PREFCE his edition of ntonio ivaldi ッs Gloria (R 589) as prepared from a vocal score edited y Clayton Westermann, originally pulished y Edin F Kalmus

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1 NONIO ILDI Gloria R 589 OCL CORE ranscried y kye Donald

2 PREFCE his edition of ntonio ivaldi ッs Gloria (R 589) as prepared from a vocal score edited y Clayton Westermann, originally pulished y Edin F Kalmus Co in 1968 Mr Westermann ッs source as the Raccolta Renzo Giordano, Opere acre, ome 1 ff 90129r from the ilioteca Nazionale in urin ccording to Mr Westermann ッs preface, ーhe full score, orchestra parts and vocal score are faithfully represented as in ivaldi ッs original notation ア ecause of this, the 1968 vocal score is considered to e an ーurtext ア or scientific edition and has therefore een interpreted to e in the pulic domain in Canada y the copyright revieers at the International Music core Lirary Proect (imslporg) ccordingly, I have set out to create a crisp ne imprint suitale for sharing and reproducing ome changes to the piano reduction have een made for clarity or to etter reflect the orchestral parts Included in this edition is the ooe solo for ーDomine Deus ア Items marked in rackets [ ] including trills, dynamics, and missing figured ass are editorial Editorial slurs in ーLaudamus te ア are marked ith a dotted line Editorial marks are taken from several different print editions (including Mr Westermann ッs) and recordings to represent common performance practice trele clef has een sustituted for the original soprano, alto and tenor clefs ntonio ivaldi ( ) set the Gloria text a numer of times catalogue of his orks lists three separate pieces, one of hich is no lost ivaldi almost certainly composed this Gloria (and the others) for the girls at Ospedale della Piet, a home for aandoned children in enice in the early 18 th century Rediscovered in late 1920 ッs, this ork has ecome the most popular of ivaldi ッs vocal orks and is part of the standard oratorio repertoire he text for this piece comes from the ancient Christian hymn Gloria in excelsis Deo he hymn egins ith the angel ッs song from Luke 2:14 and is ritten in the style of psalmi idiotic (private psalms songs ritten y individuals in imitation of those found in scripture) It has een sung at Masses since the second century, though its current format and translation into Latin as developed in the fourth century kye Donald eptemer, 2011 Errington, C

3 CONEN 1 Gloria in Excelsis (Chorus) 1 2 Et in erra Pax (Chorus) 9 3 Laudamus e (Duet for o opranos) 20 4 Gratias gimus ii (Chorus) 26 5 Propter Magnam Gloriam (Chorus) 27 6 Domine Deus (oprano olo) 31 7 Domine Fili Unigenite (Chorus) 36 8 Domine Deus, gnus Dei (lto and Chorus) 48 9 Qui ollis (Chorus) Qui Dedes ad Dexteram (lto olo) Quoniam u olus anctus (Chorus) Cum ancto piritu (Chorus) 65

4 RNLION Gloria in excelsis Deo, et in terra pax hominius onae voluntatis Laudamus te, enedicimus te, adoramus te, glorificamus te, gratisas agimus tii propter magnam gloriam tuam, Dominus Deus, Rex cゥ lestis, Deus Pater omnipotens Domine Fili Unigenite, esu Christe, Domine Deus, gnus Dei, Filius Patris, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nois; qui tollis peccata mundi, suscipe deprecationem nostram; Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, miserere nois Quoniam tu solus anctus, tu solus Dominus, tu solus ltissimus, esu Christe, cum ancto piritu, in gloria Dei Patris men Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good ill We praise you, e less you, e adore you, e glorify you, e give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father Lord esus Christ, Only egotten on, Lord God, Lam of God, on of the Father, you take aay the sins of the orld, have mercy on us; you take aay the sins of the orld, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, esus Christ, ith the Holy pirit, in the glory of God the Father men he English translation of the Gloria in excelsis is from he Roman Missal 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation ll rights reserved Used y permission he slash marks ( / ) in the English translation at the eginning of each movement represent line reaks in the hymn

