411 99.5% 784-69.0% 1,195-56.3% 454 312.7% 1,649-42.1% 1,767 6.9% 2,221 26.0% 3,416-24.1% 税 金 等 調 整 前 当 期 純 利 益 Income before income taxes and minority interests 3,315-31.0% 5,202 21.0% 8,517-6.4% 7,365-8.2% 15,882-7.3% 6,788 150.4% 14,153 31.8% 22,670 14.3% 当 期 純 利 益 Net income 1,600-31.2% 2,635 0.3% 4,235-14.5% 4,789 2.0% 9,024-6.4% 2,289 207.7% 7,078 30.1% 11,313 8.9% 売 上 総 利 益 率 Gross margin 人 件 費 の 対 売 上 総 利 益 率 Ratio of personnel costs to revenue オヘ レーティンク マーシ ン Operating margin Accum.3Q 5 4Q 6(=8-5) 2H 7(=8-3) 13.5% -0.4% 14.1% -0.2% 13.8% -0.3% 14.3% 0.2% 14.0% -0.1% 14.2% 0.7% 14.2% 0.4% 14.0% 0.1% 59.2% 1.0% 53.6% 1.4% 56.3% 1.2% 51.3% 1.1% 54.5% 1.2% 49.6% -2.9% 50.4% -1.0% 53.1% 0.0% 10.4% -0.1% 15.0% -1.7% 12.8% -1.0% 18.6% -1.7% 14.9% -1.2% 18.3% 7.1% 18.4% 2.8% 15.8% 1.1% 1 第 1 四 半 期 及 び 第 3 四 半 期 については 会 計 監 査 を 受 けておりません 2 売 上 総 利 益 率 人 件 費 の 対 売 上 総 利 益 率 オヘ レーティンク マーシ ンの は 前 年 数 値 との 差 を 記 載 しております 1 Figures for the first quarter and the third quarter have not been audited. 2 of Gross margin, Ratio of personnel costs to revenue and Operating margin are stated as the differences from the figures of the previous year. Fiscal year 8 4

Change % Change % Change % Education/Medical services/religion Billings of other consolidated subsidiaries, etc.

Change % Change % Change % Change % Change % Education/Medical services/religion Billings of other consolidated subsidiaries, etc.

Accum.3Q Energy/Material/Machinery Change % Change % Change % Change % Change % Change % Change % Change % Foodstuffs Beverages/Cigarettes/Luxury foods Pharmaceuticals/Medical supplies Cosmetics/Toiletries Apparel/Accessories Precision machinery/office supplies Home electric appliances/av equipment Automobiles/Related products Household products Hobby supplies/sporting goods Real estate/housing facilities Publications Information/Communications Distribution/Retailing Finance/Insurance Transportation/Leisure Restaurant/Services Government/Organizations Education/Medical services/religion Classified advertising/other Subtotal Billings of other consolidated subsidiaries, etc. Consolidated billings 1 Billings in each category are the sum of the non-consolidated billings of Hakuhodo, Daiko, Yomiko and Hakuhodo DY Media Partners (after exclusion of internal billings from Hakuhodo, Daiko and Yomiko to Hakuhodo DY Media Partners). Overlaps resulting from the combination of these billings are included in the Billings of other consolidated subsidiaries, etc. item. 2 Billings of other consolidated subsidiaries, etc. is the total of billings of domestic and overseas consolidated advertising companies that are not included in the advertising segment listed in 1 above and sales of consolidated subsidiaries in the others segment. 3 Above figures are the ones controlled inside the company, and thus are not audited.

