逸品菜 OUR SPECIAL 当店自慢の逸品 魚翅ふかひれ Shark - Fin ふかひれは中国で最も高級な食材です 当店ではその最高のふかひれを日本の皆様に是非召し上がって戴き 中国料理の神髄を存分に堪能していただきます Simmered shark fin with soy sauce Si

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DINNER MENU SMALL BITES Assorted Seasonal Delicacies 酒菜 3 種盛合せ $32 Home-cured Dried Mullet Roe 自家製唐墨 $40 Hokkaido Ensui Sea Urchin 塩水雲丹 $37 Poached Ve


逸品菜 OUR SPECIAL 当店自慢の逸品 魚翅ふかひれ Shark - Fin ふかひれは中国で最も高級な食材です 当店ではその最高のふかひれを日本の皆様に是非召し上がって戴き 中国料理の神髄を存分に堪能していただきます Simmered shark fin with soy sauce Simmered shark fin with special clear soup Simmered shark fin with rich white soup & yam Simmered shark fin with crab butter 紅焼排翅煲頂湯排翅煲山薬排翅煲蟹黄排翅煲 100g 8,000 100g 9,000 100g 10,000 Shark fin & crab egg omlet 芙蓉魚翅 3,600 Simmered shark fin & Chinese cabbage with crab egg 蟹黄魚翅 4,000 Steamed egg custard with shark fin 魚翅水蛋 2,500 Shark fin steak with sauce 干煎魚翅 9,000 Simmered shark fin, tofu & vegetables 魚翅豆腐 2,800 Simmered shark fin & pickled white cabbage 酸菜魚翅 2,800 Steamed shark fin & abalone 翅蒸吉鮑 8,000 Simmered shark fin & dried sea cucumber 魚翅海参 8,000 逸品菜 Special dish Steamed whole abalone with leeks 葱蒸鮑魚 6,600 Braised sea cucumeber with shrimp egg 蝦子海参 4,000 Simmered sea cucumeber with leek 葱焼海参 4,000 Abalone & Chinese cabbage stir-fry 韮黄鮮鮑 5,800 Simmered abalone with soy sauce 紅焼鮑魚 6,800 Soft-shell turtle hot pot 清湯甲魚 8,000


前菜 / 沙律 / 小菜 APPETIZER, SALAD AND SMALL DISH 前菜 Appetizer ( 2 人前より ) Assorted appetizeres 什錦拼盤 1 人前 ( 2 人前より ) Special assorted appetizers 特製拼盤 1 人前 2,500 Shark fin sashimi 滑生排翅 Jelled broth with shark fin 魚翅冷凍 Fresh fish carpaccio 鮮魚滑 1 種 2 種 Prawn soaked in chinese wine 酒香酔蝦 Steamed chicken cold appetizer Sesame Sauce / Leek Sauce / Szechuan Sauce 白切鶏 1,200 Marinated jellyfish 海蜇頭 小菜 中国のつまみ Small Dish Tofu with preserved egg 皮蛋豆腐 880 Dried radish marinated with soy sauce 酱萝卜 Preserved egg 皮 蛋 Boiled dried tofu, Jews ear 黒香烤麸 Squids & celery with dressing Chinese cabbage pickled with mustard Pickled peanuts with soy sauce Green leaves & dried shredded tofu 魷花芹菜芥末白菜醤花生青菜干絲 880 Shredded potato with dressing Chinese pickles Green Chinese pickles 花椒土豆搾菜青搾菜 680 Boiled gizzard & leek 凉拌珍肝 680 Tofu with leek 葱豆腐 Cucumber with garlic sauce 拍黄瓜 Tofu with coriander 香菜豆腐 680

