Pascal Pascal Free Pascal CPad for Pascal Microsoft Windows OS Pascal

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1 Pascal

2 Pascal Pascal Free Pascal CPad for Pascal Microsoft Windows OS Pascal if case for while repeat A Pascal 12 A.1 Pascal A.2 Pascal B 13 1

3 1 Pascal 1.1 Hello. Pascal 1.1. Hello. program Lesson1; writeln( Hello. ); 1 Pascal program ; ;() 2 () 3 Hello. 4 ()? No? Yes No 1.2 Pascal Hello. Yes PCPad.exe 2

4 1.3 2 a b Pascal program Lesson2; var a,b,wa:integer; write( a= ); readln(a); write( b= ); readln(b); wa:=a+b; writeln( a+b=, wa); 1 Pascal program ; ;() 2 a, b, wa 3 () 4 a= write writeln 5 a 8 a+b wa ( ) = := 9 a+b= wa 10 () Pascal program ; const type var procedure function const < >=< >; < >=< >; n=10 v= name= const n=10; v=2.71e-12; name= ; Pascal 3

5 type < >=< >; < >=< >; vector Pascal sin function < >(>,, <>):< >; < > type vector=array[1..3] of real; 1.7. a b ( ) var < >,, < >:< >; < >,, < >:< >; 1.5. a,b x,y,r ans name 30 var a,b:integer; x,y,r:real; ans:char; name:string[30]; Pascal BASIC procedure <>(>,, <>); 1.6. a b procedure exchg(var a,b:integer); var c:integer; c:=a; a:=b; b:=c; function max(a,b:real):real; if a>b then max:=a else max:=b; BASIC FORTRAN Pascal 5 byte shortint integer word longint MaxInt=32767 MaxLongInt= a, b 4

6 program Lesson3; var a,b,wa,sa,seki,shou,amari:integer; write( a= ); readln(a); write( b= ); readln(b); wa:=a+b; sa:=a-b; seki:=a*b; shou:=a div b; amari:=a mod b; writeln( a+b=, wa); writeln( a-b=, sa); writeln( a*b=, seki); writeln( a div b=, shou); writeln( a mod b=, amari); 2 a, b, wa, seki, shou, amari 6 a+b wa 7 a-b sa 8 a b seki 9 a div b shou 10 a mod b amari 11 a+b = wa 15 a mod b = amari 2.2 Pascal real ( ) 11 + / : trunc(x) round(x) x ; x 2.2. v x program Lesson4; var v, x:real; h, m:integer; write( ); readln(v); write( (km) ); readln(x); h:=trunc(x/v); m:=round((x/v - h)*60); writeln(h,,m, ); 12 a-b = sa 13 a b = seki 14 a div b = shou 2 v, x 3 h, m 5

7 5 6 v 7 (km) 8 x 9 x/v h 10 x/v-h 60 m 11 h m n:=length(name); writeln( Length is, n); writeln( Initial is, init); 2 name 20 3 init 4 n 5 Your first name? 2.3 a,..., z A,..., Z 0,..., 9 1 : var c1,c2: char; 1 2 : var name: string[20]; 2.3. ( ) 6 name 7 init name 1 8 n name 9 Length is n 10 Initial is init 2.4 true( ) false( ) 2 : var c: boolean; program Lesson5; var name: string[20]; init: char; n: integer; write( Your first name? ); readln(name); init:=name[1]; : not, and, or, =, <>, <=, >=, <, > 2.4. a=b c d true false (a=b) and (c>=d) 6

8 a 1, a 2,..., a 100 Pascal a a[1], a[2],, a[100] 2.5. a b var a: array[1..100] of integer; b: array[1..100] of real; if if if 2 : if then if then 1 else else 1 ; program Lesson6; var a,b,d,x1,x2: real; writeln( x^2 + ax + b = 0 ); write( a= ); readln(a); write( b= ); readln(b); d:=a*a - 4*b; if d>=0 then 3.2 case x1:=(-a - sqrt(d))/2; x2:=(-a + sqrt(d))/2; writeln(x1:5:3); writeln(x2:5:3); end else writeln( ); 1 case case : case of case,, case : ; case,, case : ; 3.3. program Lesson7; var mon:integer; write( ); readln(mon); case mon of 3..5 : write( ); 6..8 : write( ); : write( ); 12, 1..2 : write( ); 7

9 2 mon 4 5 mon 6 11 mon 3 5 mon 6 8 mon 9 11 mon for for for 2 : for := to do ( 1 ) for := downto do ( 1 ) 4 n= n 5 s 0 6 a 1 n s s+a n s a b<c c n program Lesson9; var a,b,c,n: integer; write( n = ); readln(n); for a:=1 to n do for b:=a to n do for c:=b to n do if a*a+b*b=c*c then writeln(a:5,b:5,c:5); n program Lesson8; var a,n,s: integer; write( n = ); readln(n); s:=0; for a:=1 to n do s:=s + a; writeln( ,n, =,s); 2 a, n, s 2 a, b, c, n 4 n= n 5 8 a 1 n b a n c b n a a+b b=c c a b c program Lesson10; const n=10; var a: array[1..n] of integer; 8

