What's this? It's a. Do you like? Yes. / No. cat, cow, dog, elephant, pig, giraffe, horse, lion, monkey, panda, penguin, tiger, bear, rabbit, sheep, s

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未来形 1. 次の ( ) の中から 正しい語句を選び で囲みなさい (1) Ian will ( go / goes ) to Chicago next Tuesday. (2) He ( will / is going ) to finish his work at five. (3) It w


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How are you? I'm. fine, great, happy, hungry, angry, sad, hot, cold, sleepy, tired How are you? I'm. What's your name? My name is. How's the weather? It's. fine, great, happy, hungry, angry, sad, hot, cold, sleepy, tired, sunny, rainy, cloudy, snowy, windy How are you? I'm. What's your name? My name is. How's the weather? It's. What day is it? It's. fine, great, happy, hungry, angry, sad, hot, cold, sleepy, tired, sunny, rainy, cloudy, snowy, windy, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday What's this? It's a. coat, jacket, skirt, sweater, tie, socks, dress, shirt, gloves, shoes, hat, pants, vest, belt What color? It's. red, blue, purple, yellow, orange, white,pink,black,green,gray What's this? It's a. What color? It's. coat, jacket, skirt, sweater, tie, socks, dress, shirt, gloves, shoes, hat, pants, vest, belt, red, blue, purple, yellow, orange, white, pink, black, green, gray What's this? It's a pencil, ball-point pen, crayon, eraser, pencil, case, ruler, pencil, sharpener, textbook, notebook, compass, stapler, triangle, ruler, bag, marker How are you? I'm. What's your name? My name is. How's the weather? It's. fine, great, happy, hungry, angry, sad, hot, cold, sleepy, tired, sunny, rainy, cloudy, snowy, windy What's this? It's a. What color? It's. coat, jacket, skirt, sweater, tie, socks, dress, shirt, gloves, shoes, hat, pants, vest, belt, red, blue, purple, yellow, orange, white, pink, black, green, gray, cat, cow, dog, elephant, pig, giraffe, horse, lion, monkey, tiger, bear, panda, penguin, kangaroo, rabbit, sheep, snake -1-

What's this? It's a. Do you like? Yes. / No. cat, cow, dog, elephant, pig, giraffe, horse, lion, monkey, panda, penguin, tiger, bear, rabbit, sheep, snake, kangaroo Do you like? Yes. / No. orange, apple, banana, peach, lemon, cantaloup, watermelon, pineapple, grape, strawberry, hamburger, sandwich, spaghetti Do you like? Yes. / No. ski, tennis, volleyball, golf, baseball, soccer, swimming, Do you like? Yes. / No. cat, cow, dog, elephant, pig, giraffe, horse, lion, monkey, panda, penguin, tiger, bear, rabbit, sheep, snake, kangaroo, orange, apple, banana, peach, lemon, cantaloup, watermelon, pineapple, grape, strawberry, ski, tennis, volleyball, golf, baseball, soccer, swimming, What do you like? I like. cat, cow, dog, elephant, pig, giraffe, horse, lion, monkey, 10 panda, penguin, tiger, bear, rabbit, sheep, snake, kangaroo What do you like? I like. orange, apple, banana, peach, lemon, cantaloup, watermelon, pineapple, grape, strawberry, hamburger, sandwich, spaghetti What do you like? I like. ski, tennis, volleyball, golf, baseball, soccer, swimming, What do you like? I like. cat, cow, dog, elephant, pig, giraffe, horse, lion, monkey, panda, penguin, tiger, bear, rabbit, sheep, snake, kangaroo, orange, apple, banana, peach, lemon, cantaloup, watermelon, pineapple, grape, strawberry, -2-