湯 SOUP 湯 Soup Shark fin soup 魚翅湯 S L 小中 2,500 Shark fin soup with crab roe 蟹黄魚翅羹 S L 小中 2,800 Soft-shell turtle steamed soup 甲魚燉湯 S 小碗 Chinese herbal chicken soup 鶏肉燉湯 Steamed dried scallop lingament soup with Chinese cabbage 干貝燉湯 Steamed sparerib & radish soup 排骨燉湯 Steamed duck soup 鴨 湯 Steamed wild mushroom soup Spicy & sour soup Salted pork with Chinese leaf soup 竹荪燉湯 酸辣湯 咸肉雪菜湯 沙律 Salad Green chili & coriander salad 8 kinds of ingredients seasonal salad Apple, walnut & herb salad 老虎菜 什錦沙律 苹果沙律 1,200 1,300

点心 DUMPLINGS 点心 Dumplings Steamed soup filled pork dumplings Steamed soup filled crub dumplings Steamed soup filled shark-fin dumplings Grilled soup filled dumplings Boiled pork dumplings Pan-fried pork dumplings Pan-fried pork dumplings Seafood spring rolls Pan-fried Chinese leek dumplings Flat baked rice buns with leek Crab butter spring rolls Shrimp dumplings with crab butter 豚肉小籠包蟹肉小籠包魚翅小籠包生煎包燕京水餃子香菜水餃子大鍋貼海鮮春巻韮菜饅頭葱油餅蟹黄春巻蟹黄蝦球 4p 6p 800 980 1,200 980 780 980 780 1,170 900 700 700 1,200 1,200 Steamed buns 花 巻 400 Steamed buns, black pepper flavor 黒椒花捲 600

鴨北京ダック じっくり丁寧に餡をかけ陰干ししたダックを自家製釜でこんがりパリパリに焼き上げます Beijing duck whole half quater 16 pieces 8 pieces 4 pieces 一羽半羽一皿 7,400 4,000 2,500 追加各 160 鴨餅 ( 一枚 ) 味噌 野菜 Served with crepe & spice

海鮮 SEAFOOD 海鮮 Seafood King prawns with garlic & chili King prawns with chili sauce King prawns with mango mayonnaise sauce Seafood & vegetables stir-fried Stir-fried scallops & Chinese leeks Braised scallops & Chinese white cabbage Fried soft shell crab Chopped prawn & crab stir-fry in a hot pot Chopped lobster stir-fry with special crab innards sauce Stir-fried blue crab & vermicelli King crab & egg white omlet 油酥大蝦干焼大蝦芒果大蝦清炒海鮮韮黄帯子燗糊白菜脆皮軟蟹干鍋海鮮秘醤龍蝦青蟹粉絲芙蓉蟹 2,400 4,500 3,500 時魚 Seasonal Fish Choose the way to cook. 清蒸魚 Steamed with leek & ginger 干焼魚 Fried with szechuan chili sauce 油淋魚 Deep-fried with garlic & soy sauce ~ 糖醋魚 Fried with sweet & sour thick sauce 醋椒魚 Simmered in sour & spicy soup

油酥大蝦 清蒸魚

肉料理 MEAT 肉料理 Meat Stir-fried wagyu beef & wild mushrooms Asparagus wrapped in beef & yuba Beef cheek meat, lotus root & taro wrapped in a lotus leaf Szechuan hot beef soup Tender stewed pork blocks with yam Black vinegar sweet & sour pork Sparerib with sweet vinegar sauce Tender stewed pork blocks & quail eggs Deep-fried chicken with herbal sauce Crispy grilled whole chicken Chunks of chicken stir-fried with chilli Stir-fried chicken, radish & potato Lamb & leek stir-fry with hot pepper spice Lamb grilled w/ various spices Lamb stir-fried w/ leek & spice Roasted lamb chop, nuts & hot pepper 茭白牛排 腐皮炸牛肉 荷葉牛核 水煮牛肉 東 坡 肉 糖 醋 肉 糖醋排骨 紅 焼 肉 油 淋 鶏 脆 皮 鶏 辣 子 鶏 家郷鶏條 香辣羊肉 烤 羊 排 孜然羊肉 干煎羊排 半羽一羽 半羽一羽 4,500 2,800 2,800 2,400 2,800 2,800

