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Teece (dynamic capabilities)dc DC DC DC DC Adner Helfat Teece, Pisano and Shuen (1997) Helfat, Finkelstein, Mithell, Peteraf, Singh, Teece and Winter (2007), p. 5.

(dynamic managerial capabilities)dmc DC DC DMC DMC DC DC Adner and Helfat (2003) Dodgson, Gann and Salter (2005) (2011)

(core rigidity) Schreyögg and Kliesch-Eberal (2007) Zahra, Sapienza and Davidsson (2006) Ibid. Leonard-Barton (1992)

DC DC DC Teece DC Eisenhardt Martin Teece DC DC DC Helfat DC DC DC DC DC DC Di Stefano, Giada, Peteraf, and Verona (2010) Teece et al. (1997), p. 516. Eisenhardt and Martin (2000), p. 1107. Helfat et al. (2007), p. 4.

(ordinary capabilities) (substantive capabilities) (operational capabilities:) DC DC DC Wang and Ahmed (2007) DC (VRIN) VRIN Winter (2003) Zahra et al. (2006) Martin (2011) Zahra et al. (2006) Winter (2003) Martin (2011), p. 121. Winter (2003), Zahra et al. (2006), Wang and Ahmed (2007)

DC DC DC DC DC DC Hou (2008) Bowman and Ambrosini (2003), Teece (2007), Hou (2008), Ridder, Hoon and Mccandless (2009), Pavlou and El Sway (2011) Pavlou and El Sway (2011) Cohen and Levinthal (1990), p. 128. Ibid., p. 129. Pavlou and El Sway (2011)

DC Pavlou and El Sway (2011) Sirmon, Hitt and Ireland (2007) (1983), p. 23. Helfat et al. (2007), p. 20.

DC DC (cospecialized) (thin market) Helfat et al. (2007), p. 20. Ibid., p. 23. Teece (2009), p. 16. Ibid., p. 16. Helfat et al. (2007), p. 21.

(coevolve) DC DC DC DC DC DC orchestration Helfat et al. (2007), p. 22. Ibid., p. 23. Ibid., p. 23. Teece (2012), p. 1395. Helfat et al. (2007)

DC M&A (co-alignment) M&A Helfat et al. (2007), p. 28, Figure 2.3 Augier and Teece (2009), p. 417. Helfat et al. (2007), p. 28.

DC DMC Adner and Helfat (2003) Helfat et al. (2007) DMC Adner Helfat DMC DMC DMC Teece Helfat DC DC Helfat DMC DMC Sirmon Hitt Helfat DMC (resource investment) (resource deployment) Teece (2012), p. 1397. Adner and Helfat (2003) Adner and Helfat (2003), p. 1012. Helfat et al. (2007), p. 24. Ibid., p. 24. Sirmon and Hitt (2009)

Adner Helfat Helfat DMC (managerial intent) DMC DMC DMC DC DMC DMC DC DC DMC (managerial human capital) Sirmon and Hitt (2009), p. 1376. Martin (2011), p. 122. Ibid., p. 122. Ibid., p. 122. Adner and Helfat (2003), p. 1020. Kor and Mesko (2013), p. 234.

(managerial social capital) (managerial cognition) (social capital) Kor and Mesko (2013), p. 234. Cohen and Prusak (2001), p. 7. Ibid., p. 7.

DC DMC DMC DMC Kor and Mesko (2013), p. 234. Tripsas and Gavetti (2000), Eggers and Kaplan (2009), Danneels (2010) Adner and Helfat (2003), p. 1013.

Adner and Helfat (2003), p. 1022, Figure 1

DMC DMC DMC DC DMC DMC DC DC DC DC DMC DC DMC DC Rosenbloom (2000) Tripsas and Gavetti (2000) (2010)

DMC (Unit of Analysis) DMC TMT DMC Martin (2011) Kor and Mesko (2013) DMC (TMT) DMC TMT DC DMC DC DC DMC DC DMC DMC DC DC DMC (1998)

DC DMC DMC DMC DMC Kor and Mesko (2013) Kor Mesko DMC DMC DMC DC DL DMC DL DL DL DL DL DL DL Kor and Mesko (2013) DMC Adner and Helfat (2003) DL (Prahalad and Bettis, 1996, p. 491)

CEO-TMT DMC Kor and Mesko (2013), p. 236, Figure 1 DL DL DL DC DC DMC (upper echelon perspective) TMT Hambrick and Mason (1984) Wooldridge, Schmid and Floyd (2008) TMT Wooldridge et al. (2008), pp. 1191-1192.

TMT (middle management perspective) (strategic middle manager) (catalyst) Wooldridge Raes (2002) Floyd and Wooldridge (1996) Anthony(2012) Wooldridge et al. (2008), p. 1191. Raes, Heijltjes, Glunk and Roe (2011)

TMT TMT DMC DC TMT DC DMC DMC DMC Zahra et al. (2006) DC DC DMC DMC (fit) Kor and Mesko (2013) DMC DMC TMT TMT DL TMT Kor and Mesko (2013), p. 237. Ibid, p. 238.

TMT DMC DMC Kor Mesko DMC TMT ROE TMT TMT (1972) (2008) (2008)p. 126. (2008)p. 125. (1972)p. 43.


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