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02: 変数と標準入出力

/* do-while */ #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main(void) double val1, val2, arith_mean, geo_mean; printf( \n ); do printf( ); scanf( %lf, &v



ex26.c #define MAX 20 int max(int n, int x[]); int num[max]; int i, x; printf(" "); scanf("%d", &x); if(x > MAX) printf("%d %d \n", MAX, MAX); x = MAX; for(i = 0; i < x; i++) printf("%3d : ", i + 1); scanf("%d", &num[i]); printf("%d \n", max(x, num)); int max(int n, int x[]) int i, m = x[0]; for(i = 1; i < n; i++) if(m < x[i]) m = x[i]; return(m); str[][] num []

ex27.c int calc1(int x, int y); int calc2(int x[]); int num[2], n; num[0] = 10; num[1] = 10; n = calc1(num[0], num[1]); printf("num[0]=%2d, num[1]=%2d, n=%2d\n", num[0], num[1], n); n = calc2(num); printf("num[0]=%2d, num[1]=%2d, n=%2d\n", num[0], num[1], n); int calc1(int x, int y) x = x - 1; if(x > 0) y = y - 1; else y = y + 1; return(x + y); int calc2(int x[]) x[0] = x[0] - 1; if(x[0] > 0) x[1] = x[1] - 1; else x[1] = x[1] + 1; return(x[0] + x[1]); int int

ex28.c #define MAXLEN 80 int length(char str[]); int to_upper(char str[]); char string[maxlen + 1]; printf(": "); scanf("%80s", string); printf("%d \n", length(string)); to_upper(string); printf("%s \n", string); int length(char str[]) int i, len = 0; for(i = 0; str[i]!= '\0'; i++) len++; return(len); int to_upper(char str[]) int i, c = 0; for(i = 0; str[i]!= '\0'; i++) if((str[i] >= 'a') && (str[i] <= 'z')) str[i] -= 32; c++; return(c);

main array_sum_sqr array_average ex29.c #define MAX 20 array_sum_sqr( ); array_average( ); int num[max]; int i, x; printf(" "); scanf("%d", &x); if(x > MAX) printf("%d %d \n", MAX, MAX); x = MAX; for(i = 0; i < x; i++) printf("%3d : ", i + 1); scanf("%d", &num[i]); printf(" \n", array_sum_sqr( )); printf(" \n", array_average( ));

ex30.c /* */ /* */ double mulreal(double, double, double, double); double mulimage(double, double, double, double); void printcomplex(double, double); double areal, aimage; /* a */ double breal, bimage; /* b */ double creal, cimage; /* c */ printf("a : "); scanf("%lf", &areal); printf("a : "); scanf("%lf", &aimage); printf("b : "); scanf("%lf", &breal); printf("b : "); scanf("%lf", &bimage); creal = mulreal(areal, aimage, breal, bimage); /* */ cimage = mulimage(areal, aimage, breal, bimage); /* */ printcomplex(areal, aimage); printf(" * "); printcomplex(breal, bimage); printf(" = "); printcomplex(creal, cimage); printf("\n"); /* */ double mulreal(double xreal, double ximage, double yreal, double yimage) return xreal * yreal - ximage * yimage; /* */ double mulimage(double xreal, double ximage, double yreal, double yimage) return xreal * yimage + ximage * yreal; /* */ void printcomplex(double xreal, double ximage) printf("(%f%+fi)", xreal, ximage);

ex31.c /* */ /* */ struct complex double real; /* */ double image; /* */ ; /* */ struct complex mul(struct complex x, struct complex y); void printcomplex(struct complex x); struct complex a, b, c; /* a, b, c */ printf("a : "); scanf("%lf", &a.real); printf("a : "); scanf("%lf", &a.image); printf("b : "); scanf("%lf", &b.real); printf("b : "); scanf("%lf", &b.image); c = mul(a, b); /* */ printcomplex(a); printf(" * "); printcomplex(b); printf(" = "); printcomplex(c); printf("\n"); /* */ struct complex mul(struct complex x, struct complex y) struct complex z; z.real = x.real * y.real - x.image * y.image; z.image = x.real * y.image + x.image * y.real; return z; /* */ void printcomplex(struct complex x) printf("(%f%+fi)", x.real, x.image);

c = a 1 2 doible struct 1 1;... (); struct ;.. ex32.c /* */ /* */ struct ; /* */ ; /* */ ; /* */ mul( x, y); void print ( x); a, b, c; /* a, b, c */ printf("a : "); scanf("%d", &a. ); printf("a : "); scanf("%d", &a. ); printf("b : "); scanf("%d", &b. ); printf("b : "); scanf("%d", &b. );

c = mul(a, b); /* */ print (a); printf(" * "); print (b); printf(" = "); print (c); printf("\n");