All rights reserved. Learn To Talk Japanese by Yuichi Hagio 2 こんばんは / こんばんわ (konbanwa) *** No difference between Polite and Casual Good night: [Polite

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1 All rights reserved. Learn To Talk Japanese by Yuichi Hagio 1 BASIC Learn to talk Japanese Contents: 1. Greetings Good morning, Hello, See you / Goodbye P.1 2. Nice to meet you, Self introduction P.3 3. Where are you from? P.6 4. Thank you P.7 5. Excuse me P.7 6. I m sorry P.8 7. Yes No Maybe P.8 8. Number P.9 9. Day P Time P Date P Mr / Ms. P Family members P Greetings: Good morning: [Polite] (to strangers, in business) おはようございます (Ohayougozaimasu) [Casual] (among friends, family) 1. おはよう (ohayou) [most common] 2. おっはー (ohha ) [Slang & young] 3. おざーっす (oza ssu) [Slang & guys use] 4. おざっす (ozassu) [Slang & guys use] 5. ざっす (zassu) [Slang & guys use] Hello: こんにちは / こんにちわ (konnichiwa) *** No difference between Polite and Casual [Casual Short and slang] 1. こんちわ (konchiwa) 2. ちわーっす (chiwa ssu) [young & guys use] 3. うぃーっす (wi ssu) [young & guys use] *** は [ha] & わ [wa] have same pronunciation here as [wa] Good evening:

2 All rights reserved. Learn To Talk Japanese by Yuichi Hagio 2 こんばんは / こんばんわ (konbanwa) *** No difference between Polite and Casual Good night: [Polite] おやすみなさい (oyasuminasai) [Casual] おやすみ (oyasumi) See you (later): [Polite] 1. では また (dewa, mata) = See you 2. また後ほど ( またのちほど ) (mata nochi hodo) = See you later [Casual] 1. またね (matane) = See you 2. じゃあね (jaane) = See you 3. じゃあ またね (jaa, matane) = See you 4. また後で ( またあとで ) (mata atode) = later 5. また今度 ( またこんど ) (mata kondo) = See you next time Goodbye: [Polite] 1. さようなら (sayounara) Actually, we don t usually use this. It is natural to use see you later in Japanese. Also, this sounds like goodbye forever [Casual] 2. バイバイ (bai bai) Same as English bye bye 例 ( れい ) [rei] Example : 1. じゃあ また明日 ( じゃあ またあした ) (jaa, mata ashita.) Eng: See you tomorrow.

3 All rights reserved. Learn To Talk Japanese by Yuichi Hagio 3 2. じゃあね 元気でね ( じゃあね げんきでね ) (jaane. genki dene.) Eng: See you. Take care. 3. また来年会おうね ( またらいねんあおうね ) (mata rainen aoune) Eng: Let s meet up next year again. 4. じゃあ いつかまたどこかで! (jaa, mata itsuka dokokade.) Eng: See you someday somewhere! How are you?: We don t have or use How are you? like in English, instead we just greet or start to talk something else. But in casual way, we use How are you?. [Polite] お元気ですか?( おげんきですか ) (ogenkidesuka) *** We don t really use this phrase. It sounds like Are you alright? in polite way... [Casual] 元気? ( げんき ) (genki) *** we use this casual way when meeting a friend who you haven t seen long time *** 元気 ( げんき )= energy, vigor, vitality 2. Nice to meet you 初めまして ( はじめまして ) (hajimemashite) Eng: Nice to meet you *No difference between Polite and Casual The phrase used with 初めまして : 1. よろしくお願い致します ( よろしくおねがいいたします ) (yoroshiku onegai itashimasu) [Business polite] 2. よろしくお願いします ( よろしくおねがいします ) (yoroshiku onegai shimasu) [Polite] 3. よろしく (yoroshiku) [Casual] 4. よろしくね (yoroshikune) [Casual]

