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2009 08-8001-004-4 Djumali ALAM 2010 1

R. R.R. 1

R. G. M. E. 5 2

1 1 2009 39 3

M. R. a. 22 4

2 b. the Acagchemen (Panes) (paelt) 3 c. Issapoo 4 2 1956 68-70 3 J.G. 2003 123 4 127-8 5

d. 5 R. G. 6 7 5 133-4 6 R. Girard, La violence et le sacré, HACHETTE Littératures,1972, p.18 7 Ibid. p.27 6

8 9 10 8 Ibid. p.19 9 Ibid. pp.34,36 10 Ibid. pp.180-187 7

11 12 11 Ibid. pp.401-407 12 Ibid. pp.411-416 8

13 14 15 16 17 13 G. 2003 185 14 186 15 186 16 186-7 17 G. Bataille, La part maudite, Les editions de minuit,1949, pp.84-94 9

participation intime valeur intime intimité 18 consumation 19 18 Ibid. pp.94-96 19 Ibid. pp.94-97 10

20 21 22 23 20 Ibid. pp.95-96 21 Ibid. pp.95-96 22 G. 214 23 214-5 11

24 25 (positiv) negativ 24 2007 111 25 R. Otto, Das Heilige,Verlag C.H. Beck, 1963,SS.14-22, 42-52 12

. Les formes élémentaires de la vie religieuse Culte négatif (Culte positif) 26 27 26 E. Durkheim, Les formes élémentaires de la vie religieuse, Presses Universitaires de France, 1960, p.427 27 Ibid. pp.428-429 13

28 29 30 28 Ibid. pp.430-431 29 Ibid. pp.467-468 30 Ibid. pp.498-500 14

Das Heilige und das Profane Hierophanie 31 32 homo religiosus 33 Kosmos Chaos 31 M. Eliade, Das Heilige und das Profane, Rowohlt Hamburg, 1957, S.8 32 Ibid. S.8 33 Ibid. SS.13-18 15

34 35 36 37 38 39 40 34 Ibid. SS.18-19 35 Ibid. SS.19-20 36 Ibid. SS.38-39 37 Ibid. SS.41-50 38 Ibid. S.51 39 M. Eliade, Traité d histoire des religions, Bibliothèque historique Payot, 1949, p.344 40 Ibid. p.347 16


1.1 18

b c d a 1.2 a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d. 19

a. c. d. 20




1 2.1 5000 500 300 41 41 JRA 2006 167-170 24

2.2 42 43 4000 44 42 2009 135 43 137 44 141 25

45 2.3 4000 3000 46 3500 1900 47 45 2001 18-19 46 02 2007 47-53 47 JRA 2006 167-170 26

48 3000 1700 2000 49 50 2 51 3200 3100 52 2.4 48 J. 1997 71 49 30-31 50 37 51 J. 71 52 89 27

2000 53 54 55 2.5 18 1600 56 53 76 54 90 55 91-93 56 140 28

57 3 58 39 57 44 58 14 9 1979 29

59 H.B. 60 61 62 59 39 19-25 1979 60 H.B. Tristram, The natural history of the Bible, London: Society for Prompting Christian Knowledge, 1883, p.103 61 10 26 1979 10 29 600 6-7kg 62 2003 91-3 30

