GranTorino design Jean-Marie Massaud Jean-Marie Massaud si ispira al mondo della selleria e disegna GranTorino. Grande libertà compositiva. Un sistema

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1 La Collezione GranTorino design Jean-Marie Massaud

2 GranTorino design Jean-Marie Massaud Jean-Marie Massaud si ispira al mondo della selleria e disegna GranTorino. Grande libertà compositiva. Un sistema divano che nella sua versione più originale e preziosa abbina il Cuoio Saddle Extra alla Pelle Frau o al tessuto. Il cuoio, tagliato e sagomato a mano, segue da vicino e valorizza linee e geometrie della seduta. Complessa e accurata anche la lavorazione del bracciolo alto e sottile e del bracciolo basso, disponibile anche nella versione contenitore che nasconde all interno un elegante vassoio in rovere naturale. I cuscini sono arricchiti nella parte centrale da cuciture orizzontali, che danno leggerezza visiva al divano. Volumi compatti e ben calibrati per ridurre al minimo gli ingombri, le sedute accoglienti. La struttura di GranTorino è in tubolare metallico con cinghie elastiche intrecciate. Gli schienali e i braccioli sono in pannello multistrato di betulla e pioppo. L imbottitura è in poliuretano espanso a densità differenziata e feltro pressato. I cuscini dello schienale sono imbottiti in piuma d oca a camere orizzontali separate, per ottenere un livello di comfort differenziato e anatomico. I piedi sono in alluminio verniciato color titanio. Jean-Marie Massaud takes inspiration from the world of saddlery and design GranTorino. A huge amount of freedom in how you put it all together. A modular sofa with an exquisite, original version that combines Saddle Extra Leather with Pelle Frau leather or fabric. Hand-cut, hand-shaped leather closely moulds the lines and structure of the seat. The high and slim armrest also presents intricate, careful workmanship. The small but spacious trunk-container also acts as an armrest and it s out fitted with an elegant, natural oak tray. The cushions have beautiful horizontal stitching in the centre, which gives the sofa a sense of visual lightness. Comfortable seats, compact, well-cut shapes that reduce the overall dimensions to a minimum, and subtle T-shaped feet that are hidden from view and raise the frame off the ground. The GranTorino frame is in tubular metal with interwoven elastic straps. The backrests and armrests are made of birch and poplar plywood. The padding is made of pressed felt and polyurethane foam in varied densities. The backrest cushions are padded with goose down and have separate horizontal chambers for varied, ergonomic comfort. The feet are aluminium with titanium-coloured varnish.

3 GranTorino 3 seater corner left large sofa low arm with Optional Box + sectional armless large chair with left bench Cuoio Saddle Extra Cammello + Pelle Frau Nest Madreperla. Geometrie table 17x17 wengè stained oak (33).


5 Jean-Marie Massaud s inspire du monde de la sellerie-garnissage et crée GranTorino. une grande liberté de composition. Un système de canapé qui, dans sa version la plus précieuse et originelle, associe le cuir Cuoio Saddle Extra au cuir Pelle Frau ou au tissu. Le cuir, coupé et façonné à la main, suit de près les lignes et les géométries de l assise pour les mettre en valeur. Le travail de l accoudoir haut et mince est, lui aussi, précis et complexe. Le petit mais spacieux coffre-conteneur fonctionne lui aussi comme accoudoir, et cache en son intérieur un élégant plateau en chêne naturel. Les coussins sont enrichis, dans leur partie centrale, de coutures horizontales qui donnent au canapé une grande légèreté visuelle. Volumes compacts et bien calibrés pour réduire au maximum les gabarits, assises accueillantes. La structure de GranTorino est en tubes métalliques avec des sangles élastiques tressées. Les dossiers et les accoudoirs sont en panneau de bouleau et de peuplier multiplis. Le rembourrage est en mousse de polyuréthane à densité différenciée, et feutre pressé. Les coussins du dossier sont rembourrés de duvet d oie, en chambres horizontales séparées, pour obtenir un niveau de confort différencié et anatomique. Les pieds sont en aluminium peint, couleur titane. Jean-Marie Massaud lässt sich von der Sattlereibranche inspirieren und entwirft GranTorino. Große Kombinationsfreiheit. Ein Sofasystem, das in seiner originellsten und kostbarsten Version Cuoio Saddle Extra mit Pelle Frau -Leder oder Stoff verbindet. Wo sich das zugeschnittene und von Hand geformte Leder den Linien und Formen des Sessels anpasst und sie hervorhebt. Komplex und exakt auch die Bearbeitung der hohen, schlanken Armlehne und der niedrigen Armlehne, auch in der Ausführung als Behälter erhältlich, der im Innern ein elegantes Tablett in Eiche natur verbirgt. Die Kissen sind in der Mitte mit horizontalen Nähten verziert, die dem Sofa ein leichtes Aussehen verleihen. Kompakte, ausgewogenen Volumen, um den Raumbedarf möglichst klein zu halten, bequeme Sitzflächen. Das Gestell von GranTorino besteht aus Metallrohren mit elastischen Flechtgurten. Die Rücken- und Armlehnen bestehen aus einem Multischichtpaneel in Birke und Pappel. Die Polsterung ist aus PURSchaum mit differenzierter Dichte und Pressfilz. Die Kissenpolsterung der Rückenlehne besteht aus getrennten horizontalen Daunenkammern, um einen differenzierten und anatomischen Komfort zu erhalten. Die Füße sind aus titanfarben lackiertem Aluminium.



