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3 IMES Discuss ssion Paper Series 97-J JEL : L86, Z00 * ** ( NTT

4 ... 1 I (1)... 5 (2)... 5 (3)... 8 (4) (1) (2) II (1)RSA (2)Rabin (3) (1)ElGamal (2)EDLP DL (3)OAEP (4) (1)ElGamal (2)ESIGN (3)DSA (4)Fiat-Shamir (5)EDLP (6) III FP (1) (2)... 59

5 2 DLP, EDLP (1) (2) (3)EDLP

6 1 PGP(Pretty Good Privacy) RSA [1997] 1

7 2

8 I 1 common key cryptosystem public key cryptosystem 1976 Stanford Diffie and Hellman[1976] n C 2n n 2 LSI Mbps Mbps 3

9 M e E(e,M) d D(d,M) e E(e,M) d D(d,M) d e E C=E(e,M) M 2 M D(d,E(e,M))=M M E(e,D(d,M))=M ElGamal ESIGN one way function f f -1 C=f(M) f -1 (C) trapdoor trapdoor one way function f(,e) 2 4

10 f -1 (,d) d e d e d 2 (1) 1. A B M Step 1 Step 2 A B e B M C B B d B C M B A B B B (2) 1 D(M) 5

11 M D D(M) E M d A e A 1 X X E(X) RSA E(XY) = E(X)E(Y) II 1.(1) 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 A M h d A S A (M, S) B B S A e A M h h(m) 6

12 M (M, S) M h S S h h(m) D E d A e A / Step 1 A ID ID A K PA 7


14 RSA Merkle public key distribution system Diffie-Hellman[1976] DH DH A B DH p Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 A [0, p-1] X A Y A = X A mod p (1) Y A B B [0, p-1] X B Y B = X B mod p (2) Y B A A X K = Y A B mod p = X A X B mod p (3) B K p Y Y= X mod p X p DH DH DH intruder-in-the-middle-attack C Y A Y B Y C = X C mod p A B A B B A DH Station-To-Station Diffie-van Oorschot-Wiener[1992] 9

15 RACE 3 Integrity Primitives Evaluation (RIPE) Rabin COMSET Brandt et al.[1990] EKE Encrypted Key Exchange Bellovin and Merritt[1992] ID Shamir[1985] DH RSA E. Okamoto[1989] KPS Key Predistribution System 4 Matsumoto-Imai[1988] RSA DLP Girault[1991] (4) (blind signature) Chaum[1983] Chaum[1982] RSA ElGamal Camenisch et al.[1994] Zero Knowledge Interactive Proof; ZKIP Okamoto and Ohta[1990] 3 RACE(The Research and Development in Advanced Communication Technologies in Europe) EC IBC(Integrated Broadband Communication) 4 KPS Eudora MS excahnge 10

16 RSA A M B B RSA (e,n) d Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 A r B (e,n) X = Mr e mod n (4) X B B (d,n) Y = X d mod n = M d r mod n (5) Y A A Y r -1 B S = M d mod n A S B S e = M mod n (6) Step 3 r -1 r -1 r = 1 mod n GCD(r, n) = 1 Euclid A B Chaum cut-and-choose-methodology 1 ZKIP DLP Brands[1993] RSA Abe-Fujisaki[1996] DLP Abe-Camenisch[1997] cut-and-choosemethodology 1 undeniable signature 11

17 Chaum and van Antwerpen[1990] Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 A B S A B r A A r d A B B A e A A S A d A A disapproval protocol 1 fail-stop signature Pfitzman and Waidner[1990] group signature Chaum[1991] 12

18 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 2 Chaum[1991] blind decryption Micali[1993] [1996] 13

19 RSA Micali[1993] ElGamal [1995] 3 1 bit (1) (direct attack) (chosen plaintext attack) (chosen ciphertext attack) (adaptive chosen ciphertext attack) 14

20 fault-based attack 1 bit 1 bit 1 0 bit Anderson[1996] 1 bit RSA ElGamal (total break) (general break) partial break 1 bit 1 bit bit 1 bit semantically secure Goldwasser and Micali[1984] tampering 15

21 f C=E(M) M =f(m) C =E(M ) f C=E(M) M =f(m) C =E(M ) nonmalleable RSA Rabin RSA Rabin RSA Goldwasser- Micali Naor-Yung OAEP RSA OAEP (2) direct attack known message attack 16

22 chosen message attack adaptive chosen message attack total forgery universal forgery selective forgery existential forgery 1 17

23 Rabin OSS OSS ElGamal RSA DSA Naor-Yung Bellare-Goldwasser 18

24 II 3 Diffie-Hellman RSA RSA Factoring Problem FP 20 RSA FP FP RSA FP Discrete Log Problem DLP DLP ElGamal ElGamal Schnorr DSA DLP FP FP DLP FP DLP Rabin Rabin Williams Rabin Bellare- Goldwasser McEliece MI Ong-Schnorr-Shamir ESIGN Fiat-Shamir 19

