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3 VOL. 33 S-1 CHEMOTHERAPY Fig. 1 Mean body weight changes in SD rats during the subacute toxicity study on Azthreonam by intravenous route Fig. 2 Mean food intake changes in SD rats during the subacute toxicity study on Azthreonam by intravenous route Fig. 3 Mean water intake changes in SD rats during the subacute toxicity study on Azthreonam by intravenous route

4 CHEMOTHERAPY APR Table 1 Urinalysis in male SD rats a 35-day intravenous administration Azthreonam 1) Mean } S.D. 2) No. animals * P<0.05, ** P<0.01 Significant difference from control (STUDENT'S t-test) P<0.05, + P<0.01 Significant difference from control (ASPIN-WELCH's + t-test) Significant difference from control (Chi-Square test) *: The difference between the figure at "number animals" sum the number animals listed on the table comes from the shortage specimen for the examination

5 VOL.33 S-1 CHEMOTHERAPY Table 2 Urinalysis in female SD rats a 35-day intravenous administration Azthreonam 1) Mean } S.D.2) No. animals

6 CHEMOTHERAPY APR Table 3 Urinalysis in male SD rats a 35-day recovery test after the 35-day intravenous administration Azthreonam 1) Mean } S.D.2) No. animals

7 VOL. 33 S-1 CHEMOTHERAPY Table 4 Urinalysis in female SD rats a 35-day recovery test after the 35-day intravenous administration Azthreonam 1) Mean } S.D.2) No. animals * P<0.05, ** P<0.01 Significant difference from control (STUDENT'S t-test) P<0.05, œo P<0.01 Significant difference from control ASPIN-WELCH'S + t-test) P<0.05, ~ ~ P<0.01 Significant difference from control Chi-Square test) ~

8 156 CHEMOTHERAPY APR Table 5 Hematological observations in male SD rats a 35-day intravenous administration Azthreonam

9 VOL. 33 S-1 CHEMOTHERAPY Table 6 Hematological observations in female SD rats a 35-day intravenous administration Azthreonam Mean } * P<0 S.D..05, ** P<0.01 Significant difference from control (STUDENT'S t-test) P<0.05, œo P<0.01 Significant difference from control (Aspis-WELcii's + t-test) Table 7 Hematological observations in male SD rats a 35-day recovery test after the 35-day intravenous administration Azthreonam Mean } * P<0 S.D..05, ** P<0.01 Significant difference from control (STunENT's t-test) P<0.05,++ P<0.01 Significant difference from control (AspiN-IVFLcu's + t-test)

10 CHEMOTHERAPY APR 1985 Table 8 Hematological observations in female SD rats a 35-day recovery test after the 35-day intravenous administration Azthreonam Mean } * P<0 S.D..05, ** P<0.01 Significant difference from control (STUDENT'S t-test) PC0.05,++P<0.01 Significant difference from control (AsPIN-WELcifs + t-test) Table 9 Serum biochemicel analysis in male SD rats a 35-day intravenous administration Azthreonam Mean } * P<0 S.D..05, ** l'<0.01 Significant difference from control (STuDENT's t-test) P<0.05,++ 1)<0.01 Significant difference from control (AspiNWELcii's + t-test)

11 VOL. 33 S-1 CHEMOTHERAPY Table 10 Serum biochemical analysis in female SD rats a 35-day intravenous administration Azthreonam Mean } * P<0 S.D..05, ** P<0.01 Significant difference from control ( STUDENT'S t-test) P<0.05, ++ P<0.01 Significant difference from control (AspiN-WELcH's + t-test) Table 11 Serum biochemical analysis in male SD rats a 33-day recovery test after the 35-day intravenous administration Azthreonam Mean } * P<0 S.D..05, ** P<0.01 Significant difference from control ( STUDENT'S t-test) P<0.05, ++ P<0.01 Significant difference from control (AsPIN-WELcies + t-test)

12 CHEMOTHERAPY APR Table 12 Serum biochemical analysis in female SD rats a 35-day recovery test after the 35-day intravenous administration Azthreonam Mean } * P<0 + P<0 S.D..05, ** P<0.01 Significant difference from control (STUDENT'S t-test).05, ++ P<0.01 Significant difference from control (AsPIN- 'ELCH's t-test)

13 VOL. 33S-1 CHEMOTHERAPY 161 Table 13 Organ weights in male SD rats a 35-clay intravenous administration Azthreonam Mean } S.D. The figure in the parenthesis means weight percent to the final body weight P<0.05, ** P<0.01 Significant difference from control (STUDENT'S t-test) * P<0.05, P<0.01 Significant difference from control (AspiN-WELas + t-test) Caecum(+) Caecum weight with contents 1) C cum(-): Caecuni weight without 2) contents

14 CHEMOTHERAPY APR Table 14 Organ weights in female SD rats a 35-day intravenous administration Azthreonam Mean } S.D. The figure in the parenthesis means weight percent to the final body weight P<0.05, ** P<0.01 Significant difference from control ( STUDENT'S t-test) * P<0.05, ++ P<0.01 Significant difference from control (AspiN-WELcu's + t-test) Caecum(+) Caecum weight with contents 1) Caecum(-): Caecum weight without 2) contents

