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1 (10) (2) ( ) 8 (2) mobility.fixed mobility.randomwalk mobility.randomwaypoint monitor.cell (2) 8.1 ( ) mobility.randomwaypoint 1

2 agent.carryonly mobility.fixed path.none agent.random agent.epidemic agent.p_bcast mobility.fullmixed mobility.randomwalk mobility.graph.fixed path.line agent.prophet agent.sa_bcast agent.hp_bcast mobility.randomwaypoint mobility.graph.randomwalk path.grid path.voronoi mobility.limitedrandomwaypoint mobility.levywalk mobility.graph.crwp mobility.graph.sequential 1: pydtmsim monitor.cell mobility.randomwaypoint mobility.randomwalk ( mobility.randomwalk ) ( 1) mobility.randomwalk mobility.fixed mobility.fixed mobility.randomwalk mobility.randomwaypoint 8.2 mobility.fixed mobility.fixed mobility.fixed ( ) (x, y) 2 x X y Y pydtnsim (0, 0) X Y (X ) (Y ) mobility.fixed width height 1 #! / usr / b i n / env python3 2 # 3 # A m o b i l i t y c l a s s f o r s t a t i o n a r y a g e n t s. 2

3 4 # C o p y r i g h t ( c ) , H i r o y u k i Ohsaki. 5 # A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d. 6 # 7 # Id : F i x e d. pm, v / 1 2 / : 5 4 : 4 7 o h s a k i Exp $ 8 # 9 10 import math, random 11 from vector import Vector as V c l a s s Fixed : 14 def i n i t ( s e l f, width =1000, height =1000, current= None, kargs, 15 kwargs ) : 16 s e l f. width = width 17 s e l f. height = height 18 i f current i s None : 19 current = s e l f. random_coordinate ( ) 20 s e l f. current = current 21 s e l f. wait = True def repr ( s e l f ) : 24 name = s e l f. c l a s s. name 25 return f {name } ( width ={ s e l f. width! r }, height ={ s e l f. height! r }, current ={ s e l f. current! r }, wait ={ s e l f. wait! r } ) def random_coordinate ( s e l f ) : 28 """ P i c k a random c o o r d i n a t e on t h e f i e l d. """ 29 return V( random. uniform ( 0, s e l f. width ), random. uniform ( 0, s e l f. height ) ) def angle_between_vectors ( s e l f, v1, v2 ) : 32 """ Return t h e a n g l e between two v e c t o r s V1 and V2. """ 33 i f abs ( v1 ) == 0 or abs ( v2 ) == 0 : 34 return math. pi / 2 3

4 35 t r y : 36 return math. acos ( ( v1 v2 ) / ( abs ( v1 ) abs ( v2 ) ) ) 37 except ValueError : 38 return math. pi / 2 #??? def move( s e l f, d e l t a ) : 41 """Move t h e a g e n t f o r t h e d u r a t i o n o f DELTA. """ 42 pass Vector (11 ) 2 vector vector vector.vector V vector Vector 2 vector (overload) vector.vector Python ( ) ( 2) 1 >>> from vector import Vector as V 2 >>> v = V( 0. 5, 0. 7 ) 3 >>> v 4 Vector ( , ) 5 >>> type ( v ) 6 < c l a s s vector. Vector > 7 >>> u = V( 0.3, 0. 5 ) 8 >>> w = v + u 9 >>> w 10 Vector ( , ) 11 >>> abs ( v )

5 2: vector.vector V vector.vector 1 V(0.5, 0.7) (0.5, 0.7) vector.vector v u (0.5, 07) (-0.3, 0.5) u + v (0.5, 0.7) (-0.3, 0.5) ( ) (0.2, 1.2) vector.vector abs() Python ( ) abs(v) (0.5, 0.7) mobility.fixed (14 21 ) mobility.fixed 1 vector.vector V V(1, 2) vector.vector(1, 2) 5

6 mobility.fixed 1 mobility = mobility. Fixed ( 2 width =1000, 3 height =1000, 4 ) current random_coordinate current ( vector.vector ) (27 29 ) width height (31 38 ) 2 v1 v2 v1 v2 π/2 ( ) (40 42 ) delta mobility.fixed move move 6