4 All rights reserved. Learn To Talk Japanese by Yuichi Hagio 4 These phrases have several meanings & usages: 1. I hope you ll be good to me / Please be kind to me / Get along with me (When meeting a person at new workplace, school, homestay where you and the person will spend time together in future) ; 2. Thanks in advance (In a letter or e mail, used just like English); 3. Please take a good care of this (When asking a favor to someone); etc My name is replace with your name 私の名前は田中千秋です ( わたしのなまえはたなかちあきです )[Polite] (watashi no namae wa Tanaka Chiaki desu.) Eng: My name is Chiaki Tanaka. *** But we use I am name normally when introducing ourselves. I am ~ Eng: I am Chiaki Tanaka. (they are all same meaning but several ways to say) 1. 私 田中千秋と申します ( わたくし たなかちあきともうします )[Business polite] (Watakushi, Tanaka Chiaki to moushimasu.) 2. 私は田中千秋です ( わたしはたなかちあきです ) [Polite] (Watashi wa Tanaka Chiaki desu.) 3. 僕は田中千秋 ( ぼくはたなかちあき ) [Casual boys / guys] (Boku wa Tanaka Chiaki.) 4. 俺は田中千秋 ( おれはたなかちあき ) [Casual guys] (Ore wa Tanaka Chiaki.) 5. 私は田中千秋 ( わたしはたなかちあき ) [Casual women] (Watashi wa Tanaka Chiaki.) *** You can add です to Casual way like Polite way, too. *** Many people often eliminate は before Name.

5 All rights reserved. Learn To Talk Japanese by Yuichi Hagio 5 What is your name? 1. お名前をお伺いしてもよろしいでしょうか? [Business polite] (Onamae wo oukagai shitemo yoroshii deshouka) 2. お名前は何ですか? [Polite] (Onamae wa nan desuka) 3. 名前は何ですか? [Polite less polite than above] (Namae wa nan desuka) 4. 名前は何って言うの? [Casual common] (Namae wa nantte iuno) 5. 名前は何? [Casual] (namae wa nani) Practice: Script: 1. 初めまして 私 田中千秋と申します どうぞよろしくお願い致します [Business polite] ( はじめまして わたくし たなかちあきともうします どうぞよろしくおねがいいたします ) (Hajimemashite. Watakushi, Tanaka Chiaki to moushimasu. Douzo yoroshiku onegai itashimasu) 2. 初めまして 田中千秋です よろしくお願いします [Polite] ( はじめまして たなかちあきです よろしくおねがいします ) (Hajimemashite. Tanaka Chiaki desu. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu) 3. 初めまして 田中千秋です よろしくね![Casual] ( はじめまして たなかちあきです よろしくね!) (Hajimemashite. Tanaka Chiaki desu. Yoroshikune!) 4. 初めまして 俺 田中千秋 よろしく![Casual men] ( はじめまして おれ たなかちあき よろしく!) (Hajimemashite. Ore, Tanaka Chiaki. Yoroshiku!) *** or you can use 僕 ( ぼく )(Boku) instead of 俺 ( おれ )(Ore) 5. 初めまして 私 田中千秋 よろしく![Casual women] ( はじめまして わたし たなかちあき よろしく!) (Hajimemashite. watashi, Tanaka Chiaki. Yoroshiku!)

6 All rights reserved. Learn To Talk Japanese by Yuichi Hagio 6 3. Where are you from? Several ways to say: 1. どこの出身ですか? ( どこのしゅっしんですか )[Polite] (dokono shusshin desuka) 2. 出身はどちらですか?( しゅっしんはどちらですか )[Polite] (shusshin wa dochira desuka) 3. どこ出身?( どこしゅっしん )[Casual] (doko shusshin) 4. どこ生まれ?( どこうまれ )[Casual] (doko umare) I m from Tokyo 1. 出身は東京です ( しゅっしんはとうきょうです )[Polite] (shusshin wa toukyou desu) 2. 生まれは東京です ( うまれはとうきょうです )[Polite] (umare wa toukyou desu) 3. 出身は東京 ( しゅっしんはとうきょう )[Casual] (shusshin wa toukyou ) 4. 生まれは東京 ( うまれはとうきょう )[Casual] (umare wa toukyou ) 5. 出身は東京だよ ( しゅっしんはとうきょうだよ )[Casual] (shusshin wa toukyou dayo) 6. 生まれは東京だよ ( うまれはとうきょうだよ )[Casual] (umare wa toukyou dayo) * だよ is same meaning as です but used in casual conversation, it sounds friendly. ボキャブラリー : Kanji + Hiragana / Katakana in Romaji (as read) Meaning どこの dokono from where / in where

