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1 WH WH WH WH (1) a. Which senator denied the rumor that he wanted to ban which book? b. c. Kojj senator koja knigai tj otrece malvata ce iska da zabrani ti which senator which book denied the-rumor that wanted to ban (2005) (1a) WH (1b) WH WH (1c) WH Pesetsky (1987) WH (2) a. b. (1) WH WH (Higginbotham and May (1981) Pesetsky (1987) WH (1995, 2013, 2014a, 2014b, 2014c) WH WH

2 (3) a. WH - WH ( b. WH c. Which linguist did John offend? (4a) WH which linguist which Focus WH CP Focus Focus (3c) /which linguist/ which linguist WH {which} {the} (4) a. John (did) offend [Focus which {the} linguist] --->WH b. [Focus /which linguist/] did John offend {which the}? (5a) WH (5) a. [ ] -->WH b. [ ] WH (6a) WH (6b)

3 (6) a. CP b. CP 3 3 C' C' qp qp... Focus {the} which linguist WH (7) a. DP b. DP 2 2 Focus D' D' Focus 2 2 D N N D {the} which linguist (2014a, 2014b) (8) a. (=or) Pick one (direction) (=and) Pick any/all (direction) (argument) (function) b. Focus( ) WH c. WH / =Pick one (Force) C TP d. DP d'. DP 2 2 D' D' 2 2 D NP NP D {the} 2 2 which linguist WH (8d) Where are you going? (9) a. [CP C-are you going [ {the} where]] WH ( where )---> b. [CP [ /where/] C-are you going {the where}}]

4 c. Where are you going? / where/ where d. [ C-are you going the where] where where (9d) Pick one - (10) a. [[ ] C] WH ---> b. [[ ] C ] c. [ ] d. [ ] C (4) (11) which linguist /which linguist/ {the which linguist} - (11) a. C John (did) offend {the} which linguist WH ---> b. /which linguist/ C-did John offend {the which linguist}? c. Which linguist did John offend? d. [ C John did offend [the which linguist] (12) (12) a. [ ] WH --> b. [ ]

5 c. [ ] d. [ ] (12b) (12c) (12d) Pick one CP WH Pick any/all CP WH (13)(14) WH WH Pick on/pick any/all WH (13) a. b. (14) a. (I don't know) what he said to who. b. (It doesn't work) no matter what he says to who. WH WH / / (15) (15) a. DP b. DP 2 2 D' D' 2 2 NP D D NP {the} what {the} who to said (16a) said what

6 said (16b) Nunes (2004) (Sideward Movement) (16b) he C (16c) CP WH (16d) what /what/ [ /what/] [{the what}] (16) a. said to DP 2 D' 2 D NP {the} what {the} who [ {the} what] b. 3 [ {the} what] 3 said to [{the} who] he C ---> c. ru ru C wo he qp /said/ qp [ {the} what] 3 WH {said} to [{the} who] d. ru [ /what/] ru C wo he qp /said/ e. : (I don't know) what he said to who qp [{the what}] 3 {said} to [{the} who] f. : (I don't know) C he said [the what] to [the who] (16d) (16e) (16f) what who WH WH (17a) DP iw-( [ ] (17b) ta (17c)

7 C /i-ta/ (17d) CP (17e) (17) a. ru ru [ ] iw- [ ] --> b. ru ru [ ] [ ] iw- ta ---> c. ru ru /iw-/ta ru[ ] [ ] {iw} C /it-ta/ --> d. ru ru /it-ta/c ru {ta} ru[ ] [ ] {iw} WH --> e. qp ru ru it-ta C ru {ta} ru[ ] [ ] {iw} f. : g. : [[[[[ ]iw][ ]]ta] C ] (17f) (17g) WH (18) a. WH C Pick one / (=associates) b. WH C Pick any / (=associates) WH Higginbotham and May (1981), Pesetsky (1987),

8 Richards (1999), Watanabe (1992) etc. WH (19) (19) a. C he said what to who WH --> b. [what C he said to who] WH --> c. [who [what C he said to]] Baker (1970) Q WH Pesetsky (1987) Heim(1988) (Unselective Binding) WH WH Baker WH WH WH 1 (2005) WH (2005) Ross (1967) (20a)(21a) WH (20) a. *What did John play [checkers and t]? b. *Who played [checkers and what]? 1 Every farmer who owns a donkey beats it.

9 (21) a. *What did John bring [wine and t]? b. *Who brought [wine and what]? (20b)(21b) WH WH WH WH WH (20b)(21b) what WH WH (22a) (22b) WH (22) a. b. (23) (23) WH (Huang 1982, Nishigauchi 1990) (20)(21) (22) WH (24) a. [ ] b.

