q n/2 X H n (X Fq,et, Q l) Frobenius q 1/2 (Deligne, [D5]) X (I) (II) X κ open (proper )smooth X κ proper strictly semi-stable weight filtration cohom

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1 Weight filtration on log crystalline cohomology ( ) 1 κ κ X cohomology X H n (X) Grothendieck, Deligne weight yoga ([G], [D1], [D4]) 1.1. H n (X) filtrationp k H n (X) (k Z) (1) gr P k Hn (X) := P k H n (X)/P k 1 H n (X) (k Z) κ proper, smooth k cohomology (2) filtration cohomology (pull back, push forward, base change, Künneth formula, Poincaré duality ) compatible (3) P k H n (X) smooth. ( proper, smooth Y k cohomology H k+2i (Y )(i) (i Z) (i) twist cohomology ) filtration P k H n (X) (k Z) H n (X) weight filtration Weight filtration (1) (proper, smooth )X cohomology proper, smooth cohomology proper, smooth cohomology proper, smooth cohomology 1.2. (1) X C proper, smooth Betti cohomology H n (X an, Q) pure Hodge X Betti cohomology H n (X an, Q) Hodge (Deligne, [D2],[D3]) ( X an X ) (2) X F q proper, smooth, l q X Fq l cohomology H n (X Fq,et, Q l) Frobenius 1

2 q n/2 X H n (X Fq,et, Q l) Frobenius q 1/2 (Deligne, [D5]) X (I) (II) X κ open (proper )smooth X κ proper strictly semi-stable weight filtration cohomology ( (II) log ) 1 Betti cohomology de Rham cohomology. κ = C X Betti cohomologyh n (X an, Q) weight filtration de Rham cohomology HdR n (X/C) := Hn (X, Ω X/C ) weight filtration (I) Deligne([D2]) (II) Steenbrink([St1]) Betti cohomology de Rham cohomology (de Rham ) H n (X an, Q) Q C = HdR n (X/k) filtration cohomology Hodge (II) Steenbrink-Zucker([St-Zu]), Steenbrink([St2]), F.Kato([Kf]), K.Kato-Nakayama([Kk-Ny]), Matsubara([Ma]), K.Kato-Matsubara- Nakayama([Kk-Ma-Ny]), Fujisawa-Nakayama ([F-Ny]) 2 l etale cohomology κ p (p l) κ X κ (X κ base change) l cohomology H n (X κ,et, Q l ) weight filtration (I) Deligne([D5]) (II) Rapoport-Zink([R-Zi]) (II) Nakayama ([Ny]) 3 log de Rham-Witt cohomology κ p > 0 X log de Rham-Witt cohomology weight filtration (I), (II) Mokrane([Mo1], [Mo2]), κ p > 0 X log crystalline cohomology weight filtration remark X log crystalline cohomology log de Rham-Witt cohomology (Illusie[I1], Hyodo-Kato[H-Kk]), 3 (Mokrane ) log crystalline cohomology weight filtration 1 2

3 Betti cohomology, de Rham cohomology ( )weight filtration log crystalline cohomology weight filtration Illusie, Hyodo- Kato log de Rham-Witt cohomology (Mokrane )weight filtration compatible log crystalline cohomology weight filtration (I) weight filtration smooth (Mokrane ), 1.1 (3) ( weight filtration ) Mokrane 2 (I) X open, smooth Betti de Rham cohomology weight filtration log crystalline cohomology weight filtration Betti de Rham cohomology log crystalline cohomology ( )Betti cohomology 2 3 (II) X proper strictly semi-stable l etale cohomology Rapoport-Zink 2 Open, smooth cohomology 2.1 Betti, de Rham cohomology weight filtration X C open, smooth j : X X compact D := X \ X X simple normal crossing divisor( SNCD ) ( j ) D = m i=1 D i D k 0 D (k) := 1 i 1 <i 2 < <i k m D i 1 D i2 D ik a (k) : D (k) X D ij X (k = 0 D (k) = X, a (0) = id X.) X an, X an, j an U, X, j X Betti cohomology H n (X an, Q) = H n (X an, Rj an Q) weight filtration 2.1 (purity). R k j an Q = a (k) an Q( k) ( exponential sequence cup ) τ k Rj an Q (k Z) 3

