Lunch Course 11:00 17:00 Sumire 2,000 45g

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Lunch Course 11:0017:00 Sumire 2,000 45g

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COLD APPETIZER Chinese slices of sea bream (about 10portions covers / Reservation is requested by 3 days ago) Jelly fish appetizer Five selections of appetizer Roasted japanese pork Chilled steamed chicken, three different sauce Cucumber soaked in sweetened vinegar SHARK'S FIN Stewed whole shark fin (about 200g) Stewed whole shark fin (about 110g) Please note that there is an individual difference. Part of the menu may be changed depending on the situations. All prices shown include tax and a 10% service fee. Each photograph is an image only.

SOUP Clear soup with bird's nest Shark fin soup with crab paste Shark fin soup with crab meat Shark fin soup Abalone and vegetable soup Corn soup Mixed vegetables soup Menu is for one person. MAIN DISH Peking duck (1) Japanese lobster with XO sauce Japanese lobster with chili sauce Stewed Ezo abalone with oyster sauce Part of the menu may be changed depending on the situations. All prices shown include tax and a 10% service fee. Each photograph is an image only.

ABALONE Stewed Ezo abalone with oyster sauce Stir-fied abalone and shives Cream stewed abalone Please ask our staff about the origin of abalone. SEAFOOD Chinese slices of sea bream (about 10portions covers / Reservation is requested by 3 days ago) Soy sauce stewed sea cucumber Steamed white-fish Stir-fied sguid with XO sauce Stir-fied sguid with black beans Stir-fied sguid CRAB Stir-fried king crab Stir-fried eggs with crab meat Deep-fied crab claw (1) Part of the menu may be changed depending on the situations. All prices shown include tax and a 10% service fee. Each photograph is an image only.

S HRI M P 国産伊勢海老のX.O醤炒め 7,722円 Japanese lobster with XO sauce 国産伊勢海老のチリソース 7,722円 Japanese lobster with chili sauce 2,138円 海老のX.O醤炒め Shrimp with XO sauce 2,138円 海老のチリソース Shrimp with chili sauce 海老のチリソース 蝦油 シャーユ を加えることで口の中に広がる海老の旨味を存分にお楽しみください 海老のマヨネーズソース 2,019円 Shrimp with mayonnaise sauce 2,019円 海老のあっさり炒め Stir-fried Shrimp 1,544円 海老の天ぷら 4尾 Shrimp tempura (4) VEGETABLE TOFU 1,782円 八宝菜 Chop suey 1,425円 五目野菜炒め Stir-fied mixed vegetables 1,425円 麻婆豆腐 Mabo tofu (spicy dish of tofu) 麻婆豆腐 BE E F 牛フィレ肉のX.O醤炒め 2,494円 Stir-fried beef fillet with XO sauce 牛ロース肉のオイスターソース炒め 2,376円 Stir-fried beef loin with oyster sauce 牛肉とピーマンの細切り炒め 2,019円 Stir-fried beef and green peppers 牛フィレ肉のX.O醤炒め 柔らかな牛フィレ肉をX.O醤で炒めました 肉の旨味を存分に味わえます 細切り牛肉の甘味 炒め クレープ または レタス包み 1,900円 Stir-fried beef with bitter sweet sauce 仕入れ状況等により メニューを一部変更する場合がございます 表記の料金はいずれも消費税 サービス料10 が含まれます 画像は全てイメージです Part of the menu may be changed depending on the situations. All prices shown include tax and a 10% service fee. Each photograph is an image only.

PORK CHICKEN Sweet and sour pork with black vinegar Sweet and sour pork Soy sauce stewed pork Stir-fried chicken and cashew nuts Fried chicken with chinese sauce Fried chicken (4) CHINESE DUMPLING Xiaolongbao (3) Spring rolls (3) Steamed shrimp dumplings (3) Shrimp dumplings (3) Part of the menu may be changed depending on the situations. All prices shown include tax and a 10% service fee. Each photograph is an image only.

NOODLES RICE Beef noodles Seafood fried noodles Shark fin noodle soup Mixed noodle soup Dandan noodles Roasted pork noodle soup with welsh onion Fried rice with crab meat and lettuce Mixed fried rice Burnt rice with seafood Rice DESSERT Almond jelly Mango pudding Tapioca in coconut milk Vanilla ice-cream Deep-fried sesame dumpling Part of the menu may be changed depending on the situations. All prices shown include tax and a 10% service fee. Each photograph is an image only.

BEER Suntory Draft Beer Kirin Draft Beer Bottled Beer(Kirin Asahi) 334ml Suntory THE PREMIUM MALT'S 334ml Bottled Beer(Kirin Asahi) 500ml Sappro YEBISU 500ml Tsingtao Beer NON-ALCOHOL-BEER Suntory ALL FREE 350ml SHAOXING WINE Shaoxing Wine 15years Shaoxing Wine 10years Shaoxing Wine 8years Shaoxing Wine 5years Shaoxing jiafan wine We will not Surve alchol to those who are coming by car. Drunk driving is prohibited by the law. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. All prices shown include tax and a 10% service fee.

CHAMPAGNE Dom Pérignon Lanson Black Label Brut SPARKLING WINE Sparkling Wine Chateau Lagrange Gevery Chambertin RED WINE Le Haut Medoc de Lagrange Marques de Riscal Tinto Reserva La Cuvée Mythique Puligny Montrachet WHITE WINE Caillou Blnac du Château Talbot William Fevre Chablis Piesporter MiCHelsberg Robert Mondavi Woodbridge Chardonnay Glass Wine (Red / White) We will not Surve alchol to those who are coming by car. Drunk driving is prohibited by the law. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. All prices shown include tax and a 10% service fee.

CHINESE ALCOHOL Osmanthus Wine Apricot Wine Chinese Hawthorn-berry Wine Chinese Green-Aplle Wine Koshi no Homare Sake Shirayuki JAPANESE SAKE Sato Mugi SHOCHU Tomi no Hozan Wara Mugi Karari Imo TAKETSURU PURE MALT WHISKEY Chivas Regal 12 Years WHISKY Kaku-Highball Please tell our staff your favorite drink style With water, with soda water, with ice We will not Surve alchol to those who are coming by car. Drunk driving is prohibited by the law. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. All prices shown include tax and a 10% service fee.

COCKTAIL Gin and Tonic Gin Buck Moscow Mule Screwdriver Cassis and (Soda Orange) Campari and (Soda Orange) China Blue SOFT DRINKS Orange Ginger Ale Coke Black Oolong Tea We will not Surve alchol to those who are coming by car. Drunk driving is prohibited by the law. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. All prices shown include tax and a 10% service fee.