1 Billings in each category are the sum of the non-consolidated billings of Hakuhodo, Daiko, Yomiko and Hakuhodo DY Media Partners (after exclusion of internal billings from Hakuhodo, Daiko and Yomiko to Hakuhodo DY Media Partners). Overlaps resulting from the combination of these billings are included in the "Billings of other consolidated subsidiaries, etc." item. 2 "Billings of other consolidated subsidiaries, etc." is the total of billings of domestic and overseas consolidated advertising companies that are not included in the advertising segment listed in 1 above and sales of consolidated subsidiaries in the others segment. 3 "Shares" are described as ratio against "Subtotal" which does not include "Billings of other consolidated subsidiaries, etc." 4 "Newspapers", "Magazines", "Radio" and "Television" are the total expenses for placement of domestic and export advertising."television" includes advertising expenses for CS/BS media related. 5 Internet media are the transactions for placement of advertising spots on the Internet and cell phones. However, transactions concerned with creating and producing advertisements for the Internet and cell phones are included in Creative. 6 Outdoor media is the total of space charge and production billings involving outdoor advertising, train and other transportation advertising, insertions and other advertising media. 7 Creative includes billings for creating and producing advertisements for newspapers, magazines, radio, television and the Internet, including contract money for advertising performers. 8 Marketing/promotion includes transactions concerned with consulting, planning and surveys in the marketing, communication and brand management domains, and other consulting, planning and implementation transactions in such areas as sales promotion, special events, public relations and customer relationship management. 9 Others includes transactions concerned with sports, entertainment and other similar content. 10 Above figures are the ones controlled inside the company, and thus are not audited.

1 'Billings have been categorized as described above beginning with the current fiscal year. These categories may differ from the categories in prior fiscal years. Above figures for the fiscal ended March 2006 are based on the new categories respectively. 2 Please see the notes on page 8.

1 Billings in each category are the sum of the non-consolidated billings of Hakuhodo, Daiko, Yomiko and Hakuhodo DY Media Partners (after exclusion of internal billings from Hakuhodo, Daiko and Yomiko to Hakuhodo DY Media Partners). Overlaps resulting from the combination of these billings are included in the "Billings of other consolidated subsidiaries, etc." item. 2 "Shares" are described as ratio against "Subtotal" which does not include "Billings of other consolidated subsidiaries, etc." 3 "Newspapers", "Magazines", "Radio" and "Televisions" are the total expenses for placement of domestic and export advertising. 4 "Billings of other consolidated subsidiaries, etc." is the total of billings of domestic and overseas consolidated advertising companies that are not included in the advertising segment listed in 1 above and sales of consolidated subsidiaries in the others segment. 5 Billings involving BS/CS broadcasts are included in the television category of mass media services. 6 "Sales promotion" is the total of production and space charge expenses involving direct mail, insertions, outdoor advertising, train and other transportation advertising, POP (Point of Purchase) advertising materials, telephone directories and other advertising media. 7 Above figures are the ones controlled inside the company, and thus are not audited.

