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1 もくじ 0. はじめに 医学の言葉 循環器系 血液系 内分泌系 耳鼻咽喉 解答集 今年から講師が阿部先生に代わりました 昨年とは異なり プレゼンテーションも消え すべて医学単語についての講義になりました 講義の良し悪しは置いといて テキスト自体は良いものだと思います このシケプリでは テキストがなくても勉強できるようにしておきました 構成としては 単語のまとめ 練習問題です 単語は講義で扱った単語を入れておきました 余白を作っておいたので 分からなかった単語は書いておくなどして活用してください 試験の形式は択一式なので 練習問題も択一式に改変しています 練習問題はテキスト Terminology の問題を掲載しておきました! 択一式で答えられないもの 重複するもの ( 単語の成り立ち 穴埋め疑問文完成 発音 英問英答 ) を除いたすべての問題です comprehension は英文がないと問われても分からない ここから問題が出ても英文もついてくるので分かると思います どこまで対策としてやっていけばいいのか分かりませんが 最低限 単語は覚えておきましょう 医学英語で追試とか面倒なだけなので 頑張っていきましょう 1

2 このセクションは択一にできるような問題がなかったので単語のみとなります A. 単語 Examples electro cardio gram = 心電図 Combining vowel electr(o)= 電気 cardi(o)=heart 心臓 gram=record 記録 word root 語根 endocrinology 内分泌学 prefix 接頭辞 pharmacologist 薬理学者 suffix 接尾辞 urologist 泌尿器科医 electrocardiogram 心電図 orthopedist 整形外科医 electroencephalogram 脳波図 vowel 母音 anatomy 解剖学 consonant 子音 appendix 虫垂 headache 頭痛 appendectomy 虫垂切除 psychology 心理学 insertion 停止 pericardium 心膜 sacrum 仙骨 形 pericardial 心膜の spine 脊髄 hemodialyzer 血液透析器 ilium 腸骨 gastric 胃の pelvis 骨盤 inflammation 炎症 ilium 腸骨 sacroiliac joints 仙腸関節 cardiologist 心臓病専門医 absorption 吸収 pediatrician 小児科医 lumen 間腔 gastroenterology 胃腸病学 hemorrhage 出血 otolaryngologist 耳鼻咽喉科医 gynecologist 産婦人科医 dermatologist 皮膚科医 neurologist 神経学者 gerontology 老年医学 ophthalmologist 眼科医 radiologist 放射線専門医 2

3 A. 単語 pulmonary circulation 肺循環 waste matter 老廃物 systemic circulation 体循環 excrete 排出する thoracic cavity 胸腔 tissue 組織 abdominal cavity 腹腔 stroke volume 一回拍出量 fist 拳 heart rate 心拍数 atrium( 複 atria) 心房 sluggish 緩やかな ventricle 心室 arteriosclerosis 動脈硬化 cardiac muscle 心筋 arrhythmia 不整脈 contract 収縮する angina pectoris 狭心症 =systole myocardial infarction 心筋梗塞 relax 拡張する develop 発現する =diastole electrocardiography 心電図法 asystole 心停止 electrode 電極 =cardiac arrest artery 動脈 形 arterial 動脈の vein 静脈 形 venous 静脈の nourishment 栄養 carbon dioxide 二酸化炭素 3

4 B. 練習問題 1 最も適当なものを選びなさい (1) The heart is composed of 心房 and 心室 which, in medical English terms, correspond to (a) arteries and ventricles (b) atria and ventricles (c) atria and veins (d) arteries and veins (2) 動脈 and 静脈 are blood vessels which correspond to (a) arteries and ventricles (b) atria and ventricles (c) atria and veins (d) arteries and veins (3) The heart regularly contracts and relaxes. Diastole is the medical English term for (a) 拡張期 (b) 収縮期 (4) 一回拍出量 is the Japanese term for (a) stroke volume (b) heart rate (5) 動脈硬化 is the Japanese term for (a) myocardial infraction (b) arrhythmia (c) arteriosclerosis (d) angina pectoris (6) Arrhythmia is the medical English term for (a) 心筋梗塞 (b) 動脈硬化 (c) 狭心症 (d) 不整脈 (7) Angina pectoris is the medical English term for (a) 心筋梗塞 (b) 動脈硬化 (c) 狭心症 (d) 不整脈 (8) Myocardial infarction is the medical English term for (a) 心筋梗塞 (b) 動脈硬化 (c) 狭心症 (d) 不整脈 2 左の英単語に最も適当な定義を選びなさい (1) thoracic (a) a group of tissues which perform a specific function (2) cardiac (b) an attack causing a throbbing pain in the heart (3) arterial blood (c) blood returning to the heart from the body (4) venous blood (d) pertaining to the chest (5) organ (e) blood pumped from the heart to the body (6) sluggish (f) pertaining to the heart (7) angina pectoris (g) stuffed or filled condition (8) infarction (h) slow 4