8 GranTorino 2 seater asymmetrical sofa right low arm + swivel armchair + footrest Cuoio Saddle Extra Cammello + Guatemala Ecrù Fabric.



11 Jean-Marie Massaud se inspira en el mundo de la talabartería y proyecta GranTorino. Gran libertad de composición. Un sistema sofá que en su versión más original y preciosa combina el Cuero Saddle Extra con la piel Pelle Frau o el tejido. Cortado y moldurado a mano, el cuero sigue de cerca y valora las líneas y la geometría del asiento. También complejo y minucioso es el trabajo del brazo alto y delgado y el del brazo bajo, disponible incluso en la versión contenedor. Los cojines están enriquecidos en la parte central con costuras horizontales que dan liviandad visiva al conjunto. Asientos acogedores, con volúmenes compactos y bien calibrados para reducir al mínimo el espacio ocupado. Estructura tubular metálica, con cinchas elásticas entrelazadas. Los respaldos y brazos son de panel multicapa de abedul y álamo. El relleno es de espuma de poliuretano de densidad diferenciada y fieltro prensado. Los cojines del respaldo están rellenos de pluma de ganso en cámaras horizontales separadas, para obtener un nivel de confort diferenciado y anatómico. Los pies son de aluminio barnizado de color titanio. ジャン マリー マッソーは乗馬道具の世界からイスピ レーションを受け グラントリノをデザインしました 自由あふれる組み合わせ 彼女のデザインの中でも とりわけ個性的なソファーセットのバージョンであり Pelle Frau ペッレフラウ サドルエクストラレザー ま たは布素材との貴重なコラボレーションが実現しま した レザーの裁断と型取りは手作業で行われるの で 座面の幾何学的なラインはより美しく正確に仕上 がります 複雑で綿密な作業が必要とされる細いハイ アームレスト そしてローアームレストには収容可能 なバージョンもご用意しました クッションの中央に は 横に伸びる縫い目が豊富に施されており ソファ ーをよりすっきりと見せる効果を生み出しました たっぷりとした存在感 しかし かさばらないように最 小限にするため調節可能となっており まるで包み込 むかのような快適な座り心地です フレームにはメタル製のチューブと伸縮可能な編み 込まれたベルトを用いました 背もたれとアームレス トには樺とポプラの合板パネルを使用しています ク ッション材には 部分的に硬さを調節した発砲ポリウ レタンと圧縮フェルトを詰めています 背もたれのク ッションの中材は羽毛で 人体学術的に快適さのレ ベルを保つために 横に2つの部分に分けられてい ます 脚部はアルミニウム製でチタンカラーのニスで 仕上げました

12 GranTorino 3 seater asymmetrical sofa right low arm Pelle Frau Nest Arenaria. Bob table d110 h32 Pelle Frau SC 0 Polare and gunmetal grey finished steel structure.


14 GranTorino sample layouts 82 ¾ ¾ 2 seater large sofa high arms Footrest 3 seater corner large sofa Dx high arm Sectional armless large chair with bench Dx Armchairs Sectional 3 seater large sofa low arm Dx Sectional large chaise longue high arm seater asymmetrical large sofa low arm Dx ¾ ¼ 3 seater corner large sofa Dx low arm Sectional armless large chair with bench Dx 2 seater large sofa 1 low arm Sx with bench

15 ½ ¼ 3 seater asymmetrical sofa low arm Dx Footrest ¾ Sectional 2 seater armless sofa with bench Dx 2 seater corner sofa Dx low arm Sectional 2 seater armless sofa with bench Dx Sectional chaise longue high arm Sx ¾ Sectional 2 seater sofa low arm Sx Sectional 2 seater armless sofa with bench Dx 2 seater corner sofa Sx high arm Sectional 2 seater sofa high arm Sx Armchairs Footrest Sectional 2 seater sofa low arm Sx Sectional chaise longue high arm Dx ½ 17 69

