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1 13Lesson 1 Subjects covered: 03, , 00,6 1 04,6 1 05,6 1 05,6 1 06,6 1 - Consonants Silent: - Vowels 09 [ ],1 7 [ ],[ 08 ],[ 06 ] Lesson (c)rahel Halabe - Adjective follows noun New Consonants 2 (M) 05,(L) 04,(Sh) [ ],[ 08 ] New Vowels [ 08 ] Vowel summary sun 1 7 [ ] or Practice reading the following syllables In this case, the letter 07 is used as a vowel. Later on you will also encounter the letter 07 as a consonant. 2 This is the 'final' letter (M). You will later learn the letter (M) the way it appears at the beginning and at the middle of a word. 1

2 13Lesson 1 Good Morning ! Note: The Hebrew adjective always follows the noun. Thus, the expressions you may have heard: Shanah Tovah, Hagg SameyaH, Refu'ah Shleimah New Consonants (T) 00,(R) 06,(K) 05,(V) 03,(B) 1 7 New Vowels [ 06 ] 09 [] [ 08 ] Vowel summary sun 09 [ ] 1 7 [ ] [ 06 ] or get Practice reading the following syllables

3 13Lesson 1 Practice reading the following words (Biblical, Modern, or both, familiar or not). Comprehension at this level is not necessary!

4 13Lesson 2 Subjects covered: - Consonants 02,6 1 06,6 1 09,6 1 08,6 1 Silent: 06 Vowels - ] 04,[ ] 04 [ 01,6 1 ] 05 [, ] 02 [ - No Verb Sentence = I - Subject Pronoun: Lesson (c)rahel Halabe I am Rahel Asher I am I am Shoshanah. 01 quiescent 06 silent New Consonants 02,glottal stop 08,(N) 09 (H), New Vowels ] 02,[ ] 05,[ ] 04,[ ] ]01 Where is the Hebrew verb 'to be' in the above two sentences? Hebrew does have the verb 'to be' but it is not used in such sentences indicating the present tense. These are verbless sentences. [ 02 ] [ 06 ] [ 08 ] [ 05 ] Vowel summary sun get 09 [ ] [ 04 ] 1 7 [ ] ] ]01 or bee 1

5 13Lesson Practice reading the following syllables Practice reading the following words (Biblical, Modern, or both, familiar or not). Comprehension at this level is not necessary! silent !6 1 01silent

6 ! Lesson !

7 13Lesson 3 Subjects covered: 06,6 1 03,6 1 06, Consonant: - 02 Silent - Vowels [ 07 ],1 7 [ ] silent sheva [ 00 ] - Subject Pronouns - Gender Lesson (c)rahel Halabe Who are you (m. singualr)? I am Mosheh ? ?6 1 = who? New Consonants 06 (M), 08 (T) New Vowels [ 07 ] [ 02 ] [ 07 ] [ 08 ] Vowel summary sun [ 06 ] 09 [ ] [ 04 ] [ 05 ] 1 7 [ ] ] ]01 get or bee 1

8 13Lesson Practice reading the following syllables Sing:

9 13Lesson 3 Practice reading the following words: Who are you (f. singular)? I am Rivqah ? Who are you (m. singular)? I am Avraham ? New Consonants 06 (H) 1 New Vowels no vowel [ 00 ] SUBJECT PRONOUNS Singular I you you m. f. 1st. Person 2nd. Person 1 You encountered the letter 06 in Lesson 1 as a silent letter appearing at the end of a word. Here the letter consonant. is a 06 3

10 13Lesson 3 [ 02 ] [ 07 ] [ 06 ] [ 08 ] [ 05 ] Vowel summary sun get 09 [ ] [ 04 ] 1 7 [ ] ] ]01 [ 00] Silent Shevva No Vowel Closing a syllable or bee sister Practice reading the following syllables. 06,6 1 09, among: Make sure to distinguish

11 13Lesson Practice reading the following words: silent he? Who is ?6 1 Mikhael? He is Who is he? He is Uri ? He is a friend. He is a good friend New Consonants 02, 2 silent 03 (Kh) New Vowels 1 7 [ ] 2 You encountered the letter 02 (as a glottal stop) which is pronounce according to the vowel attached. Here you are introduced to the same letter 02 when no vowel is attached. In such a case, the 02 is silent. 5