4 Rj an Q canonical filtration ( { H l H l (Rj an Q), (if l k), (τ k Rj an Q) = 0, if l > k). filtration) gr τ k Rj an Q = a (k) an Q( k) filtration E k,n+k 1 = H n k (D (k) an, Q( k)) = H n (X an, Q) weight H n (X an, Q) filtration weight filtration weight filtration filter filter object (Rj an Q, τ k ) filter H n (X an, ) H n (X an, (Rj an Q, τ k )) weight filtration Betti cohomology H n (X an, Q) filtration X de Rham cohomology HdR n (X/C) := Hn (X Zar, Ω X/C ) = Hn (X, Rj Ω X/C ) = H n (X, Ω X/C (log D)) weight filtration Ω (log D) filtration P k Ω (log D) X/C X/C P k Ω (log D) := X/C 0, (if k < 0), (log D) Ω k (log D)), (if 0 k ), Im(Ω k X/C Ω (log D), X/C X/C Ω X/C (if < k) gr P k Ω (log D) = a (k) X/C Ω k D (k) /C ( k) ( Poincaré residue ) filtration P k Ω X/C (log D) E k,n+k 1 = H n k (D (k), Ω ) = D (k) /C Hn (X, Ω (log D)), X/C E k,n+k 1 = H n k (D(k) /C) = HdR(X/C) n dr weight H dr n (X/C) filtration weight filtration filter filter object (Ω (log D), P X/C k) filter H n (X, ) H n (X, (Ω X/C (log D), P k )) weight filtration de Rham cohomology HdR n (X/C) de Rham H n (X an, Q) Q C = HdR n (X/C) 4

5 2.3. H n (X an, Q) Q C = HdR n (X/C) weight filtration Proof. X an X u filter (Ω X/C (log D), P k) Ru (Ω X an/c (log D an), P k ) Ru (Ω X an /C (log D an), τ k ) Ru (Rj an Ω X an/c, τ k ) Ru ((Rj an Q) Q C, τ k ) ((Ω (log D X an /C an), P k ) log de Rham Ω (log D X an /C an) P k filtration.) filter GAGA filter Ω (log D X an /C an) Rj an Ω X an /C filter Poincaré filter log de Rham Poincaré residue filter filter H n (X, ) 2.4., log de Rham Ω (log D X an/c an) = u (Ω X/C (log D)) 2.2 log crystalline cohomology weight filtration p S quasi-compact p scheme p-adic Noetherian formal scheme I O S p quasi-coherent PD-ideal S 0 := Spec S O S /I X S 0 smooth scheme X X S 0 compact D := X \ X S 0 SNCD S 0 = Spec κ X X (X, D) (Fontaine-Illusie-Kato )S fine log scheme crystalline cohomology proper scheme ( ) X S crystalline cohomology cohomology cohomology log scheme (X, D) S crystalline cohomology (X, D) S crystalline cohomology log scheme (X, D) 2.1 X k Z, k 0 D (k), a (k) : D (k) X 2.1 ((X, D)/S) crys, (X/S) crys, (D (k) /S) crys (X, D), X, D (k) S crystalline site 2.1 X an, X an, D an (k) 5

6 O (X,D/S), O X/S, O D (k) /S ((X, D)/S) crys, (X/S) crys, (D (k) / S) crys X an, X an, D an (k) C j : (X, D) X log scheme crystalline site ((X, D)/S) crys (X/S) crys j crys 2.1 j, j an a (k) crystalline site (D (k) /S) crys (X/S) crys a crys (k). (X, D) S 0 site f (X,D)/S : ((X, D)/S) crys S Zar R n f (X,D)/S O (X,D)/S (X, D) S crystalline cohomology H n S(((X, D)/S) crys, O (X,D)/S ) X, D (k) S crystalline cohomology H n S((X/S) crys, O X/S ), H n S((D (k) /S) crys, O D /S) (k) crystalline cohomology H n S(((X, D)/S) crys, O (X,D)/S ) = H n S((X/S) crys, Rj crys O (X,D)/S ) weight filtration 2.5 (purity). R k j crys O (X,D)/S = a crys O (k) D /S( k) (k) log de Rham Poincaré residue Rj crys O (X,D)/S canonical filtration τ k Rj crys O (X,D)/S E k,n+k 1 = H n k S ((D (k) /S) crys, O D (k) /S )( k) = Hn S(((X, D)/S) crys, O (X,D)/S ) (2.1) weight H n S(((X, D)/S) crys, O (X,D)/S ) filtration weight filtration filter filter object (Rj crys O (X,D)/S, τ k ) filter H n S((X/S) crys, ) H n S((X/S) crys, (Rj crys O (X,D)/S, τ k )) weight filtration crystalline cohomologyh n S(((X, D)/S) crys, O (X,D)/S ) crystalline cohomology weight filtration cohomology weight filtration 1 de Rham cohomology S 0 S, (X, D) (X, D) S (X, D) X := X \ D X S de Rham cohomology H n dr(x /S) := H n S(X, Ω X/S ) = H n S(X, Ω (log D)) ( X /S Hn S(?, )? S ) 2.1 filtration P k Ω (log D) weight X /S filtration Berthelot([B]), K.Kato([Kk]), H n dr(x /S) = H n S(((X, D)/S) crys, O (X,D)/S ) [Nj-Sh] 6