25 ESIGN Fiat-Shamir ESIGN Fiat-Shamir ESIGN Fiat-Shamir 1980 Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding OAEP FP DLP Schnorr ElGamal elliptic curve DLP EDLP EDLP DLP EDLP EDLP FP DLP EDLP FP DLP 1 RSA 20

26 Rabin Rabin Williams Obscure MI (1)RSA RSA MIT Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman[1978] RSA FP 20 RSA RSA 20 RSA RSA A B [ ] B p q 5 n=pq p-1 q-1 l=lcm(p-1,q-1) GCD(e,l)=1 e ed=1 (mod l) d d (e, n) 5 Fermat Solovay-Strassen Solovay and Strassen[1977] Miller-Rabin Rabin[1976] Adleman-Rumely Adleman et al.[1983] Atkin-Morain Atkin and Morain[1993] Goldwasser-Kilian Goldwassr and Kilian[1986] Adleman-Huang Adleman and Huang[1992] 21

27 [ ] M C C = M e (mod n) (7) [ ] C M M = C d (mod n) (8) RSA n p q n p q M C M = C d (mod n) d n (n) = (p-1)(q-1) n n Miller[1976] Kocher[1996] timing attack Diffie-Hellman DSA Kocher FP 20 T(p) T(p) = exp ((1.901+o(1))(log p) 1/3 (log log p) 2/3 ) p,q p,q 22

28 p,q p,q p-q (p 1) (q 1) p +, p -, q +, q - (p + 1)(p - 1) (q + 1) (q - 1) GCD(p-1,q-1) 4 Fermat p-1 p+1 III 1. f(x) = x e mod n f m (x) = x (9) m x e,n,x Simmons and Norris[1977] p,q C m y=f m-1 (C) C n(=pq),e,c C p,q,e Rivest[1978] Williams and Schmid[1979] p,q,e RSA (i) p = a p + 1, q = b q + 1 p = a p + 1, q = b q + 1 p, q, p, q (ii) e l 1 (mod p q ) l p q Knuth[1979] Prob{x x k 1 (mod n)} 10-2l (10) 23

29 k 10 l log k n n l k p,q Knuth[1981] p-1 q-1 p,q (p q ) Rivest[1978] (i) p,q x x k = 1 (mod n) k p q 1/p q [1983] (10) m Rivest[1978] RSA (a) p q (b) (a) C p,q 1/p+1/q-1/pq (11) p q (a) 2/ n (b) 9 Blakley[1978], Blakley and Borosh[1979] RSA bit Chor and Goldreich[1984] 24

30 RSA bit RSA Boneh et al.[1996] RSA RSA x,y f(xy) = f(x) f(y) 25

31 6 Davida[1982], Denning[1984], Desmedt and Odlyzko[1985] M M r e M M = r e M mod n (12) M S = M d mod n (13) r M S r -1 = M d mod n (14) M M 1,M 2 M = M 1 M 2 mod n (15) d S 1 = M 1 mod n (16) d S 2 = M 2 mod n (17) M d S 1 S 2 = M mod n (18) 6 26

32 (15) RSA m n i = p i q i e i,d i (i=1,2,,m) p q p q m (e i,d i ) n = pq (e i,n) e i RSA Simmons[1983] #1 #2 M C 1 = M e 1 mod n (19) C 2 = M e 2 mod n (20) e 1 e

33 r s re 1 +se 2 = 1 r s r 0-1 (C 1 ) -r s C 2 = M re 1 +se 2 = M mod n (21) DeLaurentis[1984] n n d (a) n n n 1 b b 2 1 mod n (22) b 1 mod n (23) b+1 b-1 n n p,q n 1 b b c,k l c (n) = 2 k l (24) (n)= (p-1)(q-1) e 1 d 1 c,k l e 1 d 1-1 = c (n)= 2 k l (25) (b) (e 2,d 2 ) 28

34 e 1 e 1 d 1 =1 mod (n) d 1 (n) O(log 2 n) d 1 e 1 (n) d e 1 rd+se 1 = 1 r,s d (n) se 1 = 1 mod (n) e Coppersmith et al.[1996] e M Blum Liberherr Williams 3 #1, #2, #3 M C 1 = M 3 mod n 1 C 2 = M 3 mod n 2 C 3 = M 3 mod n 3 n 1, n 2, n M 3 mod n 1 n 2 n 3 M 3 n 1 n 2 n 3 M 3 mod n 1 n 2 n 3 M 3 3 M n 1, n 2, n 3 Coppersmith et al.[1996] 29

35 (c 1,c 2 ) (m 1,m ) m m m 2 = am 1 +b (26) e=3 c i = m i3 mod n (i=1,2) (27) m 1 b(c 2 +2a 3 c 1 -b 3 ) a(c 2 -a 3 c 1 +2b 3 ) 3a 3 bm 13 +3a 2 b 2 m 12 +3ab 3 m 1 = mod n 3a 3 bm 12 +3a 2 b 2 m 1 +3ab 3 = m 1 mod n (28) m 1,m 2 e m 1 e O(e log 2 e) e=32 m 2 m 1 k O((e+k) 3 k 2 ) Coppersmith et al.[1996] Boneh et al.[1996] tamper resistant device RSA Bao et al.[1996] bit bit M=C d mod n bit C 0 =C a0, C 1 =C a1, C 2 =C a2,..., C 511 =C a511 a i =2 i (i = 0,1,...,511) 30

