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1 Q8-1 テキスト P131 Engle-Granger 検定 Dependent Variable: RM2 Date: 11/04/05 Time: 15:15 Sample: 1967Q1 1999Q1 Included observations: 129 RGDP R C R-squared Mean dependent var Adjusted R-squared S.D. dependent var S.E. of regression Akaike info criterion Sum squared resid Schwarz criterion Log likelihood F-statistic Durbin-Watson stat Prob(F-statistic) 共和分なしが棄却 上記パラメーターの係数推定値は 超一致性 という性質を有する ( つまり共和分あり ) ( 上記パラメーターの計数推定値を用いたときの残差系列が定常である (= 共和分あり ) かどうか以下にて確認を行う ) 283

2 Null Hypothesis: RESID01 has a unit root Exogenous: None Lag Length: 4 (Automatic based on SIC, MAXLAG=12) t-statistic Prob.* Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic Test critical values: 1% level % level % level *MacKinnon (1996) one-sided p-values. Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test Equation Dependent Variable: D(RESID01) Date: 11/04/05 Time: 15:19 Sample (adjusted): 1968Q2 1999Q1 Included observations: 124 after adjustments この臨界値は利用不可 Mackinnon 表 (p6) を用いて正しい臨界値を算出 RESID01(-1) D(RESID01(-1)) D(RESID01(-2)) D(RESID01(-3)) D(RESID01(-4)) R-squared Mean dependent var Adjusted R-squared S.D. dependent var S.E. of regression Akaike info criterion Sum squared resid Schwarz criterion Log likelihood Durbin-Watson stat τ= (1/124) (-8.352) +(1/( )) (-13.41)= <τ=-3.81 であり 有意水準 5 パーセントで H 0 : 共和分なしを棄却 284

3 Q8-2 テキストP139 Johansenタイプの共和分検定 Date: 11/04/05 Time: 17:45 Sample (adjusted): 1967Q3 1999Q1 Included observations: 127 after adjustments Trend assumption: Linear deterministic trend Series: RM2 RGDP R Lags interval (in first differences): 1 to 1 トレース検定 Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Trace) Hypothesized Trace 0.05 No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Prob.** None * At most At most Trace test indicates 1 cointegrating eqn(s) at the 0.05 level * denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level 共和分ベクトルは1 本 **MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p-values 最大固有値検定 Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Maximum Eigenvalue) Hypothesized Max-Eigen 0.05 No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Prob.** None * At most At most Max-eigenvalue test indicates 1 cointegrating eqn(s) at the 0.05 level * denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level **MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p-values Unrestricted Cointegrating Coefficients (normalized by b'*s11*b=i): RM2 RGDP R E E E Unrestricted Adjustment Coefficients (alpha): D(RM2) D(RGDP) D(R)

4 1 Cointegrating Equation(s): Log likelihood 共和分ベクトル Normalized cointegrating coefficients (standard error in parentheses) 符号は正負反対 RM2 RGDP R ( ) ( ) Adjustment coefficients (standard error in parentheses) D(RM2) ( ) D(RGDP) ( ) D(R) -3.89E-05 ( ) 2 Cointegrating Equation(s): Log likelihood Normalized cointegrating coefficients (standard error in parentheses) RM2 RGDP R ( ) ( ) Adjustment coefficients (standard error in parentheses) D(RM2) ( ) ( ) D(RGDP) ( ) ( ) D(R) 2.67E E-06 ( ) (1.9E-06) 286

5 Q8-3 テキスト P142 誤差修正モデルの集計 Model A Dependent Variable: D(RM2) Date: 11/11/05 Time: 12:13 Sample (adjusted): 1967Q3 1999Q1 Included observations: 127 after adjustments D(RM2(-1)) D(RGDP(-1)) D(R(-1)) RESID01(-1) C R-squared Mean dependent var Adjusted R-squared S.D. dependent var S.E. of regression Akaike info criterion Sum squared resid Schwarz criterion Log likelihood F-statistic Durbin-Watson stat Prob(F-statistic) Model B Dependent Variable: D(RM2) Date: 11/17/05 Time: 18:46 Sample (adjusted): 1967Q3 1999Q1 Included observations: 127 after adjustments D(RGDP) D(R) D(RGDP(-1)) D(R(-1)) RESID01(-1) C R-squared Mean dependent var Adjusted R-squared S.D. dependent var S.E. of regression Akaike info criterion Sum squared resid Schwarz criterion Log likelihood F-statistic Durbin-Watson stat Prob(F-statistic)

