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. 1. 2. 3. 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4. 1. 2. 3. 4.. 1. 2. 3. 4.. 1. 2. 3.FORTRAN -1-

1 2002 2 2002-2- 2002 690 10% 1% 37% 1 2

20% -3-

1. 2. 3. 4. -4-

2002 1 24 1949 5 9 5 74% 50% -5-

1. 1 16 23 1 2001 25 1992 3 3 1992 P.85-6-

1992 4 2001 1 384.2 5 2. 2001 2001 1 2000 1 4 5-7-

2001 2 2 2001 6 2001 2 2000 3. 6 2001 P.44-8-

3-1 1987 3 3 2002 3 3 2002 3 6% 8% 2002-9-

7 8 8 3-2 9 1000 3-3 7 2002 P.121 82000 6446 5356 www.mhlw.go.jp/toukei/itiran/roukei/shihyou/3.html 9-10-

65 10 2001 11 3-4, 10 2000 11 2001 P.121-11-

12 13 12 2001 13-12-

1. 1979 1979 Pechman 1959 personal exemption 14 Bittker 1967 14 J.A.Pechman, 1959 P.267-13-

1 15 Bittker 1967 1979 60% 16 1979 2. Pechman 1985 Pechman 1985 1980 20 15 B.I.Bittker, 1967 P.929 16 1979 P. 52-14-

3 2 4 8 17 3 1980 1975 Pechman 1985 1980 18 1968 1985 1966 1985 1966 1985 19 1985 20 17 1 2 3 1 2 18 Pechman 1985 P.4 5 19 Pechman 1985 P.9 10 20 1984 14-15-

1986 1984 4 3. Tax Reform for Fairnes,Simplicty,and Economic Growth 11% 50 14 5 4 Pure flat tax Modified flat tax -16-

21 Consumed Income Tax Value Added Tax 4 4 Economic Income AGI 5 21-17-

1/3 22 3. 2001 4. 2001 1980 1997 2 22 Standard Deduction Itemized Deductions -18-

2 6 SNA 6 23 3 2025 21 15.6% 2000 23-19-

24 3 2001 P.9 4 1994 24 2000 21 2000.10-20-

4 2001 P.116 1989 10 1990 3 2025 42.2-21-

25 15.8% 2001 26 2001 3 1 2 3 8 2001 1979 Pechman 1985 2001 25 21 2000.10 26 2001,P.119-22-


1. 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 7 20 65-24-

83 2 17 17 27 27-25-

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65 6 4. 3. 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955-29-

1960 7 1 2000 2% 28 60 61 61 67 67 2 7 8 1930 1945 1960 2001 7 28 2% 1999-30-

8 7 8 1. 1930 1960 1945 3 4 8 8 1945 1950 35 45 1960 105 41 2000-31-

8 9 1930 9 71 1930 71 10 1945 10 9 61 62 11 1960 11 1960 58 12 29 2958 796.93 3.392 350.64 508.64 37.13 36.30-32-

9 1930 10 1945-33-

11 1960 12 % 37 30 20 15 10 5 0 330 400 900 1800-34-

190 1/2 1 P.7 2000 1.74 0.99 0.45 0.43 1.63 24 1.00 25 30 0.18 65 0.54 36 40 0.34 41 45 0.55 46 50 0.36 8 P.32-35-


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1. FORTRAN 3 2000 5 1 2000 5 2000 1 1 2000 60 60 61 2 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 7 60 61 61-40-

67 2 1994 60 1 65 13 15 13 1941 16 4 1 14 1941 16 4 2 19494 1 15 1949 24 4 2 19534 1 1945 60 63 63 65 65-41-

1 1999 11 25 1954 28 4 2 1958 33 2 2 16 1953 28 4 2 19614 1 17 1961 36 4 2 2 17 65 65 3 1946 S.21 4 1 1,676 1.875 1.032-42-

1961 S.36 4 1 20 60 40 1962 S.16 4 2 4 18 3-43-

4 5 1-44-

1999 11 5% 3 15 4 3 15 4 5 2003 15 2003-45-

5 2. -46-

2000 2% 2000 5 1 27 32 28 27 4/5 32 1/5 29 27 3/5 32 2/5 1 1960 1990 30 1991 31 2001 2% 1960 3.FORTRAN FORTRAN -47-


