Karin - Dinner Menu

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Karin - Dinner Menu

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Lunch Course 11:00 17:00 Sumire 2,000 45g

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Lunch Course 11:0017:00 Sumire 2,000 45g

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イタリアンダイニング ジリオン


Soup 味噌汁 Soya bean soup with bean curd, $6.00 Misoshiru seaweed and spring onion Cold Entrees ほうれん草ごま和え Lightly cooked spinach mixed $14.00 Horenso Go

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Menu mignon ~ ムニュミニョン ~ 5,500 京丹波高原豚と秋の実りのパテ様々に仕立てた季節の野菜 ~ サラダグルマン ~ Kyo-Tamba Kogen Pork Pate in Autumn Style with Seasonal Vegetables Salad Gourmet

Domestic beef hamburger steak Lunch 本日のスープ Today s soup グリーンサラダ Green salad 焼き野菜 Grilled vegetables 国産牛ハンバーグ 160g Domestic beef hamburger steak 160g 京

DINNER MENU SMALL BITES Assorted Seasonal Delicacies 酒菜 3 種盛合せ $32 Home-cured Dried Mullet Roe 自家製唐墨 $40 Hokkaido Ensui Sea Urchin 塩水雲丹 $37 Poached Ve


Dinner Course SHOUKAKOU 1 Person 12,500 Seasonal six 'chill and grill' appretizers. Sautéed Sakhalin surf clams, scallops and vegetables, yuzu flavor. Steamed Shàngtāng soup with swallow's nest. Karin's signature Peking duck combination. Whole abalone, matsutake mushroom and daikoku shimeji mushrooms in homemade oyster sauce. Sautéed Wagyu beef and lotus roots with XO mustard sauce. Fried rice with Shanghai crab and lettuce. Mango pudding with fresh fruit.

Dinner Course KOUGA Chinese regional food fair Spicy 1 Person 15,000 Assorted specialty appetizers from different Chinese regions. Steamed soup with Chinese soft-shelled turtle and white jelly fungus. (Shanghai) Big cut of Peking duck and sautéed duck with lettuce. (Peking) Japanese brand beef with stewed spicy tofu and vegetables in Chinese clay pot. (Sichuan) Stewed Japanese rock lobster and E-Fu noodle with Shàngtāng soup, truffle flavor. (Cantonese) 焗 Four kinds of mini desserts. Additional menu with special prices Tinnen 8 y.o. (180ml) 2,000 Koetu-Kame-Dashi 10 y.o. (180ml) 2,500 Coffee / Tea Chinese tea (pot) 700 800

Dinner Course CHOUKOU 1 Person 17,000 Chef's selection of 'long life' appetizers. Sautéed luxury star grouper, matsutake mushrooms and yellow leeks with salt, served with Chinese style fritter. Big cut of Peking duck in homemade steamed bun. Steamed Shàngtāng soup with swallow's nest and kinugasa mushroom. Japanese rock lobster steamed lotus leaf, minced shrimps with lotus roots and steamed shrimp dumpling. Stewed Japanese dried abalone from Yoshihama, Iwate with homemade oyster sauce, flavor of truffle. Fried rice with Shanghai crab and lettuce. Apple compote with seasonal fruit.

Dinner Course KARIN 1 Person 25,000 Karin's special daily 'warm and chill' appetizer. Daily selection of sautéed seafood with autumn vegetables, sheet of dried sardines. Cantonese and Peking duck, autumn combination. Steamed star grouper, Jinhua ham and matsutake mushroom with fish sauce. Chinese style Wagyu tenderloin steak (please ask your server for your choice of flavor.) 'Chinese Imperial Cuisine' Stewed noble Japanese dried abalone from Yoshihama, Iwate with cod fish maw. Signature slow-steamed soup with Chinese luxury delicacies in Chinese pot. Today's swallow's nest dessert.