63 64 65 63 31 1 1979 64 31 3 1979 65 9 9-10 1979 31

66 67 4 3 66 J. 131 67 20 1-10 1979 32

positiv negativ 68 69 5 68 46 69 46-47 33

2.6 3000 70 71 1000 72 70 J. 85 71 54 72 56 34

73 74 15 160 75 73 59 74 J. 140 75 144-149 35


76 77 76 156-157 77 1972 50-51 72 37

2.7 1 2.8 5 78 79 80 78 162-163 79 J. 141 80 167-168 38

6 嬴 100 9000 7000 81 81 83-84 39

82 2.9 2.10 338 2000 17 83 4500 300 82 J. 163 83 109-110 40

84 7 8000 85 84 167 85 J. 210-212 41

86 2.11 1841 8 86 J. 205-227 42

87 11 13 200 300 88 9 87 183-184 88 J. 202 43

89 1564 100 90 coach 17 91 2 3000 100 1917 89 225 90 J. 232 91 235-237 44

92 10 92 J. 245 45

1 93 2 94 701 16 10 30 95 93 48 2006 27 94 95 27 46

22 55 96 3 23 28 3 4 9 16 32 97 98 99 96 28 97 28 98 1995 318 99 286 47

100 4 1159 12 101 102 100 1995 122-124 101 1995 178 102 182-183 48

7000 500 1000 500 103 104 5 8 1603 103 185 104 188-189 3000 1995 255-276 49

105 106 107 108 6 105 106 28 107 108 28-29 50

109 110 7 1861 64 111 10 112 109 1995 26 110 27 111 27 112 29 51

113 20 33 1900 114 115 8 5 8000 17 2000 39 1906 9 113 27 114 115 29 52

116 117 116 1995 198 117 199 53

118 119 2.12 118 200-201 119 1995 222-223 54

10 709.32 km2 2.13 90 31.28 km2 120 4000 2009 29 121 122 120 1972 3 121 48 2006 122 2009 9 14 16 3 55

1 123 120cm 40 123 48 ( ) 2006 13 56

50 1,2 20 30 3 57

2.14 58

2 30 59

30 1955 8,810 5,941 10 40 1965 5,946 8,579 2.1 25 1950 45 1970 人 11000 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 昭和 25 年 昭和 30 年 昭和 35 年 昭和 40 年 昭和 45 年 年 農業人口漁業人口 2.2 17 1884 17 2005 頭 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1884 1909 1923 1945 1960 1975 1990 2005 年 頭数 47 60

1972 14 2002 30 21 2009 29 12 4 124 125 126 124 125 48 9 126 8 61

2.15 2.16 62

3 63

30 13 2001 40 64

127 128 1 1 2 127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2009 72-88 128 2001 115 65

1 2 5 6 7 9 10 2 4 5 7 8 5 66

2 5 6 8 3 4 10 2 6 9 10 67

10 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 6 68

9 1 3 1 9 69


2.17 71



2.1 J. = (1997),3 2.2 (2009),138 2.3 (2007),28-29 2.4 J. = (1997),88 2.5 J. = (1997),92 2.6 J. = (1997),86 2.7 1 (2001),168 2.8 5 J. = (1997),138 2.9 (2001),109 2.10J. = (1997),154 2.11 1841 J. = (1997),216 2.12 1995 4-5 2.13 2009 9 2.14 2009 9 2.1 25 1950 45 1970 1972 2.2 17 1884 17 2005 48 2006 2.15 2009 9 2.16 2009 9 2.17 74


17 1 23 129 130 129 P. 1975 6 130 J. 248 76

131 2 776 23 684 33 644 132 3.1 131 P. 8 132 J. 252 77

133 3 1 Circus Maximus 134 3.2 133 P. 10 134 11 78

135 136 137 138 139 7 12 140 1 1 1189-1199 40 135 115 136 P. 12 137 J. 254-55 138 P. 12 139 J. 255 140 P. 13-14 79

1 141 2 17 18 200 3 142 143 6 26 Sir Theodore Andrea Cook Eclipse s performances to fill in the portrait of one of the best horses ever seen, by showing that his excellence was not only owing to the races he won, but even more clearly to the astonishing ease with which he won them, and to the fact that 141 16 142 D.1986 70 143 P. 18-19 80

in addition to his undoubted speed and stride, he possessed sound wind, an ability to carry heavy weight, and an endurance over long distances which could never be thoroughly tested, for its limit was never reached. 144 344 25,000 145 1789 2 25 25 146 50 25 25 147 144 Sir Theodere Andrea Cook, A history of the English turf, Volume 2, London, H. Virtue and company limited, 1901-04, p.310 145 1 20 21 1 1 146 J. 264 147 D. 71-72 81

3 1750 1756 148 1 1 1762 1772 149 1791 1 150 1776 3200m 25 1779 148 heat 6400m 12000m 1990 83-84 149 D. 231 150 232 82

