Lesson 77 My favorite subject is science Read the following conversations with your tutor 講師と次の会話を読みましょう Art History 1 A: Whatʼs your favorite subject

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動 作 動 詞 の have 食 べる 受 ける なら 現 在 進 行 形 になれる d We are having lunch in the classroom. [ 和 訳 ]( 私 たちは 今 教 室 で 昼 食 を 食 べている[ところだ]) e He is having the math

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Lesson 77 My favorite subject is science LESSON GOAL: Can talk about school subjects 教科について話せるようになろう Read the sentences Use He/she has a Healthy or an unhealthy lifestyle 文を読みましょう それぞれの文について 健 康的な生活をしています 不健康な生活 をしています のどちらかを言いましょう 1 Tina always wakes up at six thirty in the morning 2 On school days, Jim skips breakfast 3 Aya sometimes exercises once a week 1

Lesson 77 My favorite subject is science Read the following conversations with your tutor 講師と次の会話を読みましょう Art History 1 A: Whatʼs your favorite subject? B: My favorite subjectʼs art Whatʼs yours? A: I like history PE Math 2 A: Whatʼs your favorite subject? B: My favorite subjectʼs physical education (PE) Whatʼs yours? A: I like math Music Science 3 A: Whatʼs your favorite subject? B: My favorite subjectʼs music Whatʼs yours? A: I like science 2

Lesson 77 My favorite subject is science Literature French 4 A: Whatʼs your favorite subject? B: My favorite subjectʼs literature Whatʼs yours? A: I like French Geography Computer Science 5 A: Whatʼs your favorite subject? B: My favorite subjectʼs geography Whatʼs yours? A: I like computer science and math 3

Lesson 77 My favorite subject is science Match the pictures in A with the subjects in B 1 A の絵と B の単語を組み合わせましょう a Music 2 b Art 3 c Computer Science 4 d Math 5 e Physical Education (PE) 4

Lesson 77 My favorite subject is science Rearrange the words to form sentences Then, read the dialogue with your tutor 単語を並び替えて文を作りましょう 講師と読みましょう 1 A: B: A: subject? your favorite What s My favorite What s yours? subject s science I like math 2 A: B: A: What s your favorite subject? My favorite What s yours? subject s history literature I like 3 A: B: A: Subject? favorite What s your My favorite subject s music What s yours? and math I like physical education 4 A: B: A: your favorite What s subject? subject s literature What s yours My favorite I like French 5 A: B: A: What s your favorite subject? My favorite What s yours? subject s geography PE I like and literature 5

Lesson 77 My favorite subject is science Complete the conversations below based on the clues in the parenthesis カッコ内のヒントをもとに 会話を完成させましょう Example: A: What s your favorite subject? B: (art) My favorite subject s art What s yours? A: (music) I like music 1 A: What s your favorite subject? B: (history) 2 A: What s your favorite subject? B: (physical education) A: (science) A: (music, literature) 3 A: What s your favorite subject? B: (science) A: (French) 4 A: What s your favorite subject? B: (music) A: (geography) 5 A: What s your favorite subject? B: (art) A: (math, science) 6

Lesson 77 My favorite subject is science Talk with your tutor using the following situations 以下の状況を参考に 講師と話をしま しょう Situation 1 It s your first day of middle school Your m e intro 今日は学校の初日です 新しいクラスメート が自己紹介をしてきました 彼女と友達になり her o you You o たいと思います あなたの好みと 好きな科目 he T lk you について話してください likes your favorite 7

Lesson 77 My favorite subject is science Situation 2 Your uncle is looking for someone to tutor his son on weekends You decided to help out He wants to know about your weekend schedule, abilities, and favorite subjects おじさんが 週末に息子の勉強を見てくれる人を探しています あなたはやってみようと思います おじさんは あなたの週末のスケジュール 教える能力 得意科目を知りたいと思っています 8

Lesson 77 My favorite subject is science Situation 3 For one of her classes, your friend needs to interview a top student She decides to interview you about your usual schedule and the subjects you like あなたの友達は 優秀な生徒にインタビューをしなければなりません あなたがインタビューされることになりました 毎日のスケジュールや好きな科目について質問に答えましょう 9

Lesson 77 My favorite subject is science LESSON GOAL: Can talk about school subjects 教科について話せるようになろう Self Evaluation 自己評価 Did you achieve today s lesson goal? 今日のレッスン目標は達成 5 Very Good ( とても出来た ) 4 Good ( 出来た ) 3 Fair ( ふつう ) 2 Poor ( あまり出来なかった ) た ) 1 Very Poor ( 全然出来なかった ) できましたか? The topic for the next lesson is Listen in (page 78) Study page 78 on your own 10