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à la carte


Lunch Menu Festival of the Senses Authentic and innovative Japanese dishes

ばらちらし Bara Chirashi 本日の先付 Daily appetizer ばらちらし Vinegared rice with sashimi 味噌汁 Miso soup デザート Dessert 3,200 寿司弁当 本日の先付 Sushi lunch box Daily appetize


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イタリアンダイニング ジリオン


DINNER Dinner Course ディナーコース 17:30-20:30 Casual カジュアル 牛はらみ肉のロースト冷製カルパッチョサラダ添え Roasted skirt steak with fresh carpaccio salad または or 野菜のクリームスープ Vegetab





Nabe Promotion Globefish Amuse Globefish, assorted vegetables Rice porridge and Japanese pickles Fruits 17,000 Globefish course Globefish sashimi, fried globefish Globefish, assorted vegetables Rice porridge and Japanese pickles Fruits 20,000 Globefish a la carte Globefish sashimi 8,000 Fried globefish 4,000

Nabe Promotion Yellowtail Shabu Shabu Amuse Yellowtail, assorted vegetables Kishimen noodles or rice porridge and Japanese pickles Fruits 12,000 Duck meat Amuse Duck meat, duck ball, assorted vegetables Soba noodles or rice porridge and Japanese pickles Fruits 14,000

JUNISOH Kaiseki KOKORO 5 kinds of appetizers Sake-kasu soup with scallop 3 kinds of seasonal sashimi Grilled butter fish with yuzu citrus Grilled bamboo shoot with kinome paste Fried chestnut and pumpkin rolled with soy milk skin, simmered shrimp Grilled duck with miso on hohba leaf Sea bream on top of steamed rice with dashi soup, Japanese pickles Melon and strawberries 13,000 表示料金に別途税金とサービス料が加算されます Price is subject to applicable tax and service charge.

JUNISOH Kaiseki TAKUMI 5 kinds of appetizers Clear soup with bamboo shoot noodle style 3 kinds of seasonal sashimi Grilled Ise spiny lobster Simmered baby sardine with egg rape blossoms, Japanese parsley Grilled duck with miso on hohba leaf Sea bream on top of steamed rice with dashi soup, Japanese pickles Melon and strawberries 16,000 表示料金に別途税金とサービス料が加算されます Price is subject to applicable tax and service charge.

A la carte Fresh fish in your favorite style Choose from the fish presented in the bamboo basket, and choose the way of cooking; grill, simmer, fry Market price Shiokara salted seafood Delicacies Abalone shiokara 2,500 Sea bream shiokara 2,000 Squid shiokara 1,500 Dried mullet roe 5,000 Boiled vegetables in dashi stock 1,500 Monthly delicacy 1,800 Sashimi Tuna 4,700 White fish 4,500 Wagyu beef tataki 3,800 Assorted sashimi 3,500 3 kinds of sashimi 5,000 5 kinds of sashimi 7,000 7 kinds of sashimi Changes daily, please ask your attendant

A la carte Vinegared dish 3,900 Assorted clams with wakame seaweed and cucumber 3,500 Assorted seafood with wakame seaweed and cucumber (sea bream, squid, clam, sea urchin) Salad 1,300 4 kinds of seaweed salad 1,500 JUNISOH special salad (tomato, green lettuce, onion, leek, mizuna leaves, egg, chicken) 1,200 Vegetable salad (white radish, carrot, cucumber, prawn, squid, tuna, dried sardine) Please choose your favorite dressing: seasonal fruit dressing / sesame / vinegar and miso / soy flavor Grilled fish Monthly special 3,800 Fish from the market Market price

A la carte Simmered dish Monthly special 3,100 Assorted vegetables in season 2,600 Fish from the market Market price Sea bream head 3,800 Abalone served in small clay pot 4,200 (Chef s signature dish) Tempura 5 kinds of assorted tempura 3,600 7 kinds of assorted tempura 5,900 Changes daily, please ask your attendant Meal Soba noodles 1,800 Rice with seasonal ingredients, Market price steamed together and served in clay pot Steamed rice with dashi soup 1,500 Assorted Japanese pickles 1,800 Bean paste ice cream 800 House made kuzukiri gelatinous 1,200 arrowroot noodles with brown sugar syrup Monthly special Market price Fresh fruit Market price

Shabu Shabu Menu Shabu Shabu Kaiseki Amuse, 3 kinds of sashimi, seasonal dish Japanese beef (Rank A4), assorted fresh vegetables Kishimen flat noodles 17,000 Shabu Shabu Take Amuse, Japanese beef (Rank A4), assorted fresh vegetables Kishimen flat noodles 13,000 Shabu Shabu Soh Amuse, Japanese beef (Rank A5), assorted fresh vegetables Kishimen flat noodles 15,000