糖醋肉 烤羊排

野菜 / 豆腐 VEGETABLES AND TOFU 野菜 豆腐料理 Vegetable & Tofu 清炒青菜 1,300 Stir-fried seasonal vegetables Crab gravy on greens Seasonal vegetables cooked in special soup Mushroom & yellow leek stir-fried Chinese cabbage stir-fried w/ dried scallop Home made fried wheat gluten stuffed with beef Eggplant stuffed with beef Eggplant crispy stir-fry Steamed broccoli & cauliflower Steamed white & green asparagus Steamed eggplant & vermicelli with leek & ginger Celery & shrimp stir-fry w/salt Simmered crab butter & tofu Spicy ma-po tofu simmered minced meat & tofu Braised wild mushrooms, oyster sauce flavor 蟹肉扒青菜上湯時蔬韮黄茭白干貝白菜扣蒸麺筋醸炸茄子脆皮茄子蒸双籣花蒸双露笋清蒸茄子芹菜蝦仁蟹黄豆腐四川麻婆豆腐蠔油双鮑菇 1,300 1,300 1,400 1,200 1,400

湯麺 NOODLES 麺類 Noodles Shark fin gravy noodles Whole shark fin gravy noodles 魚翅麺 排翅麺 胸ビレ尾ビレ 3,000 5,000 Shark fin gravy noodles Hot & sour soup noodles Seafood & vegetable soup noodles Chicken & Chinese colza soup noodles Chicken & leek soup noodles served in a clay pot Chicken, yuzu & green vegetable soup noodles Hot & spicy Szechuan black sesame soup noodles Soupless Dandan noodles Beef & shiitake mushroom soup noodles Lobster bisque soup noodles Abalone & wild mushroom soup noodles Vietnamese Pho noodle soup with beef & mint Vietnamese Pho noodle soup with seafood & lemon Flat noodle soup with asari clam & leek 素菜湯麺酸辣湯麺海鮮湯麺雪菜麺鶏葱砂鍋麺香橙鶏麺黒芝麻担々麺正宗担々麺牛肉麺龍蝦麺鮑菇湯麺越南牛肉米麺越南海鮮米麺蛤仔伊府麺 1,300 1,400 1,300 1,200 1,200 4,500

炒麺 / 甜點心 FRIED NOODLES AND RICE 炒麺 Seafood various ingredients gravy on boiled or deep-fried noodles Beef & vegetables gravy on boiled or deep-fried noodles Various ingredients fried noodles Seafood fried noodles, Thai style Eggplant & minced meat fried noodles Pork & vegetables fried noodles Pork & leek fried noodles Fried Noodles Scallop, Chinese leek & dried mullet roe fried noodles 海鮮炒麺牛肉炒麺新加坡米粉泰国炒麺茄子炒麺什錦炒麺猪肉炒麺魚子炒麺 飯類 Rice Shrk fin gravy on rice in clay pot Whole shark fin gravy on rice in clay pot Seafood & vegetables gravy on rice in clay pot Beef & vegetables gravy on rice in clay pot Beijing style shrimp & salt fried rice Crab & lettuce fried rice Chopped blue crab fried rice Steamed blue crab & rice wrapped in a lotus leaf Seafood gravy on crispy rice pieces Shark fin gavy on crispy rice pieces 魚翅飯排翅飯海鮮烩飯牛肉烩飯北京炒飯蟹肉炒飯青蟹炒飯青蟹荷葉飯海鮮鍋巴魚翅鍋巴 胸ビレ 3,000 尾ビレ 5,000 2,500 3,000

甜品 DESSERT 甜點心 Dessert Almond jelly Mango pudding Chinese sweet soup w/dumplings Chinese sweet mung bean soup Banana & sweet bean spring rolls Fried banana w/ ice cream Sesame dumplings 杏仁豆腐 芒果布丁 五穀湯圓 緑 豆 粉 香蕉春巻 炸 香 蕉 芝 麻 球 600 600 600 600 600 600 500 Egg tart 蛋 撻 600 Black tapioca with Matcha flavored coconut milk Chinese fruit & apricot liqueur Granité Seasonal dessert 珍珠椰汁 山楂氷 四季甜品 700 700 700 杏仁豆腐五穀湯圓蛋撻