10 h,s,t,v:real; i,x:integer; for i:=1 to n do readln(a[i]); s:=0; for i:=1 to n do s:=s+a[i]; h:=s/n; (* *) t:=0; for i:=1 to n do t:=t+sqr(a[i]-h); v:=sqrt(t/n); (* *) writeln(h:5:2,, v:5:2); 2 n 10 3 a h, s, t, v 5 i, x 7 i 1 n a i a[i] 8 s 0 9 i 1 n s s+a[i] s a[1] a[n] 10 h s/n h a[1] a[n] (* *) 11 t 0 12 i 1 n t t+(a[i]-h) 2 t (a[1]-h) 2 (a[n]-h) 2 13 v t/n v a[1] a[n] 14 h v 4.2 while while : while do 4.4. program Lesson11; var a,n,amax: integer; write( 2 ); readln(n); amax:=trunc(sqrt(n)); if n mod 2=0 then if n=2 then writeln(n, ) else writeln(n, ); end else a:=3; while (n mod a<>0) and (a<=amax) do a:=a+2; if (n mod a=0) and (n>a) then writeln(n, ) else writeln(n, ); 2 a, n, amax 4 2 n 9

11 5 amax n 6 n 2 0 (n ) 7 9 n=2 n n 10 n r:=a mod b; a:=b; b:=r; until b=0; writeln(,a); 2 a, b, r 11 a 3 12 n a 0 a amax a a+2 13 n a 0 n>a n 14 n 4 a= a 5 b= b 6 b>a 7 r a a b b r 4.3 repeat 9 11 r a b a b b r b 0 repeat : 12 a repeat until 4.5. program Lesson12; var a,b,r: integer; write( a = ); readln(a); write( b = ); readln(b); if b>a then r:=a; a:=b; b:=r; repeat : procedure <>(>,, <>); < > var var 10

12 5.1. program Lesson13; type complex=array[1..2] of real; var x,y,z: complex; (* c:=a*b *) procedure compmul(var c: complex; a,b: complex); c[1]:=a[1]*b[1]-a[2]*b[2]; c[2]:=a[1]*b[2]+a[2]*b[1]; write( Re x = ); readln(x[1]); write( Im x = ); readln(x[2]); write( Re y = ); readln(y[1]); write( Im y = ); readln(y[2]); compmul(z,x,y); writeln( x*y =,z[1]:4:2, +,z[2]:4:2, i ); 2 complex x, y, z complex 5 9 a b c compmu lc a b 11 Re x = x[1] 12 Im x = x[2] 13 Re y = y[1] 14 Im y = y[2] 15 compmul x y z 16 x y = z[1] + z[2] i ( ): function < >(>,, <>):< >; < > 5.2. program Lesson14; var a,b,d:integer; function gcd(a,b:integer):integer; var r: integer; if b>a then r:=a; a:=b; b:=r; repeat r:=a mod b; a:=b; b:=r; until b=0; gcd:=a; (* main *) write( = ); readln(a); write( = ); readln(b);

13 d:=gcd(a,b); a:=a div d; b:=b div d; write(a, /,b); 2 a, b, d 3 15 gcd = a 18 = b 19 a b d 20 a a d b b d 21 a / b A Pascal A.1 Pascal absolute end inline procedure type and external interface program unit array file interrupt record until for label repeat uses case forward mod set var const function nil shl while div goto not shr with do if of string xor downto implementation or then else in packed to A.2 Pascal i,j,n:x:a:c,ch:f: s,st:b:w:write write c, s c:n, s:n n i i 10 i:n n x x 10 x:n n x:n:j x j 10 n read(f, v,..., v) readln(f, v,..., v) write(f, w,..., w) writeln(f, w,..., w) a:=abs(a) a:=sqr(a) x:=sin(a) x:=cos(a) x:=exp(a) x:=ln(a) x:=sqrt(a) x:=arctan(a) i:=trunc(x) i:=round(x) b:=odd(i) randomize x:=random i:=random(n) 2 v true false n 12

14 c:=chr(i) i:=ord(c) s:=copy(st,i,n) s:=concat(s 1,..., s n ) i:=length(st) i:=pos(s,st) ch:=upcase(c) delete(st,i,n) insert(s,st,i) str(w,s) val(s,a,i) st i n s 1 s n st st s ( 0 ) c st i n s st i w s s a ( i 0 s i ) B 2/10( ) ( 7F) 1. (A4 5 ) (a) (b) (c), Pascal [ 2 ],,

1. A0 A B A0 A : A1,...,A5 B : B1,...,B

1. A0 A B A0 A : A1,...,A5 B : B1,...,B 1. A0 A B A0 A : A1,...,A5 B : B1,...,B12 2. 3. 4. 5. A0 A B f : A B 4 (i) f (ii) f (iii) C 2 g, h: C A f g = f h g = h (iv) C 2 g, h: B C g f = h f g = h 4 (1) (i) (iii) (2) (iii) (i) (3) (ii) (iv) (4)

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