5 7 6 his imprint as prepared in for the glory of God and the choir at t tephen's United Church in Qualicum each, C llegro GLORI IN EXCELI DEO "Glory to God in the highest," ntonio ivaldi transcried y kye Donald

6 r oprano lto enor R Gloria, gloria, r Gloria, gloria, r R r r ass Gloria, gloria, R Gloria, gloria, R 19 R gloria, gloria r gloria, gloria in ex cel r R r r in ex cel gloria, gloria in ex cel r r gloria, gloria in ex cel 6rt7 Gloria in D Maor R 589

7 3 r6 23 p 3 sis sis De De o, in ex cel sis De o p o, in ex cel sis De o p sis De o, in ex cel p sis De o sis De o, in ex cel sis De o p 6r5r t76r 5r3 28 Glo ria, glo ria, glo ri a, glo ri Glo ria, glo ria, glo ri a, glo ri Glo ria, glo ria, glo ri a, glo ri Glo ria, glo ria, glo ri a, glo ri a a a a in in in in Gloria in D Maor R 589

8 r6 r5 3^ 6rY 4 33 ex ex cel cel sis De sis De o o ex cel sis De o ex cel sis De o 37 f Glo ria, glo ria in ex f Glo ria, glo ria f Glo ria, glo ria f in in ex ex Glo ria, glo ria in ex p f [ 6 ] Gloria in D Maor R 589

9 E7 r5^ 6^rdG 3^ 6^rYdG 5 41 cel cel cel cel n * n 7 * [ ] 45 sis sis De De o o sis De o sis De o * ome editions, including Westermann's, have a nautral in the tenor line ith a figured ass of ^6tdG Gloria in D Maor R 589 [ 5^ ]

10 7t t6 7 t Glo ria in ex Glo ria in ex Glo ria in ex cel sis, cel sis, cel sis, glo ria in ex glo ria in ex glo ria in ex Glo ria in ex cel sis, glo ria in ex n n 53 cel cel cel cel sis De sis De sis sis De De o o o o Glo ri a in ex Glo ri a in ex Glo ri a in ex Glo ri a in ex Gloria in D Maor R 589

11 7% cel n cel sis De sis De o, o, cel cel sis sis De De o, o, 5r3 61 in ex cel in ex cel in ex cel in ex cel Gloria in D Maor R 589

12 3 7 r sis, glo ria in excelsis sis, glo ria in excelsis sis, glo ria in excelsis sis, U U U U U U R r r R glo ria in excelsis 69 De o De o De o De o カ カ U U 5r3 Gloria in D Maor R 589

13 2 E IN ERR PX HOMINIU "and on earth peace to people of goodill" 9 ndante 4 3 [ P ] [ 6 ] 6t t7 ^3 9 [ P ] n [ P ] Et in ter ra pax ho Et in 9 ter ra n pax ho 6% 6t% 9e87 Gloria in D Maor R 589

14 6rY 6 7eY [ P ] n Et in mi [ P ] nius, ter Et in ter ra ra pax ho pax ho o nae, mi nius, 13 Et in n ter ra %66t% 9eY mi nius, Et in ter ra pax ho mi nius onae, o nae o nae vo lun 17 pax ho mi ni us, Gloria in D Maor R 589

15 7eY r6sy R mi nius, o nae, o vo ta tis, Et in lun ter ra pax ho ta tis, mi nae nius, o nae, 21 6rY 25 vo Et in lun ter ra pax ho ta tis, R Et in minius, pax ho ter ra paxho 25 o nae vo lun [ 6 Gloria in D Maor R 589

16 e6 E mi nius, onae vo lun mi nius, o nae, o nae vo lun o nae ta tis, o nae vo lun vo lun ta tis, ta ta ta Et in 6r5eY 33 tis, tis, Et in ter tis, 33 ter ra pax ho mi nius, ra pax ho mi pax ho mi nius, nius, 6% 6t 9eY 8 7 Gloria in D Maor R 589

