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研究報告 がん看護専門看護師のコンサルテーション * についての概念分析 要旨 Walker Avant2005 CNS Key words はじめに 1996 2012 3 10 795 Certified Nurse SpecialistCNSCNS 327 1 CNS 2 CNS 3 4 5 6 CNS CNS 方法 Walker Avant 7 2012 8 1 2013 2 27 連絡先 1080071 2277509 PhoneFax0332801992E-mailmumeda2002@kanwacarep.com 27 2 2013 47

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15 Hamric 7 16 Barron White 17 1997 18 2 1973 19 20 1990 Underwood Lippitt Lippitt 21 22 CNS Caplan Lippitt Lippitt 5 ) 辞書的 事典的な使用 consultation 23 24 25 ) コンサルテーション の類似概念 referral supervision 26 27 referral referral 28 29 supervision 27 2 2013 49

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Abstract Consultation of the Certified Nurse Specialist in Cancer Concept Analysis by Megumi Umeda from Palliative Care Partners Co., ltd. Consultation of Certified Nurse Specialists in cancer is the introduction to their advanced practice, and it is an essential function requiring the spread of uniformly highquality cancer nursing. However, comprehension of the meaning of consultation in the nursing field is ambiguous. Therefore, concept analysis of consultation of Certified Nurse Specialists in cancer was conducted using the method of Walker Avant 2005in order to promote the utilization, evaluation, and education of consultation. As a result, Certified Nurse Specialists in cancer, General nurses, Issues of consultation, Process of relationship and Outcomes were extracted as attributes, Increasing complexity of life of cancer patients and their families and Management system were extracted as antecedents, and Improvement of system was extracted as a consequence. There is a need to recognize the existence of a gap among nurses in the use of the consultation concept and to explore the relationship of these attributes. Key words certified nurse specialist in cancer, advanced practice nursing, consultation, concept analysis Address reprint requests to : Megumi Umeda. Palliative Care Partners Co., ltd. 509, 2277 Shiroganedai, Minatoku, Tokyo 1080071, JAPAN PhoneFax0332801992E-mailmumeda2002@kanwacarep.com 27 2 2013 55