7 2.6. weight filtration 2.3 log de Rham filter u : (X/S) crys X Zar = X Zar Zariski site ( 2.1 u ) (X/S) crys X X crystalline site ϕ : (X/S) crys X X Zar, ψ : (X/S) crys X (X/S) crys site O X - M L(M) := ψ ϕ M ([Nj-Sh]) 2.7 (Rj O (X,D)/S Poincaré ). (1) L(Ω (log D)) O X /S X/S - ( crystal.) (2) Rj crys O (X,D)/S L(Ω (log D)) X /S L(Ω (log D)) log de Rham ( site X /S ϕ = u ψ u site u L = ψ ϕ 2.4 ) filter (Ω X /S (log D), P k) Ru (L(Ω X /S (log D)), P k) Ru (L(Ω X /S (log D)), τ k) Ru (Rj crys Ω (X,D)/S, τ k). filter L(Ω (log D)) u X /S - (GAGA ) filter L(Ω (log D)) X /S Poincaré residue. (.) filter filter H n S(X, ) 2 log de Rham-Witt cohomology (Mokrane filtration) κ p S 0 = Spec κ, S = Spf W m (κ) X, (X, D) crystalline cohomology H n S Hn log de Rham-Witt complex X W m Ω (log D) X cohomology H n (X, W m Ω (log D)) ( log de Rham-Witt cohomology X ) crystalline cohomologyh n (((X, D)/S) crys, O (X,D)/S ) (Illusie[I1], Hyodo-Kato[H-Kk]. Nakkajima [Nj1] ) Mokrane([Mo1],[Mo2]) W m Ω (log D) filtration P X kw m Ω (log D) X (log de Rham ) H n (X, W n Ω (log D)) weight X filtration [Nj-Sh] 7

8 2.8. Illusie, Hyodo-Kato H n (X, W m Ω (log D)) = H n (((X, D)/S) X crys, O (X,D)/S ) weight filtration S proper, smooth scheme X X S SNCD D (X, D) Frobenius (X, D) (X, D) (X, D) (X, D) PD envelope Y Ru Rj crys O (X,D)/S O Y OX Ω (log D) W X /S m Ω (log D) X (Illusie, Hyodo-Kato ) filtration filter global weight V (0, p) S (Ogus[O1] )p formal V -scheme, S 0 := Spec S O S /po S X, (X, D) 2.9. crystalline cohomology H n S(((X, D)/S) crys, O (X,D)/S ) weight (2.1) modulo torsion E 2 Betti, de Rham, l etale cohomology V = W (κ), S = Spf W (κ) κ (log de Rham-Witt cohomology ) Mokrane κ Nakkajima ([Nj1]). Step 1: S = Spf W (κ)(κ ) Mokrane crystalline cohomology Weil (Katz-Messing[Kz-Me], Chiarellotto-Le Stum[C-L1]) Step 2: S = Spf A Spf W (κ)(κ ) formally smooth S Frobenius A W (A/m) weight pa m A m: ideal specialize Step 1 Step 3: S = Spf W (κ)(κ ) model Step 2 Step 4: S = Spf A A Q := A Z Q Artin m A Q ideal B := Im(A A Q /m), C := B C V κ C 8