主 要 3 広 告 会 社 の 状 況 Information of Three Main Advertising Agencies 3 広 告 会 社 の 連 結 業 績 の 概 要 ( 続 き) Financial Outline of the Three Advertising Agencies (Consolidated) (continued) 2007 年 3 月 期 Fiscal year ended March 2007 ( 百 万 円 Millions of yen) 第 1 四 半 期 第 2 四 半 期 上 期 第 3 四 半 期 第 3 四 半 期 累 計 第 4 四 半 期 下 期 通 期 1Q 1 2Q 2(=3-1) 1H 3 3Q 4(=5-3) 1. 株 式 会 社 博 報 堂 ( 連 結 ) Hakuhodo Inc.-consolidated 売 上 高 Billings 188,707-1.3% 195,181 2.4% 383,888 0.5% 213,243 0.8% 597,131 0.6% 221,150-2.0% 434,393-0.7% 818,281-0.1% 経 常 利 益 Ordinary income 4,622 40.2% 3,079 3.5% 7,701 22.8% 7,234 14.2% 14,935 18.5% 5,487 12.6% 12,721 13.5% 20,422 16.8% 当 期 純 利 益 Net income 2,977 57.6% 1,293 6.2% 4,270 37.4% 4,418 5.1% 8,688 18.8% 1,864 154.6% 6,282 27.3% 10,552 31.2% 2. 株 式 会 社 大 広 ( 連 結 ) Daiko Advertising Inc.-consolidated 売 上 高 Billings 39,982-5.1% 40,616-9.1% 80,598-7.2% 43,073-9.1% 123,671-7.8% 45,439-4.1% 88,512-6.6% 169,110-6.9% 経 常 利 益 Ordinary income 408 3.0% 642-38.3% 1,050-26.9% 1,085 18.6% 2,135-9.2% 711 95.3% 1,796 40.4% 2,846 4.8% 当 期 純 利 益 Net income 164 17.1% 463-43.7% 627-34.8% 565 63.3% 1,192-8.9% 144 n/a 709 234.4% 1,336 13.8% 3. 株 式 会 社 読 売 広 告 社 ( 連 結 ) Yomiko Advertising Inc.-consolidated 売 上 高 Billings 19,063-19.2% 22,680-11.6% 41,743-15.2% 23,044-11.0% 64,787-13.8% 31,353 8.6% 54,397-0.7% 96,140-7.5% 経 常 利 益 Ordinary income (397) n/a 25-93.1% (372) n/a (106) n/a (478) n/a 837 35.2% 731-11.5% 359-71.1% 当 期 純 利 益 Net income (136) n/a 22 n/a (114) n/a (54) n/a (168) n/a 217-34.2% 163-62.4% 49 n/a Accum.3Q 5 4Q 6(=8-5) 2H 7(=8-3) Fiscal year 8 2006 年 3 月 期 Fiscal year ended March 2006 ( 百 万 円 Millions of yen) 第 1 四 半 期 第 2 四 半 期 上 期 第 3 四 半 期 第 3 四 半 期 累 計 第 4 四 半 期 下 期 通 期 1Q 1 2Q 2(=3-1) 1H 3 3Q 4(=5-3) 1. 株 式 会 社 博 報 堂 ( 連 結 ) Hakuhodo Inc.-consolidated 売 上 高 Billings 191,248 7.2% 190,639 0.6% 381,887 3.8% 211,642 3.5% 593,529 3.7% 225,603 1.9% 437,245 2.6% 819,132 3.2% 経 常 利 益 Ordinary income 3,296-13.8% 2,976-17.6% 6,272-15.6% 6,336 4.9% 12,608-6.4% 4,872 121.2% 11,208 36.0% 17,480 11.5% 当 期 純 利 益 Net income 1,889-1.7% 1,218-43.6% 3,107-23.8% 4,204 15.5% 7,311-5.3% 732 134.6% 4,936 24.9% 8,043 0.1% 2. 株 式 会 社 大 広 ( 連 結 ) Daiko Advertising Inc.-consolidated 売 上 高 Billings 42,124 0.8% 44,686 4.1% 86,810 2.5% 47,359 3.8% 134,169 2.9% 47,402-6.5% 94,761-1.7% 181,571 0.3% 経 常 利 益 Ordinary income 396 96.0% 1,040 0.1% 1,436 15.7% 915-0.7% 2,351 8.7% 364-39.8% 1,279-16.2% 2,715-1.9% 当 期 純 利 益 Net income 140 141.4% 822 n/a 962 n/a 346-28.7% 1,308 n/a (134) -141.7% 212-73.7% 1,174 317.8% 3. 株 式 会 社 読 売 広 告 社 ( 連 結 ) Yomiko Advertising Inc.-consolidated 売 上 高 Billings 23,584 1.2% 25,650-5.9% 49,234-2.6% 25,897 0.1% 75,131-1.7% 28,857-3.8% 54,754-2.0% 103,988-2.3% 経 常 利 益 Ordinary income 55 n/a 364 14.5% 419 264.3% 207-54.6% 626 9.6% 619 4.0% 826-21.4% 1,245 6.8% 当 期 純 利 益 Net income (373) n/a (211) n/a (584) n/a 104-59.8% (480) n/a 330-0.9% 434-26.7% (150) n/a 1 このページに 記 載 している( 株 ) 博 報 堂 ( 株 ) 大 広 ( 株 ) 読 売 広 告 社 の 各 社 の 連 結 数 値 は 社 内 管 理 上 の 集 計 数 値 で 個 々に 監 査 を 受 けておりません 1 The consolidated results on this page for Hakuhodo, Daiko and Yomiko are aggregate figures controlled inside the companies, and thus are not individually audited. Accum.3Q 5 4Q 6(=8-5) 2H 7(=8-3) Fiscal year 8 14