3 1780 3 50 151 1809 2000 1814 1000 1711 1801 4 152 1000 2000 4 1860 1866 1888 1 1 151 91 152 P. 19-20 83

3.3 19 14 56 153 1905 2 1923 153 1983 227-8 84

154 1932 7 3.4 1 154 229-32 85

155 5 6 10 1 40 40 2DK 10 40 45 50 156 1946 UAE 3 GI 12 1958 155 204-5 156 206 86

1962 D.C. 1969 GI 1998 157 1981 157 JRA JRA 2009/11/30 DL 87

2010 JRA 10 158 17 159 12 10 30 35 50 16 30 3 15 160 158 10 159 17 160 88

3.5 161 3.6 161 GI 89

3.7 3.8 162 162 90

3.9 3.10 91

3.11 A 92

3.12 2 3.13 93

163 3.14 163 94

3.15 3.16 B GI 95

Olivier Peslier GI 164 165 164 3 165 17 96

3.17 97

2 7 330 166 DNA 167 2 8 10 166 4~5 JRA 2006 150-151 167 163-166 98

168 16 23 1 169 1 170 168 128-131 169 170 99

80 5 15 171 171 10 5 5% 1% 5 2 2006 78 2008 44 100

172 500 2 5 50 20 172 101

173 16 23 3 174 1 173 174 102

4 175 176 175 176 2009/5/27 DL 2009 21 103

1907 40 1907 40 1923 12 1924 13 1924 13 1926 15 1926 15 104

1927 2 1928 3 1929 4 1930 5 1931 6 1932 7 1933 8 1934 9 1935 10 1936 11 1937 12 1940 15 1941 16 1942 17 1943 18 105

1946 21 1946 21 1946 21 1950 25 1952 27 1953 28 1953 28 1958 33 1959 34 1960 35 1961 36 106

1962 37 1963 38 1964 39 1965 40 1966 41 1967 42 1968 43 1969 44 1970 45 1971 46 1972 47 1973 48 1974 49 1975 50 1976 51 1977 52 1978 53 1979 54 1980 55 1981 56 1982 57 1983 58 1985 60 1986 61 107

1987 62 1988 63 1978 53 1991 3 1992 4 1993 5 1994 6 1995 7 1996 8 1997 9 1998 10 1999 11 2000 12 2001 13 2002 14 2003 15 2004 16 2005 17 2006 18 2007 19 2008 20 2009 21 108

1997 1997 5 11 1977 5 18 1970 1970 109

177 1978 1980 1987 JRA 178 1997 2004 QR 177 ( ) 09/5/27 DL 178 09/5/27 DL 110

1,000 20 100 200 179 IPAT 180 IPAT 179 900 100 9 180 111


181 181 2005 113

10 100 100 182 182 100 100 114

IPAT 183 183 Supernatural 115

184 3.18 Pura) 185 184 185 63 116

3.18 117

3.19 186 3.20 186 118

a: b: 3.19 119

a: b: 3.20 120

ATM 11 60 3.21 121

- a: - b: 3.21 122

IPAT 3.22 IPAT 3.22 123

3.23 124

a: b: 3.23 125


3.24 3.24 127

3.1 J. (1997) 253 3.2 (2001) 115 3.3 3.4 1 Derby)19320423.jpg/721px-Tokyo_Yushun(Japanese_Derby)19320423.jpg 2009/5/20 DL 3.5 2008 8 3.6 2009 9 3.7 2009 9 3.8 2009 9 3.9 2009 9 3.10 2008 8 3.11 A 2008 8 3.12 2 2008 8 3.13 2008 8 3.14 2008 8 3.15 2008 8 3.16 B 2008 8 3.17 2009 6 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 128







187 187 JRA 2009/12/19 DL 135


188 188 137


1 Emile Durkheim, Les formes élémentaires de la vie religieuse, Presses Universitaires de France, 1960 Georges Bataille, La part maudite, Les Editions de minuit, 1949, L Erotisme, Les Editions de minuit, 1957, Théorie de la religion, Editions Gallimard, 1973 Harvey Whitehouse, Modes of Religiosity, Altamira Press, 2004 Max Weber, Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus, Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Religionssoziologie I, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Tübingen,1988 Mircea Eliade, Traité d histoire des religions, Bibliothèque historique Payot, 1949, Das Heilige und das Profane, Rowohlt Hamburg, 1957 Pascal Boyer, Religion Explained, Basic Books, 2001 René Girard, La violence et le sacré, Hachette Littératures,1972 Rudolf Otto, Das Heilige,Verlag C.H. Beck, 1963 1956 1941-42 139

2007 1983 2003 2009 1973 2002 2003 1969 1974 1982 2 Henry Baker Tristram, The natural history of the Bible, London: Society for Prompting Christian Knowledge, 1883 JRA 2006 140

1995 48 2006 1995 48 2006 1994 2006 2009 2009 1997 1995 1995 1995 1995 141

1995 1979 02 2007 1972 1975 1972 2001 1996 48 ( ) 2006 2001 2003 1993 48 ( ) 2006 3 Sir Theodere Andrea Cook, A history of the English turf, Volume 2, London, H. Virtue and company limited, 1901-04 1995 2008 1983 142

1987 1989 2006 2008 2008 2006 2008 2008 1986 2002 2008 2009 2003 1986 2005 1990 143