36 bit M = C d mod n d511 d510 d0 = C 511 C 510 C i di C 0 mod n d= d 511 d d.... d i 0 d i 1 bit d i d511 d510 di d0 M = C 511 C 510 C i C 0 mod n M = di C i mod n M di C i i bit d i (2)Rabin RSA RSA Rabin[1979] RSA Rabin A B [ ] B p q n=pq 0 b n b (p, q) (n, b) [ ] M C C = M(M+b) (mod n) (29) [ ] M 2 M 2 +Mb-C = 0 (mod p) (30) M 2 +Mb-C = 0 (mod q) (31) Rabin RSA 2 n RSA Rabin 31

37 RSA RSA Rabin n n c,n x 2 = c mod n (32) x x y c = y 2 mod n c x 2 = y 2 mod n (33) x 1/2 x y x-y n p q y 2 c (= y 2 mod n) x y x x-y n Rabin Rabin M C M M ID 32

38 Rabin (30)(31) M 1/4 (3) Rabin MI Rabin Rabin Williams[1980] p,q Williams Rabin [1987] Williams Williams Rabin MI Matsumoto and Imai[1983,1988] [1982,1984,1985] obscure 1 Matsumoto-Imai[1983] Delsarte et al.[1985] 1988 Matsumoto-Imai[1988] 33

39 7 2 DLP ElGamal EDLP DL OAEP optimal asymmetric encryption padding (1)ElGamal ElGamal[1984] Diffie-Hellman DLP DLP FP ElGamal A B M [ ] B p x R Z* p p y = x mod p x (y, p, ) [ ] A k B y C 1,C 2 C 1 = k mod p (34) C 2 = My k mod p (35) [ ] B x M MC 1 xb = C 2 mod p (36) ElGamal DLP DLP (C 1,C 2 ) 7 Patarin[1995] 34

40 C 1 k C 2 y k C 1 k DLP DLP bit bit DLP Blum and Micali [1982] k k k (M a,m b ) (C a,c b ) M b C b = (37) M a C a M a C a C b M b ElGamal Zheng and Matsumoto[1996] k (C 1,C 2 ) C 2 M = mod n y k (2)EDLP DL 1985 F 8 EDLP DL Koblitz[1987], Miller[1986] DLP EDLP

41 EDLP EDLP 9 Certicom Next Siemens Thompson EDLP DL F q F q DL r r r r DLP EDLP DL ElGamal EDLP ECElG ECElG ElGamal A B m M m E(F q ) P E(F q ) [ ] B x R Z* p E Y =xp x E(F q ),P,Y [ ] A r E C 1 = rp (38) C 2 = M+rY (39) (C 1, C 2 ) B [ ] B x E C 2 -xc 1 = M (40) 9 EDLP 36

42 M m m 0 m l E(F q ) M 10 ECElG EDLP DL EDLP DLP EDLP DLP MOV Menezes-Okamoto-Vanstone[1991] EDLP E(F q ) EDLP Pohlig-Hellman T(q) T(q) = O ((#E(F q )) 1/2 ) ECElG 10 m E(F q ) M k 0 kl q 1 i k i x m,i =mk+i p r-1 x m,i i =0 a i p i (0 a i p-1) a i x m,i F q F p r-1 r-1 i =0 a i X i F q x m,i f(x m,i ) F q i x m,i =x m, x m m E(F q ) M = (x m, f(x m ) 0.5 ) 1 i k i f(x m )(x m =mk+i) 1/2 m E(F q ) (1/2) k E(F q ) M x x m x m x m -1 m = k m 37

43 ECElG DH Sakurai and Shizuya[1995] ECElG ElGamal ElGamal 2 1 Zhen and Matsumoto[1996] (3)OAEP I 3.(1) Bellare and Rogaway[1995] OAEP optimal asymmetric encryption padding Goldwasser-Micali[1984] Goldwasser-Micali Goldwasser-Micali Blum, Feldman, and Micali[1988] noninteractive zero-knowledge proof NIZK 11 Naor-Yung[1990] NIZK Naor-Yung Damgard[1992] Zhen and 11 zero-knowledge interactive proof ZKIP 38

44 Seberry[1993] Dolev, Dwork, and Naor[1991] Bellare and Rogaway[1993] OAEP Bellare and Rogaway[1995] RSA OAEP SET 12 OAEP m {0,1} n f(m0 k1 ) G(r) r H(m0 k1 G(r)) f G H r bit 0 k1 Bellare and Rogaway[1995] OAEP f RSA G H SHA Secure Hash Algorithm 13 SHA OAEP (4) McEliece 12 SET(Secure Electronic Transactions) VISA Mastercard SET de facto standard 13 SHA NSA National Security Agency MD 39

