Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 4 2 Grammar Notes for Lesson 4 1. Adverb Adverbs ( Fukusi) are assigned to a grammatical category of uninflected

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1 Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 4 1 Grammar Notes for Lesson 4 1. Adverb 1. 1 Adverb 1. 2 Adverb 1.3 Adverb 1. 4 Adverb 1. 5 Adverb 2. Oter Particles 2. 1 Particle and Particle (exaustive enumeration) 2. 3 Particle (non-exaustive enumeration) 2. 3 Particle (instrument) 2. 4 Particle (time) 3. Te Weekdays 4. Numbers (part 1) 4.1 Te native Japanese version of numbers 4.2 Japanese numbers in a sentence 1

2 Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 4 2 Grammar Notes for Lesson 4 1. Adverb Adverbs ( Fukusi) are assigned to a grammatical category of uninflected words wic modify a verb, an adjective, a noun or anoter adverb. Suc words as still, sometimes, someow, a little, more, maybe, or now are examples of adverbs. Adverbs are generally used to appoint te circumstances of actions or conditions and give an additional sade of meaning or expressiveness to a sentence. Adverbs produce a concealing, particularizing, or more decorative effect. Tereby a sentence gains more linguistic elegance and complexness. In tis lesson adverbs related to te time like still, already, always, sometimes, and frequently are to be introduced. As already mentioned in lesson 2, capter 4, adverbs are used witout a particle and can go in every position witin a sentence. To produce te effect of empasis it is advisable to place te adverb at te beginning of a sentence. But at te same time, since an adverb is able to modify different words, it is recommendable to position te adverb as close as possible to te word tat sould be modified to avoid ambiguous interpretations of sentences including many words tat can mistakenly be understood as being modified Adverb Example: Mada biiru o nomimasu. I am still drinking beer. can be translated as still in positive and not yet in negative sentences. It is an adverb tat indicates a not completed action or condition, i.e. someting is still going on or someting as not appened yet. At our present stage of knowledge modifies verbs and nouns. More sample sentences wit : Mori-san wa mada gakusei desu. Ms Mori is still a student. Mori-san wa mada kaisa-in de wa arimasen. Ms Mori is not yet an employee. Kyoo wa mada getsuyoobi desu. Today we still ave Monday. Mada suumatsu de wa arimasen. It is not te weekend yet. Mada tabemasu ka. Hai. Are you still eating? (Are you still going to eat?) Yes, I am. Sinbun o mada yomimasu ka. Are you still reading te newspaper? (Are you still going to read te newspaper?) Hai, mada yomimasu. Yes I am. Basu wa mada kimasen. Te bus is not yet coming. (Te bus as not come yet.) 2

3 Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 4 3 Important notice: If you want to answer a question concerning te action in past tense ( ) in a negative way using te adverb (No, not yet.), please use only te expression:. Have you drunk any beer? No, not yet. Has te bus come? No, not yet. Te putative answer wic logically seems to be appropriate ( ) is not correct! Likewise an answer using only te negative form ( ) is unsatisfactory. Oter possible answers in addition to will be introduced in lesson 11. In tis context te Englis translation of te past form ( ) requires te coice of Present Perfect tense, because we use tis form to denote past actions or events wit connection to te present, as well as tose wit indefinite time adverbs indicating time up to now (e.g. ever, never, yet, already, always) Adverb Example: Moo biiru o nomimasen. I will not drink beer any more. can be translated as already in positive and any more in negative sentences. Tis adverb indicates a completed action (verb) or condition (noun). In dialogues is often used in a question wile gives an appropriate answer to it: Mada biiru o nomimasu ka. Iie, moo nomimasen. / Iie, moo nomimasita. Are you still drinking beer? No, I will not drink it any more. / No, I ave already drunk (enoug). More sample sentences wit : Mori-san wa moo kaisa-in desu. Ms Mori is already an employee. Kanojo wa moo gakusei de wa arimasen. Se is not a student any more. Nion e wa moo ikimasita. I ave already been to Japan. Go-an wa moo tabemasita. I ave already eaten te meal. Mada tabemasu ka. Iie, moo tabemasen. Are you still going to eat? No, I will not eat any more. notice: Unlike te set expression, te expression does not exist. In suc cases you always ave to repeat te predicate. 3

