5. Kindly accept this invitation ( 招待 ) to the company s Anniversary dinner. a. gift that is offered b. act of enticement c. appointment that is made

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米国ニューヨーク発, ウェブコネクトサービス社は新しい商品とサービスである高速接続プランの発売を昨日開始した フォーブス社やチャンネルスタジオ社ヴィヴァカンパニー社もまたウェブコネクトサービス社 新支店で始められる新サービスの開始に注目をしていた 会社を代表して 私は新サービスファストコネクトプラン

目次 1. レッスンで使える表現 レッスンでお困りの際に使えるフレーズからレッスンの中でよく使われるフレーズまで 便利な表現をご紹介させていただきます ご活用方法として 講師に伝えたいことが伝わらない場合に下記の通りご利用ください 1 該当の表現を直接講師に伝える 2 該当の英語表現を Skype

5. He takes note of his important meetings in his personal organizer ( システム手帳 ). a. manager b. coordinator c. controller d. planner Exercise 2: What s



5. It s a wonderful ( 素晴らしい ) experience to be a part of this company. a. great b. half-great c. greatness d. gratefulness Exercise 2: What s the word

Main Topic 1: Business Trips

Main Topic: Business Interactions

Main Topic 1: Business Interactions

4. Some employees only work hard when their supervisor is around. ( 従業員の中には監督者が近くにいるときだけ熱心に働く者もいます ) a. boss( 上司 ) b. peers( 仲間 ) c. colleague( 同僚 ) d

レアジョブ英会話オフィシャル教材 TOEIC Beginner Reviewer Basics (Vocabulary and Grammar) (TOEIC 初級復習用基礎練習 ( 語彙と文法 ) Main Topic 5: Performance ( 主要テーマ 5: 業務実績 ) Lesson

5. The employees are given the option ( 選択肢 ) whether they'll work at a day or night shift. a. right b. choice c. chance d. opportunity Exercise 2: Wh

5. The standard ( 標準の 基準の ) date for the filing of income tax is in April. a. normal b. peculiar c. uncommon d. deadline Exercise 2: What s the word?

4. The guest speaker made a wonderful speech at the meeting yesterday. ( その招待された話者は昨日その会議で素晴らしいスピーチをしました ) a. noted talker ( 有名な話し手 ) b. invited talke

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Lesson 77 My favorite subject is science Read the following conversations with your tutor 講師と次の会話を読みましょう Art History 1 A: Whatʼs your favorite subject

5. Vinegar is the catalyst ( 触媒 ) that instantly changes the litmus paper to red. a. thing that causes change slowly b. thing that causes change quick


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高等学校 英語科

5. He is so fast that he can finish the task ahead ( 先んじて 前もって ) of the deadline. a. after b. before c. in front d. forward Exercise 2: What s the wor



Main Topic XI: Housing/Corporate Policy

4. Our manufacturing engineers scan the problems in the products. ( 私たちの製造技術者は 製品の問題点を調べます ) a. stare( 見つめる ) b. view( 見据える ) c. inspect( 検査する ) d. te


Truly yours, HANNA MARIE TUANQUIN Head, Accounting Office PHILIPPINES CENTENNIAL BANK 2010 年 6 月 11 日マネジャー PSS 社会保障会社 Ayala 通り Makati city 本銀行裏書証書を送付す


5. He is overqualified( 資格過剰の 有能すぎる )for the position. a. having more knowledge than needed b. having equal knowledge with that needed c. having less


Main Topic 4: Business Presentations Lesson 31: Getting Feedback (20-25 minutes) Today, you will: 1. Learn useful vocabulary related to Getting Feedback. 2. Review More/-er or Than Omitted. I. VOCABULARY Exercise 1: What s the meaning? (5-6 minutes) Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the choices that follow. Then practice using the words in your own sentences. 1. An RSVP ( 返事 ) is requested to get a headcount for the company barbeque. a. response to an invitation b. inquiry in a survey c. booking to an event d. reservation for dinner 2. I would have to respectfully decline ( 断る 辞退する ) the offer as I have already accepted another job. a. refuse b. return c. resolve d. respond 3. The CEO gave such high praise ( 称賛 褒めること ) for the presentation you gave the other day. a. comment b. complement c. compliment d. commitment 4. We would like to congratulate ( 祝う ) you on the success of your marketing strategy. a. cheer b. satisfy c. support d. criticize Page 1