7 8.3 mobility.randomwalk mobility.randomwalk mobility.fixed 1 #! / usr / b i n / env python3 2 # 3 # A m o b i l i t y c l a s s f o r random walk. 4 # C o p y r i g h t ( c ) , H i r o y u k i Ohsaki. 5 # A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d. 6 # 7 # Id : RandomWalk. pm, v / 1 2 / : 4 5 : 2 3 o h s a k i Exp $ 8 # 9 10 import math 11 import random from vector import Vector as V 14 from dtnsim. mobility. f i x e d import Fixed c l a s s RandomWalk( Fixed ) : 17 def i n i t ( s e l f, vel_func=none, kargs, kwargs ) : 18 super ( ). i n i t ( kargs, kwargs ) 19 i f vel_func i s None : 20 vel_func = lambda : 1. 0 # 1. 0 [m/ s ] by d e f a u l t 21 s e l f. vel_func = vel_func 22 s e l f. v e l o c i t y = None 23 s e l f. wait = None def update_velocity ( s e l f ) : 26 """ Update a g e n t s v e l o c i t y using t h e v e l o c i t y f u n c t i o n. """ 27 vel = s e l f. vel_func ( ) 28 t h e t a = random. uniform ( 0, 2 math. pi ) 29 s e l f. v e l o c i t y = vel V( math. cos ( t h e t a ), math. s i n ( t h e t a ) ) 30 s e l f. wait = F a l s e 7

8 31 32 def move( s e l f, d e l t a ) : 33 """Move t h e a g e n t f o r t h e d u r a t i o n o f DELTA. """ 34 s e l f. update_velocity ( ) 35 s e l f. current += s e l f. v e l o c i t y d e l t a (14 16 ) mobility.randomwalk mobility.fixed mobility.randomwalk (17 23 ) mobility.randomwalk 18 super(). init ( mobility.fixed init mobility.fixed mobility.randomwalk 23 wait 0 ( 0 ) (25 30 ) ( ) velocity 2 27 vel ( ) vel vel_func ( 3) pydtnsim velocity v velocity 8

9 3: mobility.randomwalk 1 def vel_func ( ) : 2 """A c a l l b a c k f u n c t i o n f o r r e t u r n i n g t h e v e l o c i t y o f an a g e n t. """ 3 r e t u r n random. uniform ( MIN_VELOCITY, MAX_VELOCITY) MIN_VELOCITY MAX_VELOCITY (uniform distribution) ( ) theta 0 2 π ( ) (radian) 2 π velocity vel theta 9

10 (32 35 ) delta p v ( ) p p = p + v p current ( ) 8.4 mobility.randomwaypoint 1 #! / usr / b i n / env python3 2 # 3 # A m o b i l i t y c l a s s f o r RWP ( Random WayPoint ) m o b i l i t y model. 4 # C o p y r i g h t ( c ) , H i r o y u k i Ohsaki. 5 # A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d. 6 # 7 # Id : RandomWaypoint. pm, v / 1 2 / : 5 4 : 5 7 o h s a k i Exp $ 8 # 9 10 from dtnsim. mobility. randomwalk import RandomWalk c l a s s RandomWaypoint (RandomWalk) : 10

11 13 def i n i t ( s e l f, pause_func=none, kargs, kwargs ) : 14 super ( ). i n i t ( kargs, kwargs ) 15 i f pause_ func i s None : 16 pause_func = lambda : 0. 0 # no pause time by d e f a u l t 17 s e l f. pause_func = pause_func 18 s e l f. wait = 0 19 s e l f. goal = s e l f. goal_coordinate ( ) def goal_coordinate ( s e l f ) : 22 """ Randomly c h o o s e t h e g o a l on t h e f i e l d. """ 23 return s e l f. random_coordinate ( ) def update_velocity ( s e l f ) : 26 """ Update a g e n t s v e l o c i t y using t h e v e l o c i t y f u n c t i o n. """ 27 s e l f. v e l o c i t y = s e l f. vel_func ( ) ( 28 s e l f. goal s e l f. current ) / abs ( s e l f. goal s e l f. current ) def move( s e l f, d e l t a ) : 31 """Move t h e a g e n t f o r t h e d u r a t i o n o f DELTA. """ 32 # s l e e p u n t i l w ait time e x p i r e s 33 s e l f. wait = max( s e l f. wait delta, 0) 34 i f s e l f. wait > 0 : 35 return s e l f. update_velocity ( ) 38 s e l f. current += s e l f. v e l o c i t y d e l t a # i f c l o s e enough t o t h e goal, randomly c h o o s e a n o t h e r g o a l 41 epsilon = abs ( s e l f. v e l o c i t y ) d e l t a 42 i f abs ( s e l f. goal s e l f. current ) <= epsilon : 43 s e l f. goal = s e l f. goal_coordinate ( ) 44 s e l f. update_velocity ( ) 11