15 VOL. 33 S-1 CHEMOTHERAPY Table 15 Organ weights in male SD rats a 35-day recovery test after the 35-day intravenous administration Azthreonam Mean } S.D. The figure in the parenthesis means weight Percent to the final body weight * P<0.05, ** P<0.01 Significant difference from control (STUDENT'S t-test) P<0.05, ++P<0.01 Significant difference from control (AspiN-IVELcH's + t-test) Caecum (+) Caecum weight with contents 1) Caecum(-) Caecum weight without 2) contents

16 CHEMOTHERAPY APR Mean } S.D. The figure in the parenthesis means weight parcent to the final body weight P<0.05, ** P<0.01 Significant difference from control (STUDENT'S t-test) + P<0.05,++ P<0.01 Significant difference from control (AspiN-WELcil's t-test) Caecum(+) Caecum weight with contents 1) Caecum(-) Caecum weight without 2) contents

17 VOL CHEMOTHERAPY Table 17 Histopathological findings in SD rats a 35-day intravenous administration Azthreonam * Degree histopathological changes:(0) No lesion,(1) slight,(2, moderate (3 marked. No remarkable findings in cerebrum, cerebellum, pituitary, eye, cochlea, thyroid. submaxirally gl, lung, thymus, heart, pancreas, stomach, duodenum, ileum, caecum, colon, adrenals, mesenteric lymphnode. prostate, seminal vesicle, testis, epididymis, ovary, uterus, urinary bladder bone marrow. The figure in the parenthesis means number animals in the female group received 2,000 mg/kg Azthreonam. Table 18 Histopathological findings in SD rats a 35-day recovery test after the 35-(lay intravenous administration Azthreonam * Degree histopatitological changes:(0) No lesion,(1) slight,(2) moderate (3) marked. No remarkable findings in cerebrum, cerebellum, pituitary, eye, cochlea, thyroid, submaxirally gl, lung, thymus,h eart, liver, pancreas, stomach, duodenum, ileum, caecum, colon, adrenal, mesenteric lymphnode, ovary, uterus, urinary bladder bone marrow. The figure in the parenthesis means number animals in female group received 2,000 mg/kg Azthreonam.

18 CHEMOTHERAPY 166 Photo. 1 Hypertrophy 2,000 hepatic mg/kg, ~80, cell H. E. (male, APR.1985 Photo. 4 stain) Regeneration renal tubular thickening basement Bowmans' 2 Electron micrograph Increases lets in number (female, E. 2,000 stain) lipid drop- particles, 2,000 uranium H. (male, hepatocyte. lysosome-like heteromorphy membrane capsule mg/kg, ~80, Photo. vacuolation epithelium, Photo. mitochondria mg/kg, ~4,000, 5 Electron mal lead crease stain) micrograph tubular in particles renal epithelial number vacuoles mg/kg, ~4,000, proxi- cell. In- lysosome-like (female, lead 2,000 uranium stain) Photo. 3 Electron micrograph Appearance vacuoles (female, 2,000 low Kupffer dense myelin-like cell. large structures Photo. uranium mg/kg, ~4,000, stain) 6 Hyperactivity splenic extramedul- lead lary kg, ~40, hematopoiesis H. (male, E. stain) 2,000 mg/