7 All rights reserved. Learn To Talk Japanese by Yuichi Hagio 7 出身 ( しゅっしん ) shusshin birth place 生まれ ( うまれ ) umare birth place どちら dochira which 4. Thank you: 1. ありがとうございます [Polite present tense] (arigatou gozaimasu) 2. ありがとうございました [Polite past tense] (arigatou gozaimashita) *** Often used to thank someone when you leave or after they did something thankful to you. 3. ありがとう [Casual] (arigatou) 4. ありがと [Casual] (arigato) 5. ありがとね [Casual] (arigato ne) 6. あざーっす [Casual] (aza ssu) 5. Excuse me [Plain] (Most common) 1. すみません (sumimasen) / すいません (suimasen) Others: [Polite] 2. 失礼します ( しつれいします ) (shitsureishimasu) *** This is often used when you enter the office of someone who is superior or in high hierarchy such as your boss, etc. [Casual] 3. しつれい (shitsurei) *** Thi is not really common

8 All rights reserved. Learn To Talk Japanese by Yuichi Hagio 8 6. I m sorry 1. 大変申し訳ございません ( たいへんもうしわけございません ) [Business polite strongest] (taihen moushiwake gozaimasen) 2. 申し訳ございません ( もうしわけございません )[Buiness polite] (moushiwake gozaimasen) 3. すみません (sumimasen) / すいません (suimasen) [Common polite] 4. ごめんなさい (gomen nasai) [Common Not really polite but not too casual] 5. ごめん (gomen) [Casual most used among friends] 6. わりぃ / わるい (warii) [Casual when apologizing about small thing / can be rude] 7. Yes / No / Maybe Yes: 1. はい (Hai) [Polite] 2. うん (Un) [Casual] No: 1. いいえ (Iie) [Polite] 2. いいや (Iiya) [Casual] 3. いや (Iya) [Casual] 4. ん ん (n~n) [Casual] Maybe: 1. おそらく (Osoraku) [Polite] 2. たぶん (Tabun) [Casual]

9 All rights reserved. Learn To Talk Japanese by Yuichi Hagio 9 8. Number (1 ~ 999): (It s not common to write numbers in Kanji but just to show) 0 = 零 ( ぜろ (zero) / れい (rei)) 01 = 一 ( いち ) (ichi) 02 = 二 ( に ) (ni) 03 = 三 ( さん ) (san) 04 = 四 ( し (shi) / よん (yon)) 05 = 五 ( ご ) (go) 06 = 六 ( ろく ) (roku) 07 = 七 ( しち (shichi) / なな (nana)) 08 = 八 ( はち ) (hachi) 09 = 九 ( きゅう ) (kyu) 10 = 十 ( じゅう ) (jyu) 11 = 十一 ( じゅういち ) (jyuu ichi) 12 = 十二 ( じゅうに ) (jyuu ni) 13 = 十三 ( じゅうさん )(jyuu san) 14 = 十四 ( じゅうし (Jyuu shi) / じゅうよん (jyuu yon)) 15 = 十五 ( じゅうご ) (jyuu go) 16 = 十六 ( じゅうろく )(jyuu roku) 17 = 十七 ( じゅうしち (jyuu shichi) / じゅうなな (jyuu nana)) 18 = 十八 ( じゅうはち ) (jyuu hachi) 19 = 十九 ( じゅうきゅう ) (jyuu kyuu) 20 = 二十 ( にじゅう ) (ni jyuu) *exception: pay attention how to read 100 = 百 ( ひゃく ) (hyaku) 200 = 二百 ( にひゃく ) (ni hyaku) 300 = 三百 ( さんびゃく ) (san byaku) * 400 = 四百 ( よんひゃく ) (yon hyaku) 500 = 五百 ( ごひゃく ) (go hyaku) 600 = 六百 ( ろっぴゃく ) (roppyaku) * 700 = 七百 ( ななひゃく ) (nana hyaku) 800 = 八百 ( はっぴゃく ) (happyaku) * 900 = 九百 ( きゅうひゃく )(kyuu hyaku) 例 : 150 = 百五十 ( ひゃくごじゅう ) (hyaku go jyuu) 312 = 三百十二 ( さんびゃくじゅうに ) (san byaku jyuu ni) 620 = 六百二十 ( ろっぴゃくにじゅう ) (roppyaku ni jyuu) 99 例 ( れい )Examples: 30 = 三十 ( さんじゅう ) (san jyuu) 45 = 四十五 ( よんじゅうご ) (yon jyuu go) 52 = 五十二 ( ごじゅうに ) (go jyu ni) 61 = 六十一 ( ろくじゅういち ) (roku jyuu ichi) 70 = 七十 ( ななじゅう ) (nana jyuu) 83 = 八十三 ( はちじゅうさん ) (hachi jyuu san) 99 = 九十九 ( きゅうじゅうきゅう ) (kyu jyuu kyu) TIP: 4 and 7 When you count from 1 to 10 ascending way, we say 4 ( し ) and 7 ( しち ).