4 Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 4 4 Quiz 1: Answer te following questions by using or Adverb Example: Mori-san wa itsumo biiru o nomimasu. Ms Mori will always drink beer. can be translated as always or all te time. At our present stage of knowledge modifies verbs and in rare cases also nouns. More sample sentences wit : I always buy fruits at tis place. My girlfriend always cooks te meal. Itsumo koko de kudamono o kaimasu. Itsumo kanojo ga ryoori o simasu. Basu de itsumo daigaku made kimasu ka. Do you always come by bus to te university? Nomimono wa itsumo biiru desu. As a beverage I always take beer. (Te beverage is always beer.) notice: In some cases it is possible to use instead of a wole sentence te sort expression. Japan Air Lines (I use te Japan Air Lines to fly to Japan. Is it always so? No, not always.) 4

5 Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson Adverb Example: Tokidoki biiru o nomimasu. Sometimes I drink beer. is also written, i.e. you write te kanji for time and set te kanji wic is usually used for repetitions. So tis adverb can be translated literally as from time to time or sometimes. At our present stage of knowledge modifies primarily verbs and in exceptional cases nouns: Watasi wa tokidoki on o yomimasu. Sometimes I read a book. Tokidoki Mori-san wa Nion e kaerimasu. Sometimes Ms Mori goes back to Japan. Suumatsu ni wa tokidoki At weekends I sometimes go to te restaurant for dinner. resutoran de go-an o tabemasu. notice 1: As it was mentioned at te beginning of tis capter, an adverb is able to modify anoter adverb: (I do not drink alcool any more, but sometimes I still drink beer.) notice 2: Te sort expression also exists: (Do you learn all te time? No, not all te time. Sometimes.) 1. 5 Adverb Example: Yoku biiru o nomimasu. I often drink beer. is also written ( =good).tis adverb can be translated as often, muc or frequently (quantity) but sometimes also as in a good way, dexterously (quality). Predominantly modifies verbs: Kanojo wa yoku Nion e kaerimasu. Se often goes back to Japan. Yoku resutoran de go-an o tabemasu ka. Do you often go to te restaurant for dinner? Mori-san wa yoku benkyoo o simasu. Ms Mori studies well / muc (intensive). notice: An expression like does not exist! 5

6 Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 4 6 Quiz 2: Answer te following questions by using te five adverbs

7 Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson Oter Particles For general information about te particles see lesson 1 capter 3. In te following capter we are going to become acquainted wit new particles Particle and Examples: Kinoo mo biiru o nomimasita. Also yesterday I drank beer. Asita mo asatte mo biiru o nomimasu. Tomorrow as well as te day after tomorrow I will drink beer. Te particle is a nominal particle, i.e. it marks te foregoing noun. If tere is only one in a sentence, it can be translated contextually as also, as well or too. As you can see from te second sample sentence can also be used as a marker of two (or more) nouns. In suc cases as to be translated as as well as in positive and neiter nor in negative sentences. Structure 1: = also Structure 2: N 1 as well as N = neitern 1 nor N 2 Mori-san wa gakusei desu. Honda-san mo gakusei desu. Ms Mori is student. Ms Honda is also student. Biiru o nomimasen. Wain mo nomimasen. I do not drink beer. I also do not drink wine. Kudamono mo yasai mo tabemasu ga, niku mo sakana mo tabemasen. I eat fruits as well as vegetables, but neiter meat nor fis. 7

8 Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 4 8 As we ave already seen in lesson 2 capter 2.4 particles can be used in combination or some of tem can be superimposed by anoter particle. In case of we ave to take account of following rules: (in formal language sometimes appears) Tis penomenon can be revealed in te following sample sentences: Biiru o nomimasu. Biiru mo nomimasu. I will drink beer. I will also drink beer. Mori-san wa gakusei desu. Mori-san mo gakusei desu. Ms Mori is a student. Ms Mori is also a student. Basu ga kimasu. Basu mo kimasu. Te bus will come. Also te bus will come. Depaato de kaimasu. Depaato de mo kaimasu. I will buy it at te department store. I will also buy it at te department store. Tosokan e ikimasita. Tosokan e mo ikimasita. I went to te library. I went also to te library. Kerun kara kimasita. Berurin kara kimasita. Kerun kara mo Berurin kara mo kimasita. Tey came from Cologne. Tey came from Berlin. Tey came from C. as well as from B. B. wa nomimasen desita. W. wa nomimasen desita. B. mo w. mo nomimasen desita. We drank no beer. We drank no wine. We drank neiter beer nor wine. 8