19 CHEMOT VOL Photo. 7 Hyperactivity center H. (female, E. splenic 2, 000 HERAPY 167 群 で 赤 血 球 数 の軽 度 減 少 が 認 め られ て お り,赤 血 球 数 の germinal 減 少 に対 応 した反 応 と考 え られ た 検 体 投 与 に よ る赤 血 mg/kg, ~40, stain) 球 数 の減 少 に つ い て は,invitroで AZTを25mg添 血 液1m1に 加 し,37,45分 対 して 間 静 置 して も溶血 は起 こ らず,検 体 に よる 直 接 の 溶 血 に よ る も の で は な く,赤 血 球 膜 の構 造 変 化 に よ る被 貧 食 能 の増 加 な ど他 の 原 因 に よる もの で あ ろ う また,白 脾 髄 の増 生 お よび 反 応 中 心 の 活 性 化 の 原 因 に つ い て は 明 らか で は なか った 750mg/kg以 上 の 投与群 で 腎近位尿細管上皮 細胞の 空 胞 化 が 全 例 に 認 め られ た 尿 細 管 上 皮 細 胞 の 空 胞 は 脂 質 で も グ リコ ー ゲ ンで も な い た め,ア ミノ グ リコ シ ド系 抗 生 物 質6)や セ フ ァ ロス ポ リ ン系 抗 生物 質7)と 同 様 に 検 体 の 尿 細 管 上 皮 細 胞 内取 り込 み と貯 留 の た め と推 定 され た この 他 に,雄 Photo. 8 Vacuolation male, 2, 000 hepatic mg/kg, ~40, cell (dead H. E. の2,000mg/kg群 では腎近位尿細管 の 再 生 像 と基 底 膜 の肥 厚 が認 め られ た が,血 清 生 化 学 検 査,尿 検 査 とも に 腎障 害 を示 唆 す る 所 見 は な く,本 検 体 の腎 臓 に対 す る作 用 は 比較 的 弱 い と推 定 され た stain) 一 般 症 状 観 察 に よ り雌 雄 と も2,000mg/kg群 で検 体 注 射 直 後 に 四 肢 お よび 顔 面 の 腫 脹 と四 肢 お よび耳 介 の発 赤 が 一過 性 に観 察 され た これ らは 末 梢 血 管 の拡 張 に よ る もの と推 定 さ れ る が,こ の よ うな症 状 は750mg/kg 以 下 で は 観 察 され なか った 以 上 の よ うに,AZTの35日 間 静 脈 内投 与 に よ る所 見 は い ず れ も他 の β-ラ クタ ム系 抗 生 物 質 に共 通 す る も の で あ り,ま た,休 薬 に よ る 回復 性 も高 か った また, 270mg/kg以 下 では 検 体 の毒 性 作 用 に起 因 す る と 考 え られ る所 見 は認 め られ ず,本 実 験 条 件 下 に お け る毒 性 作 用 の な い 無 影響 量 は270mg/kgと 推 定 され た (試験 期 間:昭 和57年2月 Photo. 9 Vacuolation renal tubular epithelium (dead male, 2, 000 mg/kg, 40, H.E. 文 1) stain) 昭 和58年8月) 根 田 公 一, 献 奥 田 香 織, 仲吉 安 全 性 研 究(第1報)マ 洋: Azthreonamの ウ ス お よ び ラ ッ トに お け る 急 性 毒 性 試 験 Chemotherapy , ) DAHMI, M. BALAZS : serum activity rat the BALAZS, T.; not related 25 : 1263 `1266, T. M. alanine to serum 明: た 赤 脾髄で の髄 外 造 血 の 充 進 は,雄 の2,000mg/kg tissues Clinical FEUER : Drug- phosphaactivities injuries. Arch. Tox ラ ッ ト血 中 お よ び 肝 内 酵 素 低 下 機 作 の 解 析 Chemotherapy27: 進,白 脾髄 の増 生 お よび 反 応 中心 の活 性 化 が認 め られ G. alkaline aminotransferase hepatic T & 活 性 に 及 ぼ すCefamoleの 上 の投 与 群 で赤 脾 髄 で の 髄 外 造 血 の尤 various treatment. 1 : 159 `163, 戸 内 FARKAS, aminotrans- FARBER in R. Decreased Cefazolin suppl. 松 原 尚 志, DRANGOVA, after changes tase icol. 750mg/kg以 FEUER in induced 4) ; R. G. ferase Chemistry 3) S. I. & 33(S-1): 影 響: GPT活 性 , ) 今 井 章 浩; マ ウス の盲 腸 内 細 菌 叢 と盲 腸 内容 の揮

20 CHEMOTHERAPY APR ) LUFT, F. C. & S. A. KLEIT: Renal parenchymal accumulation aminoglycoside antibiotics in rats. J. Infect. Dis. 130: 656. `659, ) BARZA, M. The nephro-toxicity cephalosporins: An overview. J. Infect. Dis. 137 (Suppl.): S 60 `S 73, 1978 TOXICITY STUDY ON AZTHREONAM(2) 35-DAY SUBACUTE TOXICITY BY INTRAVENOUS ROUTE IN RATS HAJIME KAWASAKI, KOJI MIYOSHI, FUMIAKI UDA, AKIRA NOMURA, CHIEMI HIRAO HIROSHI NAKAYOSHI NRI Life Science A 35-day subacute toxicity study on Azthreonam (AZT), a newly developed monobactamantibiotic, was conducted by intravenous injection in Sprague-Dawley rats. The followingdose-related changes in clinical laboratory examinations were detected in the animals received AZT: lower serum GOT level(100mg/kg or more), st yellowish discoloration feces (270mg/kg or more), lower levels hemoglobin serum GPT (750mg/kg or more), swelling reddening extremity after injection, increased water intake, decreased RBC count death 8 males 9 females in highest dose group (2,000mg/kg). Pathological examination revealed increased liver weight (100 mg/kg or more), hypertrophy hepatocyte (270 mg/kg or more), increased spleen weight withsuch histopathological changes as hyperactivity extramedullary hematopoiesis, hypertrophy white pulp hyperactivity germinal center (750 mg/kg or more). The above dose-related changes except death animals were returned to normal after 35 days cessation treatment.


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第2表 150mg投 膿 痂 与 前 お よび 同 開始 後3日 疹 109 写 真1 40才 女 子,癰,治 写 真2 800mg,4日 療前 間 内服 後 目の 菌 の 状 況 で あつ て,前 例 と共 に,投 与 量 の 関 係か ら,病 巣 部 の菌 は 減 少 しては い るが,こ の量 で は この 欺 間 中 は治 癒 させ る こ とは 困難 で あ つた 次 に,腋 窩 や 小

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