5 3 文章が成り立つように最も適当な単語を選びなさい 同じ選択肢を何回使用しても構いません 1 The center of the human heart lies slightly to the (1) side of the sternum. 2 The upper chambers of the hearts are called (2), while the lower chambers of the heart are called (3). 3 The (4) that makes up the heart regularly relaxes ((5) ) and (6) (systole). 4 (7) blood is pumped from the heart to the body, and (8) blood returns to the heart from the body. 5 In the pulmonary circulation, (9) blood containing mainly (10) and waste matter is pumped from the (11) ventricle to the lung. The blood is freshly (12) in the lung and returns to the (13) atrium as (14) blood. 6 In the systemic circulation, (15) blood containing abundant (16) and (17) is pumped from the (18) ventricle to the body. The blood receives (19) and waste matter on its way back to the heart, and returns to the (20) atrium as (21) blood. 7 A doctor diagnoses a patient s disease as (22), when the patient has narrowed blood vessels, causing slowness in blood flow. 8 To monitor cardiac conditions, (23) attached to the chest and limbs pick up and conduct electricity and thus detect (24) activity of the heart. (a) oxygen (b) carbon dioxide (c) left (d) right (e) arterial (f) venous (g) atria (h) ventricles (i) contracts (j) relaxes (k) systoles (l) diastoles (m) oxygenated (n) cardiac muscle (o) nourishment (p) electrical (q) electrodes (r) arteriosclerosis (s) angina pectoris (t) arrhythmia 5

6 4 文章が成り立つように最も適当な単語を選びなさい The heart is made up of (1) and (2), and repeats (3) and (4). (5), which receives and carries carbon dioxide and waste matter, returns to the heart and is pumped to the lung where it is fleshly oxygenated. The blood, containing abundant oxygen and nourishment, then returns to the heart and is pumped as (6) to the body. If the oxygen that can be provided to the heart is insufficient because of (7), (8), and (9). As the heart generates a slight amount of electricity, its intensity is shown as a series of waves in a graph called an (10) which is useful in monitoring (11) conditions. (a) arterial blood (b) venous blood (c) atria (d) ventricles (e) systole (f) diastole (g) cardiac (h) electrocardiogram (i) arteriosclerosis (j) angina pectoris (k) myocardial infarction 6

7 A. 単語 examples serum = plasma coagulation factor (fibrinogen) plasma 血漿 culprit 犯人 serum 血清 side effect 副作用 platelets 血小板 blood transfusion 輸血 =thrombocyte infection 感染 white blood cells 白血球 astronomical 天文学的な =leukocyte uni-ovular twins 一卵性双生児 leukemia 白血病 anemia 貧血 saliva 唾液 hyperlipidemia 高脂血症 =hyperlipemia red blood cells 赤血球 =erythrocyte fortunetelling 占い specimen 標本 7

8 B. 練習問題 1 最も適当なものを選びなさい (1) Side effects is the English term for (a) 反作用 (b) 副作用 (c) 相互作用 (2) Blood transfusion is the word used when you have (a) 献血 (b) 採血 (c) 輸血 (3) 一卵性双生児 is not the Japanese term for (a) identical twins (b) bi-ovular twins (c) uni-ovular twins 2 左の英単語に最も適当な定義を選びなさい (1) substitute (a) use in place of another (2) reliable (b) mainly (3) predominantly (c) identical twins (4) astronomical (d) countless (5) uni-ovular twins (e) trustworthy 3 文章が成り立つように最も適当な単語を選びなさい 1 I am very thankful for my friends, because whenever I am (1) they cheer me up. 2 (2) are undesirable biological reactions in response to taking certain medicines. 3 When you have a (3), a doctor infuses you with blood obtained from other healthy people. 4 There is a possibility of contracting (4) if you go exploring in tropical forests. 5 (5) is a word used when a disease is transmitted by the invasion of microbes into the body. 6 If you get malarial infection, it will badly (6) your health. 7 (7) are identical twins who grow from only one fertilizer egg. (a) blood transfusion (b) affect (c) depressed (d) all of (e) side effect (f) malaria (g) infection 8

9 4 文章が成り立つように最も適当な単語を選びなさい Although fortune-telling by blood type is popular in Japan, humans have more than 200 blood types. Blood is the most (1) sample to test blood type, but hair, (2), or skin can be (3) for blood. In addition to the well-known A, B, O blood types, you may have heard of Rh blood type which (4) whether you have a D factor or not. It is important for you to know your blood types, because it can prevent pregnancy troubles or (5), resulting from (6). Blood types can play a vital role in the body, which is shown by the fact that people living in a (7) region have the blood type which prevents (8). (a) indicates (b) side effects (c) malarial infection (d) substituted (e) reliable (f) malaria-affected (g) body fluid (h) blood transfusions 9