Sukiyaki Menu Sukiyaki Take Amuse, Japanese beef (Rank A4), assorted fresh vegetables Steamed rice, miso soup, Japanese pickles 13,000 Sukiyaki Soh Amuse Japanese beef (Rank A5), assorted fresh vegetables Steamed rice, miso soup, Japanese pickles 15,000

Teppanyaki Dinner Kizuna Assorted cold appetizers Combination salad Assorted grilled vegetables Wagyu Japanese beef sirloin 120g or fillet 100g or grilled spiny lobster (+ 3,000) Steamed rice, miso soup and Japanese pickles * *Lobster miso soup is served with grilled spiny lobster. 13,000 Musubi Assorted cold appetizers Sautéed scallop, miso and béchamel gratin or grilled prawn with corail butter Assorted grilled vegetables Wagyu Japanese beef sirloin 120g or fillet 100g Steamed rice, miso soup, Japanese pickles 16,000

Teppanyaki Dinner Special menu Assorted cold appetizers Assorted grilled vegetables Combination salad Branded beef sirloin* *Special branded beef will be served. Please contact the service staff for the details. Steamed rice, miso soup, Japanese pickles 19,000 表示料金に別途税金とサービス料が加算されます Price is subject to applicable tax and service charge.

Teppanyaki Dinner Waza Assorted cold appetizers Sautéed foie gras and Kumamoto red eggplant with sea eel sauce Zuwai crab and perilla leaf omelet Sautéed market fish and mushroom with sea urchin and dried sardines Assorted grilled vegetables Combination salad Wagyu Japanese beef sirloin 80g or fillet 80g Garlic rice, miso soup, Japanese pickles or plum rice galette with dashi soup 21,000 表示料金に別途税金とサービス料が加算されます Price is subject to applicable tax and service charge.

Teppanyaki Dinner Kiwami Assorted cold appetizers Sautéed foie gras and Kumamoto red eggplant with sea eel sauce Sautéed prawn with spiny lobster corail butter **Grilled abalone flambé with yuzu citrus sauce ** ** Chef s signature dish Assorted grilled vegetables Combination salad Wagyu Japanese beef sirloin 80g or fillet 80g Garlic rice, miso soup, Japanese pickles or plum rice galette with dashi soup 25,000 表示料金に別途税金とサービス料が加算されます Price is subject to applicable tax and service charge.

Teppan Yaki A la carte Assorted cold appetizers 2,300 Sautéed foie gras 4,200 Seafood Scallops (2 pieces) 3,400 Market fish 3,700 Prawn (1 piece) 3,000 Squid 2,700 Abalone Market price Spiny lobster Market price Vegetable Onion 1,100 Spinach 1,500 Shiitake mushroom 2,100 Potato 1,200 Asparagus 2,100 Assorted vegetables 2,300 Salad Green salad 700 Tomato salad 1,100

Teppan Yaki A la carte Rice Garlic rice 1,200 Fried rice with cucumber pickles 1,700 Plum rice galette with dashi soup 1,700 (/ Rice product of Japan) Japanese beef (Rank A4) Wagyu Japanese Beef Sirloin 150g 10,400 Sirloin 200g 13,800 Sirloin 250g 17,300 Fillet mignon 120g 9,400 Fillet mignon 150g 11,800 Fillet mignon 200g 15,700 Premium Japanese beef (Rank A5) Fillet mignon 120g 13,300 Fillet mignon 150g 16,600 Fillet mignon 200g 22,200

Sushi Dinner Minato Amuse, 9 nigiri sushi; Marbled tuna, medium marbled tuna, white fish, clam, hikarimono silvery skinned fish, today s gunkan (2 pieces), prawn, simmered sea eel, cut of omelet and sushi roll Soup 9,000 Shun Amuse, 2 kinds of sashimi grilled dish, 9 nigiri sushi; Marbled tuna, medium marbled tuna, white fish, clam, hikarimono silvery skinned fish, today s gunkan (2 piecies), prawn, simmered sea eel, cut of omelet and sushi roll Soup 12,000

Sushi Dinner Utage Amuse, 3 kinds of sashimi, grilled dish, 8 nigiri sushi; Marbled tuna, medium marbled tuna, tuna, white fish, clam, hikarimono silvery skinned fish, today s gunkan, simmered sea eel cut of omelet and sushi roll Soup 15,000 Hana Amuse, 3 kinds of sashimi, your choice of 8 nigiri sushi, grilled dish, sushi roll, soup 18,000