45 Merkle-Hellman[1978] Merkle-Hellman Merkle-Hellman Merkle-Hellman Merkle[1978] Graham- Shamir Graham-Shamir Shamir[1980] Chor-Rivest Chor-Rivest[1984] Shamir[1978] Shamir n c n a = (a 1,a 2,,a n ) c = a t m = a i m i (41) i 2 m = (m 1,m 2,,m n ) M n NP NP NP 14 Merkle-Hellman a i a 1 + +a i-1 (i=2,,n) n P n NP NP NP NP NP NP 15 n 40

46 Shamir[1982] n Graham-Shamir Lagarias and Odlyzko Lagarias[1984] Brickell [1983] LLL 16 Merkle-Hellman Adleman[1982] Brickell[1982] Shamir Odlyzko[1984] LLL Chor-Rivest Schnorr and Hörner[1995] McEliece McEliece[1978] Goppa NP McEliece McEliece GF(2) 1 McEliece RSA 2 19 bit 500,000bit 2 Norzhik and Turkin[1991] McEliece 16 Merkle-Hellman Shamir[1982] Lenstra[1981] Merkle-Hellman LLL Lovasz Lenstra 41

47 3 DLP ElGamal Schnorr DSA FP ESIGN ZKIP Fiat-Shamir EDLP Ong-Schnorr-Shamir NIZK Bellare-Goldwasse I 3.(2) FP DLP OAEP RSA ESIGN RSA ESIGN Bellare and Rogaway[1996] FP DLP Schnorr Fiat-Shamir ElGamal Pointcheval and Stern[1996] correlation-free one-way hash function FP DLP Fiat-Shamir Okamoto[1993] (1)ElGamal ElGamal ElGamal[1984] DLP DLP FP ElGamal RSA 2 ElGamal Schnorr DSA ElGamal RSA RSA 42

48 ElGamal p 17 FP DLP RSA ElGamal A B M [ ] A p x R Z* p y = x mod p p x y, p, [ ] A k r r = k mod p (42) A x r, k t M-xr t = mod p-1 (43) k A B M S = (r, t) [ ] B A y M = y r r t mod p (44) ElGamal DLP y, p, y = x mod p x ElGamal (y, p, ) x ElGamal DLP DLP 10 FP FP 17 Fermat p-1 p x 43

49 RSA ElGamal DLP Schirokauer[1993] Adleman[1994] T(q) T(q) = exp((1.922+o(1))(log q) 1/3 (loglog q) 2/3 ) ElGamal DLP ElGamal A x A M r t M t r S = (r, t) M M S = (r, t) t = log r M y -r mod p r y r r t = M mod p (45) M = log y r r t mod p r = i y j mod p (46) t = -rj -1 mod p-1 (47) M = -r i j -1 mod p-1 (48) 0 i p-2, 0 j p-2, GCD(j, p-1)=1 M ElGamal DLP 44

50 ElGamal ElGamal k p, k ElGamal k k k k M, S = (r, t) x M - k t x = mod p-1 (49) r x k (M 1, r, t 1 ), (M 2, r, t 2 ) y r r t1 = M1 mod p (50) y r r t2 = M2 mod p (51) k k(t 1 - t 2 ) = M 1 -M 2 mod p-1 (52) k x p, p, Bleichenbacher[1996] ElGamal p -1 = nq n b t = (mod p) b = lq 0 l n 45

51 t M (r, t) M F p * r = b, s = tm (mod q) M y r r -s t = M - t M /t = 1 (r, s) M F p b F p b F p p-1 q p-1 = qn b q b = lq (l {1,,n-1}) 1 t q-1 = b t (mod p) n b ElGamal F p r p-1 q r q ElGamal DSA r = b DSA Zheng and Matsumoto[1996] k M S = (r, t) M-kt x = mod p-1 r 46

52 (2)ESIGN ESIGN NTT Okamoto[1990] 18 FP ESIGN Okamoto et al.[1993] A M B [ ] A p,q p q n = p 2 q, k 3 (p, q) (k, n) [ ] A Z pq * x h(m)-(x k mod n) w = (53) pq w = mod p (54) kx k-1 s = x+ypq (55) A B M s [ ] B A k h(m) s k mod n h(m)+2n 2/3 (56) ESIGN 18 Okamoto[1986,1987] ESIGN Shamir Vallée et al.[1988] 47

53 ESIGN RSA n p 2 q s p,q p,q {s j j=1,,j} {t j t j = (s k mod n)-h(m), j=1,,j} p,q s x p,q x s n = p 2 q (57) k h(m)-( x j mod n) w j = (j=1,,j) (58) pq w j y j = mod p (j=1,,j) (59) kx j k-1 s j = x j +y j pq (j=1,,j) (60) (3J+2) (3J+1) {x j } Z pq * {s j } Z n * {s j } p,q {t j } Z pq {t j } pq {t j } {t j } pq {t j } ESIGN FP RSA RSA n 48