Dinner Course TOUKOU 1 Person 9,000 Karin's original five appetizers with Chilled Kaori chicken, roast pork fillet and jellyfish. Salt-sautéed wild jumbo prawn, cuttlefish and seasonal vegetables. Shàngtāng thick soup with dried scallops, three kinds of mushrooms and Cornish jack fish fin. Two kinds of market fish, autumn combination. Abalone, stewed pork and fua wheat gluten in oyster sauce served with warm vegetables. Snow crab meat and deep-fried tofu with Shàngtāng soup in Chinese clay pot. Fried rice with ground Wagyu beef and lettuce. Homemade almond milk jelly with fresh fruit. Additional menu with special prices Tinnen 8 y.o. (180ml) 2,000 Koetu-Kame-Dashi 10 y.o. (180ml) 2,500 Coffee / Tea Chinese tea (pot) 700 800

Dinner - a la carte Chef Okubo's Creations 1, Japanese swimming crab marinated in luxury Shaoxing Chinese wine. Half 2,800 2, Homemade steamed pork in broth dumplings with Shanghai crab. 1 piece 350 3, Sautéed wild prawn, Hokkai scallop, matsutake mushroom and ginkgo with salt. Serves 1 to 2 3,800 4, Steamed Sangenton pork, long eggplant and bean starch vermicelli. Serves 1 to 2 2,400 5, Fried rice with Shanghai crab, snow crab and lettuce. Per person 2,200

Dinner - a la carte From Our Sea-water Tank Lobster Steamed Clay pot Sautéed Fried with our mix-spices 400g 8,000 Additional 100g 2,000 100g 400100 Prawns Shabushabu style 1piece 600 Spiced salt 1piece 600 Shaoxing wine flavor 6pieces 6,000 Geoduck clams Shabushabu style Sautéed 300g 1,300 Additional 100g 450 100g 300100 Abalone Shabushabu style Sautéed Steamed 300g 11,400 Additional 100g 4,200 100g 300100 Today's catch - steamed Please allow 30 minutes for the preparation. 300g 3,000 Additional 100g 1,100 100g 300100 Chef's Recommended Seafood Alfonsino Fillet 1,000 Coral grouper Fillet 1,600 Hong Kong style Garlic steamed Sautéed Clay pot

Dinner - a la carte Chef Okubo's recommendation Spicy Appetizers 1 Chilled kaori chicken with your choice of sauce : leeks, sesame or soy 2,700 2 Australian abalone 5,400 3 Superior Roshu jellyfish 5,100 4 Taiwanese century eggs, homemade sweet and sour ginger 1,700 5 Cucumbers, Chinese cabbage, hot and sour pickled radish and chili 1,900 6 Thinly sliced herb pork, garlic sauce 2,300 Roasted Meats 7 Cantonese roast Mochibuta pork fillet 2,850 8 Roast skin-on duck, two sauces 3,700 9 Cantonese roast Japanese seiryu chicken 2,100 10 Our mixed spice sausages 2,100 11 Roast pork neck 2,100 12 Roast herb pork ribs 2,300 13 Peking duck with steamed homemade bun 2 pieces 2,400 14 Chef's seven appetizer combination 1 person 2,800 For menu No1 to 5, 7 to 12 half portion is available with additional 70% of the menu price. 查

Dinner - a la carte Chef Okubo's recommendation Spicy Abalone & Sea Cucumber 15 16 Stewed dried abalone from Yoshihama region Stewed abalone with your choice of : oyster sauce or cream sauce 蠔 奶 1 piece 16,000 5,800 17 Stewed abalone and sea cucumber 5,800 18 Sea cucumber stewed with shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoot and soy 炆 5,800 Bird's Nest 1 person 19 Steamed in superior soup 5,800 20 Thick soup with crab meat 燴 4,800 21 Thick soup with crab roe 燴 4,800 22 Thick soup with egg white 燴 4,800 23 Sautéed with egg white cream 奶 6,500 For menu No16 to 18 half portion is available with additional 70% of the menu price. 查

Dinner - a la carte Seafood 24 Sautéed scallops and market vegetables Chef Okubo's recommendation Spicy 4,700 25 Sautéed prawns and seasonal vegetables 4,350 26 Shrimps wok-fried in chili sauce 3,700 27 Seafood and vegetables in spicy garlic 2,650 28 Boiled cuttlefish with fish sauce 3,200 29 Sautéed cuttlefish and seasonal vegetables 3,200 30 Snow crab sautéed with leeks and ginger 焗 3,950 31 King crab sautéed with XO sauce 焗 4,700 32 Deep-fried king crab claw 1 piece 1,500 For menu No24 to 31 half portion is available with additional 70% of the menu price. 查