5. Kindly accept this invitation ( 招待 ) to the company s Anniversary dinner. a. gift that is offered b. act of enticement c. appointment that is made d. request to come Exercise 2: What s the word? (5-7 minutes) Read the following dialog with your tutor and try to use context clues to fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word. You can find the missing word from the pool of words at the bottom. Mr. Callahan has just finished a one-on-one training. He was handed a questionnaire by his trainer. Trainer: I hope you learned a lot from the training, Mr. Callahan. Mr. Callahan: I learned a lot today, thank you very much! However, I (1) that the date given on this questionnaire is for next week. Was I given the correct questionnaire? Trainer: Oh, please (2) that. That is just a typographical error. It is the correct questionnaire. Mr. Callahan: Thank you for clarifying that. What is this questionnaire for? Trainer: It is a (3) conducted to all of our trainees. My supervisor will then collect all questionnaires, and (4) the information given. Mr. Callahan: Will this help you to become an even better trainer? Trainer: Yes, it will. I can (5) what my strengths and weaknesses are, so I can improve on my skills as a trainer. Mr. Callahan: I see. I will give my honest opinion about our training today to help you meet your goal Trainer: Thank you very much. Page 2

Choices: a. survey ( 調査 ) b. ignore ( 無視する ) c. noticed ( 気付いた ) d. analyze ( 分析する ) e. determine ( 見つけ出す ) f. answer( 答える ) II. GRAMMAR REVIEW: Topic: More/-er or Than Omitted (5-6 minutes) ( 比較級 ) "More" or "-er" is added to an adjective to change it to a comparative adjective. "Than" is usually used after the comparative adjective when two objects/nouns are being compared. ("More" や "-er" は 形容詞を比較級にする際使用されます "Than" は 通常 2 つの対象や名詞が比べられる際に比較級の形容詞の後に置かれます ) Ex. My performance appraisal this year is better than last year. ( 例 : 私の今年の勤務評価は 昨年より良い ) Two common mistakes made when comparing two objects/nouns are (1) omitting More/-er and (2) omitting than. ((1) 形容詞に More/-er をつけて比較級にすることと (2)than を使用することを忘れないようにしましょう ) Remember ( ポイント ): The use of "more (adj) + than" or "(adj) -er + than" is essential when comparing only two objects/nouns. Neither should be omitted. (2 つの対象 名詞を比較する際には "more ( 形容詞 ) + than" もしくは "( 形容詞 ) -er + than") の形となる ) Page 3

Examples ( 例 ): Adjectives ( 形容詞 ) Big ( 大きい ) Happy ( 満足な ) Difficult ( 難しい ) Good ( よい ) Bad ( 悪い ) Farther ( さらに遠い ) Common Mistakes ( よくある間違い ) Our new office is big than the old one. I am happy with my job now than one year ago. The last test was difficult than the test today. My TOEIC result this year is better the last one. The economic recession this year is worse last year. Your house is farther mine from the station. Correct Sentence ( 正しい文 ) Our new office is bigger than the old one. ( 我々の新たな事務所は 前のものよりも大きい ) I am happier with my job now than one year ago. (1 年前のものより 現在の仕事に満足だ ) The last test was more difficult than the test today. (1つ前の試験の方が 今日の試験よりも難しかった ) My TOEIC result this year is better than the last one. ( 今年の TOEIC の結果は 昨年のものよりも良かった ) The economic recession this year is worse than last year s recession. ( 今年の不況は 昨年のものよりも悪かった ) Your house is farther than mine from the station. ( あなたの家は 私の家よりもさらに駅から遠い ) Comprehension Check: What is the comparative form of the following adjective? Use it in a sentence describing your office : comfortable Page 4

Exercise 1: Incomplete Sentences (5-6 minutes) Choose the word or phrase that would best complete the following sentences. 1. Michael s performance is than last year s. a. more b. great c. best d. better 2. Our annual sales is than our competitor s. a. low b. lower c. lowest d. very low 3. The new applicant is the previous employee. a. older b. older than c. more old d. more old than 4. The product you delivered came expected. a. early b. early than c. earliest than d. earlier than 5. I am feeling now than yesterday. a. good b. happy c. more good d. better Page 5