54 ESIGN n=p 2 q n q q s exp(-(log n)/3) s k = h(m) mod n (61) RSA ESIGN k 4 ESIGN Okamoto and Shiraishi[1985] k 2 Brickell and delaurentis[1986] k=3 k=2 Shamir ESIGN k,p,q,n k: 8,16,32,4,128,256,512,1024 p,q: 192 bits n: 576 bits 49

55 Shamir k=3 Brickell and delaurentis[1986] k 4 ESIGN k=2 Shamir h(m) h(m) s 2 mod n h(m)+2n 2/3 s r x 2rx-h(M)+r 2 mod n 2n 2/3 (1 x n 1/3 ) (62) x n 2/3 h(m) mod n [0, n] r x s = r+x k=3 Brickell and delaurentis r = [n/3](i.e., r = n/3+a for a 1/2) r z = h(m)-r 3 mod n z 1/3 3 x (i.e., x = z 1/3 +b for b 1/2) s = r+x h(m) s 3 = r 3 +3r 2 x+3rx 2 +x 3 mod n = r 3 +3(n/3+a) 2 x+3(n/3+a)x 2 +z+3z 2/3 b+3z 1/3 b 2 +b 3 mod n = h(m)+3a 2 x+3ax 2 +3z 2/3 b+3z 1/3 b 2 +b 3 mod n = h(m) mod n 2n 2/3 (63) n/3 k 4 ESIGN Brickell and delaurentis[1986] ([N 1/k ]) k -N = O(N k-1/k )O(N 2/3 ) (64) k 4 (Vallee et al.[1988a,1988b], Girault et al.[1989]) k 4 50

56 M 1,M 2,,M t s 1,s 2,,s t k s i = h(m i ) mod n (i=1,,t) (65) n RSA n 10 M 0 {s i i=1,,t} m 0 s k mod n m 0 +2n 2/3 s k s i mod n = m i ( m i = h(m i ), i=1,,t) RSA m 0,m 1,,m t k m i s i mod n m i +2n 2/3 m 0,m 1,,m t (3)DSA ElGamal 2 Schnorr[1989] ElGamal DLP p p-1 q ElGamal 2 p 2 q Schnorr q DLP p DSA Schnorr ElGamal NIST 19 [1992] NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology 1987 Computer Security Act FIPS 1980 Executive Order 51

57 ElGamal Schnorr DSA RSA Hoster et al.[1995] Miyaji[1996] DSA Miyaji[1996] A M B [ ] A p, p- 1 q x R Z q y = g x mod p g q x y, g, p, q [ ] A k R Z q r r = (g k mod p) mod q (66) A x r, k t h(m)+xr t = mod q (67) k A B M S = (r, t) [ ] B A y r = (g h(m)/t y r/t mod p) mod q (68) DSA DSA y g g q y = g x mod p (69) NSA National Security Agency 52

58 p Gordon q Pohlig-Hellman III 2. DSA M r t M t r S = (r, t) M M S = (r, t) t, z qz+r = (g h(m) y r ) 1/t mod p (70) p DLP r, z (qz+r) t y -r = g h(m) mod p (71) r r t y -r = g h(m) mod p (72) M, z (qz+r) t y -r = g h(m) mod p (73) p DLP M,r,t r = (g h(m) y r ) 1/t mod p (74) M Vaudenay[1996] 53

59 ElGmal k k k ElGamal Bleichenbacher[1996] (4)Fiat-Shamir Fiat-Shamir Fiat-Shamir[1986] challenge and response Fiat-Shamir Fiat-Shamir[1986] Fiat-Shamir RSA 100 [ ] A p q n=pq k Z k-bit h s Z n v=s 2 mod n n, f s [ ] A k h=(e 1 e k )=f(m,x 1,,x k ) A y i =r i s ei mod n 1 =(x 1,,x k ) 2 =(y 1,,y k ) ( 1,h, 2 ) m [ ] B m ( 1,h, 2 ) h = f(m, 1 ) (75) y i = r i s ei mod n for i (76) Fiat-Shamir 54

60 correlation-free one-way hash function Okamoto[1993] (5)EDLP EDLP ECElG ECSS ECDSA ECSS IEEE 20 Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ECDSA IEEE ANSI 21 (American National Standards Institute) DLP ECElG ElGamal ECSS Schnorr ECDSA DSA EDLP DLP FP DLP ECSS ECDSA EDLP DLP EDLP DLP MOV Menezes-Okamoto- Vanstone[1991] EDLP E(Fq) EDLP Pohlig-Hellman T(q) T(q) = O((#E(Fq)) 1/2 ) 20 IEEE ANSI IEEE IEEE 21 ANSI 1918 ANSI ISO 55