16 "¾ 24"¾ 24"¾ 24"¾ 24"¾24"¾ GranTorino 71 / 28" / 28" 3 1 / 20" 3 71 / 28" 3 1 / 20" 3 71 / 28" 3 1 / 20" Footrest / 28" 1 / 20" / 20" 24"¾ 24"¾ 24"¾ 24"¾ 24"¾24"¾ Swivel armchair 1 / 20" / 28" seater sofa high arms / " / " / " 20 / 98"½ 20 98"½ 19 / " 20 98"½ 19 / " 20 98"½ 19 / " 20 98"½ 20 24"¾ 24"¾ 24"¾ 24"¾ 24"¾24"¾ sofa high arms 2 seater sofa large "½ high arms 3 seater sofa large / 8¾ 8¾ / ¾ ¾ ¾ 8¾ 12 / " 16 6" / " Sectional armless chair with bench Dx-Sx "½ Dx-Sx 24 2 seater sofa 96"½1 arm with bench Dx-Sx large / low arm 24 96"½ 24 96"½ /24 96"½ 24 96"½ 16 6" 16 6" / " / " 6" 16 6" / " Dx-Sx low arm 12 Dx-Sx 2 seater sofa 1 high arm with bench Dx-Sx 6" Large armchair 1 arm with bench / " 8high / 2¾ Dx-Sx low arm Armchair 1 high arm with bench Dx-Sx 8 / 2¾ Dx-Sx low arm 3 seater sofa high arms /20 80"¾ 20 80"¾ / 120" " "¾ 120" Sectional 2 seater armless sofa 30 Dx-Sx low arm 120" 20 80"¾ Dx-Sx high arm " 20 80"¾ " " 19 " 19 " 19 " " " " " " " " " 20 80"¾ 19

17 GranTorino Sectional armless8large / 2¾ chair with bench Dx-Sx Sectional 2 seater armless large sofa Dx-Sx low arm Sectional 3 seater armless sofa seater asymmetrical large sofa low arm Dx-Sx 3 seater asymmetrical sofa low arm Dx-Sx / " 214 / " 214 / " 214 / " " low arm Dx-Sx " " 214 / " " "¾ "¾ "¾ "¾ Large Sectional chaise longue high arm Dx-Sx " "¾ " "¾ "¾ 24"¾ 24"¾ 24"¾ 24"¾ 24"¾ / 4½ / 31"½ ½ 8 ½ 80 / 31"½ 140 " 108 / 4½ 8 ½ 80 / 31"½ 140 " 108 / 4½ 140 " version 100 / / 31"½ / 4½ " 140 " 108 / 4½ 2 seater corner sofa Dx-Sx without arm 140 " 108 / 4½ Corner armchair Dx-Sx with bench " Dx-Sx 2high arm 2 seater asymmetrical sofa low arm Dx-Sx 214 sofa asymmetrical large / " Dx-Sx low19arm sofa Sectional 3 seater armless large Dx-Sx high arm 24"¾ 24"¾ 24"¾ 24"¾ 24"¾ 24"¾ armless large sofa with bench Dx-Sx Sectional 2 seater Dx-Sx high arm Sectional 2 seater armless large sofa with bench Dx-Sx 3 seater Dx-Sx low arm / / / 39 8 ½ 80 / 31"½ Dx-Sx high arm / 39 8 ½ 80 / 31"½ / 39 8 ½ Dx-Sx low arm 138 / / / / / / / / / / / / 4

18 8¾ 8¾ 8¾ 8¾ 8¾ 8¾ 8¾ 8¾ 8¾ 3 seater corner sofa Dx-Sx without arm Dx-Sx low arm Dx-Sx high arm 20 "¾ 20 "¾ 20 "¾ 20 "¾ 20 "¾ 20 "¾ 20 "¾ 20 "¾ 20 "¾ with bench 2 seater corner large sofa Dx-Sx seater corner large sofa Dx-Sx without arm Dx-Sx low arm Dx-Sx high arm fitted-out arm) Optional Box (Low 12 Low arm cover top "¾ 4 17"¾ 4 17"¾ 38 1" 38 1" 4 17"¾ 38 1" 0 19"¾ 38 1" 0 19"¾ 41, 41, 41, 41, "¾ 41, "¾ Cushion "¾ 19"¾ 19"¾ 19"¾ "¾ 38 1" 0 19"¾ 0 19"¾ I /13 000MT 8¾ 20 "¾ Dx-Sx high arm 2 seater corner sofa Dx-Sx with bench Dx-Sx low arm 1:0 scale. All dimensions and sizes are in centimeter and inches; dimensional variations of +/- 2% are possible. Poltrona Frau reserves the right to modify the products and the components in this catalogue, without any prior notice. Poltrona Frau Company with certified Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001, certified Environmental Management system in accordance with ISO and certified Occupational Health and Safety Management System in accordance with BS OHSAS Poltrona Frau S.p.A. I Tolentino Via S. Pertini 22 Tel Fax GranTorino 3 seater asymmetrical sofa right low arm with Optional Box Cuoio Saddle Extra Cammello + Guatemala Ecrù Fabric 2 seater corner large sofa Dx-Sx w/out arm Corner large armchair Dx-Sx with bench GranTorino

GranTorino design Jean-Marie Massaud Jean-Marie Massaud si ispira al mondo della selleria e disegna GranTorino. Grande libertà compositiva. Un sistema

GranTorino design Jean-Marie Massaud Jean-Marie Massaud si ispira al mondo della selleria e disegna GranTorino. Grande libertà compositiva. Un sistema La Collezione GranTorino design Jean-Marie Massaud GranTorino design Jean-Marie Massaud Jean-Marie Massaud si ispira al mondo della selleria e disegna GranTorino. Grande libertà compositiva. Un sistema

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