17 @ 3^ o nae vo lun o nae ta volunta tis, tis, Et in o nae volunta tis, o nae vo lun ta tis, 37 % ter Et in ter ra pax ho mi nius, ra pax ho mi nius, o ne, Et in ter ra pax ho t 9eY 8 7 Gloria in D Maor R 589

18 7eY 6 7eY Et in ter ra pax Et in ter ra pax ho o mi nae vo nius onae, o lun nae r Et in minius o ta tis, vo ter ra pax ho mi nius, pax homi nius lun naevolun ta R tis o nae vo ta tis, r Et in N lun one R 7eY Gloria in D Maor R 589

19 7% % 7% 7%eR o n ter nae vo ra lun ta tis Et in ter pax, Et in n ter n ra ta vo lun ta tis, tis 53 n n n 6r5e 57 ra pax ho mi nius o nae volun pax ho Et in mi ter ni us o ra pax o nae volun n o ne volun ne volun 57 n n 6$ 6$t 9eY 8 7 Gloria in D Maor R 589

20 3$ sr5 r6dyf r6s ta ta n ta n ta 61 n n n n n 6e$R 6t$ 65 n 65 [ ] 7eY 6r 6r5eY Gloria in D Maor R 589

21 % tis tis n n Et in n tis Et in ter n ra pax ho tis Et in ter ra pax ho 69 n n n n n n 6% 6t% 9eY ter mi mi Et in nius, nius, n ter n ra pax ho mi nius Et ra in Et in pax ter ter ho ra ra mi nius pax pax ho 73 n n %66t 9eY 8 7 Gloria in D Maor R 589

22 y8 7 7 y mi o ho o ne ni us vo ne o mi ni us vo lun o nae 77 [6 ] [ 7 ] 81 ta vo lun ta lun n ta nae vo lun ta 81 n 8y%6 6t% 9eY 8 Gloria in D Maor R 589

23 t7dh 8yf 9ud y8f 7tdH 6r 3^ 6r 88 tis tis tis tis 88 5r3^ Gloria in D Maor R 589

24 r6 e5 r6 6 e5 7 r6 e LUDMU E "We praise you, / e less you, / e adore you, / e glorify you," llegro r [ F ] カ 6t[o] 6 カ n [ 6 ] 6t 7 12 n 6tR 7 n n n 6r6t$R 7 n 6R 6t 7 n n [ 6 ] 5r [ F ] oprano 1 (solo) カ [ p ] Laudamus te [ F ] e ne di cimus カ カ カ カ oprano 2 (solo) カ カ カ Laudamus te e ne カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ te カ カ カ Gloria in D Maor R 589

25 u di cimus te doramus te Glo カ カ カ do ra mus te Glo ri fi ca カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ 21 5e ri fi ca カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ [ ] [] mus mus カ 3^ 6r 3^ 6r te 36 te カ R [ F ] カ [o] Gloria in D Maor R 589

26 r6 3 6 r6 6 3 t カ Lau カ カ カ カ [ p ] da mus te ene di cimus te doramus Lauda mus te ene di cimus te doramus カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ n n カ カ カ te Glo ri fi ca n 48 te Glo カ n カ n カ ri fi ca カ n カ n カ カ カ カ カ カ n カ n カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ 6t% 6r 5r5e 4e4 3^ ^4 Gloria in D Maor R 589

27 7% 6t t [ ] 2 60 [] mus mus カ r te te カ n [ F ] [o] do ra mus te do ra [] [] mus te カ n カ [ p ] n カ n Glori fi ca 7$ n n [] mus te カ R [ F ] n n カ n Gloria in D Maor R 589

28 7eY 3 r6 7 t6 7% カ n n 2 カ Lau te ene di cimus da mus 78 n [ p ] n カ カ Lauda mus te ene di cimus カ カ カ カ カ カ カ n カ カ [o] 5e4 6r7%t te do ra mus teglori fi camus te do ra mus te do ra mus teglori fi camus te do ra mus カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ n 5e6r 45e te do te Glo rifica te do ra mus te Glo rifi ra mus [ F ] [ p ] Gloria in D Maor R 589