9 Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 4 9 Quiz 3: Replace te particles wit and build new sentences: 2. 2 Particle (exaustive enumeration) Example 1: kare to watasi my boyfriend and me Example 2: Mori-san to Honda-san to watasi Ms Mori, Ms Honda, and me Te particle is also a nominal particle, i.e. it marks te foregoing noun. Wit tis particle you can enumerate nouns. Altoug can be translated simply as and, we ave to be conscious of te fact tat te conjoined words are like a coterie, i.e. te enumeration is exaustive. As you can see from te second sample sentence, can also be used as a marker of two (or more) nouns. But te exaustive caracter of tis particle still remains. It implies tat no oter person tan Mori, Honda, and me belongs to tis enumeration. Structure: N 1 N 2 N 3 N 4...) 9

10 Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 4 10 Banana to ringo o kaimasita. I bougt bananas and apples. (i.e. noting else) Niku to sakana to yasai to pan to kudamono o tabemasu. I will eat meat, fis, vegetables, bread, and fruits. Nion-jin wa Mori-san to Honda-san desu. Te Japanese are Ms Mori and Ms Honda. (e.g. in tis room) Important notice: Since is a nominal particle, it can neiter be used to enumerate oter words like verbs or adjectives nor to link sentences as a conjunction. Quiz 4: Combine te two sentences and build new sentences wit : 2. 3 Particle (non-exaustive enumeration) Example 1: banana ya ringo banana, apple and oters Te nominal particle is a so-called counterpart of. Using tis particle you can also enumerate nouns. can be translated as and, but it implies tat te 10

11 Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 4 11 enumeration is non-exaustive, i.e. te explicitly mentioned nouns are only selected representatives of all tose words wic are implied. Terefore it would be recommendable to use supplementary expressions like among oters or etc. As it was in case of, only nouns can be enumerated wit, and also it is not possible to use te to connect two sentences. Structure: N 1 N 2 N 3 N 4...) Banana ya ringo o kaimasita. (Among oter tings) I bougt bananas and apples. Niku ya sakana ya yasai ya pan ya kudamono o tabemasu. (Among oter tings) I will eat meat, fis, vegetables, bread, and fruits. Nion-jin wa Mori-san to Honda-san desu. (Among oters) te Japanese are Ms Mori and Ms Honda. Quiz 5: Put te rigt particle into te space. 11

12 Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson Particle (instrument) Example: Enpitsu de moji o kakimasu. I will write Kanji wit a pencil. In lesson 1, capter 3.5 we ave already learnt te function of as a marker for te action wic is performed at a particular place. As it is sown in te sample sentence, tis particle indicates also an instrument or, more generally, a medium (way or metod) to perform an action. So an instrument or medium in a broader sense is not only a utensil for writing or eating (pen, pencil, PC, knife, fork etc.), but also a medium of transportation, i.e. veicles, or a medium of information like te language, te broadcast etc. is comparable wit te preposition wit, in or by. Oter possibilities of translation are, for instance, by means of or using...: O-asi de tabemasu. To eat wit copsticks. Terebi de mimasu. To watc on TV. (using te medium of TV) Nion-go de anasimasu. To speak in Japanese. (using te language) Kanji de kakimasu. To write in Kanji. (using te font) Basu de kimasu. To come by bus. (using te veicle) A question concerning te instrument or medium wit wat, wereby is normally : Niku wa nan de tabemasu ka. Fooku to naifu de tabemasu. Wat wit do you eat meat? Wit a fork and a knife. Nan de daigaku ni kimasu ka. Itsumo siden de kimasu. Wereby do you come to te university? I always come by te streetcar. Ootobai wa nan de araimasita ka. Mizu de araimasita. Wat wit did you was te motorbike? I wased it wit water. Nani-go de tegami o kakimasu ka. Ei-go de kakimasu. In wat language do you write letters? I write tem in Englis. 12

13 Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson Particle (time) Example: Doyoobi ni kaimono o simasita. On saturday I went sopping. In lesson 1, capter 3.2 we ave learnt te function of as a marker for te aiming point, i.e. as a marker of te location. Te new function of is sown in te sample sentence as a marker of time or, more precisely, of point in time. Tis temporal particle is comparable wit te preposition at, on or in. As far as time is concerned, we distinguis between point in time (e.g. in te year 2025, at four o clock, on Sunday) and period of time (tree years, twenty ours, ten minutes). Wile te point in time is marked wit, te space of time is often used in an adverbial function (lesson 2, capter 4), i.e. witout any particles. In lesson 8 and 9 expressions concerning te point in time (years, ours, minutes etc.) will be discussed. In tis lesson we only ave to learn te names of te weekdays wic are to be regarded as points in time, too: Getsuyoobi ni eiga-kan ni ikimasu. On Monday I will go to te cinema. Kayoobi ni sentaku o simasu. On Tuesday I will was (my clotes). Sensuu suiyoobi ni Kerun de ootobai o kaimasita. Last week on Wednesday I bougt in Cologne a motorcycle. Quiz 6: Put rigt particles into te spaces. 13