10 All rights reserved. Learn To Talk Japanese by Yuichi Hagio 10 When you count from 10 to 1 descending way, we say 4 ( よん ) and 7 ( なな ). Thousands: *exception: pay attention how to read 1,000 = 千 ( せん )(sen) 10,000 = 万 ( まん )(man) 例 ( れい )Examples: 1,000 = せん (sen) 3,000 = さんぜん (san zen) * 5,320 = ごせんさんびゃくにじゅう (go sen san byaku ni jyuu) 7,602 = ななせんろっぴゃくに (nana sen roppyaku ni) ***if the number is larger than ten thousands, it is common that the unit 万 is written in Kanji to be read easier as follows, especially when displaying some prices) 10,000 = 1 万 ( いちまん )(ichi man) 25,030 = 2 万 5030( にまんごせんさんじゅう )(ni man go sen san jyu) 80,000 = 8 万 ( はちまん )(hachi man) 200,500 =20 万 500( にじゅうまんごひゃく )(ni jyu man go hyaku) 992,000 =99 万 2000( きゅうじゅうきゅうまんにせん )(kyuu jyuu kyuu man ni sen) Millions: 1 million = 百万 = 100 万 ( ひゃくまん )(hyakuman) 10 million = 千万 =1000 万 ( せんまん )(senman) 例 ( れい )Examples: 1,000,000 = 100 万 ( ひゃくまん )(hyaku man) 1,590,000 = 159 万 ( ひゃくごじゅうきゅうまん )(hyaku go jyu kyu man) 10,000,000 = 1000 万 ( いっせんまん )(issen man) * 30,000,000 = 3000 万 ( さんぜんまん )(san zen man) * 75,000,000 = 7500 万 ( ななせんごひゃくまん )(nana sen go hyaku man) 100million = 億 ( おく )(oku) 1billion = 十億 ( じゅうおく )(jyuu oku) 10billion = 百億 ( ひゃくおく )(hyaku oku) 100billion = 千億 ( せんおく )(sen oku) 1trillion = 兆 ( ちょう )(chou) 例 ( れい )Examples: 100,000,000 = 1 億 ( いちおく )(ichi oku)

11 All rights reserved. Learn To Talk Japanese by Yuichi Hagio ,000,000 = 3 億 5000 万 ( さんおくごせんまん )(san oku go sen man) 10,000,000,000 = 100 億 ( ひゃくおく )(hyaku oku) 60,400,000,000 = 640 億 ( ろっぴゃくよんじゅうおく )(roppyaku yon jyu oku) 80,000,050,000 = 800 億 5 万 ( はっぴゃくおくごまん )(happyaku oku go man) 100,000,000,000 = 1000 億 ( いっせんおく )(issen oku) 700,000,000,000 = 7000 億 ( ななせんおく )(nana sen oku) 5,000,060,000,000 = 5 兆 6000 万 ( ごちょうろくせんまん )(go chou roku sen man) Quick Review 1 = 一 ( いち ) (ichi) 10 = 十 ( じゅう ) (jyu) 100 = 百 ( ひゃく )(hyaku) 1,000 = 千 ( せん )(sen) 10,000 = 万 ( まん )(man) 100,000 = 十万 ( じゅうまん )(jyuu man) 1,000,000 = 百万 = 100 万 ( ひゃくまん )(hyakuman) 10,000,000 = 千万 =1000 万 ( せんまん )(senman) 100,000,000 = 億 ( おく )(oku) 1,000,000,000 = 十億 ( じゅうおく )(jyuu oku) 10,000,000,000 = 百億 ( ひゃくおく )(hyaku oku) 100,000,000,000 = 千億 ( せんおく )(sen oku) 1,000,000,000,000 = 兆 ( ちょう )(chou) 8. 曜日 ( ようび )= Day 月曜日 ( げつようび )[getsu you bi] = Monday 火曜日 ( かようび )[ka you bi] = Tuesday 水曜日 ( すいようび ) [sui you bi] = Wednesday 木曜日 ( もくようび ) [moku you bi] = Thursday 金曜日 ( きんようび )[kin you bi] = Friday 土曜日 ( どようび ) [do you bi] = Saturday 日曜日 ( にちようび ) [nichi you bi] = Sunday *** In conversation, people often cut 日 ( び )[bi] For example: 月曜日 ( げつようび ) (getsuyou bi) becomes 月曜 ( げつよう ) (getsu you) but meaning is same. Asking day [Polite] Q. 今日は何曜日ですか?( きょうはなんようびですか ) [kyou wa nan youbi desuka]

