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桃花心木 MAHOGANY 上素錦繡碟 Marinated Seasonal Vegetables 是日精選三寶蒸餃子 Three Kinds of Steamed Dumplings 主廚推介四喜碟 Four Varieties of Dim Sum 上湯鮮蝦雲呑麺 Shrimp Wantons and Noodles in Clear Soup 東方冰糖水杏仁荳腐 Almond Jelly 羊城美精甜品 Chinese Petit Fours 3,800 Weekday Lunch 1312

羽衣飲茶餐 SILKY OAK 上素錦繡碟 Marinated Seasonal Vegetables 精選三寶蒸餃子 Three Kinds of Steamed Dumplings 健康補身靚燉湯 Double Boiled Clear Soup 主廚推介四喜碟 Four Varieties of Dim Sum 是日港式炆荳腐 Braised Bean Curd with Meat 廣東海鮮煲粥 Congee with Seafood 楊枝灑金露 Mango Coconut Milk with Grapefruits and Tapioca 羊城美精甜品 Chinese Petit Fours 4,800 Weekday Lunch 1312

芍薬套餐 PEONY Weekday Lunch Seafood and Vegetable Salad Chef Selected Three Varieties of Steamed Dumplings Green Soup with Spinach and King Crab Meat Steamed Ishigaki Star Grouper with Chinese Matrimony Vine Fruit Sauce Stir-fried Morning Glory Rice Vermicelli Soup with Sliced Beef and Bean Sprouts in Clear Soup Double-Boiled Apple with Ginger and Tangerine Peel Infused Syrup Chinese Petit Fours 5,800 1312

廣東傳統午餐 TRADITIONAL CANTONESE MENU Weekday Lunch 廣東傳統焼味盤 Barbecued Meat Appetizers 主廚精選三寶蒸餃子 Selection of Three Varieties of Steamed Dumplings 金華竹笙蟹肉灌湯餃 Supreme Soup Dumplings with Bamboo Fungus and King Crab Meat 油泡碧緑炒東星斑 Stir-fried Ishigaki Star Grouper with Green Vegetables and Yellow Chives 杭州鎮江東坡肉 Stewed Pork Belly 荷葉鮑汁撈飯 Steamed Fried Rice with Whole Abalone and its Sauce then Wrapped in a Lotus Leaf 凍鮮果啫喱亀令膏 Fruits and Turtle Jelly with Lychee Honey Syrup 羊城美精甜品 Chinese Petit Fours 8,800 1312

主廚精選午餐 CHEF'S TASTING MENU Weekday Lunch 主廚精選焼味盤 Barbecued Platinum Pork and Roasted Duck Appetizers X.O. 韮黄炒鮮鮑片 Stir-fried Sliced Fresh Abalone with Homemade X.O. Sauce and Yellow Chives X.O. 竹笙羊肚菌燉響螺雞 Double Boiled Premier Clear Broth with Whelks, Chicken, Bamboo Fungus and Morel Mushroom 港式清蒸東星斑 Steamed Ishigaki Star Grouper with Fish Soy Sauce 焼汁頂級和牛粒 Pan-Fried Black Japanese Beef Fillet with Chinese BBQ Sauce BBQ 龍蟹扒翡翠炒飯 Green Fried Rice with Lobster and King Crab Meat Sauce 燕窩香芒凍布甸 Fresh Apple Mango Pudding with Sweet Bird s Nest 羊城美精甜品 Chinese Petit Fours 15,800 1312

芍薬套餐 PEONY Weekend Lunch Seafood and Vegetable Salad Chef Selected Three Varieties of Steamed Dumplings Green Soup with Spinach and King Crab Meat Steamed Ishigaki Star Grouper with Chinese Matrimony Vine Fruit Sauce Stir-fried Morning Glory Rice Vermicelli Soup with Sliced Beef and Bean Sprouts in Clear Soup Double-Boiled Apple with Ginger and Tangerine Peel Infused Syrup Chinese Petit Fours 5,800

紫荊飲茶餐 BAUHINIA Weekend Lunch Roasted Peking Duck with Pickled Vegetables Appetizer Steamed Pork Dumplings with Superior Bird s Nest Sauce Minced Beef and Tofu Soup One Soup Cantonese Healthy Clear Soup Chef Selected Four Varieties of Steamed Dumplings Unlimited Dim Sum One Noodle, Rice or Vegetable Dish Pumpkin Soup with Crab Meat Cantonese Congee Fried Rice with Shrimp and Barbecued Pork Wok-fried Noodles With Dark Soy Sauce Noodle Soup With Shrimp Wanton Seasonal Vegetables One Dessert Almond Pudding Mango Coconut Cream With Grapefruits Deep-fried Egg Custard Bun Red Beans and Tapioca in Coconut Milk Mango Pudding 6,800