6 Model C Dependent Variable: D(RM2) Date: 11/17/05 Time: 18:47 Sample (adjusted): 1967Q3 1999Q1 Included observations: 127 after adjustments D(RM2(-1)) D(RGDP) D(R) D(RGDP(-1)) D(R(-1)) RESID01(-1) C R-squared Mean dependent var Adjusted R-squared S.D. dependent var S.E. of regression Akaike info criterion Sum squared resid Schwarz criterion Log likelihood F-statistic Durbin-Watson stat Prob(F-statistic)

7 演習 テキスト P143 問 2) 各変数の単位根検定 WDOTについてのADF 検定 ~ 和分次数は1 注 ) レベル系列では単位根ありの帰無仮説を棄却できず Null Hypothesis: D(WDOT) has a unit root Exogenous: None Lag Length: 0 (Automatic based on SIC, MAXLAG=9) t-statistic Prob.* Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic Test critical values: 1% level % level % level *MacKinnon (1996) one-sided p-values. Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test Equation Dependent Variable: D(WDOT,2) Date: 11/17/05 Time: 14:13 Sample (adjusted): Included observations: 39 after adjustments D(WDOT(-1)) R-squared Mean dependent var Adjusted R-squared S.D. dependent var S.E. of regression Akaike info criterion Sum squared resid Schwarz criterion Log likelihood Durbin-Watson stat

8 CPIDOTについてのADF 検定 ~ 和分次数は1 注 ) レベル系列では単位根ありの帰無仮説を棄却できず Null Hypothesis: D(CPIDOT) has a unit root Exogenous: None Lag Length: 0 (Automatic based on SIC, MAXLAG=9) t-statistic Prob.* Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic Test critical values: 1% level % level % level *MacKinnon (1996) one-sided p-values. Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test Equation Dependent Variable: D(CPIDOT,2) Date: 11/17/05 Time: 14:16 Sample (adjusted): Included observations: 39 after adjustments D(CPIDOT(-1)) R-squared Mean dependent var Adjusted R-squared S.D. dependent var S.E. of regression Akaike info criterion Sum squared resid Schwarz criterion Log likelihood Durbin-Watson stat

9 INVRUについてのADF 検定 ~ 和分次数は1 注 ) レベル系列では単位根ありの帰無仮説を棄却できず Null Hypothesis: D(INVRU) has a unit root Exogenous: None Lag Length: 0 (Automatic based on SIC, MAXLAG=9) t-statistic Prob.* Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic Test critical values: 1% level % level % level *MacKinnon (1996) one-sided p-values. Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test Equation Dependent Variable: D(INVRU,2) Date: 11/17/05 Time: 14:17 Sample (adjusted): Included observations: 39 after adjustments D(INVRU(-1)) R-squared Mean dependent var Adjusted R-squared S.D. dependent var S.E. of regression Akaike info criterion Sum squared resid Schwarz criterion Log likelihood Durbin-Watson stat

10 問 3)Engle-Granger 検定 Engle-Granger 検定 : 帰無仮説 ( 共和分なし ) が棄却 共和分あり Null Hypothesis: RESID01 has a unit root Exogenous: None Lag Length: 0 (Automatic based on SIC, MAXLAG=9) t-statistic Prob.* Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic Test critical values: 1% level % level % level *MacKinnon (1996) one-sided p-values. Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test Equation Dependent Variable: D(RESID01) Date: 11/17/05 Time: 14:21 Sample (adjusted): Included observations: 40 after adjustments この臨界値は利用不可 Mackinnon 表 (p132) を用いて正しい臨界値を算出 RESID01(-1) R-squared Mean dependent var Adjusted R-squared S.D. dependent var S.E. of regression Akaike info criterion Sum squared resid Schwarz criterion Log likelihood Durbin-Watson stat Mackinnon 表 (p132) での有意水準 5% における臨界値を算出 τ= (1/40) (-8.352) +(1/(40 40)) (-13.41)= <τ=-3.96 であり帰無仮説は有意水準 5% にて棄却される 292