12 All rights reserved. Learn To Talk Japanese by Yuichi Hagio 12 = what s day is today? A. 今日は木曜日です ( きょうはもくようびです ) [kyou wa moku youbi desu] = Today is Thursday. [Casual] Q. 今日って何曜? ( きょうってなんよう ) [kyou tte nan you] = what s day is today? A. 今日は木曜だよ ( きょうはもくようだよ ) [kyou wa moku you dayo] = Today is Thursday. You can cut だよ which is casual way to say です ( = is / are) ; It does not change the meaning, but だよ sounds friendly, so it is people use them often (^_^)v 10. Time 時間 ( じかん )(jikan) Eng: Time; Hour 1 12 o clock: 1 時 = いちじ (ichi ji) 2 時 = にじ (ni ji) 3 時 = さんじ (san ji) 4 時 = よじ (yo ji) 5 時 = ごじ (go ji) 6 時 = ろくじ (roku ji) 7 時 = しちじ / ひちじ (shichi ji / hichi ji) 8 時 = はちじ (hachi ji) 9 時 = くじ (ku ji) 10 時 = じゅうじ (jyu ji) 11 時 = じゅういちじ (jyu ichi ji) 12 時 = じゅうにじ (jyu ni ji) Vocabs 1. 時 ( じ ) (ji) = o clock 2. 午前 ( ごぜん ) (gozen) = Morning (AM) 3. 午後 ( ごご ) (gogo) = Afternoon (PM) 4. ~ 時半 (~ じはん ) (~ji han)

13 All rights reserved. Learn To Talk Japanese by Yuichi Hagio 13 = ~o clock & 30 mins 例 : 1. 午前 11 時 ( ごぜんじゅういちじ )(gozen jyuu ichi ji) = 11AM 2. 午後 3 時 ( ごごさんじ )(gogo san ji) = 3PM 3. 5 時半 ( ごじはん )(go ji han) = 5:30 Time 分 ( ふん )(fun) minute 1 分 = いっぷん (ippun) 2 分 = にふん (ni fun) 3 分 = さんぷん (sanpun) 4 分 = よんぷん (yonpun) 5 分 = ごふん (go fun) 6 分 = ろっぷん (roppun) 7 分 = ななふん (nana fun) 8 分 = はっぷん (happun) 9 分 = きゅうふう [kyu fun) 10 分 = じゅっぷん (jyuppun) 11 分 = じゅういっぷん (jyuuippun) 12 分 = じゅうにふん (jyu ni fun) 13 分 = じゅうさんぷん (jyu sanpun) 14 分 = じゅうよんぷん (jyu yon pun) 15 分 = じゅうごふん (jyu go fun) 16 分 = じゅうろっぷん (jyu roppun) 17 分 = じゅうななふん (jyu nana fun) 18 分 = じゅうはっぷん (jyu happun) 19 分 = じゅうきゅうふん (jyu kyu fun) 20 分 = にじゅっぷん (ni jyuppun) Time 秒 ( びょう )(byou) second 1 秒 = いちびょう (ichi byou) 2 秒 = にびょう (ni byou) 3 秒 = さんびょう (san byou) 4 秒 = よんびょう (yon byou) 5 秒 = ごびょう (go byou) 6 秒 = ろくびょう (roku byou) 7 秒 = ななびょう (nana byou) 8 秒 = はちびょう (hachi byou) 9 秒 = きゅうびょう (kyu byou) 10 秒 = じゅうびょう (jyu byou) 20 秒 = にじゅうびょう (ni jyu byou) 35 秒 = さんじゅうごびょう ( san jyu go byou) 77 秒 = ななじゅうななびょう (nana jyu nana byou)