Weekend Lunch Dim Sum Selection 廣東魚子蒸焼賣 Steamed Pork and Shrimp Siu Mai 鮮蝦韮菜餃 Steamed Shrimp and Green Chive Dumplings X.O. 帯子餃 Steamed Scallop and Homemade X.O. Sauce Dumplings X.O. 文華蝦餃皇 Steamed Silky Skin Dumplings With Shrimp 玉露上素餃 Steamed Seasonal Vegetable Dumplings 古法蒸粉棵 Steamed Roasted Duck and Conpoy Dumplings 香芹蒸餃子 Steamed Pork and Vegetable Dumplings 山竹陳皮鮮牛肉球 Steamed Beef Balls with Flavoured Tangerine Peel 鮮魚味菜黒椒餃 Steamed Diced Sea Bream and Black Pepper Dumplings 香芒沙律蝦角 Fried Shrimp Wanton with Mango Mayonnaise 蜂巣炸芋角 Deep-fried Taro Puff Dumplings 威化咖喱鳳尾蝦 Deep-fried Shrimp Dumplings With Flavoured Curry 鮮蝦炸春捲 Spring Rolls with Shrimp 香煎蘿蔔糕 Pan-fried Radish Cakes 是日蒸滑腸粉 Steamed Rice Rolls 焗菠蘿餐飽 Baked Barbecued Pork and Pineapple Buns 香煎鮮蝦韮菜棵 Pan-fried Shrimp and Green Chive Dumplings 黄橋烙焼餅 Baked pie with Flavoured Chinese Ham

廣東傳統午餐 TRADITIONAL CANTONESE MENU 廣東傳統焼味盤 Barbecued Meat Appetizers 主廚精選三寶蒸餃子 Selection of Three Varieties of Steamed Dumplings 金華竹笙蟹肉灌湯餃 Supreme Soup Dumplings with Bamboo Fungus and King Crab Meat 油泡碧緑炒東星斑 Stir-fried Ishigaki Star Grouper with Green Vegetables and Yellow Chives 杭州鎮江東坡肉 Stewed Pork Belly 荷葉鮑汁撈飯 Steamed Fried Rice with Whole Abalone and its Sauce then Wrapped in a Lotus Leaf 凍鮮果啫喱亀令膏 Fruits and Turtle Jelly with Lychee Honey Syrup 羊城美精甜品 Chinese Petit Fours 8,800 1312

主廚精選午餐 CHEF'S TASTING MENU 主廚精選焼味盤 Barbecued Platinum Pork and Roasted Duck Appetizers X.O. 韮黄炒鮮鮑片 Stir-fried Sliced Fresh Abalone with Homemade X.O. Sauce and Yellow Chives X.O. 竹笙羊肚菌燉響螺雞 Double Boiled Premier Clear Broth with Whelks, Chicken, Bamboo Fungus and Morel Mushroom 港式清蒸東星斑 Steamed Ishigaki Star Grouper with Fish Soy Sauce 焼汁頂級和牛粒 Pan-Fried Black Japanese Beef Fillet with Chinese BBQ Sauce BBQ 龍蟹扒翡翠炒飯 Green Fried Rice with Lobster and King Crab Meat Sauce 燕窩香芒凍布甸 Fresh Apple Mango Pudding with Sweet Bird s Nest 羊城美精甜品 Chinese Petit Fours 15,800 1312

Dinner 五羊套餐 UYON 焼味海蜇錦繡碟 Barbecued Meat with Jellyfish Appetizers X.O. 碧緑炒海三鮮 Stir-fried Scallops, Pen Shell and Geoduck Homemade X.O. Sauce and Green Vegetables X.O. 海雲海膠絲羹 Thick Soup with King Crab Meat and Seaweed 港式清蒸加吉魚 Steamed Sea Bream with Original Fish Soy Sauce 杭州鎮江東坡肉 Stewed Pork Belly 是日時令蔬菜 Chinese Vegetables 黒松露鮮蝦雲呑麺 Soup Noodles with Shrimp and Black Truffle Sauce Wanton 凍鮮果啫喱亀令膏 Fruits and Turtle Jelly with Lychee Honey Syrup 14,000