9 Spf B Spf A Ogus formal V -scheme A Spf A Spf A Spf A Spf B A A A Q A Q implication Step 4 Step 3 = (S = Spf W (κ ) ) = ( ) (S = Spf C ) = (S = Spf B ) = (S = Spf A ) = (S = Spf A ). ( ) log crystalline cohomology (modulo torsion) (Berthelot-Ogus[B-O2]) weight filtration Berthelot-Ogus Step 5: S = Spf A A Q ideal m m A (m) := Im(A A Q /m m ) Step 4 S = Spf A (m) (A Q ) m lim ma Q /m m = lim ma (m)q open, smooth crystalline cohmology weight filtration (1) S 0, S 2.9 crystalline cohomology H n S(((X, D)/S) crys, O (X,D)/S ) S S/V convergent isocrystal ([O1]) (2) Weight filtration pull-back strictly compatible (Compatibility strictness crystalline cohomology Weil.) (3) Compact support crystalline cohmology weight filtration (4) crystalline cohomology base change theorem, Künneth formula, Poincaré duality ([B],[B-O1],[Kk],[O1],[Tj] ) weight filtration compatible (5) S = Spf W (κ) ( κ ) crystalline cohomology H n (((X, D)/ S) crys, O (X,D)/S ) X rigid cohomology Hrig(X) n ([Sh2]). Hrig(X) n weight filtration ( Hrig(X) n 9

10 weight filtration Chiarellotto-Le Stum([C-L2]) ) (6) κ (smooth ) scheme X Nakkajima([Nj2]) Hrig(X) n weight filtration (5) Tsuzuki([Tz]) rigid cohomology cohomological descent 3 Strictly semi-stable cohomology p V (0, p) κ K V K K S = Spec V, Ŝ := Spf V, S 0 := Spec κ X S proper scheme strictly semi-stable reduction X S proper, flat scheme X S generic fiber X K smooth, special fiber X S S 0 =: Y SNCD Y = m i=1 D i k 0 Y (k) := 1 i 0 <i 1 < <i k m D i 0 D i1 D ik a (k) : Y (k) Y D ij Y ( (k) 2 ) SNCD Y X X log structure M, S 0 S S log structure N M Y N Ŝ, S 0, Y M, N f : Y S 0 ( X S special fiber) log smooth (Y, M) (S 0, N) f log 3.1 l etale cohomology weight filtration V ur V Y κ Y i X V ur i X j X K j X K Y κ Y κ base change, X? X? base change, i, j i, j i, j l p l nearby cycle RψQ l RψQ l := i Rj Q l l etale cohomology H n (X K,et, Q l ) = H n (Y κ,et, RψQ l ) weight filtration ([R-Zi], [I2]) 10

11 3.1. (1) (purity) i R k+1 j Q l (k + 1) = a (k) Q l (2) 1 a (0) Q l = i R 1 j Q l (1) cup i R k j Q l i R k+1 j Q l (1)[1] θ k 0 R k ψq l ( 1) α k i R k+1 β k+1 j Q l R k+1 ψq l 0 θ k = α k β k i Rj Q l L 1 a (0) Q l = i Rj Q l (1) cup i Rj Q l i Rj Q l (1)[1] θ : L L(1)[1] RψQ l A := [(τ 1 L(1))[1] (τ 2 L(2))[2] (τ i+1 L(i + 1))[i + 1] ] ((τ 1 L(1))[1]) 0 (0, 0) ) associate Q τ i Q canonical filtration ( { H l H l (Rj an Q), (if l i), (τ i Q) = 0, if l < i). filtration) A filtration P k A (k Z) P k A := [(τ [1,k+1] L(1))[1] (τ [2,k+3] L(2))[2] (τ [i+1,k+2i+1] L(i + 1))[i + 1] ] Q τ [i,j] Q := τ j τ i Q gr P k A gr P k A = i R k+2i+1 j Q l (i + 1)[ 2i k] i 0,i k = a (2i+k) Q l ( i k)[ 2i k] i 0,i k filtration P k A (k Z) E k,n+k = H 2n i k (Y (2i+k) κ, Q l ( i)) = H n (X K, Q l ) i 0,i k weight H n (X K, Q l ) filtration weight filtration 3.2. H n (X K, Q l ) l log etale cohomology H n ((Y, M) κ,tl, Q l ) ((Y, M) κ,tl [Ny] ) H n ((Y, M) κ,tl, Q l ) weight filtration. H n ((Y, M) κ,tl, Q l ) weight filtration f log : (Y, M) (S, N) (Nakayama [Ny]) 3.3. RψQ l Y κ,et perverse (Illusie [I2]), filtration P k ( ) (T.Saito [Sa]). 11