12 13Lesson 3 Vowel summary [ 02 ] [ 07 ] [ 08 ] sun [ 06 ] [ 05 ] get 09 [ ] 1 7 [ ] or ] ]01 ] 04 [ 1 7 [ ] [ 00] Silent Shevva No Vowel; Closing a syllable bee blue sister Practice reading the following syllables

13 13Lesson Practice reading the following words: silent she? Who is ?6 1 Le'ah. She is Who is she? ? friend. She is Rivqah. She is a good I you you he she PRONOUNS SUBJECT Singular 1st. Person m. 2nd. Person f. m. 3rd. Person f

14 13Lesson 3 02 Practice reading the following words (Biblical, Modern, or both, familiar or not). Comprehension at this stage is not necessary! silent silent vowel vowel

15 ! silent ! Lesson 3 9

16 13Lesson !

17 13Lesson 4 Subjects covered: 04, 07, 01 Consonant: - - Vowels: Vocal Shevah [ 00 ] Lesson (c)rahel Halabe Conjuctive I am Yits'haq New Consonants 01 (Y), consonant 04 (Ts) New Vowels In Lesson 1 you encountered the letter 01 as a silent letter. Here, with a vowel attached, the letter 01 is pronounced as a consonant (Y). [ 02 ] [ 07 ] [ 08 ] Vowel summary sun [ 06 ] [ 05 ] get 09 [ ] 1 7 [ ] or [ 04 ] ] ]01 bee 1 7 [ ] blue [ 00 ] Silent Shevva No Vowel. Closing a syllable sister 1

18 13Lesson 4 Practice reading the following words: She is Sarah, and I am Yisra'el. He is Moshe, and I am Miriam. Shalom, Moshe and Miriam. Sarah and Le'ah, Shanah Tovah! Hanah and Avraham, Hatimah Tovah! , , , , ! , !6 1 New Consonants 2 (S) (V) consonant New Vowels Vocal Shevah [ 00 ] Note: The Hebrew 07 Conjunctive [printed in large fornts in the above sentences (2 & 3)] is a prefix, not a free standing word. It may appear with various vowels = and The most common 07 Conjunctive you will encounter, is vocalized with the newly introduced here vocal sheva [ 00 ] 1 In Lessons 1 & 2 you encountered the letter 07 caring the vowels 1 7 & 1 7. Here the letter 07 is a consonant (V). 2 Make sure to distinguish between 1 7 (Sh) with its dot on the right hand side, and the 1 7 (S) introduced here with its dot on the left hand side. 2

19 13Lesson 4 [ 02 ] [ 07 ] [ 08 ] Vowel summary sun [ 00 ] Vocal Sheva starting a syllable [ 06 ] [ 05 ] get 09 [ ] 1 7 [ ] or [ 04 ] ] ]01 bee 1 7 [ ] blue [ 00] Silent Sheva No Vowel. Closing a syllable sister Do not confuse: The sign [ 00 ] indicates 2 different shevas: 6ヲ1 The sheva you learned in Lesson 2 is the silent sheva (= no vowel, as in sister). It closes a syllable. For example: , , ヲ1 However, the vocal sheva introduced here, starts a word or a syllable and sounds like 'e' in get 3. For example: , , , , In today spoken Hebrew, and in the case of some consonants, you will often hear the vocal sheva too, slurred to a no-vowel. For example: will be pronounced 'Shlomo' and not 'Shelomo' 3

20 13Lesson Practice reading the following syllables

21 13Lesson 4 07 Practice reading the following words: = vowel ! silent vowel Sing: " " , , , , ,

22 13Lesson 4 Practice reading the following words: 02 silent silent = vowel vowel ! silent