10 Ross Complex NP Constraint Subjacency WH (25) a. *What did you find [the paper [that dealt with t]] interesting? b. I found the paper that dealt with international relations interesting. (25b) international relations what (25b) (25a) (26b) Huang, Nishigauchi WH (stipulation) (26a) WH (26b) 2 (26) a. [ ] C WH --> b. [ ] C 2 Nishigauchi LF Pied-Piping

11 (22a) (27a) CP (27b) (27) a. [[ ] ] C WH ---> b. [[ ] C (22b) (28a) [ ] [ ] [ ] (28b) CP (28c) (28) a. [ ] C [ ] ---> b. [ ] [ ] C WH ---> c. [ ] [ ] C (21b) (21b) WH (29a) wine (29b) (29b) brought (29c) who {the} who {the} who (29) a. 2 {the} what {the} who

12 b. 2 wine 2 and 2 {the} what {the} who c. 3 2 brought 2 wine 2 and 2 {the} what {the} who [ who] d. 3 {the} who 2 brought 2 wine 2 and {the} what (21b) WH 3 WH (arguments) WH Lasnik and Saito (1992) (30a) ( the (30) a. Who wonders who bought what? b Who wonders who bought what b'. John wonders who bought what. c. Who wonders who bought what c'. John wonders who bought the yacht. Bill wonders who bought the car 3 wine and what who who WH c

13 (30a) WH who (30b) who (30b') (30c) who what (30c') WH CP CP (31) WH (31a) 1 who (31b) 1 wonder 2 2 who (31d) 2 2 who WH who (30b) (31) a. bought 1 1 what 1 who 1 1 who WH b. 1 1 who bought 1 what wonders c wonders 1 1 who bought 1 what 2 2 who d. 2 2 who wonders 1 1 who bought 1 what WH WH who (30c) (32) (32a) 1 2 what who WH wonders (32b) 2 who 2 (30c) (32) a. 1 1 who bought 2 2 what 2 who WH wonders

14 b. wonders 1 1 who bought 2 2 what 2 who 2 Φ 2 who c. 2 Φ 2 who wonders 1 Φ 1 who bought Φ 2 what WH Φ 2 WH (33a) (33b) (34) (33) a. Who wonders what who bought b. John wonders what Mary bought Bill wonders what Chris bought, (34a) 1 2 who WH who what (34b) Superiority Condition) who what wonders (34c) 2 who 2 (34d) (34) a. 2 2 who bought 1 1 what 2 who 1 1 what WH b. 1 1 /what/ [ 2 2 who bought { 1 what}] 2 who wonders c. wonders [ 1 1 /what/ [ 2 2 who bought { 1 what}] 2 who 2 2 who d. [ 2 2 who wonders [ 1 1 /what/ [ 2 who bought { 1 what}]]] WH who WH WH CP WH

15 (1) (35) WH WH (35) a. Which senator denied the rumor that he wanted to ban which book? WH b. WH c. Kojj senator koja knigai tj otrece malvata ce iska da zabrani ti which senator which book denied the-rumor that wanted to ban CP WH (36a) which senator (36b) denied which senator (36d) (36) a. wanted to ban which book which senator which senator b. which senator wanted to ban which book c. denied the rumor that which senator wanted to ban which book which senator he d. which senator denied the rumor that he wanted to ban which book WH which book

16 4 (37a) WH (37b) (37c) CP (37d) WH [ ] b. [ ] [ ] pro c. [[ pro ][ ] ] WH. [[ pro ][ ] ] (35b) (37d) Scrambling WH WH (38a) (35c) (38b) (38b) (38c) (38c) which senator which book which senator which book / which book/ which book { which book} which book (38d) denied the rumor that which senator (38f) which senator which book (38g) 4 (35a)

17 (38) a. Kojj senator koja knigai tj otrece malvata ce iska da zabrani ti which senator which book denied the-rumor that wanted to ban b. Which senator which book denied the rumor that pro wanted to ban? c. wanted to ban which senator which book which senator which book d. which senator /which book/ wanted to ban {which book} denied the rumor that e. denied the rumor that [ which senator/ which book/] wanted to ban {which book} which senator which book, pro f. which senator / which book/ denied the rumor that pro wanted to ban {which book} WH g. / which senator/ / which book/ [ {which senator} denied the rumor LF. that pro wanted to ban {which book}] h. [ {which senator} denied the rumor that pro wanted to ban {which book}] (38h) LF LF WH

18 Watanabe (1992) WH (39a) (39b) [ 1 1 ] (39c) 1 (39d) WH 2 2 (39e) 2 (39f) (39) a. b [ 1 1 ] --> c WH --> d [ 2 2 ] [ ] --> e. [ ] 2 2 WH --> f. [[ ] 2 2 ] WH WH (40) (40a) 1 CP (40b) [ 2 2 ] (40c) 2 CP (40d) (40e) (40f)

