5. Vinegar is the catalyst ( 触媒 ) that instantly changes the litmus paper to red. a. thing that causes change slowly b. thing that causes change quick

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5. The team took the initiative ( 率先 第一歩 ) in solving the problem. a. first talk b. first hand c. first look d. first move Exercise 2: What s the word


CONTENTS Public relations brochure of Higashikawa September No.755 2

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L1 What Can You Blood Type Tell Us? Part 1 Can you guess/ my blood type? Well,/ you re very serious person/ so/ I think/ your blood type is A. Wow!/ G

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There are so many teachers in the world, and all of them are different. Some teachers are quiet and dont like to talk to students. Other teachers like

5. There are various ethnic groups ( 異なった ) 民族の ) in the Philippines because of its geography. a. religious b. cultural c. foreign d. political Exerci

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5. The circulation ( 発行 配布部数 ) of the advertisement is expected to reach millions of people. a. selection b. continuation c. cycle d. distribution Exe

5. The majority of the company s shareholders ( 株主 ) will receive dividends at the end of the month. a. members b. investors c. associates d. employee


Main Topic 14: Technical Areas Lesson 77: Laboratories and Equipment (20-25 minutes) Today, you will: 1. Learn useful vocabulary related to LABORATORIES AND EQUIPMENT. 2. Review Relative Clause: That/Who. I. VOCABULARY Exercise 1: What s the meaning? (5-6 minutes) Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the choices that follow. Then practice using the words in your own sentences. 1. I had a medical ( 医療の ) examination yesterday a. involving technology and science b. involving equipment and space c. involving sales and marketing d. involving treatment and health 2. Banana peels are biodegradable ( 生物分解性の ) materials. a. can be reused b. can be recycled c. can be combined d. can be decomposed 3. Biological ( 生物学の ) studies of plants are very interesting. a. Things relating to non-living things b. Things relating to experiments c. Things relating to living things d. Things relating to chemicals 4. Vinegar is a very good acid ( 酸 ). a. corrosive salty tasting chemical b. corrosive sour tasting chemical c. corrosive sweet tasting chemical d. corrosive bitter tasting chemical 1

5. Vinegar is the catalyst ( 触媒 ) that instantly changes the litmus paper to red. a. thing that causes change slowly b. thing that causes change quickly c. thing that causes change to stop d. thing that causes change to decrease Exercise 2: What s the word? (5-7 minutes) Read the following dialog with your tutor and try to use context clues to fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word. You can find the missing word from the pool of words at the bottom. Mr. Wakayama, the head of NASA, talks about the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere with his subordinate. Mr. Wakayama: The latest observation by NASA showed a huge increase in the amount of some gases in the atmosphere. Subordinate: Are those gases greenhouse gases? Mr. Wakayama: Yes, (1) dioxide and methane are the gases that had an enormous increase. This is very alarming. Subordinate: What about the major gases that comprise the atmosphere? Did they also increase? Mr. Wakayama: There wasn t a great increase in the amount of nitrogen and (2), compared to the two greenhouse gases. Subordinate: How will we deal with this problem? Mr. Wakayama: We are starting to (3) what caused this incident. An (4) is being conducted to find out whether this phenomenon is just natural or inflicted by human activities. Many of your co-workers are in the laboratory working on tests to solve this problem. Subordinate: How did the environmentalists respond to this news? Mr. Wakayama: They were saddened and alarmed by the news. A (5) study on decreasing greenhouse gases using the most effective method is now being planned by many environmentalists. Subordinate: I hope we discover a solution soon. Choices: a. examine ( 検査する ) b. feasibility( 実現可能性 ) c. experiment( 実験 ) d. carbon ( 炭素 ) e. manufacture ( 製造業者 ) f. oxygen( 酸素 ) 2

II. GRAMMAR REVIEW: Topic: Relative Clause: That Who (5-6 minutes) ( 関係詞節 :That と Who の違い ) That and who are often used in complex sentences which contain a main independent clause and a subordinate clause. That and who are connectors of the subordinate clauses to the main sentence. (That と Who は独立節と従属節を含む複文の中でしばしば用いられます That と Who は主節と従属節を接続する働きがあります ) Remember: 1. That can be used to refer to either a person or an object; who can only be used to refer to a person. (That は人と物のどちらにも用いられることがあります Who は人に対してのも用いられます ) Ex. The pen who was on my table is now missing. (incorrect) ( 例 : 私の机にあったペンが見つかりません ( 誤った例 )) The pen that was on my table is now missing. (correct) ( 例 : 私の机にあったペンが見つかりません ( 正しい例 )) The boy that fell down the drain was sent to the hospital. (correct) ( 例 : 下水管に落下した少年は病院に運ばれました ( 正しい例 )) The boy who fell down the drain was sent to the hospital. (correct) ( 例 : 下水管に落下した少年は病院に運ばれました ( 正しい例 )) 2. Who can be preceded by a comma but that cannot. (Who はコンマに前に置くことができますが That はできません ) Ex. All the employees, that wanted a new president, went on strike. (incorrect) ( 例 : 全従業員が新社長を欲しており ストライキを起こしました ( 誤った例 )) All the employees who wanted a new president went on strike. (correct) ( 例 : 新社長を欲する全従業員が ストライキを起こしました ( 正しい例 )) All the employees, who wanted a new president, went on strike. (correct) ( 例 : 全従業員が新社長を欲しており ストライキを起こしました ( 正しい例 )) All the employees that wanted a new president went on strike. (correct) ( 例 : 新社長を欲する全従業員が ストライキを起こしました ( 正しい例 )) 3

Comprehension Check: Identify the connector that would best complete the following sentences. ( 以下の文を最高の形で接続するものを特定しましょう ) The teachers in Juban High School are talking about their students. Teacher 1: You know, Ichiro, was always a top student in my class, is already a doctor! Teacher 2: Really? That s great! I hope that my students, are delinquents, will be as successful as your old student. Exercise 1: Incomplete Sentences (5-6 minutes) Choose the word or phrase that would best complete the following sentences. 1. Liza was here earlier went missing! 2. The rat specimen is already growing an extra leg, eats very fast. 3. Einstein, was dyslexic, became a famous scientist. 4. The acid made the litmus paper red is vinegar. 4

5. Eye protectors protect the eyes during an experiment should be worn at all times. 5