61 ECElG ECDSA #E(Fq) q Miyaji[1996] ElGamal DSA k k k (6) Ong-Schnorr- Shamir Bellare-Goldwasser Ong-Schnorr-Shamir Ong et al.[1984] Ong-Schnorr-Shamir Ong and Schnorr[1984] n 2 2 x 2 +ky 2 = m mod n (77) Pollard Ong et al Pollard[1987] Estes et al.[1986] Ong-Schnorr-Shamir 56

62 Ong et al. 4 Bellare-Goldwasser Bellare and Goldwasser[1990] NIZK 22 R NIZK NIZK R Bellare-Goldwasser Feige and Shamir [1990] Dwork and Naor [1994] RSA 2 5 RSA 22 Naor and Yung[1989] Rompel[1990] 57

63 III FP DLP EDLP RSA Rabin Rabin Williams ESIGN Fiat-Shamir FP ElGamal DSA Schnorr DLP DL ECElG ECDSA ECSS EDLP 1 FP RSA Rabin Rabin Williams ESIGN Fiat-Shamir FP (1) n p O(p) p n z n z p=gcd(n,z) n p m, n min(m, n) 5 Lamé Euclid 1 z n p n 58

64 O(p 1/2 ) Pollard[1975] p-1 p-1 Pollard[1974] p+1 p 1 Guy[1975] p-q Fermat Brillhart[1981] p-1 Lenstra[1987] Montgomery[1987] 2 2 s 2 = t 2 mod n s t z=s±t GCD(n, z) Morrison-Brillhart[1975] Schroeppel[1977] 2 Pomerance[1983] Silverman[1987] Lenstra et al.[1990] L p [a, b]=exp((b+o(1))(log p) a (loglog p) 1-a ) (78) o(1) 0 (2) p-1 p+1 Fermat 2 p p-1 p 1 Pollard[1974] n p p-1 p-1 n p p-1 M p-1 = p i ei, p i M (79) p-1 M -smooth p n a GCD(a, n) = 1 GCD(a, p) = 1 Fermat 1 a p-1 = 1 mod p (80) p-1 K a K =1 mod p p a K -1 59

65 n GCD(a K -1, n) p-1 K Pollard[1974] p-1 p-1 p-1 q p-1 = q p i ei, p i M, e i m i, q M (81) p i ei k a k = b b q = 1 mod p 1 GCD(b j -1, n) n j n n p p+1 p+1 = q p i ei, p i M, e i m i, q M (82) p-1 p+1 Guy[1975] Fermat Fermat Fermat's factoring method Fermat p-q Brillhart[1981] p,q p-q Fermat Fermat n = pq, p q x =(q+p)/2 y =(q-p)/2 x 2 -y 2 = n (83) (x, y) = ([n], 0) (x, y) r = x 2 -y 2 -n (84) 0 (x, y) (p, q) (x+1) 2 = x 2 +2x+1 A = 2x+1,B = 2y+1 x x+1 r r+a, A A+2 y y+1 r r-b, B B+2 Fermat 2 Pomerance[1983] 2 k 2 = l 2 mod n k l 2 quadratic sieve method 60

66 Pomerance[1983] k 2 = l 2 mod n k l Q(x) = (x+m) 2 -n, m=[n 1/2 ] (85) x = 0, 1, 2, Q(x) Q(x) Q(x) p j Q(x) v Q(x) Q(x) d1 dr Q(x) = p 1 p r mod n (86) p 1,,p r v v-smooth Q(x) S a1 ar Q(x) = p 1 p r mod n (87) a j (j=1,,r) k = (x+ m) mod n (88) l = p j aj/2 mod n (89) k 2 = l 2 mod n GCD(k+l, n) GCD(k-l, n) n (94) Pomerance[1983] 2 T(n) T(n) = L n [1/2, 1.061] Silverman[1987] Q(x) 2 b 2-4ac = kp k 2 ax 2 +bx+c k, l 23 T plural (n) T plural (n) = L n [1/2, 1.020] Rivest Scientific America 129 Lenstra

67 p-1 p-1 Z p * p-1 p-1 k Z p * a k =1 p-1 Z p * F p E(F p ) a P E(F p ) p-1 k E(F p ) k E(F p ) kp=o n E(F p ) p-1 p-1 p-1 p T(p) = L p [1/2, 1.414] n=pq p q T(n) = L n [1/2, 1.020] 2 24 n f Z n [X] Z n k m n= f(m) f=0 C K K =Q( ) O =Z[ ] K Z[ ] Z n f( ) f(m) mod n c+d O K c+d m Z smooth 24 [1987] 62

68 smooth B Q B O K 1 O K c+d K N(c+d ) N(c+d ) = (-d) f(-c/d) (c i, d i ) c i +d i m -smooth c i +d i -smooth c i +d i m c i +d i (c i, d i ) (c i +d i m) = s 2 (c i +d i ) = t 2 GCD(s 2 t 2, n) n 2 DLP, EDLP (1) DLP DLP G g G a H= g G g x =a x DLP 2 H= g G H H log g a H log g H G=F* q (q=p k ) G log g a index calculus method F q log g F q 63