29 t6 t6 9 t6 9 t6 t6 9 t ca [ ] [] mus mus te te カ [ F ] カ [ ] Glo Glo rifi rifica [ p ] ca mus mus [ ] te 108 te カ r [ F ] カ [o] Gloria in D Maor R 589

30 3 5 6t 6 E7 6rY t カ n [ ] 6t7 120 n n n U n 6r6tR 7 n 46t$R 7 6R 6t [ ] 6 5r 3 U dagio 4 4 GRI GIMU II "e give you thanks" U U 4 4 Gratias a gimus ti i, gra tias a gimus ti i Gratias a gimus ti i, gra tias a gimus ti i U U U U 4 Gratias a gimus ti i, gra tias a gimus ti i U n U 4 4 Gratias a gimus ti i, gra tias a gimus ti i U U n n U U Gloria in D Maor R 589

31 llegro C C C 5 PROPER MGNM GLORI "for your great glory," Propter magnam glo riam, Propter magnam glo 27 C C C 3 3 Propter magnam glo riam, propter magnam glo riam Gloria in D Maor R 589 riam, Propter magnam glo n [ ]

32 n propter magnam glo tu am, propter magnam glo riam, propter magnam glo riam, riam, n [ 6 ] n riam, propter magnam glo propter magnam glo n 7 7 propter magnam glo riam, pro pter magnam glo riam, riam, n propter magnam glo propter magnam glo riam, Gloria in D Maor R 589 6eY

33 9 9 riam, glo riam tu am, propter magnam glo ri am tuam, proptermagnam glo propter magnam glo ri riam, propter magnam glo ri am tuam, n ri am tuam, am tuam, 29 n [ ] 6e [ 6 ] 6 6t 6t6t propter magnam n propter magnam glo propter ma gnam glo n % propter magnam n n glo n Gloria in D Maor R 589 n n 7t% 7t%

34 r5 3^ n n glo n n n n n 7t% % 7 6^ ri W am W W 5eY 6r 5eY 6r 17 W ri am ri W am tu W tu W am W am W tu W am W 17 ri am tu W am W W W 5eY 6r 6r 5r W W W W Gloria in D Maor R 589

35 31 6 DOMINE DEU "Lord God, heavenly King, / O God, almighty Father" Largo 12 8 Ooe solo O [ P ] Play cue notes in asence of ooe [ P ] [ 6 ] O rY 7 5r 3^ 6rY O 5 5 6t5r Gloria in D Maor R 589

36 6 32 O 8 1 oprano solo [ P ] 8 Do mine De us, Rex cゥ le [ p ] 5r3 [ 6 ] O stis, De us Pa ter, De us Pa O [ ] ter omni potens Do [ 6 ] [ ] [ P ] 6r5e 6^ 6t 5r 3 Gloria in D Maor R 589

37 7 t6 O 1 O minedeus,rex cゥ lestis,deuspa ter, De us Pa t76t 6 6 [] 6t5r 3^ n [ p ] [ 6 ] 6t$ ter Pa ter omnipotens n [ 6 ] [ P ] 33 O 23 1 n n 23 Do mine Deus,Do mine [ p ]! 7$ 5rR 3 6t Gloria in D Maor R 589

38 t6 e5 34 O 26 [ ] [ ] 1 26 Deus,Rex cゥ le stis Deus Pater,Deus Pater, Pa [ P ] カ [ ] 6r5e 6r [ ] O 29 [ ] 1 29 ter, Pater omni potens, [ ] 6r5e 6r5e O Pa [ p ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] Gloria in D Maor R 589 [ 6 ]

39 35 O ter, Pater omnipotens [ P ] 5r3 O O 41 U 41 U U 6r5e 6r5e 5r3 Gloria in D Maor R 589

40 DOMINE FILI "Lord esus Christ, Only egotten on," llegro r Do mi ne Fi li U ni 7 [ ] Do mi ne Fi li Gloria in D Maor R 589