11 問 4)Error Correction Model の推定 Model A(P142) に相当 ~RESID01 が有意でない Dependent Variable: D(WDOT) Date: 11/11/05 Time: 16:42 Sample (adjusted): Included observations: 39 after adjustments D(WDOT(-1)) D(INVRU(-1)) D(CPIDOT(-1)) RESID01(-1) C R-squared Mean dependent var Adjusted R-squared S.D. dependent var S.E. of regression Akaike info criterion Sum squared resid Schwarz criterion Log likelihood F-statistic Durbin-Watson stat Prob(F-statistic) Model B(P143) に相当 ~RESID01 が有意 Dependent Variable: D(WDOT) Date: 11/11/05 Time: 16:47 Sample (adjusted): Included observations: 39 after adjustments D(INVRU) D(CPIDOT) D(INVRU(-1)) D(CPIDOT(-1)) RESID01(-1) C R-squared Mean dependent var Adjusted R-squared S.D. dependent var S.E. of regression Akaike info criterion Sum squared resid Schwarz criterion Log likelihood F-statistic Durbin-Watson stat Prob(F-statistic)

12 Model C(P143) に相当 ~RESID01 が有意 Dependent Variable: D(WDOT) Date: 11/17/05 Time: 14:30 Sample (adjusted): Included observations: 39 after adjustments D(WDOT(-1)) D(INVRU) D(CPIDOT) D(INVRU(-1)) D(CPIDOT(-1)) RESID01(-1) C R-squared Mean dependent var Adjusted R-squared S.D. dependent var S.E. of regression Akaike info criterion Sum squared resid Schwarz criterion Log likelihood F-statistic Durbin-Watson stat Prob(F-statistic)

13 問 5)Johansen タイプの共和分検定 Date: 11/17/05 Time: 14:35 Sample (adjusted): Included observations: 39 after adjustments Trend assumption: No deterministic trend Series: WDOT INVRU CPIDOT Lags interval (in first differences): 1 to 1 トレース検定 Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Trace) Hypothesized Trace 0.05 No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Prob.** None At most At most Trace test indicates no cointegration at the 0.05 level * denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level **MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p-values 最大固有値検定 Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Maximum Eigenvalue) Hypothesized Max-Eigen 0.05 No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Prob.** None At most At most Max-eigenvalue test indicates no cointegration at the 0.05 level * denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level **MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p-values Unrestricted Cointegrating Coefficients (normalized by b'*s11*b=i): WDOT INVRU CPIDOT Unrestricted Adjustment Coefficients (alpha): D(WDOT) D(INVRU) D(CPIDOT) 次頁に続く

14 1 Cointegrating Equation(s): Log likelihood Normalized cointegrating coefficients (standard error in parentheses) WDOT INVRU CPIDOT ( ) ( ) Adjustment coefficients (standard error in parentheses) D(WDOT) ( ) D(INVRU) ( ) D(CPIDOT) ( ) 2 Cointegrating Equation(s): Log likelihood Normalized cointegrating coefficients (standard error in parentheses) WDOT INVRU CPIDOT ( ) ( ) Adjustment coefficients (standard error in parentheses) D(WDOT) ( ) ( ) D(INVRU) ( ) ( ) D(CPIDOT) ( ) ( ) Johansen タイプの検定では 共和分ベクトルなし の結果 296

Microsoft Word - 計量研修テキスト_第5版).doc

Microsoft Word - 計量研修テキスト_第5版).doc Q9-1 テキスト P166 2)VAR の推定 注 ) 各変数について ADF 検定を行った結果 和文の次数はすべて 1 である 作業手順 4 情報量基準 (AIC) によるラグ次数の選択 VAR Lag Order Selection Criteria Endogenous variables: D(IG9S) D(IP9S) D(CP9S) Exogenous variables: C Date:

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