69 Shanks[1972] Pohlig-Hellman[1978] Pollard[1978] Adleman[1979] Coppersmith[1984] ElGamal[1985] Coppersmith-Odlyzko-Schroeppel[1986] Gauss DLP Gordon[1992] Schirokauer[1993] Adleman[1994] F q (q=p k ) k (log p) 1/2- Schirokauer L p k[1/3,(64/9) 1/3 ] L p k[1/3,(64/9) 1/3 ] (log p) 1/2- k (log p) 2 L p k[1/2,c] Schirokauer et al.[1996] (2) EDLP DSA q Pohlig-Hellman[1978] F q Gordon[1992] Pohlig-Hellman Pohlig-Hellman[1978] H= g G n n O(log n)-smooth O(log 2 q) n = #H = # g n y-smooth k n = q i ei, q 1 q k y (90) i=1 x = log g a Z n n e1 ek Zn Zq 1 Zq k (91) log g a log g a Z n Zq i ei i 64

70 e-1 x = b j q j, b j Zq (92) j=1 b j (0 j e-1) Step 1: a n/q =g n/q Step 2: i =g n/q i i=0,1,... b 0 =i e 1 Step 3: a 1 = a g -b0 i n/q2 = a 1 q 2 = q 2 i b 1 =i Step 4: a 2 = a 1 g -b1q i n/q3 = a 2 q 3 = q 3 i b 2 =i b e-1 O( e i (log n+q i )) n n O(log n)-smooth O((log n) 2 ) H G n O(log n)-smooth G=H=Z* p p-1 O(log p) p-1 Pohlig-Hellman[1978] F p Q H= g G F p log g a Step 1: F p Q F p Q : g r mod p g r Step 2: v-smooth {p 1,, p n 0 p i v} Q g F p g r mod p v-smooth r g r a1 an mod p = p 1 p n F p r mod p-1 = a 1 log g p a n log g p n n {log g p i } 65

71 Step 3: yg t mod p v-smooth t F p yg t mod p = p 1 b1 p n bn log g y = b 1 log g p b n log g p n mod p - t Adleman[1979] G=H=Z* p DLP u=l p [1/2,0] Step 1 b i g bi b i g bi Step 1 Step 2 L p [1/2,c](c 0) DLP EDLP F p Q E(F p ) E(Q) E(Q) Gordon G=H=Z* p Adleman[1979] Gordon[1992] 2 Z p p p p f Z p [X] x,y p 1/k y k f(x/y)=0 (mod p) O K = Z( ) 66

72 F p T special (p) T special (p) = L p [2/5, 1.005] F p T G (p) = L p [1/3, 3 2/3 ] = L p [1/3, 2.080] k F p k (log p) 1/2- Schirokauer[1996] T S (p k ) T S (p k k ) = L p [1/3, (64/9) 1/3 ] = L p k[1/3, 1.922] Adleman-Lenstra k F p k (log p) 2 Adleman[1994] Schirokauer (3)EDLP EDLP 1: 2: MOV E(F q ) EDLP DLP F q 1 EDLP Pohlig-Hellman[1978] Pollard[1978] Schoof[1985] Schoof[1985] Schoof 6 (Charlap-Coley-Robbins [1991] ) 67

73 1 1 Menezes- Vanstone[1990] Morain[1991] F 2 F p F Menezes-Okamoto-Vanstone[1991] MOV MOV-reduction EDLP DLP MOV Weil Weil pairing 6 DLP Menezes-Vanstone[1990] Beth- Schaefer[1991] Miyaji[1993] F 2 MOV E(F q ) EDLP F q DLP p F p EDLP MOV DLP Deuring[1941] 68

74 MOV Schoof[1995] 27 3 Koblitz[1991] Meier- Staffelbach[1993] GF(2 l ) Frobenius P (anomalous elliptic m curve) Miyaji[1994] Miyaji[1994] Koyama- Tsuruoka[1992] #E(F p )=p P P x 0 F p P P x,y #E(F p ) P m 3 FP DLP EDLP 27 Lercier and Morain[1995] 69

75 10 20 II FP p-1 Fermat DLP EDLP Pohlig-Hellman DLP Gordon EDLP MOV FP DLP Schirokauer Gordon EDLP Pohlig- Hellman Coppersmith Adleman-Lenstra Rivest 28 1 MIPS MIPS 250MIPS PC , = 800 MIPS PC Rivest 5 MIPS Rivest 20% 33% 45% 30 Type I 28 Garfinkel[1995] 29 1MIPS MIPS Odlyzko [1995] 70

76 Type II Type III 3 Type I 1 Type II 10 Type III 1, FP Adleman-Lenstra L p [1/3,1.922]=exp(1.922(log p) 1/3 (loglog p) 2/3 ) DLP Schirokauer Gordon k L p [1/3,1.922]=exp(1.922(log p k ) 1/3 (loglog p k ) 2/3 ) EDLP Pohlig-Hellman exp(0.5log p) MIPS 800 MIPS MIPS 20% 33% 45% 5 Type I 1 Type II 10 Type III 1,000 71