Dinner - a la carte Meat 33 Wok-fried diced Wagyu beef tenderloin with black pepper Chef Okubo's recommendation Spicy 4,800 34 Wagyu beef and mushrooms sautéed in oyster sauce 蠔 3,600 35 Sautéed shredded Wagyu beef, yellow leeks and celery 3,600 36 Sautéed shredded Wagyu beef and peppers 3,600 37 Cantonese sweet and sour pork 3,050 38 Japanese pork and cabbage in spicy miso 3,000 39 Minced quail sautéed and wrapped in lettuce leaf 3,750 40 Deep-fried Japanese seiryu chicken 2,200 41 Sautéed Japanese seiryu chicken, cashew nuts 2,800 42 Japanese abe chicken in sweet and sour ginger 2,800 For menu No33 to 42 half portion is available with additional 70% of the menu price. 查

Dinner - a la carte Vegetables & Tofu Seasonal vegetables : Please ask your server for today's vegetable selection 43 Stir-fried with Chinese flavored salt 3,250 44 Sautéed with garlic 3,000 45 Braised with dried scallops 扒 3,000 46 Steamed in bamboo basket 3,000 47 Tofu braised with crab meat 2,800 48 Sichuan home style deep-fried tofu 2,500 49 Wok-fried tofu and minced beef in chili sauce 2,500 Braised in Clay Pot 50 Assorted vegetables and dried seafood 煲 煲 3,200 51 Spicy market fish and mushrooms 腩 煲 2,700 52 Eggplant and minced Japanese pork 煲 2,700 53 Yuba soy skin and vegetables 煲 2,700 54 Black pork from the Okinawa Islands 煲 3,000 55 Prawns Malaysian style 爹 煲 3,600 56 Sichuan style market fish in spicy oil 2,800 For menu No43 to 56 half portion is available with additional 70% of the menu price. 查

Dinner - a la carte Soups 57 Steamed ocean and mountain delicacies Please allow 30 minutes for the preparation. 1 person 7,900 58 Thick soup of abalone and dried sea scallops 1,600 59 Sichuan hot and sour chop suey 1,600 60 Corn soup with crab meat 1,300 61 Pork and Chinese pickles soup 1,100 62 Vegetables in Chinese superior broth 1,000 63 Egg and green vegetables 900 Chinese Dim Sum 64 Abalone dumpling in steamed superior soup 1 piece 1,250 65 Steamed shrimp dumplings 3 pieces 900 66 Steamed Chinese leeks and shrimp dumplings 3 pieces 930 67 Steamed pork in broth dumplings 3 pieces 930 68 Steamed pork and seafood dumplings 3 pieces 900 69 Pan-Fried Mochibuta pork dumpling 2 pieces 700 70 Spring roll 2 pieces 700

Dinner - a la carte Chef Okubo's recommendation Spicy Rice & Noodles 71 Fujian style chop suey with abalone over fried rice 1 person 2,700 72 Seafood fried rice 2,300 73 Fried rice with lettuce and crab meat 2,300 74 Seafood noodle soup 3,500 75 Hot and sour noodle soup 3,500 76 Dan Dan noodle soup 2,200 77 Shrimp noodle soup 2,200 78 Shredded leek and roast pork fillet noodle soup 2,000 79 Chop suey noodle soup 2,200 80 Chop suey over fried noodle 2,200 81 82 Seasonal vegetables with thick sauce over fried noodle Hong Kong home-style fried rice vermicelli 2,000 1,800 Karin's Recommended Noodles Chinese Shàngtāng noodle soup with two wontons 2,100 Guangdong Noodle soup with kaori chicken steamed with sansho pepper Shanghai Sichuan spicy noodle soup with Wagyu beef and market vegetables Sichuan 2,100 2,900 For menu No71 to 82 half portion is available with additional 70% of the menu price. 查

Dinner - a la carte Desserts 83 Almond milk jelly with fresh fruit Chef Okubo's recommendation Spicy 1 piece 1,200 84 Mango pudding 1,200 85 Fig jelly with fresh fruit 1,000 86 Coconut milk with tapioca 1,000 87 Mango milk ice cream 1,500 88 Sweet soup with rice flour dumplings, your choice of red bean or black sesame flavor 1,000 89 Fresh fruit platter 1,900 Karin's original dessert of the season Karin's original dessert with pear and white jelly fungus. 1,200