10 A. 単語 Examples micro angio pathy = 細小血管症 (micro=small angio=vessel pathy=any disease of~) diabetes 糖尿病 neovascularization 血管新生 形 diabetic 糖尿病の bleeding 出血 prevalence 有病率 =hemorrhaging Ministry of Health, vitreous body 硝子体 厚生労働省 Labour and Welfare rupture 破る domestic 国内の complications 合併症 blood sugar level 血糖値 uremia 尿毒症 hypertension 高血圧 hemodialysis 血液透析 hypotension 低血圧 microangiopathy 細小血管症 retina 網膜 retinopathy 網膜症 nephropathy 腎症 neuropathy 神経障害 10

11 B. 練習問題 1 最も適当なものを選びなさい (1) Diabetes is the English term for (a) 高血圧 (b) 腎不全 (c) 糖尿病 (2) 細小血管症 is the Japanese term for (a) complication (b) retinopathy (c) microangiopathy (3) Retinopathy is the English medical term for (a) 神経障害 (b) 腎症 (c) 網膜症 (4) Nephropathy is the English medical term for (a) 神経障害 (b) 腎症 (c) 網膜症 (5) Neuropathy is the English medical term for (a) 神経障害 (b) 腎症 (c) 網膜症 (6) Retina is the English medical term for (a) 網膜 (b) 角膜 (c) 硝子体 (d) 水晶体 (7) Vitreous body is the English medical term for (a) 網膜 (b) 角膜 (c) 硝子体 (d) 水晶体 (8) Neovascularization is the English medical term used when which of the following can be seen (a) 出血 (b) 血管新生 (c) 血糖値低下 (9) The Japanese term for uremia is (a) 尿毒症 (b) 腎不全 (c) 腎症 (10) The Japanese term for renal failure is (a) 尿毒症 (b) 腎不全 (c) 腎症 (11) Hemodialysis is the English medical term for (a) 血液代謝 (b) 血液浄化 (c) 血液透析 2 左の英単語に最も適当な定義を選びなさい (1) blood vessel (a) not acute (2) urine (b) weak or easily broken (3) persevering (c) a tube through which blood flows (4) renal (d) tear (5) rupture (e) fluid excreted by the kidney (6) chronic (f) pertaining to the kidney (7) fragile (g) patient 11

12 3 文章が成り立つように最も適当な単語を選びなさい 1 High blood pressure is a condition called (1). 2 If you have diabetes, and experience difficulty controlling your blood sugar level, it would be advisable for you to be careful not to develop (2). 3 (3) is a chronic complication peculiar to diabetes. 4 Growth of new, fragile blood vessels is called (4). 5 The (5) is a thin layer at the back of the eye where the image is projected. 6 The medical term for bleeding is (6). 7 (7) is a body condition in which the kidney cannot excrete waste products outside the body in the form of urine. 8 (8) is necessary for the treatment of renal failure. (a) retina (b) complications (c) hemodailysis (d) hemorrhaging (e) microangiopathy (f) retinopathy (g) nephropathy (h) hypertension (i) neuropathy 4 文章が成り立つように最も適当な単語を選びなさい (1) has become a common disease in Japan, much like (2). The difficulty with diabetes is development of (3) in the process of disease management. A chronic complication peculiar to diabetes is (4), including diabetic (5), (6), and neuropathy. In the case of diabetic retinopathy, new, fragile (7) grown on the (8) are easily ruptured and the consequent (9) on the retina or inside the (10) can lead to blindness. On the other hand, serious diabetic nephropathy can result in (11) such that the kidney cannot excrete waste products outside the body in the form of (12), and (13) will be required. (a) retina (b) complications (c) hemodailysis (d) hemorrhaging (e) microangiopathy (f) retinopathy (g) nephropathy (h) hypertension (i) diabetes (j) uremia (k) hypotension (l) lens (m) vitreous body (n) urine (o) neovascularization (p) blood vessels (q) prevalence (r) develop 12

13 A. 単語 otorhinolaryngology 耳鼻咽喉科 curable 治療可能な external ear 外耳 neglect 怠ること auricle 耳介 operative 手術の external auditory canal 外耳道 sensory h.l.* 感音性難聴 middle ear 中耳 sudden h.l.* 突発性難聴 tympanic membrane 鼓膜 noise-induced h.l.* 騒音性難聴 =eardrum otitis interna 内耳炎 auditory ossicles 耳小骨 pharmacotherapeutic treatment inner ear 内耳 薬物療法 tympanic cavity 鼓室 =pharmacotherapy semicircular canals 半規管 hearing aids 補聴器 cochlea 蝸牛 cochlear implant surgery auditory tube 耳管 人工内耳埋め込み術 auditory nerves 聴神経 audition 聴覚 hearing loss 難聴 myringoplasty 鼓膜形成術 =deafness otorrhea 耳漏 auditory acuity 聴力 =ear discharge sound wave 音波 earplugs 耳栓 vibrate 振動させる interpret 解釈する conductive h.l.* 伝音性難聴 otitis media 中耳炎 otosclerosis 耳硬化症 inherent 先天性の severity 重症度 * = haring loss 13