ski, tennis, volleyball, golf, baseball, soccer, swimming, How are you? I'm. Good afternoon. Good morning. Good night. 11 What's your name? My name is~. How are you? I'm. Good afternoon. Good morning. Good night. What's your name? My name is~. Do you like? Yes. / No. What do you like? I like. What do you like? I like. cat, cow, dog, elephant, pig, giraffe, horse, lion, monkey, panda, penguin, tiger, bear, rabbit, sheep, snake, kangaroo What do you like? I like. orange, apple, banana, peach, lemon, cantaloup, watermelon, pineapple, grape, strawberry, hamburger, sandwich, spaghetti What do you like? I like. ski, tennis, volleyball, golf, baseball, soccer, swimming, 12 What do you like? I like. cat, cow, dog, elephant, pig, giraffe, horse, lion, monkey, panda, penguin, tiger, bear, rabbit, sheep, snake, kangaroo, orange, apple, banana, peach, lemon, cantaloup, watermelon, pineapple, grape, strawberry, ski, tennis, volleyball, golf, baseball, soccer, swimming, Do you want? Yes. / No. orange, apple, banana, peach, lemon, cantaloup, watermelon, pineapple, grape, strawberry, ski, tennis, volleyball, golf, baseball, soccer, swimming, Do you want? Yes. / No. cat, cow, dog, elephant, pig, giraffe, horse, lion, monkey, panda, penguin, tiger, bear, rabbit, sheep, snake, kangaroo -3-

What do you want? I want. pencil, ball-point pen, crayon, eraser, pencil, case, ruler, pencil, sharpener, textbook, notebook, compass, stapler, triangle, ruler, bag, marker What do you want? I want. coat, jacket, skirt, sweater, tie, socks, dress, shirt, gloves, shoes, hat, pants, vest, belt, What do you want? I want. orange, apple, banana, peach, lemon, cantaloup, watermelon, pineapple, grape, strawberry, pencil, ball-point pen, crayon, eraser, pencil, case, ruler, pencil, sharpener, textbook, notebook, compass, stapler, triangle, ruler, bag, marker, coat, jacket, skirt, sweater, tie, socks, dress, shirt, gloves, shoes, hat, pants, vest, belt What do you like? I like. cat, cow, dog, elephant, pig, giraffe, horse, lion, monkey, panda, penguin, tiger, bear, rabbit, sheep, snake, kangaroo, orange, apple, banana, peach, lemon, cantaloup, watermelon, pineapple, grape, strawberry, ski, tennis, volleyball, golf, baseball, soccer, swimming, What do you want? I want. orange, apple, banana, peach, lemon, cantaloup, watermelon, pineapple, grape, strawberry, coat, jacket, skirt, sweater, tie, socks, dress, shirt, gloves, shoes, hat, pants, vest, belt, pencil, ball-point pen, crayon, eraser, pencil, case, ruler, pencil, sharpener, textbook, notebook, compass, stapler, triangle, ruler, bag, marker -4-

How are you? Good afternoon. Good morninggood night. What's your name? My name is. hot,, sad, cold What subject do you like? I like. Japanese, Math, Science, Social studies, Gym, Arts, Music, Home make, English What day is it? It's. What subject is on? It's. Japanese, Math, Science, Social studies, Gym, Arts, Music, Home make, English, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday What time is it? It's. 0~60 one, two, threetwenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty When is your birthday? My birthday is in. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December When is your birthday? My birthday is in. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December :New Year :Setsubun :Hinamatsuri :Entrance celemony :Sports day :Rainy season :Marine day :Summer vacation :Otsukimi 10 :Halloween 11 :Music concert 12 :Christmas Do you like? Yes. / No. Japanese, Math, Science, Social studies, Gym, Arts, Music, Home make, English What time is it? It's. 0~60 one two threetwenty thirty forty fifty sixty When is your birthday? My birthday is in. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December first, second, third Please touch your. eye, eyebrow, ear, mouth, nose, face, teeth, head, hair, shoulders, -5-

hands, knees, arms, legs, toes, neck,chest,stomach,foot,right, left, stop, up, down kk Go straight. Turn left. Turn right. eye, eyebrow, ear, mouth, nose, face, teeth, head, hair, shoulders, hands, knees, arms, legs, toes, neck,chest,stomach,foot,right, left, stop, up, down Where are you? I'm at ~. school, library, restaurant, 10 hospital, park, s upermarket, station, police station, bank, fire station, gas station, post office, flower shop, bookstore, convenience store Where are you going? I'm going to ~. Go straight. Turn left. Turn right. school, library, restaurant, hospital, park, s upermarket, station, police station, bank, fire station, gas station, post office, flower shop, bookstore, convenience store How are you? I'm. Good afternoon. Good morninggood night. 11 What's your name? My name is. How are you? I'm. Good afternoon. Good morninggood night. What's your name? My name is. Do you like? Yes. / No. What do you like? I like. Excuse me. Where is the? Go straight. Turn left. Turn right. school, library, restaurant, hospital, park, s upermarket, station, police station, bank, fire station, gas station, post office, flower shop, bookstore, convenience store 12 What do you want?, please. How much? ~ dollars. Here you are. Thank you. You're welcome. orange, apple, banana, peach, lemon, cantaloup, watermelon, pineapple, grape, strawberry, cherry What do you want?, please. How much? ~ dollars. Here you are. Thank you. You're welcome. potato, onion, cucumber, carrot, tomato, pumpkin, -6-