41 7 6 7 % ge ni te, e 11 U ni ge nite, e su Chri su Chri ste ste Gloria in D Maor R 589 n R n Do mi ne Do mi ne

42 6% n R Fi li U nige ni te, e n n n Fi li U ni ge nite, e 19 n n n n n [ 6 ] 7 6 7W n n su Chri ste su Chri Do mi ne ste Do R mine 23 n n n n n n 7 6 ] Gloria in D Maor R 589

43 7 27 Do mi ne Fi 27 R Fi li U nige ni te, e su, U nige ni Fi li Do mi ne Fi li, Do mi ne li U ni ge ni te, R U ni te, ge ni te, U ni ge ni te, e U ni Fi li 31 e su, ge ni te, U ni ge ni te, e e n e n n n W6rsY Gloria in D Maor R 589

44 7t% 7t% n n su Chri ste n su n Chri ste 35 su su Chri Chri n ste ste n n n n 39 n Do mi ne Fi li U ni n Do mi ne Fi n li U ni 39 n n Do mi n ne Fi li Uni n n n 7 6 Gloria in D Maor R 589

45 t7$ t7$ r6s ge n nite, Do mi Do mi ne Fi li U ni ge nite, ge ge nite, Do mi nite, Do mine Fi li Uni ge nite, n ne ne Fi n li U ni n ge nite, e su, 47 Do Fi Do mi mine li U ni ne Fi li U ni R Fi li U ni ge nite, e ge nite, n n n e su n [ 6 ] 6 6tR Gloria in D Maor R 589

46 r e ge Chri 51 su nite, ste Chri esu Chri su Chri ste ste Do mi ne Fi li U ni r ste Do mine Fi li r 55 ge ni te, U e ni ge ni te, e $ Gloria in D Maor R 589

47 % eR 6 su Chri ste Do mi ne su Chri ste Do mi ne n n 63 Fi 63 li Fi li U nige ni R U ni te, ge ni te, e e Gloria in D Maor R 589

48 Do R mi ne r 67 r su Chri R su Chri Do ste ste mi ne Fi Fi li, li Do R mi ne Fi li, Do Do 71 R mi ne Fi Do Do li, R mi ne r mi ne Fi Fi li li Do R mi ne R mi ne Gloria in D Maor R 589

49 7 e5 t6 6 7t r6 74 U ni ge nite, e su Chri 74 U ni R Fi li U nige nite, e su Chri R Fi li U nige ge nite, e su nite, n e su Chri n Chri ste e ste, e ste ste 78 Do mi ne Do mi ne Fi Fi li li 7 6 Gloria in D Maor R 589

50 su Chri ste, U ni ge ni te, e suchri su Chri R r ste, ste 81 U ni ge nite, e suchri ste [ ] e e [ ] 85 [ ] Do mi ne Fi li U [ ] Do mi ne Fi li U ni [ ] Gloria in D Maor R 589 ni 7 6

51 su Chri ste su ge ni te, e su Chri Chri R r ste ste 88 ge nite, e su Chri ste U u Gloria in D Maor R 589

52 [ ] dagio c [ F ] c 8 DOMINE DEU, GNU DEI "Lord God, Lam of God, on of the Father, you take aay the sins of the ord, / have mercy on us;" カ カ n カ [6 ] n カ n t6d lto solo カ n カ 7 7 [ F ] lto solo Do 5r3^ カ カ 7 [6 ] mine De us, gnus Dei, FiliusPa tris Do mine n n [6 ] 7E% Deus, Do mine Deus, gnus Dei, Fi liuspa n n n n [ ] n % 7$ Gloria in D Maor R 589 [ t ] 6t 3