Dinner 羊城套餐 YONSEN 鹽水竹蝦拼海蜇美麗盤 Poached Prawn with Jellyfish Appetizers 薑葱焗皇帝蟹爪 Sautéed King Crab with Leek and Ginger 竹笙羊肚菌燉響螺雞 Double Boiled Premier Clear Broth with Whelks, Chicken, Bamboo Fungus and Morel 杞子醤蒸東星斑 Poached Sliced Ishigaki Star Grouper with Chinese Matrimony Vine Fruit Sauce 蜜椒煎梅山猪扒 Sautéed Premier Meisyanton Pork with Black Pepper Honey Sauce 是日時令蔬菜 Chinese Vegetables 荷葉鮑汁撈飯 Steamed Fried Rice with Whole Abalone and its Sauce then Wrapped in a Lotus Leaf 楊枝灑金露椰奶凍 Coconut Mousse with Mango Coconut Cream 18,000

Dinner 如意羊羊晩餐 YUI YON YON 廣東傳統晩餐 TRADITIONAL CANTONESE MENU 鳳城滑鮮海中寶 Lo Hei Style Appetizer with Sea Urchin, Scallops, Squid and Chinese Garnish 金陵片皮掛爐鴨 Roasted Peking Duck(Table Side Preparation) 極品佛跳牆 Double Boiled Premier Clear Broth with Abalone, Dried Seafoods and Turtle 主廚推介即製一碟 Please Choose one of Chef s Signature Seafood Main Courses* * 主廚推介即製一碟 Please Choose one of Chef s Signature Meat Main Courses* * * You can choose 2 dishes from both seafood and meat 是日時令蔬菜雙味 Two Kinds of Chinese Vegetables 港式大排檔焼味飯 Barbecued Meat on Steamed Rice 燕窩香芒凍布甸 Fresh Apple Mango Pudding with Sweet Bird s Nest 22,000

Dinner 海鮮料理 SEAFOOD 港式清蒸東星斑 Steamed Ishigaki Star Grouper with Original Fish Soy Sauce X.O. 韮黄炒鮮鮑片 Stir-fried Sliced Fresh Abalone with Homemade X.O. Sauce and Yellow Chives X.O. 薑葱焗皇帝蟹爪 Sautéed King Crab with Leek and Ginger 香芒沙律汁蝦球 Deep-fried Prawns with Original Mango Mayonnaise 肉料理 MEAT 焼汁頂級和牛粒 Pan-Fried Japanese Beef Fillet with Chinese BBQ Sauce BBQ 蜜椒煎梅山猪扒 Sautéed Premier Meisyanton Pork with Black Pepper Honey Sauce 杭州鎮江東坡肉 Stewed Pork Belly with Chinese Rice Wine and Black Vinegar 當紅香葉炸子雞 Deep-fried Crispy Chicken with Spicy Garlic

Dinner 喜羊套餐 HEIYON 主廚精選套餐 CHEF'S TASTING MENU 鴻運焼乳猪件拼小食錦繡碟 Barbecued Suckling Pig and Appetizer Selection 港式薑葱蒸苏眉 Steamed Ishigaki Napoleon Fish with Original Fish Soy Sauce 至尊金華紅焼官燕 Superior Bird s Nest with Premium Brown Sauce 古法蠔皇扣吉品三十头乾鮑 Braised Yoshihama Dried Whole Abalone with Oyster Sauce 蜜椒煎神戸牛 Pan-Fried Kobe Beef Fillet with Black Pepper Honey Sauce 是日時令蔬菜雙味 Two Kinds of Chinese Vegetables 龍蟹扒翡翠炒飯 Green Fried Rice with Lobster and King Crab Meat Sauce 椰香奶皇西米焗木瓜 Baked Papaya with Coconut Flavoured Custard Cream and Tapioca 28,000

Dinner 素食晩餐 VEGETARIAN MENU 上素錦繡碟 Marinated Garden Vegetables 生菜乾隆炒素火腿崧 Stir-fried Soy Bean Patties and Pine Nuts Served with Lettuce 金湯燴官燕 Superior Bird s Nest Pumpkin Soup 竹笙扒豆荳石榴包 Tofu Wrapped in Bean Curd Skin with Bamboo Fungus 避風塘時令素菜 Deep-fried Mushrooms, Assorted Vegetables with Spicy Garlic 是日時令蔬菜 Chinese Vegetables 鼎湖素餃子齋湯麺 Mixed Vegetables Dumplings with Soup Noodle 凍鮮果啫喱糖水 Fresh Fruits and Jelly with Lychee Hoeny Syrup 14,000