corn, mushroom, cabbage, green pepper What do you want?, please. How much? ~ dollars. Here you are. Thank you. You're welcome. orange, apple, banana, peach, lemon, cantaloup, watermelon, pineapple, grape, strawberry, cherry potato, onion, cucumber, carrot, tomato, pumpkin, green pepper, corn, steak, bread, hamburger, sandwich, rice ball, spaghetti, sunny-side up egg What do you want?, please. Here you are. Thank you. You're welcome. coat, jacket, skirt, sweater, socks, tie, dress, shirt, gloves, shoes, boots, hat, pants, scarf, vest, belt What do you want?, please. How much? ~ dollars. Here you are. Thank you. You're welcome. coat, jacket, skirt, sweater, socks, tie, dress, shirt, gloves, shoes, boots, hat, pants, scarf, vest, belt 1~100 dollar, dollars What do you want?, please. What color do you want? How much? dollars. Here you are. Thank you. You're welcome. coat, jacket, skirt, sweater, socks, tie, dress, shirt, gloves, shoes, boots, hat, pants, scarf, vest, belt 1~100 dollar, dollars When is your birthday? My birthday is in. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December Japanese, Math, Science, Social studies, Gym, Arts, Music, Home make, English, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Excuse me. Where is the? Go straight. Turn left. Turn right. school, library, restaurant, hospital, park, s upermarket, station, police station, bank, fire station, gas station, post office, flower shop, bookstore, convenience store -7-

Lesson1 Hello. How are you today? Hello! I'm fine, thank you. My name is. Nice to meet you. What's your name? Hello. How are you today? I'm fine, thank you. My name is. Nice to meet you. What's your name? Lesson2 How are you? I'm happy.sleepy, hungry, fine, I'm so so, great, tired, sad happy. How are you? I'm happy.sleepy, hungry, fine, so so, great, tired, sad Good luck! Come here. I don't know. Good! Lesson3 How many? Rock, scissors, paper, one two How three. many? How many? 1~12 How many balls? dogs, cats, melons, apples, lemons, soccer balls, legs, baseballs How many baseballs? Nineteen baseballs. Good-bye. Hi. Good! Lesson4 I like dogs. I don't like kiwi fruits. I like apple, strawberry, cherry, apples. peach, grape, kiwi, fruit, lemon, banana, pineapple, orange, melon, ice cream, milk, juice, baseball, soccer, swimming, basketball, bird, rabbit, dog, cat, spider I like and. I don't like and. Do you like dogs? Yes, I do. I like dogs. Me, too. Do you like apples? milk? / spiders? Yes, I do. Do you like soccer? Yes, I do. / No, I don't. Excuse me. Hi. OK. Thank you. Good-bye. I like dogs. I like baseball. I don't like milk. Who am I? Lesson5 What number T-shirt? What color do you like? What do I like red. -8-

you like? red, blue, yellow, pink, green, brown, orange, purple, black, white, heart, star, circle, triangle, animal, color, fruit, sport What T-shirt do you like? No.1. I like yellow. I like dogs. Thank you. Good-bye. Three red triangles. What shapecolordo you like? I like circles. How many circles? Five, please. Here you are. Thank you. You are welcome. Excuse me. What color do you like? What animal do you like? What food do you like? Lesson6 What do you want? What do you want?, please. I want ~,please. What do you want? The "C" card, please. Here you are. Thank you. 10 What do you want? The "C" card, please. Here you are. Thank you. What do you want? The "C" card, please. Here you are. Thank you. How are you? I'm. Good afternoon. Good morninggood night. What's your name? My name is~. How are you? I'm. Good afternoon. 11 Good morning. Good night. What's your name? My name is~. Do you like? Yes. / No. What ~ do you like? I like. Lesson7 What's this? It's a mat. What's It's a cat. This? It's a cap. triangle, fish, recorder, glove, beaker, bird, textbook, cap, map, apple, cup, microscope, -9-