14 B. 練習問題 1 最も適当なものを選びなさい (1) 伝音性難聴 is the Japanese term for (a) sensory hearing loss (b) conductive hearing loss (2) 感音性難聴 is the Japanese term for (a) sensory hearing loss (b) conductive hearing loss (3) Otitis interna is the English medical term for (a) 内耳炎 (b) 中耳炎 (c) 外耳炎 (4) Otitis media is the English medical term for (a) 内耳炎 (b) 中耳炎 (c) 外耳炎 (5) Otosclerosis is the English medical term used when a doctor diagnoses a patient with (a) 耳硬化症 (b) 突発性難聴 (c) 耳漏 (6) 耳漏 is the Japanese term for (a) otosclerosis (b) otorrhea (c) myringoplasty (7) Cochlear implant surgery in Japanese is (a) 鼓膜再生手術 (b) 薬物療法 (c) 人工内耳手術 2 左の英単語に最も適当な定義を選びなさい (1) auditory (a) inflammation of the inner ear (2) eardrum (b) pertaining to ear or hearing (3) lymph (c) recurrent ear discharge (4) otitis media (d) pharmacological treatment (5) otitis interna (e) something that can vibrate auditory ossicles (6) pharmacotherapy (f) inflammation of the middle ear (7) otorrhea (g) a clear transparent fluid that is collected from the tissues 14

15 3 以下の( ) には英語 [ ] には日本語で適するものを選びなさい (1) (2) (5) (3) (4) (6) (7) (12) (13) (8) (9) (10) (11) (a) auditory nerves (b) auditory tube (c) auditory ossicles (d) inner ear (e) external ear (f) cochlea (g) external auditory canal (h) tympanic membrane (i) semicircular canals (j) 外耳道 (k) 鼓膜 (l) 耳小骨 (m) 前庭 (n) 蝸牛 (o) 半規管 (p) 内耳 (q) 外耳 (r) 耳管 15

16 1. 医学の言葉練習問題はありません 2. 循環器系 1 (1)b (2)d (3)a (4)a (5)c (6)d (7)c (8)a 2 (1)d (2)f (3)e (4)c (5)a (6)h (7)b (8)g 3 (1)c (2)g (3)h (4)n (5)l (6)i (7)e (8)f (9)e (10)b (11)d (12)m (13)c (14)f (15)e (16)a (17)o (18)c (19)b (20)d (21)f (22)r (23)q (24)p 4 (1)c* (2)d* (3)e** (4)f** (5)b (6)a (7)i***(8)j***(9)k***(10)h (11)g *,**,***= 順不同 3. 血液系 1 (1)b (2)c (3)b 2 (1)a (2)e (3)b (4)d (5)c 3 (1)c (2)e (3)a (4)f (5)g (6)b (7)d 4 (1)e (2)g (3)d (4)a (5)b (6)h (7)f (8)c 4. 内分泌系 1 (1)c (2)c (3)c (4)b (5)a (6)a (7)c (8)b (9)a (10)b (11)c 2 (1)c (2)e (3)g (4)f (5)d (6)a (7)b 3 (1)h (2)b (3)e (4)f (5)a (6)d (7)g (8)c 4 (1)i (2)h (3)b (4)e (5)f* (6)g* (7)p (8)a (9)d (10)m (11)j (12)n (13)c *= 順不同 5. 耳鼻咽喉 1 (1)b (2)a (3)a (4)b (5)a (6)b (7)c 2 (1)b (2)e (3)g (4)f (5)a (6)d (7)c 3 (1)e (2)d (3)q (4)p (5)g (6)j (7)a (8)c (9)f (10)l (11)n (12)h (13)k 16

L1 What Can You Blood Type Tell Us? Part 1 Can you guess/ my blood type? Well,/ you re very serious person/ so/ I think/ your blood type is A. Wow!/ G

L1 What Can You Blood Type Tell Us? Part 1 Can you guess/ my blood type? Well,/ you re very serious person/ so/ I think/ your blood type is A. Wow!/ G L1 What Can You Blood Type Tell Us? Part 1 Can you guess/ my blood type? 当ててみて / 私の血液型を Well,/ you re very serious person/ so/ I think/ your blood type is A. えーと / あなたはとっても真面目な人 / だから / 私は ~ と思います / あなたの血液型は

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