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} \kyakuchumark{a1} \kana{ }{ } \kyakuchumark{a2} ( ) \kyakuchumark{a3} \end{document} 11 1 L A TEX thebibliography \bibitem[ ]{ } \cite{ } L A TEX 11.1 thebibliography \begin{thebibliography}{n} \bibitem[opt]{key1 } 1 \bibitem[opt]{key2 } 2...... \end{thebibliography} thebibiliography n n 1, 2, 3,... 9, 99, 999... \bibitem key \bibitem [ ] \bibitem [1] [2] [3]... \bibitem{urashimada} 50

\bibitem[ ]{hanasaka} \bibitem[ 1973]{hana73} \bibitem[ 1984]{hana84} (1905--1989) \cite{urashimada}... \cite[p.53-55]{hanasaka}... \cite{asigara} \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{urashimada} 1985. \bibitem{asigara} Kintaro Asigara, \textit{the Battle of Saru-Kani and historical methods}, Histrical Review, \textbf{31}(1989), pp125-209. \bibitem[ ]{hanasaka} 1972. \end{thebibliography} 2.aux 11.2 key \cite[remark]{key} remark \bibitem remark [3, remark ] BibTEX [4] 51

12 L A TEX chapter section 11 13 L A TEX 36 L A TEX 12.1 L A TEX \label{..} \label{ } \label L A TEX \ref{ } \pageref{ } 2 1.aux 2.aux 12.2 \chapter{...} \section{...} 52

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[1] Knuth, Donald E., TeX, (1992. [2], The LaTeX, (1998 ). [3], The LaTeX, (2001. [4], [ 5 ]L A TEX2 ε, (2010. 57

center, 13 description, 15, 16 dvipdfmx, 29 DVI, 3 DVI, 4 enumerate, 15, 16 EPS, 25 figure, 28 flushleft, 13 flushright, 13 index, 52 itemize, 15 LATEX, 9 PostScript, 25 quotation, 13 quote, 12 TEX, 1 thebibliography, 47 verbatim, 14 WYSIWYG, 33 xdvi, 8, 23, 47 LATEX, 15 LATEX, 12 LATEX, 17 LATEX, 14 LATEX, 18 LATEX, 13, 20, 2 subsection, 34, 19, 9 LATEX, 6, 9, 36, 6, 49, 52, 49, 47, 48, 49, 47 chapter, 34 subparagraph, 34, 20, 40 section, 34, 10, 49 paragraph, 34 LATEX, 39 LATEX, 15, 39 LATEX, 10 LATEX, 13, 9, 10 LATEX, 13 LATEX, 11, 36 part, 34 LATEX, 4, 19, 11, 47 LATEX, 33 LATEX, 34 LATEX, 12 LATEX, 13, 12, 33, 12, 6, 3, 25, 19, 35, 38 LATEX, 13 LATEX, 35 LATEX, 15, 16 LATEX, 34, 19 subsubsection, 34 LATEX, 36 LATEX, 9, 38, 10 LATEX, 15, 16 58