shoe, flying pan, notebook, eraser, piano, mat, bat, ruler, glove, tomato, eggplant, brush, flower What's this? The answer, it's a banana. starfish, sunflower, Peach Boy What's this? No.1 hint, ~. The answer, it's ~. 12 What's this? It's a ~ Lesson8 What subject do you like? I like~. I study Sunday Saturday, study, Japanese. Japanese, English, math, social studies, science, music, P.E., arts and crafts, home economics, calligraphy What do you study? What subject do you like? I like. Why? What do you study on ~? Istudy, and. Lesson9 What do you want?, please. What would apple, strawberry, cherry, you like? peach, grape, kiwi, fruit, lemon, melon, banana, pineapple, orange What would you like? I'd like. Yes, please. omelet, bread, hamburger, steak, fried chicken, pizza, rice, salad, milk, orange juice, sandwiches, pudding, parfait, potato What would you like? I'd like. Yes, please. What would you like? I'd like. Yes, please. -10-

Lesson2 Hello. How are you? When is I'm fine, thank you. your January December birthday? What card is missing? It's. When is your birthday? My birthday is. 1st 31st -11- When is your birthday? My birthday is. When is your birthday? My birthday is. What do you want? Iwant, please. OK. Here you are. Thank you. You're welcome. Lesson3 I can. I can't. I can Can you play soccer? swim. Yes, I can. No, I can't. play, swim, cook, ride, unicycle, table, tennis, badminton, basketball, soccer, baseball, recorder, piano Can you? Yes, I can. I can play baseball. No, I can't. I can't play baseball. Can you? Yes, I can. I can play baseball. No, I can't. I can't play baseball. I can play soccer. Can you play baseball? I can ride a unicycle. I can cook. Who am I? Lesson4 What's this? It's a hospital. Turn park, school, flower shop, right. hospital, bookstore, restaurant, supermarket, fire station Where is the station? stand up sit down go straight turn right turn left walk, run, stop, jump Let's go to the park. Go straight. Turn left. Turn right. Excuse me. Where is the school? OK. Go straight. Here's the school. Thank you. You're welcome. Excuse me. Where is the school? OK. Go straight. Here's the school. Thank you. You're welcome. Lesson5 What country?

It's. Let's go Japan, China, Korea, Brazil, to Italy. Egypt, Australia, France, India, America, Spain Where do you want to go? IwanttogotoEgypt. Why? I want to see a pyramid. Let'sgotoItaly. I like soccer. I want to play soccer. Nice country. Let's go. First hint, please. Flag hint. Second hint, please. Food hint. Third hint, please. Sport hint. Lesson6 What time do you go to school? Igotoschoolat8:00 What time do you get up? What time do you get 1 60 up? get up, play basketball, play the piano, watch TV, takeabath What time is it? It's. 10 Igetup. Igotobed. I eat dinner. I eat breakfast. I study at home. What time is it in Japan? It's 8:00 Here you are. Thank you. What do you want? I want the "Get up" card. Hello, my name is. This is my diary routine. Good afternoon. Good morning. Good night. What's your name? My name is~. How are you? I'm. Good afternoon. Good morning. Good night. What's your name? My name is~. Do you like? Yes. / No. 11 What do you like? I like. great, happy, fine, hungry, Lesson7 We are good friends. We are strong and brave. We are peach boy, monkey, dog, good bird, friend, strong, brave, friends. good, fine, happy, hello, let's, grandpa, grandma Momotaro Who is this? How many? What's this? Who am I? We are good friends. We are strong and brave. 12 Let'sgoto~. -12-

A Kibidango, please. Now first group is ~. Let's start. Very good. Lesson1 What do you see? How many? 31 100 Do you 31~100 have "a"? What card is missing? It's a. a z 31 Do you have "a"? Yes, I do. / No, I don't. 31 What letter do you want? I want "a", please. Do you have "a"? Yes, I do. / No, I don't. How many? Lesson8 What do you want to be? What do teacher, doctor, pastry, chef, you want farmer, florist, singer, to be? firefighter, soccer player, bus driver, cabin attendant, vet, zookeeper, comedian, baker, dentist, artist What do you want to be? Iwanttobea. What do you want to be? Iwanttobea. Iwanttobea. I like ~. Thank you. -13-