53 6tR 7^ 6tR カ カ tris カ Quitol lis pec ca ta, [ P ] カ カ カ [ P ] [ P ] [ P ] カ Quitol lis pec ca ta, Quitol lis pec ca ta, Quitol lis pec Do mine ca ta, Deus,RexCゥ le stis カ qui カ qui カ qui カ カ qui カ カ 5r5e 1 16 tol lispecca ta, tol lispecca ta, tol lispecca ta, Domine Fili Uni ge nite カ qui tol lis pec カ カ qui tol lis pec qui tol lis pec カ 16 tol lispecca ta, qui tol lis pec カ カ Gloria in D Maor R 589

54 ca ta, ca ta, Do mi ne De us, Domine De us, ca ta, ca ta, n n [6 ] gnus 4 6$ 1 22 [ ] Dei, Fi liuspa tris カ qui tol lis pecca ta mundi カ qui tol lis pecca ta mundi カ qui tol lis pecca ta mundi カ 22 カ qui tol lis pecca ta mundi 6t Gloria in D Maor R 589

55 mi sere re, mise re re, gnus De i, gnus De i, gnus De i, gnus De i, Fi liuspa tris, Fi liuspa tris, Fi liuspa tris, Fi liuspa tris, 51 [6 ] 7E 1 29 mi se re re no [ ] is, n n mi se re re, mi se re re, mi se re re, mi se re re, mi se re re, mi se re re, 29 mi se re re, mi se re re, n n カ 6t n 6%rYs [ ] Gloria in D Maor R 589 n [6 ]

56 mi se re re no [ ] is [ p ] [ p ] [ p ] mise rere no mise rereno n is is 33 カ カ [ p ] mise rereno mise rere no n is is カ n カ [ ] 6t 7 t75r 3^ [6 ] カ カ 7 [6 ] カ n カ n [6 ] U u 5r3^ Gloria in D Maor R 589

57 7t r6sy r6sy 53 dagio [ p ] 9 QUI OLLI PEC MUNDI "you take aay the sins of the ord, / receive our prayer;" U U n n Qui [ p ] Qui [ p ] tol lis pecca ta mun di, U tol lis pecca ta mun di, U n U U pecca ta Qui [ p ] tol lis U pecca ta mun di, n U Qui tol lis U pecca ta mun di, U n n [ p ] U n n U t76$r t7 6 6 mun di, peccata mun di, sus cipe, sus cipe 2 3 peccata mun di, sus cipe, sus cipe 2 3 peccata mun di, sus cipe, sus cipe de precati U sus cipe, sus cipe, sus cipe U U U U U 2 3 [ F ] [ F ] [ F ] [ F ] [ F ] 3 2 de precati de precati de precati 6eY [ ] Gloria in D Maor R 589

58 @ o nem, de precati o nem no stram, o nem, de precati o nem no stram, 11 o nem, o nem, de precati de precati o nem o nem n no stram, stram, [6 ] [ 6 ] 7E 6r5r ^ [ p ] de precati o [ p ] de precati [ p ] de precati [ p ] de precati nem o nem no o nem no o nem n no U stram U stram U stram U stram U [ p ] U [6 ] t7 6r5r 3^ Gloria in D Maor R 589

59 6^ 10 QUI EDE D DEXERM "you are seated at the right hand of the Father, / have mercy on us" 55 llegro 8 3 trings [6 ] [o] 6 カ 11 カ [ ] カ 16 n [6 ] [6 ] 6% 6 21 [o] Gloria in D Maor R 589

60 lto solo カ カ Qui カ カ se [ p ] [ 5r3^ ] des ad dex Continuo [6 ] [ t6 ] te ram Pa [6 ] tris, mi se re カ trings カ カ カ カ カ カ カ カ Gloria in D Maor R 589

61 6 E7 E7 6eY カ カ カ カ カ カ re, mi se re re, mi se カ カ Continuo カ re re no [ ] is trings 7E [ 5r3^ ] Qui se [ p ] Continuo [o] [ ] Gloria in D Maor R 589

62 % 7 6Htd des ad dex te ram Pa tris, trings [ ] mi se re Continuo t6 [ ] [6 ] n n n re no [] is, trings E mi se [ p ] Continuo [ ] [o] [ 6^ ] Gloria in D Maor R 589