23 13Lesson

24 13Lesson 5 Subjects covered: Lesson ,6 1 05,6 1 08,6 1 08=6 1 07,6 1 00,6 1 - Consonants , The Indicative The Definite Article (c)rahel Halabe holiday. Rosh-HaShanah is a New Consonants 04 (G) New Vowels [ 02 ] [ 07 ] [ 08 ] Vowel summary sun [ 00 ] Vocal Sheva starting a syllable [ 06 ] [ 05 ] get 09 [ ] 1 7 [ ] or [ 04 ] ] ]01 bee 1 7 [ ] blue [ 00 ] Silent Sheva No Vowel. Closing a syllable sister Practice reading the following words:

25 13Lesson 5 Sing (Note: Letters vocalized with Vocal Sheva are printed here in larger fonts) Who are you (f. singular)?? Ya'el. I am you] And I am Ya'aqov. [ Nice to meet you] Nice to meet [ New Consonants New Vowels,(D) 1 05 glottal00 stop Rosh-HaShanah is a holiday. Rosh-HaShanah is a holiday. Shavu'ot is a good-day [= holiday]. Shavu'ot is a good-day [= holiday]. Rosh-HaShanah and Shavu'ot are holidays silent! is NOT

26 13Lesson Practice reading the following syllables Practice reading the following words:

27 13Lesson ? David. Who is this? This is And who is this? This is Adam ? ? Devorah. Who is this? This is Who is this? This is Dinah ? New Consonants 08 (Z) New Vowels The Indicatives m., f. this = Practice reading the following words: ! " " Read the following syllables. Watch for letters that look similar

28 13Lesson 5 Look at a map and point: Egypt. This is Israel. This is Jerusalem. This is Tel-Aviv. This is This is the Galilee. This is the Negev The Hebrew Definite Article is a prefix attached to nouns or adjectives(see 6 above in large fonts). It may be vocalized with different vowels = the Dinah. This is Hannah, and this is , Hanan. This is Dan, and this is Ben, and this is New Consonants 08(6 1N6 1)6 1 = 07 final New Vowels Practice reading the following words: =

29 13Lesson 5 Good Evening!.9 Greet your friends: ! !6 1 Good Night! Sing: Practice reading the following words: silent

30 13Lesson silent vowel vowel ! ! silent !6 1 7

31 Final Lesson 5 8

32 13Lesson Lesson (c)rahel Halabe Subjects covered: - Consonants = , = 02, 1 7,1 7 = - Vowels [ 1 7 ] Shelomo is a king David and Shelomo are kings David is a king. New Consonants 03(6 1KH6 1)6 1 = Final New Vowels [How are you Dan?] [Well, Thanks.] , ? , [How are you Dinah?]?1 7 [Well, Thanks.] , , book) (from the prayer Practice reading the following words: 03,

33 13Lesson 6 Moshe is a prophet, and Aharon is a priest. David is a king. Shelomo is a king. Vashti is a queen. Esther is a queen , New Consonants 09(6 1S6 1)6 1,(K)1 7 New Vowels Vowel Practice. Read the following syllables. 03,6 1,1 7 03,6 1 Make sure to distinguish among: holiday. Rosh HaShanah is a Shavu'ot is a holiday Sukkot is a holiday holiday. Hanukkah is a , , , New Consonants New Vowels [ 1 7] 2

34 13Lesson 6 [ 02 ] [ 07 ] Vowel summary [ 08 ] sun [ 00 ] Vocal Shevah starting a syllable [ 06 ] [ 05 ] get 09 [ ] 1 7 [ ] or ] ]01 ] 04 [ bee [ 1 7 ] 1 7 [ ] blue [ 00] Silent Shevva No Vowel ending a syllable sister ' ' ' (The priestly blessing, Numbers 6:24-26) New Consonants Final 1 7 = (K)1 7 New Vowels This final letter may rarely appear as 1 7, pronounced as K and as in the verse above. 3

35 13Lesson Practice reading the following words: , (from the Passover Haggadah) (Numbers (12: New Consonants 02 (F) New Vowels Practice reading the following words:

36 13Lesson , , New Consonants (P) 1 7 New Vowels Practice reading the following words: Review: (B) (V) / (K) (KH) / (P) (F) /

37 13Lesson 6 Practice reading the following syllables

38 13Lesson Practice reading the following words: silent

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