19 (40) a WH b. 2 2 ] 1 2 ] 1 c [ 2 2 ] [ 2 ] 1 1 ] [ 2 2 ] WH d. [[ 2 ] 1 21 ] [ 2 ] 2 e. f. WH (41) a. WH WH Pick one b. (42) a. [ [ WH]] b. c. [WH, WH] WH WH (43) a. [[ [ /WH 1 /]] C [... {WH 1 }... WH 2...]] WH b. [... WH 2... WH 1...]] C WH c. [[ [ /WH 1 WH 2 /]] C [... {WH 1 }... {WH 2 }...]] Pesetsky (1987) who, what, where WH (46-45) WH WH CP

20 (Superiority) 46-47) which N WH (44) a. Whoi did you persuade ei to read what? b.??whatj did you persuade who(m) to read ej? (45) a. Maryi asked [whoi [ei read what]]. b. *Mary asked [whatj [who read ej]. (46) a. Which mani did you persuade ei to read which book? b. Which bookj did you persuade which man to read ej? (47) a. Mary asked which mani ei read which book. b. Mary asked which bookj which man read ej. (46-47) WH WH (D-linking) WH WH D-linked WH non-d-lined WH WH (48) non-d-lined WH WH[-D] D-liked WH WH[+D] (49) (48) a. WH[-D]: who, what, where, etc. b. WH[+D]: which man, which book, which city, etc. (49) a. WH[+D] - -WH[+D] b. WH[-D] - -WH[-D] (44a) (50) (50) persuade to read - - what [-D] - who [-D] - -who[-d] -what[-d] (49b) (51a) (51a-d)

21 (51) a. - -who[-d] persuade to read -what[-d] v* +persuade b. v*-/persuade/ - -who[-d] {persuade} to read -what[-d] did you c. did you v*-/persuade/ - -who[-d] {persuade} to read -what[-d] WH d. -/ -who[-d/ ]did you v*-/persuade/{ -who[-d]} {persuade} to read -what[-d] (46a-b) (52) (52) persuade to read - -which man [+D] -which book [+D] (53) - -which man (46a) (53) a. - -which man[+d] persuade to read -which book[+d] v* +persuade b. v*-persuade - -which man[+d] to read -which book[+d] you did c. did you v*-persuade - -which man[+d] to read -which book[+d] WH d. - -/which man/ did you persuade { -which man}[+d] to read -which book[+d] -which man[+d] -which book [+D] (54a) v* persuade (54b) did you (54c) / -which book/ CP (54d) (54) a. -which man[+d] / which book/ persuade to read { -which book}[+d] v* +persuade b. v*persuade -which man [+D] / which book/ to read { -which book}[+d] did you c. did you v*persuade -which man [+D] / which book/ to read { -which book}[+d] / -which book/ WH d. / -which book/ did you v*persuade -which man [+D] to read { -which

22 book}[+d] D-linked WH WH (55) 13, WH (57) (56) a. [ ] ---> b. [[ ] ] CP Baker, C. Leroy. (1970). "Notes of the description of English questions: the role of an abstract questions morpheme." Foundations of Language Cheng, Lisa Lai-Shen (2009) "Wh-in-situ, from the 1980s to Now" Language and Linguistic Compass 3/ Heim, Irene (1982) The Semantics of Definite and Indefinite Noun Phrases. Doctoral 5

23 Dissertation, University of Massachusetts. Higginbotham, James and Robert May (1981) "Questions, Quantifiers and Crossing," The Linguistic Review 1, Huang, James (1982) Logical Relations in Chinese and the Theory of Grammar. Doctoral Dissertation, MIT. Lasnik, Howard and Mamoru Saito (1992) Move α: Conditions on Its Application and Outputs. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. May, Robert (1985) Logical Form: Its Structure and Derivation, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. (2005) Nishigauchi, Taisuke Quantification in the theory of grammar. Dordrecht. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Nunes, Jairo (2004) Linearization of Chains and Sideward Movement. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Pesetsky, David (1987) "WH-in-situ: Movement and Unselective Binding," in E. Reuland and A.G.B. termeulen (eds.) The Linguistic Representation of (In)definiteness, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, Richards, Norvin (1998) "The Principle of Minimal Compliance," Linguistic Inquiry 29: Ross, John, R. (1967) Constraints on Variables in Syntax. Doctoral Dissertation, MIT. Tonoike, Shigeo (1995) "Japanese as an OVS Language." In Shosuke Haraguchi and Michio Funaki (eds.) Minimalism and Linguistic Theory tokyo: Hituzi Syobo. Tonoike, Shigeo (2000) "Wh-Movement, Pied-Piping and Related Matters." COE (4) ( 08CE1001) (2013) - WH (2014a) (2014b) (2014c) - WH Watanabe, Akira (1992 "Subjacency and S-structure Movement of Wh- in- situ." Journal of East Asian Linguistics

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