12 45 s e l f. wait = s e l f. pause_func ( ) mobility.randomwaypoint (14 19 ) mobility.randomwaypoint 14 super(). init ( mobility.randomwalk ) 19 goal (25 28 ) ( 4) 1. (goal) (pause) ( vector.vector ) goal velocity ( 5) (current) (goal) (self.goal - self.current) vel_func RandomWaypoint (30 45 ) delta 12

13 4: wait delta wait delta pause_func pydtnsim

14 1 def pause_func ( ) : 5: 2 """A c a l l b a c k f u n c t i o n f o r r e t u r n i n g t h e pause time o f an a g e n t. """ 3 r e t u r n random. uniform ( MIN_PAUSE, MAX_PAUSE) MIN_PAUSE MAX_PAUSE (uniform distribution) ( ) 14

15 8.5 monitor.cell pydtnsim pycell pycell (CELL ) 3 pycell CELL pydtnsim CELL pycell monitor.cell 1 #! / usr / b i n / env python3 2 # 3 # A monitor c l a s s f o r v i s u a l i z i n g s i m u l a t i o n with c e l l. 4 # C o p y r i g h t ( c ) , H i r o y u k i Ohsaki. 5 # A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d. 6 # 7 # Id : C e l l. pm, v / 1 1 / : 2 2 : 3 0 o h s a k i Exp o h s a k i $ 8 # 9 10 import math 11 import random from dtnsim. monitor. n u l l import Null def f l o a t 2 s t r ( v, fmt= 9. 3 f ) : 16 """ Return s t r i n g r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f a number V using t h e f o r m a t FMT. A l l 3 Perl CELL cell ( software/cell/) python 15

16 17 w h i t e s p a c e s a r e r e p l a c e d with double u n d e r s c o r e s. """ 18 a s t r = ( % + fmt ) % v 19 a s t r = a s t r. r e p l a c e (, ) 20 return a s t r def to_geometry ( v ) : 23 """ Convert t h e r e l a t i v e l e n g t h V t o t h e a b s o l u t e l e n g t h. This c o d e 24 assumes b o t h t h e width and t h e h e i g h t o f t h e f i e l d i s 1, """ 25 return v / c l a s s C e l l ( Null ) : 28 def open ( s e l f ) : 29 """ I n i t i a l i z e t h e c o l o r p a l e t t e. """ 30 print ( p a l e t t e c_vertex ) 31 print ( p a l e t t e c_edge ) 32 print ( p a l e t t e c_sus_range ) 33 print ( p a l e t t e c_sus ) 34 print ( p a l e t t e c_inf_range ) 35 print ( p a l e t t e c _ i n f ) 36 print ( p a l e t t e c _ d e l i v e r y ) 37 print ( p a l e t t e c_dst_range ) 38 print ( p a l e t t e c_dst ) def c l o s e ( s e l f ) : 41 pass def display_path ( s e l f, path ) : 44 """Draw a l l u n d e r l y i n g p a t h s on t h e f i e l d. """ 45 graph = path. graph 46 i f not graph : 47 return 48 for v in sorted ( graph. v e r t i c e s ( ) ) : 49 p = graph. g e t _ v e r t e x _ a t t r i b u t e ( v, xy ) 50 x, y = to_geometry ( p [ 0 ] ), to_geometry ( p [ 1 ] ) 16

17 51 print ( f define v { v } e l l i p s e 2 2 c_vertex { x } { y } ) 52 # p r i n t ( f d e f i n e v { v } t t e x t { v } 14 w h i t e { x } { y } ) 53 for u, v in graph. edges ( ) : 54 print ( f define l i n k v { u } v { v } 1 c_edge ) 55 # NOTE: t h i s c o d e assumes p a t h s w i l l not move i n d e f i n i t e l y 56 print ( f i x /./ ) def change_agent_status ( s e l f, agent ) : 59 """ Update t h e c o l o r o f a g e n t i f i t has a l r e a d y r e c e i v e d a message. """ 60 id = agent. id_ 61 c o l o r = c_sus 62 i f agent. received or agent. receive_queue : 63 c o l o r = c _ i n f 64 print ( f c o l o r agent { id } { c o l o r } ) 65 print ( f c o l o r agentr { id } { c o l o r } _range ) def display_agents ( s e l f ) : 68 """Draw a l l a g e n t s on t h e f i e l d. """ 69 for agent in s e l f. scheduler. agents : 70 id = agent. id_ 71 p = agent. mobility. current 72 x, y = to_geometry ( p [ 0 ] ), to_geometry ( p [ 1 ] ) 73 r = to_ geometry ( agent. range_ ) 74 print ( f define agent { id } e l l i p s e 4 4 white { x } { y } ) 75 print ( f define agentr { id } e l l i p s e { r } { r } white { x } { y } ) 76 s e l f. change_agent_status ( agent ) def move_agent ( s e l f, agent ) : 79 """ R e p o s i t i o n t h e l o c a t i o n o f t h e a g e n t AGENT. """ 80 id = agent. id_ 17