77 MIPS YEAR MY 5 5 [ MY] FP & DLP EDLP E E E E E+05 1, E+12 1, E+17 2, E+21 5 FP DLP 1,024 bit EDLP 176 bit FP DLP 2,048 bit EDLP 232 bit FP 1,024 bit EDLP 160 bit FP 2,048 bit EDLP 224 bit 72

78 5 6 Type III Type II 6 5 [ ] FP & DLP EDLP E E E E E-01 1, E+06 1, E+11 2, E+15 FP DLP 512 bit FP-512 DLP-512 Type III Type II EDLP-160 Type III 73

79 [ ] FP & DLP EDLP E E E E E E E E E E-04 1, E E+03 1, E E+08 2, E E+18 FP-512 DLP Type I FP-1024 DLP Type III EDLP Type III EDLP

80 [ ] FP & DLP EDLP E E E E E E E E E E-06 1, E E+01 1, E E+06 2, E E+10 FP-1024 DLP Type III EDLP Type II EDLP

81 [ ] FP & DLP EDLP E E E E E E E E E E-02 1, E E+04 1, E E+09 2, E E FP DLP 1,536 bit EDLP 200 bit FP DLP 2,048 bit EDLP 240 bit EDLP 5 EDLP 76


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95 1 1.1 a,b b 0 a = qb+r 0 r< b q, r r b a residue r=0 a b b a a b b a a, b LCM(a, b) a, b GCD(a, b) n (a-b) a b (mod n) a b n congruent congruence = 1 p 1 p prime number 1 n Euclid Euclid Step 1: m,n n 0 :=m; n 1 :=n Step 2: n i-1 :=q i- n i + n i+1 0 n i+1 n i (1,2,...) Step 3: n i+1 =0 d:=n i i Step p R p ={0, 1,, p-1} residue class R n GCD(a i, p) = 1 reduced residue class R p p (p) Euler Euler's function (p) = p Euler GCD(a, q) = 1 a (q) = 1 mod q 90

96 Euler Fermat 1.2 Fermat GCD(a, p) = 1 p a p-1 = 1 mod p Chinese remainder theorem 1.3 m 1, m 2,,m k M=m 1 m 2 m k x = d 1 mod m 1 x = d 2 mod m 2 x = d k mod m k Z M x 2 = a (mod p) a p quadratic residue a p quadratic non-residue p a p (a p) = +1-1 Legendre p (a p) = a (p-1)/2 (mod p) (a p) (ab p) = (a p)(b p) a = b (mod p) (a p) = (b p) p, q (p q)(q p) = (-1) (p-1)(q-1)/4 (-1 p) = (-1) (p-1)/2 1 (2 p) = (-1) (p+1)(p-1)/8 2 91

97 2 G G a,b G a b G G (G, ) 2.1 (G, ) (G, ) group a,b,c G (a b) c = a (b c) e G a G e a = a e = a e a G a b = b a = e b b a G 2 a,b a b = b a G Abelian group + additive group multiplicative group 1 a a -1 infinite group finite group G G order G S S G subgroup , (R,+, ) ring (R,+) (R {0}, ) x,y,z G x (y+z) = x y+x z (y+z) x = y x+z x Abelian ring +, Z Q R C n Z n Z,Q,R,C 2.3 R a 0 a b = 0 b 0 R 92

98 a zero divisor 2.4 R integral domain Z,Q,R,C Z n n n 2.5 R a 0 a b = 1 b R a 2.6 (F,+, ) field (F,+, ) x (F {0}, ) (x 0) x -1 Q,R,C Z 1 p Z p F (F,+, ) (F,+, ) finite field Galois Galois field F q(=p n ) q(=p n ) F,G F G q(=p n ) GF(q) F q 93

99 i.e., f(x,y) 3 f(x,y)=0 ( f / x=0 f / y=0) elliptic curve 3.2 p p 3 F q (q = p r ) {(x,y) y 2 = x 3 +ax+b (mod q) } (a, b F q ) 4a 3 +27b 2 0 O F q (x, y) 3.3 F q 2 P=(x 1, y 1 ) Q=(x 2, y 2 ) P+Q=(x 3, y 3 ) (a) Q O P + Q = Q + P = P (b) Q = -P x 2 =x 1 (mod q) y 2 =-y 1 (mod q) P + Q = Q + P = O (c) Q -P x 3 = {(y 2 - y 1 )/(x 2 - x 1 )} 2 -x 1 -x 2 (mod q) y 3 = {(y 2 - y 1 )(x 1 - x 3 )}/(x 2 - x 1 )- y 1 (mod q) (d) Q =P x 3 = {(3x 2 1 +a)/(2y 1 )} 2-2x 1 (mod q) y 3 = {(3x 2 1 +a)(x 1 - x 3 )}/2y 1 - y 1 (mod q) mod q P Q 2 x F q E(F q ) E(F q ) # E(F q ) Hasse 3.1 Hasse E(F q ) # E(F q ) 94

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