14 All rights reserved. Learn To Talk Japanese by Yuichi Hagio 秒 = ひゃくびょう (hyaku byou) 250 秒 = にひゃくごじゅうびょう (ni hyaku go jyu byou) Asking Time [Polite] Q: すいません 今何時ですか? ( すいません いまなんじですか?) (suimasen, ima nanji desuka) = Excuse me, what time is it now? A: えっと 今は 10 時半です ( えっと いまはじゅうじはんです ) (etto, ima wa jyuuji han desu) = uhh, it s 10:30 now. [Casual] Q: ねぇねぇ 今何時? ( ねぇねぇ いまなんじ?) (nee nee, ima nanji) = Hey hey, what time is it now? A: 今ね えっと ちょうど 7 時 40 分だよ ( いまね えっと ちょうどしちじよんじゅっぷんだよ ) (imane, etto, choudo, shichi ji yon jyuppun dayo) =Now it s, uhh, just 7:40. Review: Hours, o clock: 時間 ( じかん )(jikan) Eng: ~ hour(s) 例 ( れい )Examples: 5 時間 ( ごじかん )(go jikan) Eng: 5 hours 時 ( じ )(~ ji) Eng: ~ hour(s) [~ o clock] 分 ( ふん )(~ fun) Eng: ~ minute(s) 午前 ( ごぜん )(Gozen) Eng: AM (morning) 午後 ( ごご )(Gogo) Eng: PM (afternoon) 例 ( れい )Examples: A. 3 時 15 分 30 秒 ( さんじじゅうごふんさんじゅうびょう ) (San ji jyuugo fun sanjyuu byou) Eng: 3:15:30 (3 o clock 15 minutes 30 seconds) B. 午後 6 時 ( ごごろくじ )

15 All rights reserved. Learn To Talk Japanese by Yuichi Hagio 15 秒 ( びょう )(~ byou) Eng: ~ second(s) (Gogo roku ji) Eng: 6PM (6 o clock PM) 11. Date 日 ( にち )(Nichi) = ~th (day) When referring a day in a month, counting the day as follows: * It is tricky and weird to count days differently but just have to memorize them 1 日 ( ついたち )(Tsuitachi) Eng: 1st (first day of the month) 2 日 ( ふつか )(Futsuka) Eng: 2nd (second day of the month) and so on 3 日 ( みっか )(Mikka) 4 日 ( よっか )(Yokka) 5 日 ( いつか )(Itsuka) 6 日 ( むいか )(Muika) 7 日 ( なのか )(Nanoka) 8 日 ( ようか )(Youka) 9 日 ( ここのか )(Kokonoka) 10 日 ( とおか )(Tooka) 11 日 ( じゅういちにち )(Jyuu ichi nichi) 12 日 ( じゅうににち )(Jyuu ni nichi) 13 日 ( じゅうさんにち )(Jyuu san nichi) 14 日 ( じゅうよっか )(Jyuu yokka) 15 日 ( じゅうごにち )(Jyuu go nichi) 16 日 ( じゅうろくにち )(Jyuu roku nichi) 17 日 ( じゅうしちにち )(Jyuu shichi nichi) 18 日 ( じゅうはちにち )(Jyuu hachi nichi) 19 日 ( じゅうくにち )(jyuu ku nichi) 20 日 ( はつか )(Hatsuka) 21 日 ( にじゅういちにち )(Nijyuu ichi nichi) 22 日 ( にじゅうににち )(Nijyuu ni nichi) 23 日 ( にじゅうさんにち )(Nijyuu san nichi) 24 日 ( にじゅうよっか )(Nijyuu yokka) 25 日 ( にじゅうごにち )(Nijyuu go nichi) 26 日 ( にじゅうろくにち )(Nijyuu roku nichi) 27 日 ( にじゅうしちにち )(Nijyuu shichi nichi) 28 日 ( にじゅうはちにち )(Nijyuu hachi nichi) 29 日 ( にじゅうくにち )(Nijyuu ku nichi) 30 日 ( さんじゅうにち )(Sanjyuu nichi) 31 日 ( さんじゅういちにち )(Sanjyuu ichi nichi) 例 ( れい )Examples: A. 1 月 3 日 ( いちがつみっか ) (Ichigatsu mikka) Eng: January 3rd B. 10 月 30 日 ( じゅうがつさんじゅうにち ) (jyuu gatsu san jyuu nichi) Eng: October 30th Special Day:

16 All rights reserved. Learn To Talk Japanese by Yuichi Hagio 16 元旦 ( がんたん )(Gantan) = January 1st バレンタインズデー (Barentinzu de ) = Valentine s Day クリスマスイヴ (Kurisumasu ibu) = Christmas Eve 大晦日 ( おおみそか )(Oomisoka) = December 31st 祝日 ( しゅくじつ )(Shuku jitsu) = National Holiday 休日 ( きゅうじつ )(Kyuu jitsu) = Day off 12. Mr / Ms In Japanese, we add several suffixes to person s name very often when we call their name. Also, we call people by their last name more often than first name especially in business. However, we often call each other by our first name among friends or nicknames (^_^) When calling own family member, it is not really common to add these suffixes. 1. 様 ( さま )(~ sama) [Most polite in business / to customer] Eng: similar to Mr. ~ / Ms. ~ / Mrs. ~ / Sir ~ / Madam ~ 2. さん (~san) [polite in business / to customer or to co workers / to strangers] Eng: similar to Mr. ~ / Ms. ~ / Mrs. ~ / Sir ~ / Madam ~ 3. ちゃん (~chan) [casual] Eng: no equivalent in English *** used especially to kids, girls, but used to guys, too. 4. 君 ( くん )(~ kun) [casual] Eng: no equivalent in English *** used especially to kids boys, but also used to men (usually to a man who are younger than you), but not used to women normally. 例 : 1. ゴンザレスさん (gonzaresu san) = Mr / Ms. Gonzalez 2. スミス様 ( すみすさま )(sumisu sama) = Mr / Ms. Smith 3. ケビン君 ( けびんくん )(kebin kun) = Kevin kun 4. アンナちゃん ( あんなちゃん )(anna chan) = Anna chan 13. Family members There are many ways to refer family member but don t have to remember everything. *** Adding お or 御 ( ご ) before a noun or 様 ( さま ) after a noun makes the sentence, the phrase, or the noun polite. But not going deep about the usage of it here. I put some polite way to say some nouns as examples.

17 All rights reserved. Learn To Talk Japanese by Yuichi Hagio 17 Mother: 1. お母様 ( おかあさま )(okaasama) [Polite formal situation / business] *When a person talks about someone s mother in formal situation 2. 母 ( はは )(haha) [Polite formal situation / business] *When a person talks about his/her mother in formal situation 3. お母さん ( おかあさん ) (okaasan) [Casual most common] 4. 母さん ( かあさん ) (kaasan) [Casual] 5. 母ちゃん ( かあちゃん ) (kaachan) [Casual] 6. おかあ (okaa) [Casual] * I use this to my mom (^^) 7. おかん (okan) [Casual] Father: 1. お父様 ( おとうさま )(otousama) [Polite formal situation / business] *When a person talks about someone s father in formal situation 2. 父 ( ちち )(chichi) [Polite formal situation / business] *When a person talks about his/her father in formal situation 3. お父さん ( おとうさん ) (otousan) [Casual most common] 4. 父さん ( とうさん ) (tousan) [Casual] 5. 父ちゃん ( とうちゃん ) (touchan) [Casual] 6. おとう (otou) [Casual] *I use this to my dad (^^) 7. おとん (oton) [Casual] 8. おやじ (oyaji) [Casual also very common] Daughter: 娘 ( むすめ )(musume) [Plain] Son: 息子 ( むすこ )(musuko) [Plain] Niece (men): 1. 甥 ( おい )(oi) [Plain] 2. 甥っ子 ( おいっこ )(oikko) [Casual] Niece (women): 1. 姪 ( めい )(oi) [Plain] 2. 姪っ子 ( めいっこ )(oikko) [Casual] Cousin:

18 All rights reserved. Learn To Talk Japanese by Yuichi Hagio 18 従兄弟 ( いとこ )(itoko) [Plain] Grandfather: 1. お爺様 ( おじいさま ) (ojiisama) [Polite formal situation / business] *When a person talks about someone s grandfather in formal situation 2. 祖父 ( そふ )(sofu) [Polite formal situation / business] *When a person talks about his/her grandfather in formal situation 3. お爺さん ( おじいさん ) (ojiisan) [Polite] 4. お爺ちゃん ( おじいちゃん ) (ojiichan) [Casual most common] 5. じじい (jijii) [Casual offensive / rude] Grandmother: 1. お婆様 ( おばあさま ) (obaasama) [Polite formal situation / business] *When a person talks about someone s grandmother in formal situation 2. 祖母 ( そぼ )(sobo) [Polite formal situation / business] *When a person talks about his/her grandmother in formal situation 3. お婆さん ( おばあさん ) (obaasan) [Polite] 4. お婆ちゃん ( おばあちゃん ) (obaachan) [Casual most common] 5. ばばあ (babaa) [Casual offensive / rude] Aunt: 1. 叔母様 ( おばさま )(obasama) [Polite formal situation / business] *When a person talks about someone s aunt in formal situation 2. 叔母 ( おば )(oba) [Polite formal situation / business] *When a person talks about his/her aunt in formal situation 3. 叔母さん ( おばさん ) (obasan) [Polite/Casual most common] Uncle: 1. 叔父様 ( おじさま )(ojisama) [Polite formal situation / business] *When a person talks about someone s uncle in formal situation 2. 叔父 ( おじ )(oji) [Polite formal situation / business] *When a person talks about his/her uncle in formal situation 3. 叔父さん ( おじさん ) (ojisan) [Polite/Casual most common] Older brother:

19 All rights reserved. Learn To Talk Japanese by Yuichi Hagio お兄様 ( おにいさま )(oniisama) [Polite formal situation / business] *When a person talks about someone s older brother in formal situation 2. 兄 ( あに )(ani) [Polite formal situation / business] *When a person talks about his/her older brother in formal situation 3. お兄さん ( おにいさん ) (oniichan) [Polite] 4. お兄ちゃん ( おにいちゃん ) (oniichan) [Casual most common] 5. 兄貴 ( あにき )(aniki) [Casual] Older sister: 1. お姉様 ( おねえさま )(oneesama) [Polite formal situation / business] *When a person talks about someone s older sister in formal situation 2. 姉 ( あね )(ane) [Polite formal situation / business] *When a person talks about his/her older sister in formal situation 3. お姉さん ( おねえさん )(oneesan) [Polite] 4. お姉ちゃん ( おねえちゃん ) (oneechan) [Casual most common] 5. 姉貴 ( あねき )(aneki) [Casual] Brother(s): 1. 御兄弟 ( ごきょうだい )(gokyoudai) [Polite formal situation / business] *When a person talks about someone s brother(s) in formal situation 2. 兄弟 ( きょうだい )(kyoudai) [Plain] * it can refer to the siblings (mix of brothers & sisters), not only male siblings. Sister(s): 1. 御姉妹 ( ごしまい )(goshimai) [Polite formal situation / business] *When a person talks about someone s sister(s) in formal situation 2. 姉妹 ( しまい )(shimai) [Plain] * it only refers the female siblings. Younger brother: 1. 弟様 ( おとうとさま )(otoutosama) [Polite formal situation / business] *When a person talks about someone s younger brother in formal situation 2. 弟 ( おとうと )(otouto) [Plain] Younger sister: 1. 妹様 ( いもうとさま )(imoutosama) [Polite formal situation / business]

20 All rights reserved. Learn To Talk Japanese by Yuichi Hagio 20 *When a person talks about someone s younger sister in formal situation 2. 妹 ( いもうと )(imouto) [Plain] in law: 義理の ( ぎりの )(girino ~) [Plain] 例 : Mother in law: 1. 義理の母 ( ぎりのはは )(giri no haha) 2. 義理のおかあさん ( ぎりのおかあさん )(giri no okaasan) Father in law: 1. 義理の父 ( ぎりのちち )(giri no chichi) 2. 義理のおとうさん ( ぎりのおとうさん )(giri no otousan) 例 : Eng: Do you have siblings? [Polite] 兄弟はいますか? ( きょうだいはいますか ) (kyoudai wa imasuka) [Casual] 兄弟いる? ( きょうだいいる ) (kyoudai iru) Eng: I have 1 older sister, 2 older brothers, and 1 younger sister. [Polite] 姉が 1 人 兄が 2 人 妹が 1 人います ( あねがひとり あにがふたり いもうとがひとりいます ) (ane ga hitori, ani ga futari, imouto ga hitori imasu) [Casual] お姉ちゃんが 1 人 お兄ちゃんが 2 人 妹が 1 人いるよ ( おねえちゃんがひとり おにいちゃんがふたり いもうとがひとりいるよ ) (onee chan ga hitori, onii chan ga futari, imouto ga hitori iruyo) *** Detailed explanation of how to ask, answer, count people will be introduced later.

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