18 81 p = agent. mobility. current 82 x, y = to_geometry ( p [ 0 ] ), to_geometry ( p [ 1 ] ) 83 print ( f move agent { id } { x } { y } ) 84 print ( f move agentr { id } { x } { y } ) def d i s p l a y _ s t a t u s ( s e l f ) : 87 """ D i s p l a y t h e c u r r e n t s t a t i s t i c s a t t h e t o p o f t h e s c r e e n. """ 88 time = f l o a t 2 s t r ( s e l f. scheduler. time, f ) 89 tx = f l o a t 2 s t r ( s e l f. t x _ t o t a l, 10g ) 90 rx = f l o a t 2 s t r ( s e l f. r x _ t o t a l, 10g ) 91 dup = f l o a t 2 s t r ( s e l f. dup_total, 10g ) 92 u n i q _ t o t a l = f l o a t 2 s t r ( s e l f. uniq_total, 10g ) 93 d e l i v e r e d _ t o t a l = f l o a t 2 s t r ( s e l f. d e l i v e r e d _ t o t a l, 10g ) 94 u n i q _ d e l i v e r e d _ t o t a l = f l o a t 2 s t r ( s e l f. u n i q _ d e l i v e r e d _ t o t a l, 10g ) 95 print ( 96 f define s t a t u s _ l t e x t Time : { time }, TX : { tx }, RX : { rx }, DUP : { dup }, Delivered : { u n i q _ d e l i v e r e d _ t o t a l } / { u n i q _ t o t a l }, Arrived : { d e l i v e r e d _ t o t a l } 14 white ) def display_forward ( s e l f, src_agent, dst_agent, msg) : 100 """ D i s p l a y t h e c o m p l e t i o n o f message d e l i v e r y f o r a g e n t s o f F i x e d 101 c l a s s. """ 102 super ( ). display_forward ( src_agent, dst_agent, msg) 103 i f not s e l f. i s _ d e l i v e r e d ( dst_agent, msg) : 104 return 105 i f Fixed not in dst_agent. mobility. c l a s s. name : 106 return

19 108 src, dst = dst_agent. msg_src (msg), dst_agent. msg_dst (msg) 109 src_p = s e l f. scheduler. agent_by_id ( s r c ). mobility. current 110 dst_p = s e l f. scheduler. agent_by_id ( dst ). mobility. current 111 x1, y1, x2, y2 = to_geometry ( src_p [ 0 ] ), to_geometry ( 112 src_p [ 1 ] ), to_geometry ( dst_p [ 0 ] ), to_geometry ( dst_p [ 1 ] ) 113 print ( f define l i n e { x1 } { y1 } { x2 } { y2 } 1 c _ d e l i v e r y ) def update ( s e l f ) : 116 print ( display ) (22 25 ) CELL pydtnsim CELL ( / ) 1000 [m] 27 monitor.cell monitor.cell monitor.null monitor.cell (28 38 ) pycell ( ) 4 R G B A ( ( )) c_vertex (A = 0.2) ((R, G, B) = (0.4, 0.8, 1.0)) 19

20 (43 56 ) pydtnsim graph X, Y (50 ) X, Y 2 ( CELL ) 2 ( ) pydtnsim pycell (56 ) CELL fix (58 65 ) c_sus c_inf c_sus_range c_inf_range (78 84 ) p (81 ) x y ( 1 ) pydtnsim ( ) (0, 0) (86 97 ) ( time tx rx dup ) status_l (text) 20

21 (14 ) ( 50% 5%) ( ) mobile.agent.* (monitor.null ) display_forward (102 ) monitor.null display_forward ( time tx rx dup ) mobility.fixed ( ) ( ) 21


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