63 t re カ カ カ カ [6 ] re no [ ] is trings 7 [ 5r3 ] [o] Qui カ se カ [ p ] des ad dex Continuo カ te ram Pa tris, [6 ] [6 ] Gloria in D Maor R 589

64 6rY カ mi se re trings in unioson ith ass カ カ カ カ カ re, カ [o] mi se re re, mi se re re no カ [ ] [ 3 ] is, trings mi se re re, Gloria in D Maor R 589

65 6^ 6% mi se re re, mi se re re no n Continuo [ ] is 131 trings カ カ 136 [ ] カ n %66 [ ] [ 5r3 ] U U Gloria in D Maor R 589

66 r QUONIM U OLU NCU "For you alone are the Holy One,you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, / esus Christ," llegro R Quoni am tu solus an ctus r Quoniam tu solus an ctus r Quoniam tu solus an ctus R Quoniam tu solus an ctus 5 Gloria in D Maor R 589

67 3 r6 7t r6 e5 r R Quoniamtu solusan ctus u so lus r Quoniamtu solusan ctus u so lus r Quoniamtu solusan ctus r Quoniamtu solusan ctus u u so lus so lus 63 6rt7 12 Do mi Do mi Do mi nus u so lus l tis simus, nus u so lus l tis simus, nus u so lus l tis simus, [ p ] [ p ] [ p ] [ p ] Do mi nus u so lus l tis simus, 12 [ p ] 6r5r Gloria in D Maor R 589

68 3 r e e [ su Chri ste, ] e [ su Chri ste, ] e e e su su Chri Chri [ ste, ] e ste, [ ] e [ ] su su su su 5r3 21 Chri Chri ste ste Chri ste Chri ste 21 U U Gloria in D Maor R 589

69 6 llegro CUM NCO PIRIU "ith the Holy pirit, / in the glory of God the Father / men" Cumancto pi ritu, in gloria Dei Cum ancto pi ritu, in glo ria (Continuo) [ 6 ] 4 Pa tris, in gloria Dei Pa tris men Cum an cto 4 De i Pa tris, Dei Patris men [ ] 6 7 6^ Gloria in D Maor R 589

70 ri tu, pi men men in glo ria De i Pa tris, Cumancto piritu, in gloriadei Patris, in gloriadei men Cum an cto pi ritu, De i Pa tris Pa tris men men men men Cumancto (utti) Gloria in D Maor R 589

71 in glo ria De i Pa tris, Dei Patris men men piritu, in gloriadei Pa tris, in gloriadei Pa tris [6 ] [ ] [6 ] 3 4 6t 16 men men men 16 men (Keyoard) Gloria in D Maor R 589

72 Cum an cto pi ri 22 (utti) 4 3 Gloria in D Maor R

73 25 25 men men Cumancto pi ri tu, in tu, men in (Cello) glo ri a De i Pa tris, in glo ria De i Pa tris, Dei Patris glo ri a De i Pa tris men Cumancto pi ritu, in men men men men Cum (utti) ancto pi ri tu, in 7 6^ 5 6r 5 6rY Gloria in D Maor R 589 [ 6 ]

74 t gloriadei Pa tris men men men 31 glo ria Dei Patris men [ 6 ] 4 3^ 34 Cum an cto 34 (Cello) 5r3 Gloria in D Maor R 589

75 men Cum an cto pi ritu, in pi ritu, in glori a De Pa tris men Cumancto piritu, ingloriade i Patris mencumancto 6rt7 (utti) i men gloria Dei Pa tris men men men men men men men pi ritu, in gloria Dei Pa tris 7 6^ 4 3^ Gloria in D Maor R 589

76 men men men men men men men men men men men men men 6rYs [6 ] 4 3^ 3^ %3 [ 3^ ] n n Gloria in D Maor R 589

77 73 49 Cumancto pi ritu, cum ancto Cumancto pi ritu, men men 49 n ^ % [6 ] [6 ] 52 pi ritu men men men men men 52 men Gloria in D Maor R 589

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