12 3.2 Log crystalline cohomology weight filtration ((Y, M)/(Ŝ, N)) crys (Y, M) (Ŝ, N) log crystalline site O (Y,M)/(Ŝ,N) (Y, M) (Ŝ, N) log crystalline cohomology Hn (((Y, M)/(Ŝ, N)) crys, O (Y,M)/( Ŝ,N) ) Q ( Q Z Q ) H n ((Y, M) κ,tl, Q l ) H n (X K, Q l ) H n (((Y, M)/(Ŝ, N)) crys, O (Y,M)/( Ŝ,N) ) Q weight filtration ( ) Weight filtration 3.1 i Rj Q l nearby cycle RψQ l (Y, L) := (Y, M) Y (Y, N) j : (Y, L) (Y.N) j : (Y, M) (Y, N) f log (f j = f log ) j, j 2.1 j, j. j crys : ((Y, L)/(Ŝ, N)) crys ((Y, N)/(Ŝ, N)) crys = (Y/Ŝ) crys, j crys : ((Y, M)/(Ŝ, N)) crys ((Y, N)/(Ŝ, N)) crys = (Y/Ŝ) crys crystalline site Rj crys O (Y,L)/( Ŝ,N), Rj crys O (Y,M)/( Ŝ,N) 2.1 Rj Q l, RψQ l 3.4. (R 1 j O (Y,L)/( Ŝ,N) (1)) Q (a (0) crys O ((Y (0),N)/(Ŝ,N)) Q ( Q (Y/Ŝ) crys Hom Z Q ) U Y f smooth locus affine open sub log scheme U T S 0 Ŝ PD T affine log formal V -scheme T n := Spec T O T /p n O T U T n ((Y, M)/(Ŝ, N)) crys object R := Γ(T, O T ) (R 1 j O (Y,L)/( Ŝ,N) (1)), (a(0) crys O ((Y (0),N)/(Ŝ,N)) U T n P n, Q n (lim np n ) Q = (R t /tr t ) Q, (lim nq n ) Q = R Q ( R t R PD p ) 3.4 log crystalline site 3.1 weight filtration 3.1 log crystalline cohomology singularity scheme Y log crystalline site log convergent site ((Y, M)/(Ŝ, N)) conv ([O1], [O2], [Sh1], [Sh2]) Log convergent site log crystalline site p Log convergent site ([Sh2]) 12

13 3.5. K (Y,M)/( Ŝ,N) log convergent site ((Y, M)/(Ŝ, N)) conv Q H n (((Y, M)/(Ŝ, N)) crys, O (Y,M)/( Ŝ,N) ) Q = H n (((Y, M)/(Ŝ, N)) conv, K (Y,M)/( Ŝ,N) ) weight filtration cohomology log convergent cohomology log convergent site Rj conv K (Y,L)/( Ŝ,N), Rj conv K (Y,M)/( Ŝ,N) 3.1 Rj Q l, RψQ l ( j conv, j conv j crys, j crys log convergent site ) 3.6. (1) (purity) R k+1 j conv K (Y,L)/( Ŝ,N) (k + 1) = a (k) conv K (Y (k),n)/(ŝ,n) (2) 1 a (0) conv K (Y (0),N)/(Ŝ,N) = R 1 j conv K (Y,L)/( Ŝ,N) cup R k j conv K (Y,L)/( Ŝ,N) i R k+1 j conv K (Y,L)/( Ŝ,N) [1] θ k 0 R k j conv K (Y,M)/( Ŝ,N) ( 1) α k R k+1 β k+1 j conv K (Y,L)/( Ŝ,N) R k+1 j conv K (Y,M)/( Ŝ,N) 0 θ k = α k β k Crystalline site 3.4 (lim np n ) Q R Q t /tr Q t = R Q ( R Q t R Q [[t]] ) 3.1 log convergent cohomology H n (((Y, M)/(Ŝ, N)) conv, K (Y,M)/( Ŝ,N) ) weight filtration (1) Mokrane 3.2 (Y, M) (Spf W (κ), N) (N Spf W (κ) ) log de Rham-Witt cohomology ( Illusie, Hyodo-Kato ([I1],[H-Kk]) log crystalline cohomology ) weight filtration log de Rham-Witt complex Hyodo-Steenbrink complex (3.1 A ) filtration (2) Nakkajima log crystalline cohomology weight filtration Mokrane Hyodo-Steenbrink complex crystalline site ( ) 13

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