14 Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson Te Weekdays Example: Kyoo wa getsuyoobi desu. Niciyoobi wa kinoo desita. Today is monday. Sunday was yesterday. In te list of vocabulary of tis lesson te names of weekdays are presented. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Tursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Besides tem you find te word for weekend (suumatsu). All tese words are genuine nouns, i.e. tey can be marked wit different particles (e.g. etc.) and tey can also be used as a (nominal) predicate (e.g. kayoobi desita, it was Tuesday). So te usage of is not a steady penomenon. Please notice tat only in tose cases wen tese expressions are used to denote points in time (as we ave seen in te foregoing capter), te names of te weekdays, te word and te interrogative nan yoobi (wat weekday) ave to be marked wit. Quiz 7: Answer te question in a way tat agrees wit te initial situation (bold faced sentences): 14

15 Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson Numbers (part 1) In modern Japanese te decimal system is used for all operations wit numbers. Besides te Arabic numbers (1,2,3,4,5,...), te numbers written in Kanji are in special cases still in use: etc. Principally, tere are two ways to pronounce tese abstract numbers. On te one and we ave te native Japanese version to count te numbers. But it is limited to te numbers from 1 to 10. It is te so-called te kun-reading or te Japanese reading of Kanji. Te rest, i.e. from 11 upwards, is nowadays no more in use. On te oter and tere is a way to pronounce all abstract numbers following te pronunciation of Cinese origin or better known as te on-reading. In tis lesson te Japanese version of counting from1 to 10 will be introduced. (on-reading: lesson 5) 4.1 Te native Japanese version of numbers Te native Japanese version of numbers is a fragment and so to say a relic of former times. Te pronunciation of numbers from 1 to 10 is as follows: Te field of application of tese numbers is extremely restricted. Tere are only two possibilities: a. to count relatively small tings corresponding to te expression piece as a classifier. b. to count te age of uman beings from 1 to 10, i.e. to say...year(s) old. In oter words te expressions itotsu, futatsu, mittsu... do not mean one, two, tree... but eiter one, two, tree pieces or one, two, tree years old! notice 1: te interrogative for tese numerals is ikutsu notice 2: te numeral 10 written in Hiragana is but not! notice 3: orizontally written, it is possible to combine Arabic numbers wit te counter (1,2,3, etc.) 15

16 Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 4 16 Quiz 7: Read te following numerals. 4.2 Japanese numbers in a sentence Numbers are nouns (lesson 1, capter 2.1), i.e. tey can appear in all tose segments of a sentence were a noun can stay. In te present state we can prove tis fact only by very simple sentences were Japanese numerals acieve te status of a (nominal) predicate like in: Maikeru wa mittsu desu. Micael is tree years old. It requires more grammatical knowledge to build sentences wit numerals functioning as subject, topic, or object etc. (see lesson 8) However, in most cases te Japanese number is used adverbially, i.e. it is not marked by a particle. Furter, te number often functions as a modifier of te verbal predicate. And its at least preferable position in te sentence is directly after te word wic sould be counted. Altoug oter positions are also possible depending on te context, it is better to keep tis condition. Object + numeral + verbal predicate Considering tese facts we can build sentences like: or Ringo o itsutsu kaimasu. Itsutsu ringo o kaimasu. I will buy five (pieces of) apples. or Jagaimo o itotsu tabemasu. I will eat one (piece of) potato. Hitotsu jagaimo o tabemasu. 16

17 Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 4 17 or Kinoo okasi o futatsu tabemasita. Yesterday I ate two (pieces of) cakes. Kinoo futatsu okasi o tabemasita. or Getsuyoobi ni Kanji o too oboemasita. On Monday I learnt ten (pieces of) Kanji. Getsuyoobi ni too Kanji o oboemaita. Ringo o itotsu to mikan o futatsu tabemasu. I am going to eat one apple and two tangerines.* * In suc cases were two or more tings are enumerated, it is scarcely possible to cange te position of te numerals. Quiz 8: Build sentences wit te elp of following words. 17

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